Addax Taupe (Hilana)

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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Glade 8, 124

Dust kicked up, looking like smoke to foreign eyes, as several dozen Atraxian Addax transitioned from the high sands of the dunes into the dusty and rocky crags of the sandstone cliffs. They traveled in a tight knit pack, urging forward, seeking out the shelter the canyons often provided them here. As they moved, the large bucks stood on the outer edges of the herds with the does and fawns in the middle. They knew the dangers this land carried, for this was an older herd, one that was known to the local nomads. This herd had been hunted by wyvern and man, by lion and monster, and still, it endured.

The herd entered a narrow canyon, passing beneath a stony overpass, moving slow, careful, alert. The grew closer to one another as the path tightened, and the first of the bucks came upon a fork. The sharp shrill of a cactus wren rang out. The lead buck chose left, a path taken by them every time they came through here. As his body turned slightly, an arrow slammed into his ribs, puncturing both lungs. Standing there on the overpass, Vypsan was already nocking another arrow into his longbow as panic took over the herd. They began to run, and they chose to run the safest and obvious way, down the right hand path.

Another arrow loosed, this one catching a doe in the hind legs, slamming her into the ground, but not killing her. Vypsan swore, cursing his errant shot. As the herd disappeared around the bend, a roar rang out and Vypsan could see the dust kicking up from where he left Sweetpea in wait further down the canyon. He nocked another arrow, priming two from his quiver in the process. The first addax that came around the bend was felled with an arrow in the spine. Vypsan drew another as fast as he could, sending it off, his lip raising as it sailed short beneath the belly of another. He drew another as the front of the herd was now passing beneath him. He turned upon that rocky outcropping, took his stance, slowed his breathing, hooded his eyes against the distant sun.

He loosed that arrow and watched it sail true, catching a trailing buck right in the neck beneath the skull.

The herd ran off into the desert once more, far too fast for him to hit anymore from this range. Vypsan walked over to the edge of the canyon, tossing down a coil of rope he'd tied around a particularly sturdy stone, and rappelled himself down. With a flick of the wrist, a trick he'd learned from a wrangler he'd tangled with in Tertium, this particular knot came from and the rope came down to him. He turned to see Sweetpea munch on the hindquarters of one of the deer and he groaned.

"Hey, let me get the horns off first!"

She shot him a glare and he glared right back at her. She spat the deer out and stepped back. Vypsan walked over to her, patting her, letting her know she wasn't in trouble. "It's fine, you can eat til you're full to the brim, but we need these horns first. Gimme two shakes." He reached into one of her saddlebags and pulled out his bone saw. It made quick work of the horns, until he approached the deer he'd crippled instead of killed. She was trying to crawl away, in panic, not understanding why her hind legs didn't work. Vypsan drew his knife, and moved upon her quickly, and slammed it in her chest, just behind the shoulder, hitting her heart and killing her instantly. He pulled the blade free as she slumped into the rocky ground. "Sorry."

He wiped the blade clean on some sand before sheathing it once more. And returned to collecting the horns. Once he was done, he gave the signal to Sweetpea, and let her eat to her heart's content. She ate two, leaving two for Vypsan to field dress and tie up to the saddle. And with that done, the pair left ventured deeper into those canyons, heading for one of their favorite camping spots on this route. They'd be in the capital in about three to four days.

Sweetpea carried them up under a rocky overhang. It provided shelter from the sun and the wind, had one path of entry for most critters, but mostly, Vypsan liked it because it gave a stunning view of the labyrinth of canyons that were carved in this sandstone. He had often wandered, sitting her, just as he was now, his fire cooking a haunch of deer, how these canyons had formed. No water ran through them, as was how canyons formed in the north. Maybe it was the wind, or maybe it was the relic of something ancient in the past.

Who knows? Let the nerds with their noses dusty from their scrolls figure it out.

Vypsan looked over as Sweetpea was half sleeping on her full belly, free of her saddlebags. He knew she was not fully asleep, she never fully slept while they were in the Expanse. Even for a creature like her, it was a hostile place and she was vigilant as he. But when they got to town, and she could go to the stable reserved just for her, she would sleep well again. Vypsan wouldn't. He never slept well in that city. But out here? And back at his home? That was the best sleep of his life.

He looked at his fire, the smell of cooking meat traveling for miles, making no attempt to hide his smoke. The sun would be going down soon and that if there were any others out here, they might be looking for companionship in the night. It wouldn't surprise him, he'd met several a nomad by keeping his campfire open. And it had only gone bad a handful of times, but that's what kept things interesting.

Vypsan could certainly go for an interesting night tonight, no matter the flavor. He reached up, turning the spit, and went back to lounging against his bedroll.

Vypsan Speech

Vopisca Speech

word count: 1047
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It was funny how much you didn't realize how much one missed something until you finally got to do it again. And for Hilana, this was a trip out into the Expanse with Hayima'el.

It wasn't a quick one, either, though it could have been. The Sentinels had created the portal to send her out there, and she had her Traversion Ring to get back to the Capital in a hurry, if need be. But she intended to take the long way home with her beloved camel, and do some gathering on the way. They had been in the village of Alceum for the last two days, treating multiple dermatoses and infections, tending to injuries and chronic issues. The small village was without a doctor or herbalist, and word had come in through the Sentinel reports. Sentinel Ævril had mentioned it to Hilana during a lesson, and she had passed that on to Vasilei. Sometimes it helped to have friends in high places, because her mentor was all too happy to arrange for her to go and do some treatment. If it went well, she could make the trip regularly.

She wouldn't necessarily be able to take the long way back each time, but she would be happy for as much of it as she got.

The skin diseases she was well familiar with, and with the assortment of herbs, plants, and supplies that she had taken with her, the Vastiana had worked her way systemically through the patients at her little makeshift clinic. Hilana had no problem recognizing the different forms of dermatitis and eczema, and fungal and bacterial infections took a bit more time... but that was where Semblance could come in handy. With the root cause identified, treatment could be formulated: pastes, gels, oils, ointments, all of them had their place. Most of them had been enhanced with alchemy in order to get long-lasting results that would be more effective. Combinations of ginger, garlic, clove, oregano, and honey were applied topically, along with a myriad of other types of herbs and plants. Bottles and jars given with the unguents for the next application and treatment, along with packets of tea and bottles of syrups for those that were respiratory in nature.

Wounds were treated, abscesses lanced, drained, and cleansed. She would numb the area first with gels made from the King's Crown Flaming Fungus, taking the cooling sensation offered by it to another level so that it acted as a topical anaesthetic. From there, she could cut, clean, and suture as needed. She did her best to make notes between patients in yet another notebook, even if it was just quick jots down about their issues, symptoms, and treatment. She knew that it would make it easier for her to have some records about what she had done with them on this trip for when she came back, and it would help her know what inventory to return with next time.

It had been a whirlwind two out there days, and she had enjoyed every bit of it. She had gotten to help people who needed it, and put her skills to use and start providing care. She had too many obligations in the city, but she could, and would, return in a few weeks' time to continue treatment and care for them. Once she'd left Alceum, though, she had taken up her Mask of Midnight's Mother to shield herself and Hayima'el, and set off on her way home. It was her and her piebald behemoth, eating up the sands as they made their way back towards the capital. Hilana knew where she was going, after all, and while she had her Volumen as a precaution in the event that something tried to set her off course, she also knew she wasn't going to need it. The stars overhead at night told her where she was and where she had been, and from those, she could chart her course to know where to go.

She had been prepared to continue some hours more before stopping, but she saw the smoke from a fire curling up in the distance, and elected to make her way there. She could avoid detection with her Mask to start and see who all was camping out. Perhaps it might be someone she knew, though she wasn't on any of the pathways that she expected her friends or family to be on. Still, it didn't matter; it might be someone that held to the rites of hospitality when it came to fire-right. If they didn't, Hilana could carry on. Still, it seemed to be a Re'hyaean and a basilisk, as per the shadows... The Vastiana allowed herself and Hayima'el to be sensed once again, dropping the protections for the time being as she started to get closer.

"Salve, good evening," the young woman greeted the Re'hyaean as she came into view, stopping a respectful distance. She was young, and her camel was bigger than they tended to be, and his tack was clearly well-made and well-used. The sunshield attached to it was colourful, with a number of tassels hanging from the edges, and under her travelling cloak, her long skirts seemed to be, too. The girl had with her with a fair few saddlebags, though Founders only knew from where she was coming or where she was going. Likely a little desert crawler, this one. "My name is Hilana. Is there fire-right tonight?" she inquired. A nomad, then, if she was asking about fire-rights and by extension, her peoples' rites of hospitality. She would leave the choice up to him. If he declined, then she could carry on. No harm, no foul.

word count: 986
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