Journey's Eve


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Journey's Eve

91st of Frost, 123rd Year of the Age of Steel

"All signs point to a break in the weather," he went on to say, as he prepared the tea, "which bodes well for your travels."

Talking about the weather wasn't terribly exciting at the best of times, but during the year-long eclipse, it had been a cause for much worry and debate even beneath the protections of their realm.

The reception salon was a vast space, but it was arranged on an intimate scale, divided by carved screens which formed a number of smaller spaces. There were clusters of couches, with hanging oil lamps casting a warm glow above them. Everywhere, potted plants grew, lending an herbal fragrance to the air and mingling with the scent of beeswax candles. In the center of the room, a small fountain trickled gently, and somewhere a flautist was playing, low and sweet. There were a handful of patrons arrayed on the couches, conversing with graceful Erotes. Apprentices circulated with amphorae of wine and trays of cordial, quiet and unobtrusive.

This part of the Temple of Suion Melaenis was never cold, never hot, but rather warm in the winter months and cool in the summer. Comfort was important. While their were magical elements adjusting light and temperature, however, the natural scents of exotic lamp oils and beeswax added to the ambiance.

Though Themis Enediel outranked everyone else in their order here present, he still waited upon Karrhei. Service flowed naturally from their creed and code into cult, how they practiced their devotion to the Dragon Goddess of Love. He was called pater not only because he had the power to discipline, but because his was the role of nurturer and protector of all.

His strong hands danced their ballet over platinum and porcelain, the best of theirs for this humble going-away party between mentor and mentee. His baritone hummed pleasantries, not empty, but not entirely necessary. It was one of his gifts, though: soothing. Finally, tea poured precisely as each elf preferred it, he looked up from his work and smiled warmly at the young sculptor.

"And this time, the object of your eros will carry you with him. That must please you."
word count: 430
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Karrhei ValMeraomel
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Being attended to was something that had once been common place in Karrhei's life. More and more as he had grown under the tutelage of the Court of Erotes he found himself deriving more comfort from serving others. It was not uncommon among the Erotes. Here in the parlor of Her temple alone one might be attended to by many of Suion's beloved. In his own case, Karrhei found that as his desire to serve others grew, his comfort with accepting such in return had diminished. One notable exception to this was his mentor, Pater Themis Enediel. The man's voice alone seemed a gift from their Goddess.

The younger priest was indeed enjoying the little party before his departure for lands now outside of Sol'Valen's once boundless empire. He had spent the time preparing for this journey by making sure the other patrons he provided counsel and comfort to would be seen to by other members of the Court should their need arise in his absence, and by making sure that his studio space was neatly put away so as to not be in the way of other Erotes and apprentices. Packing and rereading historical texts of the places they were to visit had been done in indecisive drabs and only managed to be completed as of the night prior. Though in truth he felt as though he had forgotten everything he had read yet again and there was a nagging feeling he had not packed something he would need, even though Rhydian's servants would bring many of the necessities for both of them.

"The news of good weather is certainly welcome. I must admit my heart is a flutter with excitement and yet with it there is this, probably misguided feeling in the pit of my stomach. Though I am sure it is merely the remnants of past wounds."

There was a sense of comfort that came from every inch of the grounds and over the last few years the Temple of Suion Melaenis had become home. Leaving felt almost as strange as the thought of leaving Sol'Valen. Of course, his prince wished for Karrhei to accompany him, and he could not deny Rhydian anything. Only his beloved Suion held Karrhei's devotion more so than the young Val'Kor prince. His Goddess had gifted him with his love for Rhydian at a young age. It felt so clear to him that her wish was for him to guide the prince through his own matters of the heart; to guide him in his love for His Majesty Ailuin Sol'Eilran.

"I accept that my role in his life and heart are not one of a lover, not even in the service of our Blessed Lady of Love. Still, I am pleased that I may be at his side." While Karrhei's lips held an almost ever present smile, Pater Themis knew well the nuances of its curvature. The difference in the warmth Karrhei actively shared with others and the radiant warmth of the sunshine that filled him when he spoke of Suion and indeed, Rhydian, were palpable to those few who knew the young priest well.
word count: 541
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Healer, heal thyself, was a mantra here among the Erotes. Themis was pater in spirit to many of them, and to Karrhei, who suffered for his great love, he oft repeated it. His mentee's words were telling, but Themis was well aware that the eye was more critical viewing from without. He did not press on over ground already trodden. On the morrow, a new leg of Karrhei's journey would begin.

There were many words for love in the elven tongues. Their order was named for one of them, though their work encompassed more than that one word. Karrhei's might grow into that perfect, unconditional love, but not if it became self-annihilating. He must remember that love that was compassion for oneself, and often that was a difficult lesson to learn as Themis well knew.

"To walk beside one's beloved is a gift," he agreed. The tea was set, and he allowed himself a single sip of his own before setting it aside and pulling two packages from the dagged sleeve of his robe. "It is also auspicious to receive gifts before a long journey. These two are for you, young lover."

One in each hand, he set them on either side of Karrhei's saucer. One was a small box carved of aged ivory. The other was a longer box carved of wood stained dark. Both were adorned with a happy ribbon, each bow tied around a sprig of lemon balm. In the smaller box was an earring, a violet gem caught in yellow gold. In the larger box was a knife made for carving wood. Themis would explain their properties beyond adornment and art, but not until Karrhei asked or sussed them out for himself. The elder Eros could wish that his mentee's Semblance were more developed, as it would be helpful on his first excursion beyond the boundaries of the bounded empire, but such growth of power and perception would also be the wages of his travels.
word count: 343
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