The Silver Lion Inn

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Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:47 pm
Character Sheet: ... 800c252a81
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The Silver Lion Inn

The Silver Lion Inn is a popular establishment which caters to the locals of Alfsos, situated on the Garwilt District, as well as providing room and board for those in need of it. It came into existence during the 85th Year of Age of Steel, and is named after a local legend found within Atinaw.

The tavern is two stories tall with a rough stone foundation and solid wooden frames. Immediately upon entry one will find the main lobby, neatly littered with wooden tables and chairs within the heart of the room. The main bar is tucked further within as most who enter will find services available here, while minstrels can sometimes be heard entertaining locals in the lounge room on the eastern side. The kitchens reside beyond the bar with a separate room connected between them, outfitted with all the necessities of what appears to be an office area.

Of course the stairwell has been built to allow travel upstairs, as well as down below into the cellar where more storage resides. Going down it can easily be deterred that strong aroma of alcohol, as barrels and casks are what fill the rooms beneath. Going up to the second floor, one will find another lobby with a number of doors inside. The first five doors closest are numbered one through five, while the other doors are normally kept locked without a digit written on them.

Throughout both floors there are brass lanterns to decorate the inn with soft amber lighting; as the main hall is often filled with laughter, shouts, and the sound of mugs being heavily slammed or clinked. It's overall an establishment that feels moderately sophisticated but catering to all, and even somewhat decorated with a couple oddities from the proprietor's findings throughout the years.


Rooms Available
One: Two Single Beds - 10 DF/night
Two: Two Single Beds - 10 DF/night
Three: One Double Bed, Lounge Area - 14 DF/night
Four: One Double Bed, Lounge Area - 14 DF/night
Five: One King-Sized Bed, Lounge Area - 18 DF/night

-Meals vary by both day and season, 1/2 Price if your renting a room.
-On Eikaeus only drinks and rooms are available services as kitchens close for the day.
-It's possible to 'rent' this establishment if you wish to host an event here, catering and the such will have to be discussed with a proprietor first!
-Drugs are also available from one of the proprietors, however because he is discreet a PC must know or learn he is a dealer before making a purchase.


Available All Times
Bread and Cheese - 5 DT per Serving
Steamed Vegetables - 8 DT per Serving
Shepherd's Pie - 10 DT per Serving

Daily Specials
Pork Chop Platter - 14 DF per Serving
Two thick fillets of pan-fried pork, served with peppered mashed potatoes and gravy, with a side of vegetables thrown on.

Potato Stuffed Pie - 12 DF per Serving
Potatoes that have been mashed and then seasoned, then packed into a savory pie crust with shredded sauteed bacon and onions.

Beef Cakes - 14 DF per Serving
One pound of beef pressed and cooked into a patty cake, cooked with a blend of mild seasonings, then served with buttered bread and a side of beans.

Kalzasi Styled Meat - 18 DF per Serving
Beef that's slow cooked in imported Kalzasi soy sauce, with a blend of veggies like broccoli and carrots, and then served with baked dumplings stuffed with cream cheese.

Atinorin Mutton - 16 DF per Serving
A huge slice of meat slow cooked in the oven alongside pickled leeks, served with a side of butter baked rolls once ready.

Kitchens are closed on this day.

Gelerian Meatballs - 12 DF per Serving
Based on a famous chefs style of meatballs, these thick and round chunks of meat are baked with basil and a few other herbs; then soaked in a tomato based sauce. They come served with a side of butter baked rolls.

Seasonal Specials
Daravin Chef Salad - 10 DF per Serving
A salad based with leafy greens such as lettuce or spinach, and then decorated with an assortment of vegetables; comes with a small dish of tangy orange sauce.

Stuffed Portobellos - 10 DF per Serving
Large portobellos caps that are stuffed with diced tomatoes, cheese, and chicken. Then baked in the oven and served with a deep brown sauce on the side; which adds a bit of spice to them.

Loaded Pouches - 14 DF per Serving
Doughy pouches that are packed with either chicken or beef, cheese, and an assortment of herbs and spices to add flavor. The pouches are then folded and baked with the contents inside, and come serving time a side of vegetables will accompany them.

Stir Fry - 16 DF per Serving
Rice or noodles that are boiled while either chicken or beef is pan fried, with red and green peppers cooked alongside them. An assortment of veggies may come cooked within the stir fry, and it's typically served in a hearty sized bowl so nobody leaves hungry.


Fresh Water - 4 DF per Cup/Mug, 6 DF per Flagon
Clean drinking water for those in need of a refreshment.

Ale - 6 DF per Cup/Mug, 10 DF per Flagon
A cheap drink brewed from barley or oats, or any number of different grains.

Beer - 6 DF per Cup/Mug, 10 DF per Flagon (Wheat, Barley, Rye)
Rich, hoppy flavours scented with allspice, juniper, resin, apples, bread-crumbs, sage, lavender, gentian, cinnamon, or laurel. These are usually high-flavoured beverages with a strong, natural taste.

Brandy - 10 DF per Cup/Mug, 14 DF per Flagon
An after dinner drink of the best quality and highest proofing, this brandy will leave a warm feeling in the mouth and stomach upon consumption.

Cider - 4 DF per Cup/Mug, 10 DF per Flagon
A bitter-sweet flavour achieved by pouring water onto apples and steeping them to perfection. Fresh, crisp, and strong-flavoured, cider can be served cold, at room temperature, or heated.

Lager - 5 DF per Cup/Mug, 12 DF per Flagon
A much 'harder' flavored beer that bubbles from the bottom, and normally sold fresh out of cold storage.

Mead - 4 DF per Cup/Mug, 10 DF per Flagon
A sweet alcoholic drink enjoyed by people from all classes, mead is and brewed using honey.

Sake - 10 DF per Cup/Mug, 16 DF per Bottle
A very strong and bitter drink imported from Karnor, this beverage is made from heavily fermented rice grains.

Stout - 5 DF per Cup/Mug, 12 DF per Flagon (strong dark beer made from brown malt)
A type of beer that's made both stronger and darker, with a culmination of spices and brown malt blended for that special kick.

Rum - 12 DF per Cup/Mug, 18 DF per Bottle
Made from sugarcane juice and molasses and distilled into a clear liquid before it is aged in oak barrels, producing the dark, amber colour rum is famous for. It has a smoky, sweet taste and is very popular among sailors.

Vodka - 14 DF per Cup/Mug, 20 DF per Bottle
Typically imported from Lorien; This beverage is crisp and distilled for volume rather than flavour. While it has no distinctive taste it's best described as cold and clean, a drink which goes down smoother than almost any other created. This spirit is clear, having no color, and is typically drunk straight; with a subtle after taste and strong bite.

Whiskey - 14 DF per Cup/Mug, 20 DF per Bottle
Made from fermented grain-mash including barley, corn, rye, and wheat. Whiskey is aged over time in wooden crates generally made of charred white oak important from different regions across Ransera.

Shitport Special - 25 DF per Cup/Mug, 60 DF per Bottle
Considered an exotic import; this beverage hails from Daravin's own Shitport settlement, with such a highly concentrated brew and a extremely bitter flavor. One cannot hope to remain sober after they've imbibed their first drink.

White Wine

Imperium Soft Blend - 16 DF per Glass - 28 DF per Bottle
A wine low in alcohol that is both unpopular and rather cheap. Mass produced throughout the Gelerian Imperium throughout the year, this wine has a mildly pleasant taste with a softly bitter aftertaste that follows. Unlike its fellow counterpart this wine sells better within its own country.

Searing’s Bounty - 16 DF per Glass - 28 DF per Bottle
A spicy concoction vinted within the borders of Cathena, this wine is only imported after a well aged vintage; making it a dry wine with a strong hint of flavor that often goes well with seafood dishes.

Vino De Chalis - 20 DF per Glass - 32 DF per Bottle
This Daravin vintage blends the flavors of pomelos and kumquats, giving the full-bodied wine a bright amber color with a uniquely sweet and delicious flavor.

Genteven Galbarín - 20 DF per Glass - 32 DF per Bottle
A Daravin vintage that's vibrant and bubbly in both aroma and flavor; the wine is quite alluringly herbaceous, and ensnares the senses with it's subtle hints of citrus and passionfruit.

Carine De Crown - 24 DF per Glass - 36 DF per Bottle
A very popular and favorite wine usually meant for desserts, the special aromas of ripe mandarin and apricot are followed with a zesty aftertaste; hinting at the small amount of lemon that's vinted with the brew.

Atinaw's Harvest - 26 DF per Glass - 38 DF per Bottle
A wine which is is loaded with rich and savory flavors from only the best, with the ripest apples blended with a few herbs; the aroma of this potent brew is both enticing and intense.

Rathari Silk - 30 DF per Glass - 40 DF per Bottle
Bit of a favorite among both highborn and lowborn, this brew is vinted within the city of Alfsos with ripe peaches. It's aromatic flavors and subtle spices make the brew one of the best mid-range wines of Ransera.

Silaine's Bounty - 40 DF per Glass - 48 DF per Bottle
More popularly known as "Bitterroot Wine" this vintage is inspired from the taste of nature, the crafters relying moreso on green grapes as well as other herbs found within Silaine. It's a very tart and crisp vintage that's actually quite refreshing, but can cause vague hallucinations after a copious amount of consumption.

Save the Queen - 48 DF per Glass - 60 DF per Bottle
A masterfully blended vintage with an incredibly sharp taste; with hints of kiwi, mangosteen, and lychee tasted within the brew. It's a rare and expensive wine, strongly potent and quite popular for those who love to throw feasts or banquets.

Golden Veil - 60 DF per Glass - 100 DF per Bottle
A Daravin special that is brewed with a higher concentration in alcohol, yet feels deliciously smooth when one drinks this sweet vintage. The wine tastes almost like perfection in a bottle, fermented with a rare delicacy found only within Turoth. Gilden Grapes are said to be the highest quality, said to practically resemble gold on the vine, as they make-up the sweetest part of this amber colored blend.

Red Wine

Imperium Hard Blend - 16 DF per Glass - 28 DF per Bottle
Unlike it's cousin the Soft Blend, the Imperium's Hard Blend is an inexpensive red wine with enticing aromas. It's blend of blackcurrant with black pepper and other spices make it easiest to drink with meaty meals or stews.

Redolent Rose - 16 DF per Glass - 28 DF per Bottle
A popular northern vintage brewed within Dalquia's borders, the wine gets its name from a popular vinter who grows his own fruits. It's a wine that's imported all throughout Ransera, and blended with just enough spices to make this light, red savory brew served with summertime fruits and light meals.

Blackwater Spiced Wine - 20 DF per Glass - 32 DF per Bottle
Crafted from the shores of Wintergen, this deeply purple wine is sweet and delectable as a drink; an excellent brew fit for before or even after dinners. It's low acid content delivers a steady smooth flavor, leaving one to yearn for more after their first sip.

Vino Marenté - 20 DF per Glass - 32 DF per Bottle
A Daravin wine which evokes fascination with it's brilliant tastes, thanks to the purple grapes grown within the heart of Turoth. This garnet-red vintage is rather bitter tasting due to it's acidity, however it remains a brew that exudes a sense of pride and nobility once drank.

Adeno Helato - 24 DF per Glass - 36 DF per Bottle
A Daravin vintage best served chilled as its high with alcohol content, it's a wine meant to be served as a dessert drink; With intense notes of red fruits and herbal undertones, Adeno Helato is bound to get even the most tolerant tispy after a few glasses.

Spitfire De Rathrouen - 28 DF per Glass - 40 DF per Bottle
A concoction brewed in Rathrouen. This Daravin vintage is both aromatic as well as tasteful, with a strong spicy kick melded with herbaceous undertones; it proves to be a vintage best served with well cooked meats. It's contents sparkle at brilliant reds and the brew itself is low on alcohol content, allowing one the most enjoyment it's vintage at their leisure.

Blue Thunder - 40 DF per Glass - 48 DF per Bottle
An exquisitely smooth vintage that feels like silk across the tongue, this wine gets its name from the unusually teal tint found within it's purple hues. Experts have tried replicating the same vintage but to no avail, for only one master vintner has been able to craft this blended wine successfully. The blend of elderberries and herbs is what gives this Daravin vintage it's unmistakable qualities, making this tangy wine exquisite with just about any meal.

Red Lightning - 48 DF per Glass - 60 DF per Bottle
Yet another Daravin vintage brewed by the same vintner who created Blue Thunder, however there is no denying increased alcohol content found within. Red Lightning is more popularly known as the 'mood-setter' of all wines, with dragon fruit, passion fruit, and a carefully select blend of spices; it tends to generate pleasantly warm and comfortable euphoric tingles within the body. However it doesn't take but a few glasses, before even an avid drinker becomes tipsy.

Dor'menshir - 55 DF per Glass - 75 DF per Bottle
A quite delectable wine in both taste and appearance, giving off a very transparent shade of ruby red. Something often given at most celebrations, Dor'menshir has undertones of acai berry mixed with hints of orange and starfruit, and is mostly produced and exported from southern parts of Daravin.

Nagota - 60 DF per Glass - 100 DF per Bottle
A vintage that's crafted and refined within the capitol Alfsos. It's quality of smoothness remains coupled with it's luxurious color, blend as well, makes it the drink most noble classes prefer above all. An extensive amount of time goes into the brew alone, making this exquisite wine one of the most expensive drinks in the world.


Bronze - 10 DF per dose
A powder that almost looks metallic, can be imbibed or inhaled, that generates an adrenaline high.

Echo - 10 DF per dose
A leafy blue herb that can be smoked or imbibed, that creates a general 'feel good' sensation throughout the body.

Ecto - 16 DF per dose
A leafy yellow herb raises awareness and focus after it's smoked or imbibed, sometimes confused with the herb Echo.

Daydream - 20 DF per dose
A oil based drug with several applications, this potent substance will send a person into a hallucinogenic trance.

Fluff - 20 DF per dose
White seed pods found off a plant in Atinaw, smoking them can make one fall into a deep sleep with vivid dreams.

Fuzz - 22 DF per dose
A teal colored powder consisting of dried and crushed herb roots, usually imbibed, that creates an aphrodisiac high.

Mirage - 30 DF per dose
A oil based drug that enhances the senses one sampled, also scrambling them to the point of confusion. (Tasting a color, hearing a image, etc.)

Moon Rocks - 50 DF per dose
Highly addictive grey-white rocks that can crumble, numbing almost all sensations within the physical body once imbibed. Also has a distinct "coppery" smell as it burns.


The following are professions welcome for hire at The Silver Lion Inn:
(Note: Please refer to the Professions section of the Price List to determine wages)

The Silver Lion Inn is always interested in hiring hands for the lobby.

Catering is a heavy part of the business, so there's always demand for another cook.

Elinora is always invested in gathering knowledge, so there's good money in research jobs.

The patrons could always use an extra performer to fill the lobby with amusement.


Glade 120th AoS
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Searing 120th AoS
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The Silver Lion Inn NPC List
Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.



Race: Human
DoB: Searing 25th, 53 AoS
Title: Silver Lion Proprietor
NPC Type: Story
NPC Influence: Level 2-3

Bio: Albert is a veteran adventure who's old life, before he met Elinora, remains a mystery to the world even to this day. Aside from his undeterminable past, he is a stoic and disciplined man weathered by the passage of time. Often the more quiet one he is heavily observant of his surroundings, always ever-so keenly aware through his powers of observation. While it is clear he is a battle-hardened warrior, Albert is also a mildly friendly individual who is set in his ways. He'll go out of his way to help others when he can, however, he is first and foremost a man who sets his family first, and values the ideology of honor and discipline in turn.

Acrobatics Journeyman
Bodybuilding Journeyman
Climbing Journeyman
Dancing Apprentice
Kinetics Journeyman
Leadership Expert
Meditation Expert
Reaving Master
Running Journeyman
Scrivening Apprentice
Semblance Journeyman
Stealth Journeyman
Swimming Apprentice
Acting Journeyman
Business Expert
Caregiving Journeyman
Cryptography Journeyman
Deception Journeyman
Detection Expert
Etiquette Journeyman
Fishing Journeyman
Hunting Journeyman
Interrogation Apprentice
Intimidation Journeyman
Investigation Expert
Mixology Expert
Navigation Journeyman
Negotiation Expert
One-Handed Expert
Ranged Journeyman
Riding Journeyman
Spycraft Expert
Two-Handed Journeyman
Unarmed Expert
Appraisal Apprentice
Construction Apprentice
Cooking Apprentice
Disguise Apprentice
Linguistics Journeyman
Logistics Journeyman
Mathematics Journeyman
Mining Apprentice
Persuasion Journeyman
Politics Apprentice
Psychology Apprentice
Research Apprentice
Rhetoric Journeyman
Seafaring Apprentice
Seduction Journeyman
Singing Apprentice
Survival Expert
Tactics Journeyman
Teaching Journeyman
Torture Journeyman
Tracking Expert


Race: Mixed (1/2 Human, 1/2 Hytori)
DoB: Ash 51st, 59 AoS
Title: Silver Lion Proprietor
NPC Type: Story
NPC Influence: Level 2-3

Bio: A woman whose compassion knows almost no bounds, Elinora is an avid intellectual who is also quite observant. Rather on the diligent side, she's always one step ahead of everyone else around her. Not out of worry or caution, though those are factors in her life, rather out of a simplistic desire to be ready for anything at any given moment. She's quick-witted and has refined her critical thinking skills as a historian and scholar, and always greets her customers with a smile on her face. While Elinora is probably one of the most friendly and loveable people you can meet, she also carries a sternness to her nurturing side in turn, though that's mostly from her years spent as a mother of four boys.

Acrobatics Apprentice
Climbing Apprentice
Dancing Journeyman
Elementalism Journeyman
Endurance Novice
Leadership Expert
Masquerade Expert
Meditation Expert
Negation Expert
Running Apprentice
Scrivening Expert
Stealth Apprentice
Swimming Apprentice
Transposition Journeyman

Acting Expert
Business Expert
Caregiving Master
Chemistry Journeyman
Cryptography Journeyman
Deception Expert
Detection Expert
Etiquette Expert
Interrogation Journeyman
Investigation Expert
Mixology Journeyman
Navigation Journeyman
One-Handed Apprentice
Politics Journeyman
Psychology Master
Ranged Apprentice
Research Master
Riding Journeyman
Spycraft Expert
Tactics Journeyman
Two-Handed Novice
Unarmed Apprentice

Appraisal Apprentice
Botany Apprentice
Ceramics Apprentice
Cooking Expert
Disguise Journeyman
Drawing Master
Intimidation Journeyman
Larceny Apprentice
Linguistics Journeyman
Logistics Master
Mathematics Journeyman
Negotiation Journeyman
Persuasion Journeyman
Physics Apprentice
Poisons Apprentice
Rhetoric Expert
Sculpting Apprentice
Seduction Journeyman
Singing Apprentice
Storytelling Apprentice
Survival Apprentice
Teaching Journeyman


Race: Human
DoB: Searing 31, 84 AoS
Title: Silver Lion Bartender
NPC Type: Local
NPC Influence: Level 2

Bio: Vincent has been a friend to the family for years after The Silver Lion was founded, practically a part of the boys' lives as they grew together. It wasn't until the war struck Atinaw that he lost his own family, and relied on the Barnell clan for support until such a time where he found stability once more. For as long as anyone can remember Vincent has been a loyal employee at the Silver Lion Inn, and he's proud to work with a family that's helped him through dark times.

Vincent comes off a little surly when one initially meets him, as he tends to be quiet and introverted most of the time. However, when one gets past his gruff exterior, they'll find that he's a proud and even witty man deep down. Regulars who see him often are wont to prod him for jests every now and then, in which he's prone to fire back with sharp sarcasm if they're not careful. Overall he is modestly friendly to most, straightforward and even brutally honest, and of course, make a habit to figure out what kind of drink a paying customer likes.

Acrobatics Apprentice
Climbing Apprentice
Dancing Novice
Endurance Journeyman
Leadership Apprentice
Meditation Journeyman
Running Apprentice
Stealth Novice
Swimming Apprentice

Appraisal Journeyman
Business Apprentice
Construction Journeyman
Cooking Apprentice
Deception Apprentice
Detection Apprentice
Fishing Journeyman
Hunting Journeyman
Intimidation Expert
Linguistics Apprentice
Mixology Expert
Negotiation Journeyman
One-Handed Journeyman
Rhetoric Journeyman
Spycraft Apprentice
Survival Apprentice
Tracking Apprentice
Two-Handed Apprentice
Unarmed Journeyman
Woodworking Journeyman

Acting Apprentice
Caregiving Apprentice
Etiquette Apprentice
Interrogation Journeyman
Investigation Apprentice
Logistics Apprentice
Mathematics Apprentice
Navigation Apprentice
Persuasion Journeyman
Politics Apprentice
Psychology Apprentice
Ranged Apprentice
Research Apprentice
Riding Apprentice
Seduction Apprentice
Storytelling Apprentice
Tactics Apprentice
Torture Apprentice
Trap Making Apprentice
Writing Novice


Race: Human
DoB: Ash 12, 92 AoS
Title: Silver Lion Barmaid & Bard
NPC Type: Local
NPC Influence: Level 2

Bio: Rose is one of the more uppity and cheery of those who frequent the Silver Lion, often singing or humming a tune from the heart while she works. There are even days where she may find time to entertain regulars with her instrument, as well as play for those who are hosting an event in particular. She's proven to be a rather young and spritely girl, eager to earn a hard day's pay so that she may help take care of her family.

Rose's cheerful and warm personality comes with a playful side to it, one that welcomes the chance for fun and flirtation every now and then. Her free and impish tendencies aside she loves to play and sing, and her positive outlooks on life are what help keep customers returning to the bar.

Acrobatics Apprentice
Climbing Novice
Dancing Apprentice
Endurance Apprentice
Leadership Novice
Meditation Apprentice
Running Apprentice
Scrivening Journeyman
Stealth Novice
Swimming Apprentice

Acting Journeyman
Botany Journeyman
Cooking Expert
Detection Expert
Etiquette Journeyman
Instrument Journeyman
Mathematics Apprentice
Mixology Apprentice
Negotiation Journeyman
Persuasion Journeyman
Ranged Apprentice
Research Apprentice
Rhetoric Journeyman
Seduction Expert
Spycraft Journeyman
Unarmed Apprentice

Business Novice
Caregiving Apprentice
Deception Apprentice
Interrogation Novice
Intimidation Novice
Investigation Apprentice
Linguistics Apprentice
Logistics Apprentice
Navigation Apprentice
One-Handed Apprentice
Politics Apprentice
Psychology Journeyman
Riding Apprentice
Singing Apprentice
Tailoring Expert


Race: Rathari (Brown Bear)
DoB: Searing 12th, 86 AoS
Title: Silver Lion Chef
NPC Type: Local
NPC Influence: Level 2

Bio: Artur is one of those types of individuals who may come off highly oblivious, or rather easily distracted when you see him interacting with the environment. However, that is not entirely the case, as the Half-Rathari is avidly an intellectual wonder; curious of just about anything and everything around him. Of course, he'll go out his way to be helpful in most situations, as hardly anything seems to intimidate the walking bear; yet it's where his true passions lie that people see the real Artur. As food is the mantra of his choice, Artur absolutely loves to cook just about anything; as well as learning new types of recipes. To him, food is what connects people, and brings happiness within the world; which is why the simple bear loves to cook more than anything.

Acrobatics Novice
Climbing Novice
Dancing Apprentice
Endurance Journeyman
Leadership Novice
Meditation Apprentice
Running Apprentice
Stealth Novice
Swimming Apprentice

Appraisal Journeyman
Business Journeyman
Cooking Master
Detection Expert
Fishing Expert
Negotiation Journeyman
One-Handed Journeyman
Persuasion Journeyman
Rhetoric Apprentice
Survival Apprentice
Tactics Apprentice
Teaching Apprentice
Tracking Apprentice
Unarmed Journeyman

Botany Journeyman
Caregiving Apprentice
Etiquette Journeyman
Interrogation Apprentice
Intimidation Apprentice
Investigation Apprentice
Logistics Novice
Mathematics Novice
Mixology Apprentice
Navigation Apprentice
Politics Novice
Psychology Novice
Research Novice
Singing Apprentice

Credit: Patrick
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:28 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 4438
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Posts: 136
Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:47 pm
Character Sheet: ... 800c252a81
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Silver Lion Events

Searing's 120th AoS Calendar

Searing 1: Solstice is celebrated with the new seasonal being sampled for free: Stuffed Portobellos!

Searing 4: Members of Clan Myaldar only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 6: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Ale for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 10: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 11: Members of Clan Hopsfel only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 13: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Beer for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 18: Members of Clan Raellon only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 20: Kitchens are closed for the day. Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 25: Members of Clan Loregard only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 27: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Cider for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 30: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 32: Members of Clan Yzranor only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 34: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Mead for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 39: Members of Clan Threndos only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 40: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 41: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Brandy for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 46: Members of Clan Kamdin only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 48: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Ale for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 50: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 53: Members of Clan Grimholdt only pay half the amount of Farthing for a drink of their choice.

Searing 55: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Beer for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 60: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 62: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Mead for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 69: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Cider for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 70: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 76: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Brandy for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 80: Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Searing 83: Kitchens are closed for the day. Half-priced Ale for every customer that comes to drink.

Searing 90: Kitchens are closed for the day. Poker night is hosted for anybody who wishes to participate in card games.

Previous Calendar Events
No calendars to archive yet
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Silver Lion Floor Layout



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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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