Collect Call for Imogen!

A long distance window opens in the Ecithian Commonwealth.

Filled with people both proud and poor, the Imperium is a land of ambition, glory and a belief in the power of the mortal spirit.

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Carina looked at the bags under her eyes in a small compact mirror. She hadn’t slept the night before, both for worry of Imogen’s current status — cursed? Ill? And for the fear of discovery after that thievery gone wrong. She didn’t even know which family was involved or if they would come for her, or if the Kathar or police were on her trail, or if she faced no consequences at all for the remnants of her magic. She had used Traversion even in the government building of the OIR with direct visuals, but even then she hadn’t been caught.

Was she so afraid of this now, or was she just digging for a reason to leave? Everything she needed was packed neatly into her bag of things, and she was sitting in her office, ready to leave and portal to Kalzasi to then charter transport to Ecith and find Imogen.

As she looked at her reflection in that compact, it occurred to her that she did could talk to Imogen still. It was late afternoon, surely she was packed up, camping somewhere. Carina felt aether welling up in her hands and into the compact, and the surface of the mirror rippled as if a droplet of water. She had the location of Imogen from their matching rings—a fantastic, convenient purchase, given how they kept being away from each other—and she called upon those spatial coordinates.

She couldn’t see anything from the window she had formed, but she could hear the sounds of camping and people. Maybe the other mirror or surface was tucked in a bag or under a blanket. It didn’t matter.

”IMMY!” She called out, and then a few more times. If the Orkhan was there, she hoped she heard her.

She just had to wait for two things.
1. Imogen to realize that she was not hallucinating
2. Imogen to find the mirror she was speaking from.

Knowing Imogen, that would take a good half hour. She could wait.
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The Great Witch Imogen Ward was already asleep when the window opened- not because there was any time difference which made it uncommonly late, but simply because she'd been sleeping more and more as a result of her affliction. Even when all was well, the ork was known for her ability to sleep through storms, earthquakes and civilization-ending catastrophes. Carina's voice had no more chance of rousing her than it did of reversing the tides or casting mountains into the sky.

Luckily, she had something of an ally.

After a few minutes of calling, two pale yellow eyes opened in the darkness into which Carina was shouting. Kitty pressed his face curiously against the mirror, sniffing, then huffed. His eyes closed again, and the darkness was empty once again. A moment later...

"Ouch!" Imogen's voice, muffled by canvas or some other material, came through the window, "What the fuck was that for? You can't just bi-" Imogen fell silent, as if listening to someone.

"Carina? Wha? In-"

There was a rustling and shuffling, and the texture of the darkness scrunched up and moved. As she'd suspected, it appeared she'd cast her Window onto a small handmirror in someone's pack. Dim light infiltrated as the Sunsinger girl tore open the container. The scene shifted, light suddenly pouring through as Imogen lifted the little mirror up to her face. Beyond, Carina could see a makeshift camp with dozens--maybe hundreds--of people beyond, all milling about on the many little tasks which such camps required.

At first glance, Imogen didn't look much different from she had the last time Carina had seen her, but the thief could detect the subtle signs of exhaustion on her friend's face. Nevertheless, the haggard look on the ork's face was broken by a huge, earnest smile.

"Carina! It is you! Hang on..." The scene shifted as the Sunsinger took the mirror somewhere, the image of the campsite blurring as she sought a good place to sit. She placed the mirror against something on a flat surface (perhaps a table?) and adjusted it until she could easily see her friend's face. "How long have you been calling? I hope it wasn't too long- we've been travelling so long every day, I've been practically asleep on my feet..."

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It was twelve minutes between the time she opened the window and Imogen had retrieved the mirror. She was patient, though, especially once she heard the rustling and Imogen’s familiar voice nearby.

”Not long,” She replied, carefully inspecting Imogen’s face once they were properly set up. She could properly use Semblance now that they were face to face through the Window, but she refrained from diverting her focus unless necessary. Most people preferred “questions” than the infiltration of their aura.

”What are you doing? How are you doing? There’s so many people! Are you preparing for something? Traveling? I’m going to come see you. Is that okay? I’m going to come anyway, I think.” She spoke quickly, leaving Immy little chance to answer anything. ”Are you okay? Did you just wake up? Are you drinking enough water? You’re not using all your aether, are you? You look tired. It’s all over your face.”

She paused long enough for Imogen to answer, and her vision blurred as she focused past her physical appearance and into the Orkhan’s aura. It was standard, as much as standard could be. Past the emotions that came from seeing Carina, past the exhaustion of travel, past the imprints of the Ecithian wilds— Her eyes widened a bit, and she dug deeper — Imogen was withering away, bit by bit, her aether being sucked into nothing.

”What’s going on, Immy?” She asked, her voice a little softer, but her forehead creased with worry. ”I’ll be there soon. Don’t worry, I can find you. Just a few days. Do you know what’s wrong? I’ll look more when I’m there… You know, your aura tells me many things…” She was worried about inspecting more, lest the thing that made Imogen sick spread to her. But she didn’t know its origins or what had even happened to her. That was her fault, for not sticking to her side like she should have once the calamity in Zaichaer had separated them.
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The ork blinked as Carina bombarded her with questions, mouth working as she began and aborted answers in the span of seconds.


"Well I-"

"It's only-"

"I just!"

It was no use. She stood head and shoulders over Carina, but she'd never been able to actually interrupt the smaller girl. She simply sat there, doing her damnedest to actually keep track of the flurry of inquiries in the hope of answering a few once the Zaichaeri girl stopped to catch her breath.

"It's okay! Calm down." she told Carina, as though that was going to avail the witch anything at all, "I went to Ailos on a job and did an old spell to, uh-" It would sound absolutely fucking insane if she just told the other girl about Deravaecia's... everything, really. "I don't know if it was related to that or not, but I came down with some kind of, uh- magic disease? They've been calling it Aether Creep, it started during the Eclipse."

"It's okay, though, I'm on the way to Kythera. Have you heard of Kythera?" She wasn't sure how much Carina would know about it, really. Ecith's geography and politics had featured very little in Zaicheri education, at least without an Orkhan uncle to regale you with stories. It was, of course, the site of the Imperium's largest loss, but she didn't expect that the people of Gel'Grandal liked to dwell on that. "The old Commonwealth was said to have every plant in Ransera there, and some even beyond that. I should be able to find what I need to cure it there..."

Her face went through an entire mix of emotions as Carina announced her intentions to come visit her. The thought immediately lifted her ailing heart, filling her breast with a warm, fluttering feeling. On the other hand... images crashed through her mind of the various horrors of the Jungles of Ecith, with one especially at the forefront.

"Uh... I don't know if that's a good idea, Carina. There are a lot of monsters, and ghosts, and some kind of invincible plant monster. Also, um." The Sunsinger coughed, embarrassed, "There's this angry metal god thing which is mad at me, and I don't know if it's going to show up again. So...

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”I wasn’t asking.” Carina replied, as if the dangers Imogen had described posed a challenge than an actual threat to life. ”You’re telling me there are all of these things are threatening your life and I’m to sit here and wait to find out you’ve died from an enchanted ring? No, that’s not going to happen. It’s dangerous here, too, Immy. Especially with what I’m doing — and the dangers are people. Maybe I’d like a change of pace.”

She shot Imogen a steely glare. ”No, I’m coming. I’ll be there in about a week, I think, and I’ll be able to help. If you’re so convinced you might die I’m not going to sit here and wait for it. I’m already packed. I’m finding Aurin today. Plus, I need you alive— I have a job for you, and you’ve got to be in top shape. Rested. Healthy. Not afflicted by an Aether Creep from the Eclipse or whatever the fuck you’ve been up to.”

Carina set the compact down. Afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, and Imogen could see her rummaging through a trunk and then a chest of drawers. She was intent on making sure she didn’t forget anything.

She kneeled back in front of the compact, her enchanted jacket on and her enchanted bag slung over her shoulder, though she wasn’t leaving quite yet.

”Tell the camp I’m coming. I don’t want to have to explain myself out of drawn swords.”

Imogen would know enough that arguing Carina out of this was a fool’s errand. She could be stubborn on the best of days, and it was not a best of days.

”If you’re worried about my safety, Imogen, we’ll have to get you fixed up so you can protect me. Like before. How am I supposed to be worried about a big metal god if I’ve got you on my side?”
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The Great Witch wilted somewhat under the force of her friend's pronouncements, brow furrowing and ears drooping. It wasn't that she thought Gel'Grandal was safe, but... well, wasn't it? Safer than here, anyway? Sun above, it had been only a few weeks ago that she'd gotten a masterclass in what a "hanging python" was by watching a dozen of the things attempt to abduct and choke the Flood Hippos' minders.

"It's- it's only that-" Imogen groped uselessly for words, "There's so much here that can kill you in a moment, if-"

-you're not careful. She stopped herself from saying that. Of the two witches, Carina was surely the more detail-oriented. She'd see in a moment what the Sunsinger really meant, which was more like if you're not strong enough. And she knew her friend well enough to imagine how that would go down. She'd been raised a smuggler and spent as many years as Imogen on the streets dodging police and Reconciliators, and probably those collared Imperial Avialae Kathar, for all she knew.

If she thought about it, she wasn't really that worried about a monster getting her, either. The snakes had been a scare, sure enough, but even with half the camp unable to hold their own they'd been fine. She was a Railrunner, the one who'd taught the Ork Traversion in the first place, and she couldn't imagine that Carina would ever be careless enough to let one of the big stompy monsters of the continent kill her. Perhaps the greater concern was the abundance of tropical afflictions which could easily take the unwary... but, then again, she didn't have much of a leg to stand on in that regard.

"...just be careful." she said into the mirror, fighting to control herself. "Once you're in Drathera, let me know, and I can help you anchor a portal here. And..." Imogen hesitated, not sure if the advice she was about to give would be helpful.

"They're pretty weird about the Imperium down here. They consider themselves still at war, like it's just been a quarter-century pause while they get ready to retaliate. So be careful about how you talk to any of the Ecithians about that, but- don't lie, either. The followers of Raxen can tell if you do. I'll spin up a yarn for the expedition leaders for you. And, um, be careful about telling them you knew me when we were kids because they think I'm twenty seven thousand years old and I'm afraid they'll get the wrong idea again."

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Carina nodded, though her mind burrowed into Imogen’s doubts. What was seen on the Orkhan’s face was only the surface, and Carina delved into the aural emotions that flared and burned as she saw her speak and think. She knew that Imogen was only worried about her, but she was worried about Imogen, and she didn’t think one worry had the right to override the other.

”I’m always careful, Imogen. It is the carelessness of others that gets me into trouble. I’ve got my eyes on everything. I can see the depths of a cave before we walk through the entrance. Trust me, I am careful.” She looked contemplative for a moment. ”It will be fine.”

As Imogen described helping anchor a portal, and the Imperium, Carina began thinking of excuses. She knew plenty of the Imperial beef with Ecith, enough to know that it was safer to travel from Kalzasi than to travel from the Imperium. She still had a Zaichaeri accent, but it was different enough from the Imperial accent it should be fine. And no one had to know she was fluent in Kathalan from her Imperial years.

An idea came through, though she did not feel that it fell far from the truth. And if truth was what was needed for the followers of Raxen, this was perfect.

”I’ll let you know. If they start to have doubts or question your age, oh ancient one, just tell them you have loved me for many lives and will love me for many more. Easy.”
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"Well, okay." Imogen said, thankful that her natural pallor hid the blush at Carina's words, "I guess I can tell them... something like that."

She knew that Carina was a perfectly capable woman, certainly better-able to survive a wide range of threats than many of those who'd made the journey on the Flood Hippos, but that wasn't the same thing at all. She was prepared to accept the risk to them, but the thought of her friend cornered in some dark jungle, surrounded by the minions of the Queen of Kythera...!

Even that wasn't a logical objection. They weren't planning to actually fight the primal, after all, and the observation post outside the city had survived without incident for well over a decade at this point. Honestly, it might be less dangerous there than in Gel'Grandal, and yet Imogen implicitly trusted that Carina could handle herself there. In any event, the other girl was right- it wasn't her decision to make. And there was no use worrying about a course of action you couldn't change.

"Just- do be careful."

Imogen's voice shook a little, which must have alerted Kitty to her plight. The big black cat sniffled loudly, then pushed her gently out of the way, pressing his face up against the mirror containing Carina's Window. From Gel'Grandal, the Railrunner watched as the cat rubbed his face against the Window... and then, in defiance of all reason, pushed his nose directly through the attenuated Slipspace connection, ears and eyes distorting comically as they popped through a space which looked too small for them.

Head hanging out of Carina's window, Kitty gave her a big, soulful look. On the other end, muffled by the leopard's body, she could hear Imogen loudly objecting: Hey! ... what're ... get out of...!

Kitty resisted Imogen's attempts to yank him bodily out of the mirror and continued to give Carina a big-eyed look, his ploy for affection only momentarily ruined by a sudden sneeze.

word count: 365
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