Feed Me Sunlight, Feed Me Air

Wherein Destyn and Sivan idle about the garden.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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A teasing smirk was given in response to Sivan's 'if' statement.

A brief but necessary amount of scene change time later.

A large, adult green dragon could be seen lifting off from Kalzasi's hospital, with two passengers nestled in behind his wing joints. No saddle would be needed, the flight would be a comfortable one. As they started to leave from Kalzasi, a few hundred meters above the ground, Laurevere spoke into their minds, "And yes, all elves are secretly something else. However, it is considered impolite to ask them to reveal that before they are ready. Better to just befriend them and let them come to you in their own time." This was accompanied by a small mental chuckle.

It was a short flight out of Kalzasi, and by extension, out of the protective divine aurora of Arcas. Once they left that umbrella, the world outside was one of snow and darkness. Outside of this barrier, magic was stifled, and down below, herds of shadow creatures could be seen racing across the white landscape, reminders of what the world was like without a god's touch. Thankfully, no people were seen running from these beings.

After going due south for several hours, a plume of steam could be seen rising from a large forest. For those familiar with the region, this was the Enchanted Bog situated roughly halfway between Kalzasi and Zaichaer. Laurevere banked downward, coming to a gentle landing in the snow outside the edge of the forest.

"You two must make your own way in. It is the law of this particular land and one I cannot break. I will welcome you upon arriving in Blacklily. Best of luck."

With a flap of his wings, he took off once more, heading deeper into the Enchanted Bog, leaving the pair on their own.
 ! Message from: Aegis
In accordance with the protocols listed in the Enchanted Bog page, make your way through to Blacklily. This can be done however you so wish. Once you've arrived, tag me and we will continue.
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Destyn's mouth went o-shaped as he began to recognise the landscape below them. His clan had travelled the waterways of the Northlands for longer than he'd been alive, and there were few spots they actively avoided. It had always been confusing to Destyn to know that this place was an artefact from the realm to which they sought to return and yet it was off-limits to their travel.

"An portach draíochtúil..." He said softly, a chill creeping along his flesh and leaving goosepimples in its wake as he uttered the words in his mothertongue. He got up to his feet on the back of the dragon and spread his wings, dismounting in that fashion and alighting gently on terra firma to regard the strange vista while he waited for the wingless ones to join him.

"I thank you, Agdus..." He bowed. It had been a privilege to be transported this far by the sagacious creature, but he would not dare counter what was described as 'the law of this particular land' to sue for more aid... even if it was quite tempting to do so. With Agdus in flight, Destyn regarded Sivan and Laurevere.

"This place is of the Aos Sí. That is to say, they are my people, but also not my people. My clan is... was... Old Order Fae. We kept the ways of the Wilds, and our elders sought to lead us back there. Here dwell the Fae who were content to remain... I was not allowed to know them, but... Secretly, in my heart, I do not think I was ever of the Old Order. This is the only land I have ever known. All of my friends are here. Even though they spoke of the Wilds like a paradise, I never wanted to go... not really." He wrinkled his nose and shook his head.

"Anyway. Shall we?" He gestured forth with one hand, even as he reached for Laurevere's hand with the other.
word count: 351
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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"Gu litreachail," said both elves in tandem, glancing at each other, then at Destyn, and then at the strange landscape. "An portach tais," Laurevere added, flipping his hair back over his shoulder. He was perspiring already, a sheen that only made him glisten in the witchlight.

Sivan considered what his friend said, and was of mixed feelings. He was glad he wanted to stay, but sad somehow that he didn't want to be with his people in their native plane. The summoner had bridged the gap and pulled spirits into service from the Everwilds; he knew he could figure out a way to send the Fae'ethalan back, or open a pathway. Perhaps someday they would visit, at least. He wanted to work great feats of magic for his friend the way Torin did at his forge.

The golden elf looked a bit tarnished in this greenish light while his more silvery friend merely looked enchanted as any bog. Sivan watched the draconic form vanish into the skies, and then shivered despite the heat.

"The spirits here... they aren't welcoming or friendly." His brow furrowed; that was strange. He had been communing with wild spirits since as long as he could remember, even before his Rune allowed him to summon them from the Everwilds. "I hope the people of Blacklily don't share their xenophobia." He glanced again at Destyn; they didn't seem so bothered by him or, to a lesser extent, Laurevere as Destyn took his hand.

Sivan frowned but shook it off and began to walk alongside his friends.

"Bidh thu a’ cruinneachadh thachartasan, nach eil, a dhuine bhig?"
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"Is file den sórt sin tú! Is dócha mar sin...." Destyn replied to Laurevere with a shrug. As he set foot on the supple soil of the bog, Destyn paused with a start as he felt the magic of the Everwilds course through him like a sudden chill. He had only ever broached the very barest hints of this feeling before, when he touched artefacts that had been kept by his clan or those shared with them in passing other cousin clans. This was fuller and richer.

"This place… they never told me. It is… Other.” He lacked the words in Common or any other tongue for what he was feeling.

"Can you, you know, hear the plants all crying out in warning? The spirits all singing songs of discouragement? I think that we need to, you know, speak with them that protect this place… To tell them we are peaceful pilgrims who wish no harm to them or theirs." With that he paused and knelt, carefully setting his knee down upon the moss and leaning down to whisper.

“Lichen, moss and grass and fern,
We are come in peace to learn,
Wishing harm to none of thine,
Prithee share these truths of mine.
Tell each plant, each shrub and tree,
Tell the beetle, ant and bee,
Finally inform the Fae,
Three have come who would parley.
Lest intentions be mistook,
Stay we here in this green nook.
Elf and elf and fae to fae,
We wait for leave to wend our way.
Should no answer come by morn,
We depart come break of dawn.”
And, with that, Destyn plopped down in the moist moss and criss-crossed his legs.

word count: 298
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Sivan nodded; he felt it as well. Laurevere merely looked between them, trusting their judgment and not really wanting to fight the land as well as whatever fell beasts might guard it. He was certainly not less certain of himself when Destyn pulled his hand away to kneel and speak to the spirits of the place, or the place itself. This was not Laurevere's bailiwick.

The summoner drew close, listening to the rhythmic whispers. He had an appointment with the Kindred of Zaichaer, and he wondered if he wouldn't be better equipped for this adventure had he already met with them. From what he gathered, they would be welcome here even if he wasn't.

"Well said," he complimented his friend, then knelt beside him.

He called quietly, and Perxy answered. The wind spirit was mostly visible in the dust and detritus that she picked up as she moved through the world, and she was a curious one. She looked around whirled around Laurevere, then with more glee around Destyn. She had a thing for Dratori and Fae'ethalan.

"No, please," Laurevere said, "come back."

Sivan laughed softly and quietly directed her. She whirled about keeping blood-sucking insects from landing upon them, and keeping the humidity from sticking too closely to their skin. They could be somewhat comfortable while they awaited permission to move through the environment, preferably unmolested. He rather thought Destyn would be all right on his own, and if Sivan could show them a happy wild spirit who had long worked in tandem with him, they might accept Sivan. Then there would be two of them vouching for the cantankerous Laurevere Val'Istra.

Then he too sat down, making friendly greetings to any wild spirit that drew near to let them know he was a Spiritwalker.

Laurevere sighed. "Go to Kalzasi, Laurevere, they said," he muttered. "It will be amusing, they said. Now I am sitting in an enchanted bog hunting for dragon shit..."
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 ! Message from: Hekatos
With Aegis on hiatus—hiaegis, if you will—I am going to call this thread. It's old now, and when he returns, if there's more he wanted to accomplish, another thread can happen.

In the meantime, 15 xp for Destyn and Sivan for the moderated thread, and Aegis gets his moderator XP.

Details might come up in play, but suffice it to say, Destyn charmed the local fae and was sent home with the fertilizer he needed for his special seed. Dragon fertilizer, dawnfire grow lamp, and magic seed from Ecith... are we growing a new World Tree in Sivan's back yard...?
word count: 107
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