Saviour's Seed

In which Raithen waxes angelic in service to his Lord

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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The command was obeyed perforce as knees bent in unison, and heads lowered in supplication. For their inaugural prayer session, the Vrònti would be pliant and obliging to the religious guidance of this winged messenger. They would follow his lead and beg the mercy of his god.


As the energy from new, virgin souls unknown to the Faith of Aværys streamed into the Ætherium, the Deus Imperator wept, enraptured. His extraplanar Palace of Majesty, so long neglected, radiated with a new and greater lustre the like of which had not been thus since before the Rending. That which had eroded was at last beginning to be restored. Floating through his dominion, Aværys regarded his undisputed realm with a broad smile and, with a blink, he was within the stately ætherial structure seated upon the throne of thrones, tanned hands clenching the arms of his empyreal seat.

"We are pleased." Raithen's tongue imparted Aværys' word and thus was apparent to all who heard this new, musical voice that seemed to harmonise with itself in a radiant chorus. Moments later the distant Sceptre of Aværys that hung over the desert in the distance would seem to grow brighter as a beam of light shot forth that blinded all onlookers and when it faded, Raithen was gone from the isle... gone from Ransera itself.

At the foot of a towering daïs the Avialæ now knelt in a world between worlds. The chamber surrounding him was beautiful... oppressively so. The figure that sat the throne above was familiar, but titanic in size... Closer in size to the colossus at Tertium than the Aværys he'd known thus far. His choral voice boomed, infused with the consummate power of his ætherial realm.

"You have served Us well. Ask of Us a gift, and if thou dost not fain overreach, it shall be bequeathed unto thee. Answer now if thou wouldst, or consider o'er time and beg thy boon at a later date."
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Raithen felt the Will of Aværys flood into him, His Divine Presence swelled to fill the chamber and His words fell from Raithen's lips.

There was no room inside him to have thoughts about what was happening, no room to even be, but, before the pressure became overwhelming he suddenly... was not.

When he was again it was not in any place that he could believe existed in the mortal realm. His instincts were in control far more than his jumbled and helpless thoughts, but, thank The Twins, he was a being of instinct. Slowly he looked around, eyes barely open, unable to take in the glory of the Light that everything seemed to be made of. A palace, too grand and too massive to comprehend, crafted of the golden light of the sun itself.

At the sound of the Voice he trembled, his whole being felt like it was struggling to remain intact in the presence of the incomprehensible. He was already on his knees but he fell to prostrate himself, face pressed to the heat of the glowing floor. For a long moment, all he could do was lay there and shake as his existence tried to adjust. For the first time in his life, he understood Majesty, down to his searing bones.

Time didn't seem to move in the same way. Raithen came back into himself, it might have been in a moment, or it might have been an eternity. However long, he found himself able to move again, to speak, to comprehend what had been asked of him.

Rising back to his knees, he let himself gaze on Divinity for the briefest of times before lowering his eyes to His Radiant Feet. The words he wanted to say were there, bypassing his mind to land directly on his tongue and he spoke them.

"Master, I am content, for myself." It was true, but it wasn't the end, "If you would grant me a boon, I would ask for the power to punish those who have done harm to the ones I care for. I ask for Vengeance."

Behind the respect, worship and awe in his tone, there was conviction, even, perhaps, hate, though it was not directed at the same source as the first three. Raithen had always been the weakest of his family, and while it had not made him feel as though he lacked worth, he was now beginning to see that the world would not shield those he loved, even if they often seemed to hold greater power than he. Raithen was not a protector, nor a caretaker, he was a soldier, and, if he was to be granted anything, it was the role of avenging angel. He would make the harming of those he claimed as his own so costly that even the most powerful might balk.

It was a lot to ask, and perhaps he would be rejected; accepting and worshiping Aværys' wisdom if he were.
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"This request of thine is most propitious." Aværys replied with a slow nod, "The Divinity of our line was forged in the crucible of vengeance and, though it be not My domain, We are aligned with the Princeps Vacuum when it comes to matters of revenge." He paused for a pregnant moment to ponder, before speaking again.

"Rest thee hither. Bask in th'embrace of mine æternal affection and when thou wouldst return to the mortal coil, but think on whither thou wouldst be and there shalt thou be delivered. I will seek the counsel and consent of He of the Shadow to fulfill thy desire and when thou hast cause to seek Vengeance, invoke My name. I will come to bequeath unto thee the bloody instrument of thy desiring." Aværys' smile radiated with such a glow that Raithen was briefly blinded and upon regaining his sight he would find himself on a soft, plush rug surrounded by pillows and sweet scents. He was in a different part of the same vasty palace- cozier and not so austere as the presence chamber out of which he'd been blinked.

As the Deus Imperator said, he would be free to rest there free of want, until such time as the mortal world called to him. At that point, he would find himself wherever he wanted to be and only moments would have passed no matter how many hours he spent on the Majestic Plane. The God of Hungers would grant surfeit unto his devoted, albeit only for a temporary span. His hungers would rise again and ere long Aværys would have want of his cupbearer's attentions. But for now, he would feel rewarded and refreshed.
word count: 288
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Points: 15, may be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: A new people to worship Avaerys

Notes: No hot fishboy on birbboy action? =(

Mod XP: Pharaoh: 22
word count: 58
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