A Chance of Cold

[Hilana] Lykos begins to undertake a project that'll take some thought and consideration.

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Of all the days he planned to undertake a project, lo and behold, here Lykos was stifling the movement of a massive beast sent from the Void. Not that he would've been able to do this alone, of course, even if he were at the height of his divine powers as they were. The combination of magic used to slow the great beast appeared to be working though, and the decreasing temperatures within the sky above the citadel were also an additional boon to consider. The counteractive measures that Phocion had set in place appeared to be coming together, and, while the Voidspawn seemed intent to halt and further question the advance; the Lupine Demigod himself took to further act on this rather opportune moment.

The Vigil himself made it clear that he wanted this beast contained somehow, kept from doing any further damage than it would've initially inflicted, while also keeping from retreating back into the Void if at all possible. Lykos was not sure if or how he might achieve this, but, something in him knew to believe it possible and... even within the scope of his power. As recovered as he was, he understood the risk of pushing himself to such extremes, but Lykos felt with full confidence that he'd be able to help everyone here accomplish what their shared goal was for the day.

As rays of the aurora danced and emanated from his body where he stood, the Nimbus which crowned him flared with vibrance in response to his intent. The ice that surged outward from his foot raked across the surface of the desert surged upward, jutting into spikes that pillared ever upward at an angle to increase in mass and coverage. The torrential rain that battered the great beast immediately caused it to freeze on contact, while seemingly avoiding the present assessors to keep from drenching them with freezing water. The conditions were far too perfect for him now, even if the sand might've challenged the consistency of his ice earlier. Now pillars of ice and sand coated the lower half of the Voidspawn's body, while the contours of the upper body were coated with a sheen of ice.

Now's our chance. To contain this beast and allow his comrades to perform whatever other stunts they had in mind. Whether they planned on relocating the beast or not, he cared little, for its very presence threatened one of his pack mates and Lykos wasn't going to stand for it. During his continued effort to slow the beast with his freezing ice, the silhouette of Lykos could be seen reaching into his pocket. He pulled from it the superior aetherite shard from earlier, as sparks of aether cackled from his left shoulder where the Negation rune flared erratically. Lykos did not fully anticipate what came next when he attempted this, only that he'd certainly feel the consequences immediately after the effects took place.

"You're gonna regret the day you came after her!" He growled with his left hand clenched tight over the aetherite shard, its luminescence intensifying the moment he reached out with his right hand. With a tinge of silver highlighting the intense blue shining of his eyes, the lupine demigod gazed intently at the colossal beast before him. Containing it within a single stone felt nigh impossible right now, and yet, there was another method of approach that dawned on the wolf's mind. Thus the sands surrounding him responded in the manner that a ripple would across water, before more of the northern lights danced across the surface of his ice.

A cacophony of sharp glass crunching then filled the area surrounding the beast, while his Negation rune responded with an intense output of aether charged by the aetherite he'd held. The rune itself vibrated throughout his flesh, his core, and deeper into the very being of his soul from where he stood. Lykos felt as if the world suddenly grew silent in his focus, while he assessed the immense aura that the mere presence of this creature gave off. It was almost a perfect time to attempt it, however, the demigod knew his powers of purification would not work on this beast. Not when he had little to no time to fine-tune the process of attempt. Therefore...

He'd opted for the finality that would be its containment. The shard would not be powerful enough to become the beast's prison, however, it had strength enough to be the foci for the trap he created. As the glowering ice surrounding the beast responded to his whim, pillars began to rise out from the sheets at both sides of the beast. Six of them each glistening with the lights of his aurora, and etched with the same divine symbol that rested in the crown of his Nimbus. Finally, as they reached their zenith match the towering Voidsent's form, aetherial lights lanced out from their peaks to wreath their way onto the beast. As these lights speared into the creature the tendrils themselves coiled and intertwined, weaving together heavy aetheric chains that soon froze upon solidifying.

As the seal he created upon the creature was made, the light of the aetherite shard quickly burned out in his hand, the crystal itself disintegrating into dust while the northern lights themselves started to wane. The pillars of ice that anchored the chains no longer glowed, however, the crest which resembled his divine powers remained etched within them. While that transpired the weather itself slowed to a softer downpour compared to earlier, as snowflakes continued to powder from the cloud-filled sky over the Arx Rubrum Petram. A fleeting taste of what the North usually experienced, nonetheless, the sight of the northern lights overhead soon met with the brilliance of the shining Sceptre that burned over Solunarium.

Lykos on the other hand felt the residual burning sensation that originated from his left upper arm. As the glow of his divinity waned somewhat, the Nimbus which crowned him remained present for the time being, while he took a moment to inspect the changes that took root in his being. The rune itself had changed completely in correspondence to the magic he'd just used, as Lykos could no longer see the original shape that rested on the deltoid of his left arm. Instead, rays of cerulean danced up and down his arm, tracing across his skin just like the lights that crowned the sky above.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1105
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Finn's contributions to the effort became more static, at least to the uninformed viewer. He remained a channel for Aværys' might, and his own Rune of Command was a floodgate for aether. But as he concentrated upon the alien symphony and supported Phocion's Supremacy with his Majesty, while not knowing if those concepts meant anything to the creature of darkness and void. But he stood in midair beside the prince, a silent sentinel observing the larger picture, seeing his brethren spool out into patterns, adjusting and adapting as necessity required.

While he couldn't semble, he caught skirls of song from Hilana, from Lia, and from Lykos, catching intention behind their actions, if nothing else. It didn't take Semblance to feel Lykos' power shuddering through the air. It slid up his spine like ice he hadn't known since he left Karnor.

It was Lykos who seized opportunity when it presented himself, and the repercussions of his power thrummed through the greater symphony of the world and the slipspace that bound here to there, mote of dust to drop of rain, and everything and everyone in existence.

Finn didn't grok all, but he caught impressions through the senses available to him, and he held firm. He would not stand down until Phocion commanded it.
word count: 219
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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The sisters watched, looking on at the creature in the distance. They were both resolute, determined to see this through and to get it taken care of while not being an undue hindrance in the efforts of those trained to fight as a unit. What they were there for was supportive measures, and they could follow through on that. Listen to the conveyed instructions, fight as a team, and they would get through this. And perhaps avoid the label of nuisance by their hosts, the Custodes Deorum.

That was always a worthy goal.

Lykos' work against the creature, was interesting - even for Hilana, who had steadfastly refused every attempt of her father's to give her Negation. But the combination of Negation, Elementalism, and his Divine abilities worked in a cohesive manner to weave a figurative snare around it. She had little doubt that Phocion and Finn were utilizing their Emblems, but as she wasn't using her Semblance, she couldn't tell. It was better to save her strength in case another wave came, or it began anew. She knew it was better to focus her aether on what was important for this part, and she wasn't even sure her rudimentary abilities would help her to see or understand what was going on there; and she didn't need that hampering her when she needed to stay focused on her task. Sembling divine energy had consequences, and she didn't rightly know if Sembling an Emblem at work could mean the same.

Curiosity killed the cat.

And Æros.

Hilana looked on, watching the way the pillars grew and glowed until the emanating light from them died down. The snow landed on her skin and hair, and it never failed to remind her how cold it was. While the flakes melted on her bare arms, they left a prickling sensation on her skin before they did. Lia, however, with her own Arche of Fire, had enough heat in the air around her that the snow that might have landed on her melted and evaporated before it even touched her. She was not having it. Even if it was beautiful, the way the crystalline flakes danced down... but she was not about to be distracted from the leviathan who had come from the Void.

word count: 400
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Experience: 15 xp for use at your discretion. Moderator XP for Pharaoh.

Injuries: N/A

Loot: N/A

Notes: As this hasn't moved in almost a season, I'm reviewing it. Please contact Pharaoh if you have any questions about repercussions or fallout. Take that, voidborn!
word count: 69
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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