I am unable to comprehend, dearest Pacheco. (Khan's story pt 2)

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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14th of Searing, 120

The rest of the day was spent in silence. Magna hadn't made an effort to converse with the lizard or learn any more Ithmi for the remainder of the day. Khan was happy to travel in what he perceived to be companionable silence, however. The temptation to leave him on Pacheco when they eventually stopped to camp was strong, but Magna helped him off anyway. She didn't want to be spiteful, and wouldn't like it if anyone had treated her that way. Khan thanked her all the same with a 'Di'alk'; one of the first words she learned in Ithmi. A gentle smile accompanied a nod of her head as an affirmation, then she began to unpack her tent in the fading light of the evening. Chipper as ever, Khan set off to find firewood and tinder as he usually did whenever they stopped.

Part of her wondered if Khan just hadn't noticed she was upset, or if he didn't care. Did she have cause to be upset? He'd joked about her with that group of people from earlier that day, or so she thought. It was difficult to tell, as she didn't recognize any of the words spoken as it was entirely in Ithmi. She knew she was involved somehow though, and that whatever Khan had replied with had made the group laugh. Once the tent was up, she brought her legs to her chest, hugged them, and sighed before resting her head on her knees. The emotional turmoil within her only seemed to drift further from anger and turn to sadness. She didn't want to be upset with Khan. He was her friend, after all. Perhaps she could try and decipher what was said?

Before she could begin to recover her thoughts, the Lizard's voice interrupted her with a sudden "Magna?" At once, she lifted her head from her knees and blew a streak of her amber hair from her face as her night-adjusted silver eyes focused on the lizard. In his tail, he carried a bundle of sticks and a pile of dried grass and leaves in his one arm; everything she needed to build a fire. "Di'alk, Khan," she spoke in turn with a weak smile, then rolled to her knees, where she began to clear some of the grass to make way for a firepit. A circle of stones ensured that the sticks would be able to stand supported, and it trapped the heat inside while blocking any harsh winds that would otherwise wreck the firepit or blow out the flame altogether.

After that, she resumed building the frame of sticks and ignited the tinder with her flint and steel. Careful hands folded the tinder over itself, and she gently eased it beneath the wooden frame. The flame was too weak to ignite the wood, so she added more tinder to feed it. When the fire began to catch, she looked up from her task to find the Chameleon sat, inspecting his claws. His expression had shifted to its more uncomfortable look; one she recognized from past experiences. Had he realized that she was unhappy? For some reason, the thought frightened her. Did she not want him to know? Or did she fear what might follow for them once this was resolved if it was? Feelings were complicated.

Khan stood suddenly and walked to Pacheco's saddlebag. It was difficult to tell what he was doing in the dark beyond the campfire's reach, but he returned with the last ration pack. He held it in his claws for a moment and merely stared before handing it over to the giantess. A slight smile pulled at the corner of her mouth, and she accepted the pack. A pat of her hand met the ground beside her, an invitation to the lizard, who bowed his head before accepting the offer. A pull of her hands opened the pack, and she offered the opened lid to the smaller Lizard. He smiled in turn and reached inside with his one arm to draw something he knew he liked. Magna knew it too; it was a habit of his to dig through the contents of the ration packs and eat the tastiest things first.

"Who were those people?" Asked the giant, speaking slowly and clearly. Khan narrowed his eyes and flicked his tongue before he bowed his head in understanding. "Rival Keensheep," he explained. The lizard's dialect, she recognized, was a difficult one to understand. He didn't pronounce 'Ih' noises properly, he'd likely intended to say 'Kinship' unless he was speaking in ithmi for that word. "Rival Kinship?" She asked with a tilt of her head, then reached into the ration pack to draw some grain, which she poured into her mouth and chewed thoroughly before she swallowed. Khan nodded in response. "What is Kinship?" Asked the giant in response. Khan paused with his claws in the rations and appeared to think for a moment or two. When he resumed his rummaging, he spoke again without meeting her eyes. "Vel teyly, like family. Dem gwaid, no blood."

A family without blood? Blood relations or just blood? Magna furrowed her brow at the thought and pursed his lips. Was it possible to survive without blood, she wondered? Those were some more words she didn't yet know. Teyly was family, gwaid was blood. "Family with no blood? Like... Not related?" Quizzed the giantess. Khan nodded in response. Something of a sad smile crossed his lips, and he continued to munch away at the contents of the ration pack. Magna had already eaten two that day but saw room to keep eating. So, she did. Silence fell between the two as Magna considered. The group was a rival family, of sorts.

"Names?" She resumed her quiz with a turn of her head. "Glendrav," replied the lizard. The name itself struck her as strange, and it showed on her face while she thought. "Mean snake-fang," explained the lizard. Magna nodded in understanding, and her silver eyes drifted to the crackling flame. A reach of her arm collected a few more sticks before she tossed them on the fire. "Why rivals?" To the question, khan grumbled a little and rubbed the back of his neck in thought. Magna watched patiently before he next spoke, "rhoeedun defneed yk een lle hela. Rhoeed nw defneed am mabolgamp ac rhoedun nee defneed am bwyd." Magna, of course, barely understood a word of what he said, but she could make out some words and assume others based on what was typical to follow.

Defn was use, which she'd heard during his explanation. Perhaps defneed was a past version? Similar to used? Nw was they, which she knew. So 'They used' something, and so did his own kinship from the sounds of things. Did they share something? Was that why they were rivals? The thought struck her. She'd not seen Khan's kinship yet. "You shared?" She asked aloud and turned her gaze back to the lizard. With a nod, the chameleon replied "hunteeng grounds, yes. They hunt sport, we hunt food... Confleect." Magna nodded. That made some sense, she supposed. Two opposing families both believing they're entitled to the critters of a piece of land. One claiming trophies while the other filled their bellies. But why such intense armor? And why couldn't they share? "Glendrav taint meat with poison," spoke the lizard when he read the thoughtful look on Magna's face. A nod of understanding took its place.

That explained why they were first so hostile to Khan, she supposed. But why the sudden turn of remorse? Partway through berating the poor lizard, their tones turned to sympathy. That brought another question; why hadn't Khan been hunting with his family, his Kinship? Curious, the giantess extended her question, and Khan brought his legs to his chest and rested his head on his knees. "Was," he answered. "Keelled een ambush. Khan only survive." Magna's lips pursed hard, and her eyes locked on the lizard as her thoughts raced. His whole kinship was killed in the ambush? How many were there? "Was it Glendrav? They ambush?" She straightened up a little as she delivered her question as if she were ready to get back up. Khan shook his head, however. It wasn't them. "Archen, bandits," the Rathari clarified. The tension in her shoulders eased a little, and she retired to her slump.

A glance to Khan showed his tiny eyes staring into the flames as they flickered, deep in thought. He appeared despondent, and who wouldn't be after losing their family; blood relatives or not? The lizard sighed deeply and ripped Magna from her thoughts by extension. Gently, the giant reached across to rest her hand on his good shoulder, where she gripped firmly. The Lizard looked up to her without moving his head; a motion that only eyes like his could manage, she was sure. That same hand pulled him closer, and he scooted with her pull, only to rest his head on her side with her large arm sheltering him. Of course, she was mindful of his stump but managed to half-hug him anyway. Khan was quiet in her hold, and she wasn't much better.

It made sense now. The reason the Glendrav had been sympathetic, well, all of them bar the rat. They were rivals, but not enemies. In a way, it was sort of heartwarming to see them forget their differences in Khan's darkest days. The lizard soon pulled away from her hold and sat up straight, she offered no resistance and let him up. Something of a smile crossed his lips, and it was difficult to see the pain that laid underneath... If there was any. Magna only stared in wonder, shocked by the resilience of the Lizard. He was strong, for sure. That or incredibly good at acting! Either way, the giantess was inspired.

In her inspiration, she'd almost forgot the reason she'd brought up the encounter; the turn that saw them both laugh at her. "Khan?" She spoke again, and the lizard nodded to her inquisitively, or in a way that permitted her to ask whatever was on her mind. "Why laugh at me?" She asked with a hint of upset in her tone. The lizard tilted his head in response, and asked a question of his own: "When?"

"At the end," she spoke slowly and clearly.

"End?" He asked in turn and thought for a moment.

"Glendrav leader looked at me, asked you something. You both laughed at your answer."

The Chameleon's little eyes widened a little in realization. Magna was sure she'd spoken too much for him to comprehend, but he seemed to remember for the most part. But, instead of receiving an answer, Khan laughed a few breaths and shook his head in dismissal. "What?" She challenged and furrowed her brow at the lizard. "Nothing!" Replied Khan. "Khan not laugh at Magna, promise..." The sweet smile he offered with that promise was just about enough to convince her it was so. With a bow of her head, she exhaled deeply and nodded in acceptance. "What then?" She began to stand and offered Khan her hand. The lizard accepted and stood with her. "...Not tell yet," was all he answered with. That didn't please her, but at least it didn't seem like he was laughing at her. With a sigh, she rolled her eyes.

She hadn't discovered the truth, but she trusted her friend enough to take his word for it. In the morning, they would surely reach Hopsfel, and what waited after remained a mystery.

word count: 1982

Floor Gang

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Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:54 am
Location: Alfsos, Atinaw
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XP Awarded - 5
Collaboration: no friend gang (Khan is your friend. :( )
Magic Experience: no magic gang (That's alright, hands are better anyway.)
Injuries/Ailments: no injury gang (Big yikes.)
Awarded Lore:
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Common prepositions.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Turning a word into it's past tense.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Common pronouns.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Pronunciation is key in speaking with a believable accent.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Joining two words into part of a sentence.
[Meditation] Hugs are nice.
[NPC] Khan: Rivals with the Glendrav kinship.
[NPC] Khan: Lost his whole Kinship to the bandits that took his arm.
[NPC] Khan: Promises he wasn't laughing at you.
[NPC] Khan: Strong.
[NPC] Khan: You hugged him.
[NPC] Khan: Offered you the last ration pack.
[NPC] Khan: A hunter.
[Faction] Glendrav: The kinship that rivaled Khan's.
[Faction] Glendrav: Compassionate beneath all the tough talk.
[Faction] Glendrav: Trophy hunters.
[Faction] Glendrav: Well-armed.
Loot: -Ration packs (All gone. You'll have to remove them from your own inventory though.)

Comments - What an interesting turn of events. The rival Kinship showing some grace and sympathy in Khan's darkest hour is something I wish I saw more often in stories. People can be rivals and not hate each other's guts, and still feel some compassion towards them. Looking forward to seeing those bandits get what's coming for them, and learning more about what Khan was laughing at, and why he has been sized so proportionally for hugging purposes.
Last edited by Althalos on Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 244

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