A Visit Returned [Kala/Kaus]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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13rd Frost, 123

The twins of House Leukos had granted the least son of House Phaedryn their bonding and, in poor return for their gift, Raithen had given them a pair of mirrors from a set of three that he knew well enough to use with his Traversion to speak through. Through this, he had kept in contact with the young Lord and Lady in the months that had passed between their departure from the land of endless sun.

He had felt unsure, at first, keeping himself from contacting them too often, but, as their connection had grown, he had felt safe chatting with them for a few minutes nearly every day. The mirrors had also made arrangements for his promised visit to their homeland significantly easier.

He hadn't known what to pack, in terms of clothing, so he'd brought the warmest things he had, which weren't very, and a significant enough amount of gold that he could buy whatever was needed upon his arrival where, presumably, their tailors would know their trade. It wasn't that he would be properly cold, though he could feel the cold, it simply never got to the point of being uncomfortable, or, at least, never had. But the locals of Kalzasi and Starfall might look askance at a man walking their frozen streets in little more than his golden skin.

He could have taken a portal, or asked Finn to open a door for him to Kalzasi, but he'd chosen to travel by more conventional means. While it didn't seem likely he would be called on to use his Traversion to move people or goods outside of Solunarium, it was still pleasant to have the ability. Thus, he spent the trip, moving by ships both on water and in the air, mapping the slipstream between his home and the various cities the transports stopped in.

There were many cities and even so-called empires to see on the northern continent, but none held particular interest for the young Dux. He learned the slipstream to them but didn't stay anywhere longer than that required, often on a new transport to his next destination before the day was out. It was more or less the same for the capital city of Kalzasi, a small city-state, so far as he could tell, with interesting architecture but nothing specific to hold his interest except that it was the closest to Starfall. House Leukos, he had learned, owed fealty to another, higher house, which owned its fealty to the throne, which had recently passed from one house to another after... well, he'd stopped following the instructor once it had started to get complicated. Raithen had enough trouble following the political machinations of his own people.

The Leukos' had sent an airship for him, which was waiting when the one he had arrived on docked and he saw no reason not to board immediately. The flight over the city was enough sightseeing for his taste, unless the twins decided they wanted to show him specific things.

Approaching the ship with his single, deceptively small, bag slung over one shoulder he waved to a crew member who was visible on deck and, in due course, a door was opened, a gangplank lowered, and he was aboard.
word count: 561
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Kala Leukos
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It had been decided that Blue Star would bring Raithen to Starfall from Kalzasi's Skyharbour but that the twins themselves would go ahead to prepare the way for their guest. Kala might have said something about wanting it more the longer he had to wait for it, and Kaus might have said something a touch coarser. But, at the least, Raithen could concentrate on mapping the slipspace from Kalzasi to Starfall rather than focus on his young friends. He could marvel at the view of snow-capped mountains, some so high they rarely lost their frozen precipitation, nor the shroud of clouds.

He could feel that first faint flicker open within him as he became aware of them again. And when the captain tapped his shoulder and pointed out the first sight of the humble village clustered around the fortress of their family, he felt another flicker within him as they acknowledged his presence.

The Dux would have to finish his mapping of that last leg of the journey later, for the pair of them hove into view long before Blue Star was set to dock, flying up to meet him. He couldn't hear their voices as they laughed and shouted, but he could feel their recognition, their joy, and their welcome as if it flowed through his veins, from his heart to his head.

Welcome and invitation, to be exact.

Fly with us! he could almost hear them say.

Neither of them were particularly bundled up against the cold, though Kala wore close-fitted trews and such rather than her more customary garb.

"We will see to your luggage, my lord," the captain told him, her eyes shining with admiration and pride at the twins, and a religious zeal as well. She hadn't been alive so long as Avaerys and Varvara, Streleon and Ugrimal, but the seeds had been planted for worship will she or nil she.

"Fly, if you wish," she bade him with a hint of longing. As an airship captain, she understood the freedom of the skies. To fly under her own power would be an invaluable blessing.
word count: 355
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Though a part of him had hoped that the twins, one or both, would have been waiting to accompany him, it would, inevitably have distracted him to the point that he would have had to make the journey back to Kalzasi abroad ship, or at least fly it in some way, to be able to jump back to his home. The views were exceptional, all the more so because his eyes were so unused to them. Mountains were a part of his daily experience but snowy mountains were entirely outside of it.

Unwilling to spend even a moment of the trip below decks he leaned over the prow for most of it. If there had ever been a fear of falling in him it had began draining away as he'd learned to use his wings and fled entirely once he'd gained a reasonable mastery of Kinetics. Traversion he enjoyed but it wasn't instinct to him yet, he might not think to use it to open a portal to save himself if he was falling, but Kinetics came to him easy as breathing and faster than thought.

When the twins appeared he waved and laughed along with them. When the captain gave him leave, which he was not sure he needed, to depart he flashed her a quick grin, strapped his small travel sack securely around himself as he had many times before and launched himself up. The combination of his powerful wings and the Kinetic boost he gave himself shot him up like an arrow. The urge to angle himself so he tumbled into the twins at speed was strong but also, highly impractical so, instead, he soared down towards them, over their heads, and then looped down under them so he could pull himself up to their level again.

Wrapping all three of them in Kinetics so that their wings need not hold them aloft he grabbed them both, pulling them to his chest in a tight embrace. With the wind, even if they weren't moving, speaking was still impossible at anything less then a shout but he let his appreciation be known with his mouth in a less audible but still fairly universally understood sign of greeting and affection. When this was done (though he wasn't sure he'd ever be done kissing either of them) he gently released them back under their own power and signaled them to lead the way. If they took him to the town and their home, that would be well, if they led him a merry chase through the mountains, that, also would be well. The possibilities, as Raithen himself, were open and free.
Last edited by Raithen on Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 454
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Kala Leukos
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Greetings made, kisses against wind-whipped skin, laughs whipped away by the wind, they played with him, giving him a bit of an aerial tour of the area.

Starfall itself was a village clustered around an ancient fortress. It wasn't beautiful in the grand, purposeful way that Solunarium was beautiful, but perhaps in an austere way, life clinging on in harsh conditions until it could thrive. Perhaps it recalled the ancient monasteries of Sol'Valen's mountains. Its own history was obscured into legend at this point, and the Avialae leadership was truly a part of its more modern history all things told.

But they flew so high that the blue of the sky began to recede into black and the edges of Kala began to blur as if she were catching solar wind. From here, he could see Stardew Valley if only he knew to look for it. But eventually, they tumbled out of the sky.

Normally, the few guests to their ancestral home were met at the gate, but he was special and not only because of his wings. They landed upon a battlement where their lady mother awaited them, flanked by Aquilios and his wife, as well as an infant swaddled in her arms, his tiny wings invisible at the moment.

The twins bowed to their mother, which Raithen might find odd knowing Kala's power. The formality wouldn't last terribly long, but they were mountain folk and the forms must be observed. Lady Akshara acknowledged her children with a solemn nod, her beauty hardly hidden by the thin chain veil hanging from her brow. She took Raithen's measure as he was introduced.

"Mother," Kala began, "may I present His Resplendence, Gaius Val'Aværyan Raithen Dux, son of Her Serene Highness, Camilla Cithæra Princeps, and Raithys Raito."

"Dominus," Kaus continued in practiced Vastian, "may I present our lady mother, Akshara Yushis of House Leukos, the Lady of the Mountain."

"Your Resplendence," the lady said in equally practiced Vastian, her voice a low, throaty alto, "I bid you welcome to the cloud-crowned mountain. My hearth and hospitality are yours." She proceeded to introduce her son and heir, his wife and child. The littlest one had a wispy thatch of golden hair, darker than that of the twins, and yawned at the commotion, blinking at Raithen without comprehension. His mother laughed, declaring that he must be happy to meet his first foreign dignitary.
word count: 410
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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The mountain wind was different from his high desert drafts that he knew so well. It was as much a challenge to keep up with the quickly changing currents as it was to keep track of the twins who rode them. Raithen loved it, laughing as they zipped and soared, spinning and flipping as if they were birds of prey in their play. Time ceased to matter as they flew higher and higher, horizon stretching from flat to curved as the outer reaches of his ability were touched.

At last, they came back down, and down, until he could see the buildings nestled so naturally in the folds of the mountain that they might have grown their own their own accord. They were obviously expected, as there was a small party waiting for them, not guards, waiting atop the fortress that was the heart of the settlement.

The Lady of the Mountain was familiar, not in her person, but in the idea of her. A tall, stately blond woman who radiated power was something so natural in Raithen's world that his mind accepted her without question. The twins' veneration of their mother was equally exactly as it should be according to his understanding of the world. His bow was lower than theirs, as a guest's should be, respectful, graceful and perhaps overly refined but it was how he'd been trained from birth. His greetings to the rest of the party were also respectful, with slightly lowering levels of formality as they were given to the heir, his spouse, and finally, their heir. The baby would not remember, but his family would. When all had been given their due he said,

"I thank you, Lady Leukos. Your hospitality shades my heart and I will honor it with the graciousness with which it is offered." This was, in Solunarium, sometimes a threat, but it was not intended that way now. "I have brought gifts to honor your House and mine."

He did not offer anything, for it was not the custom in his land to present guest gifts immediately, but to have them brought before the host later where they could be examined without the guest looking on. At this point, he had no idea what to expect but was looking forward to whatever it was.
word count: 394
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Kala Leukos
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"You honor us, dominus, and your family, although you and yours are already held in high esteem. I trust my children's judgement and they were effusive." There was perhaps the slightest of pauses before and the slightest of emphases on effusive, but surely not. No rural lady would be so well-trained to courtly dialogue.

Little changed but her smile, which grew a touch warmer, and the room seemed to do so as well. All her children, including her daughter-in-law, relaxed without seeming to, releasing the formality. Raithen would likely notice how carefully she moved, and he might guess that she was a woman who lived with pain and illness. Not every woman came out of birthing Avialae unscathed.

Truth be told, she had improved of late. Her daughter's study of necromantic healing and residence in Kalzasi had brought new techniques to bear. But truly, Akshara would be the first woman she gave wings, both to honor her mother and in the hopes that the strength Avialae wings brought would finally rid her of the chronic illness the twin births had caused her.

"Your luggage is already in your rooms," she continued, "and nothing is planned save supper tonight with the family. You are free to rest or to explore the castle or the town. The twins have claimed you, but we are all of us desirous of your enjoyment."

"I hear you might enjoy sparring," Aquilios said, his voice similar to Kaus', though deeper and more resonant. His frame was more normal as far as the Avialae went—that is to say, erring toward the upper extremes of height and build. He was herculean, to say the least, and a more golden blond than his siblings, more akin to their mother's.

His smile was friendly enough, albeit not so ebullient as Kaus' nor as calmly mischievous as Kala's. If he was anywhere near as agile in the air as Kaus, he would be dangerous.
word count: 331
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Raithen responded to the courtly in kind, as he also relaxed in kind when his hosts did. The suggestion that the entire family was interested in his enjoyment might have meant something specific where he was from, but he suspected that, despite the multiple marriage culture, that sex was what was being suggested. He would not have minded if any member of the family had sought him out thus, but, not knowing the customs he would not be the instigator with anyone who had not already proven their interest.

The the heir spoke of sparring Raithen lit up, his own personality coming to the fore.

"I do, and rarely am I able to practice with anyone who can fly." He had encountered wyvern riders among the rebellious tribal people, or even among the larger bandit raiding groups, but it wasn't the same thing as facing an opponent capable of flying in their own right.

"I would be honored if you would grace me." Aquilios' size did not seem to daunt him. "I am always eager to learn new styles. Perhaps tomorrow? Or whatever day you are free. Though," He glanced at the twins and then back to their elder brother, "If all the children of House Leukos decide to come for me at once I might not give a very good showing of myself."

Bowing again, a little differently, to Lady Akshara and her eldest he turned to the twins,

"Show me around? I'd hate to get lost and be late to dinner on my very first day." He did not wink at the pair, or anyone else, but his tone did almost as much for all to hear. Raithen was a jovial person typically, add to that the excitement of his first trip outside of his homeland, and being surrounded by Avialae who had built their own society, it was all he could do not to burst into flight and circle around whooping.
word count: 333
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Kala Leukos
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Aquilios grinned. He looked less like a sentinel statue that way and more like a Leukos. At least, more like his siblings. Even Akshara was tall for her race. The twins were, in fact, runts. For all that, the one was a goddess and the other fantastically skilled for his age.

"They tend to pair up against me," he said. "Little buggers."

With an amused smile, Akshara began her descent from the parapet. Aquilios' wife followed suit. The ladies hadn't the magical hardiness against cold and wind that their winged relatives did.

"Try to show him more than just his bedroom, Dwarf Star." With a smirk for Kaus and a nod for Raithen, he followed his mother, wife, and son.

Kaus was already flushed from the cold and the exertion, but he didn't deny his friendly lust, glancing at Raithen. Now that they were all within close proximity, Raithen could feel the coruscating emotions from the twins—lust, yes, but no more so than the many other excitements and joys present. They wanted to show him their home, their village, the secrets of Starfall, and tumble back into that innocent intimacy they had shared at an Atraxian oasis.

"I like him much more now that he is getting laid," Kala noted quietly. Kaus laughed; it was rare she was so blunt. Without witnesses, they each took one of his hands and pulled him toward the doorway, and down the stairs into the castle proper. "Might as well show you your rooms first—"

"—so you won't get lost—" Kaus continued. When they were excited like this, they sometimes seemed like one voice coming from two people.

"—or we could have a, hm, nap—"

"—a naked nap—"

"—or the village or whatever you wish, truly."
word count: 296
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"I wouldn't mind if they teamed up on me, but I certainly wouldn't stand a chance against three." He answered back, a little more jovially, meaning both ends of the double entendre. Seeing the family all arrayed formally had been what Raithen had excepted, as it would have been the same if his family had greeted a foreign guest. The playful teasing between Aquilios and the twins was something new. Neither of his elder siblings spoke of him that way, even, as far as he was aware, in family-only situations.

He bowed again as the Lady of the Mountain and her daughter-in-law began their descent, though it was a moment belated and therefore probably not seen. The comfortably familiarity with the sex partners of their family members' sex partners was another easily familiar thing from home. Once the heir followed the women Raithen turned fully back to the twins. Laughing with Kaus he answered,

"I imagine Phocion would be a good deal more fun if he was getting more regularly bedded." The halved speech, split between them had his head swiveling but did not diminish the grin that had appeared as they began to lead him. Their voices were not the same but the cadence, the way they moved, was the same and he imagined it must be a delight to hear them sing. He let them wash over him, filling up the empty space that had been left in a little ache when they had left him to return to this, their home. Laughing again at their enticing suggestion he countered,

"I don't think I could sleep, at the moment, but if you wish me to test out the bed in just my skin I am, in this as all things, your obliging guest. There are many ways to burn off excess energy."
word count: 317
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Kala Leukos
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The castle was old, not built for the Leukos family, in fact. It was not palatial in the sense that Solunarian palaces were; it wasn't even as opulent as the Red Citadel. But it was kept comfortable through a subtle blend of furnaces and magic, and its more spartan interiors still boasted artifacts from the travels of its people.

The castle could contain the population of Starfall should the need arise, and that was more important than gold-plated walls, at least to them.

From Raithen's rooms, they took him out to see the village, mostly on foot. He met artisans and young mages in training. There were no nobles but the Leukos family here present. They spoke of a handful of vassals who ruled smaller settlements with minimal oversight, but while the commoners were respectful, they didn't bow and scrape, even those who asked Kala to bless a babe in arms or the like—they clearly knew what their little lady was becoming.

Most of them had a rune or two, though perhaps not developed to any sort of mastery.

They seemed interested in Raithen, though they were entirely polite—at least by their own standards: welcoming, warm. They seemed impressed, and took it as a matter of course that if the twins approved of him, they ought to.

Supper with the family was similar: welcoming, warm. They didn't stand on tradition, but spoke with Raithen on any topic that seemed to interest him. None of them were unintelligent, though they clearly had diverse interests and expertise. Aquilios' wife was the first to make noises about retiring. The child was in her arms, though, whenever she wasn't actively eating. She had help and support, but was not delegating motherhood. Aquilios, chivalrous or just being a conscientious husband and father, bid them all good night and accompanied his little family to their private chambers.

Akshara looked after them with quiet fondness, but remained for a while to speak with her twins and their friend. She saw less of them, after all. They shared stories of their time in Solunarium, allowing Raithen to insert details they might not have remembered in the original telling.

"Do get some sleep," she suggested lightly. "Aquilios doesn't get as many chances to spar as he used to and won't let it go unless you tell him you don't wish to."

Kaus was halfway out of his seat when she pushed her own back to rise, but she waved him away.

"Thank you, love," she said with that maternal affection and warmth. "Kala's concoctions have me feeling much better, even if the taste leaves something to be desired." She winked at Kala, who rose anyway to kiss her mother's cheek.

"Good night, mama."

And when she was gone, they stayed a few minutes longer with Raithen.

"They really must be helping," Kaus said with quiet contentment.
word count: 490
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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