Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

In which Hilana and Lia visit Sunrunner Alchemy.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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70 Frost, Year 123

[Closed - Sivan]

While things were certainly heating up below in the sands, the sisters were able to get dispensation to make trips to Kalzasi, though they were certainly rarer now with the outbreak beyond the mountains. They had to be Sembled each time they came back through a Customs checkpoint, which didn't bother either Hilana or Athalia unduly; this was simply what was necessary to protect the realm from any sorts of sicknesses that were flourishing beyond their borders. As an herbalist, Hilana fully agreed with the quarantine and lock down procedures; as a girl that wanted to explore now that she had a reason to be up there, it was a bit harder to swallow.

The sisters were browsing the market, less about the fabric and fashion, considering how much of their previous outings had been of that sort of flavour, and it was more of a browsing for curiosity's sake. There were all kinds of shops here, and while both of them were loyal Solunarians to their craftspeople and artisans, it didn't hurt to explore what others did and were capable of. If they didn't branch out, how could they grow? There were always new techniques, new quirks, new tricks and tools and secrets being discovered and passed on. Hilana had had an incredible capable teacher in their Great-Aunt, but by working for others, she learned their ways of doing, too.

Runeforging was interesting to her, ever since she had met Aardwalden back when she first arrived at Solunarium Proper. All the same, she had no desire to pick up that sort of Craft, not when she was busy with all of the other lessons - Alchemy allowed her far more fluidity than something like Runeforging or Artificing, and it was more applicable to her other interests and skills. And while they had passed Kilvin's Forge and Sunrunner Alchemy a few times on their trips, the opportunity to venture inside hadn't happened. And today, well, today it did.

Both of the Vastian sisters were dressed in cloaks against the Kalzasern cold, though they were of a lighter cut than one might expect this far north. Their hoods were down, though tucked back against the neck to make sure no chunks of snow managed to slip in. A few pictographs stitched inside the lining helped keep them comfortable, and the worst of the cold out. The tan-coloured cloaks were more reminiscent of southern foreign lands than up north, and the colourful clothing underneath that showed from under the hems of the outerwear was also curious. Lia was interested, but had little idea about what she was looking at as they entered, curiosity on her face, whereas the younger of the two... had a look of utter delight. She knew better than to touch, but her senses were well-awakened to the displays.

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Timon was normally the man in charge of the storefront, and he certainly was the most charismatic person working there. But he was a growing lad and so Sivan was often the one who made a point of relieving him for an hour at midday to feed himself lest he grow hangry or stunted in his growth. The soft-spoken artificer-cum-alchemist sat behind the counter, sketching in his notebook. Sometimes it was dense notes and scrivened plans for some future creation. Sometimes it was merely a new shape of glasswork or the like. He found it helpful to write his thoughts down, either for later reminders or just to get the idea out of his mind to where it was easier to see whether it was a good idea that could be worked out or a bad idea that would just simmer in the back of his mind until inspiration struck with a solution.

The golden elf looked up, blinking owlishly, at the ring of the bell as the door opened. His smile was bolder than it had been when he first arrived in Kalzasi years ago and was forced to keep Master Jacun's shop with his broken Common, but he was still not a naturally social creature.

The temperature of the shop was pleasant, but when he saw the lovely desert creatures, he sent Khalcifer whizzing around them. Invisible unless they opened an arcane eye, the fire elemental would merely bring them a gentle gust of wind that would make them feel more at home.

"Welcome," he said quietly, as one of the women was already eying the displays of runeforged artefacts, alchemical concoctions, dormant golems, and the like. "My name is Sivan. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or help in any way. Otherwise, I will leave you to look."

Timon would berate him for not being a more active salesman, but such active salespeople made him uncomfortable so he just tried to welcome people, identify himself by name and as a source for information. Then the ball was in their court, so to speak. To their eyes, he might look like a sunborn elf. He was pale as an Umbrian due to the ongoing Eclipse, but his skin was normally a richer gold for all his work in the garden.
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Hilana smiled brightly at the Sunborn-lookalike that was either in charge of this place or tending to it. 'Sunrunner' made sense. "Hello, Sivan. Thank you," the younger sister turned that sunny disposition right at him. She didn't mind his quieter manner, as far as she was concerned, it took a deft hand to know when to step in and when to sit back and let others browse. Considering she'd spent nearly the last two years learning that deference, this suited her just fine. The warming gust of air was appreciated by both sisters, and Athalia was wondering if it was Elementalism, Hilana if it was something else. There didn't seem to be any spell cast or gesture done, but who knew from the other side of the counter? All the same, both sisters appreciated the gesture - it was a nice way of saying welcome and putting them at ease.

Athalia was looking over a little golem, admiring the craftsmanship. That might be more her style of pet, frankly, than her sister's endless animals of both the furry and scaly persuasion. They would require maintenance, true, but that was still better than cleaning the terrariums or litter boxes. And feeding endless amounts of rodents and other creatures to the others. And some of them were rather interesting looking, without being... odd. Perhaps something that resembled a little fire elemental would be something to think about later on. Something that could be safe around her sister's plants and animals, and make for a good little companion. She would need to see about getting herself situated and earning something of an income... and then this might very well be nice. Just about all of this, though, was beyond her, though she was noticing some enhanced ink. That she knew Hilana could use, and frankly, spending a bit of money abroad wouldn't do either of them any harm. If anything, it did help give an opening and break the ice.

Hilana studied a bottle with a label that said cooling gel, and decided it was worth a gamble to investigate. She wasn't sure what exactly it did, but she was certainly curious. There was also a growth powder in a small jar, and she brought the two jars over to him. His accent hadn't indicated anything Vastian, but maybe he had been born abroad... "If I might ask, do you lean more towards traditional or occult Alchemy?" she wondered, putting the jars that she was interested in upon the counter. Lia also brought the ink over, setting it down besides the containers that Hilana was interested in. "Would you say this might be helpful with plant growth?" she indicated the jar of growth powder.

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Sivan smiled mildly and nodded, trying to balance his attention between his notebook and keeping tabs on what seemed to garner their interest. He didn't stare, but he wanted to be mentally prepared for questions about specific things, especially if it came to one of Torin's works; he had plenty of knowledge about runecrafting, but he could get lost listening to Torin describe certain processes to his young apprentice Bastion.

At the cogent questions, he considered. He didn't want to over- or underestimate how much she knew about alchemy. Either way might offend.

"I was trained in both and both have their uses. More often if I am working out something new, I will rely upon the occult. Once I have that well enough in hand, I can modify the processes to more traditional means. The traditional versions keep longer, you see."

With a glance at the powder she held and a thread of his semblance, he remembered making it, knew it as intimately as Torin described his own magical works; there was a connection between creator and creation, they found.

"Yes, that will help some plants grow. I have used it in my own garden. It is most efficacious after seed germination and root growth. That is, I would wait to add it to the soil until after a rooting hormone has done its work. Similarly, when fed to animals, it works better during periods of growth, augmenting the natural rather than forcing matters. I have more... forceful concoctions, of course. We haven't had the luxury of being picky in this year of winter.

"If you have an idea what sort of plants you intend to use it on, I can tell you more." He noted the enchanted ink, as well, but didn't offer anything on that unless he was asked. Sivan stood by his work, of course, but it was a struggle to talk it up despite all that. Timon was the better salesman and he hadn't even hit his growth spurts yet.
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Hilana nodded at Sivan’s explanations. That made sense. Her paedagoga had theorized much the same, though she was thus far determined that her discipula should learn the traditional way first in order to best understand the methodology. Domina Clelia was not about to allow Hilana to get lax with the rules. When she had that down, then she could experiment further. As he said, the results of traditional Alchemy lasted longer, and while they could get to a stable half-life in centuries… well. But this elf had his own shop, and was likely a Master or Grandmaster in his own right with these creations and concoctions. He was surely much more advanced than she was.

She was thoughtful as he explained his experience with the growth powder, and she certainly had perked up at the mention of his own garden. "Was it difficult to maintain a garden here during the Great Darkness?" Hilana wanted to know. He did seem a bit pale, which led to the question about what he managed for light. She did know from Talon and Finn that Kalzasi had the Circle that helped with the arcane arts, but... "What sorts of plants do you grow in it?" The desert botanist was rather pleased to hear that she might have found another one who loved plants as much as she did. It was an often unappreciated field of endeavour, but those who understood plants and nature tended to have a good head on their shoulders, and she could only imagine how difficult it had been to keep everything going beyond the safety of the Sceptre of Avaerys.

"I am hoping to use it on berry bushes. In particular, northern blueberry bushes." That was a plant that had clearly travelled a very long way to the far end of the world, but if she made it work, then why not? "So would you say that after the rooting and establishment of the bush, could this also work to improve their yield when combined with a strong fertilizer? Or is it more keyed towards growth itself and might be better invested on root vegetables?"

Athalia left Hilana to question and harass the poor Elf, and removed her auralyth lenses from her pocket to have another look around the shop through those. It would surely be fascinating to have another look through the glasses... and to see if she could spot whatever it was that had offered that warm welcome to them.

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"For most, the Darkness," he replied using her word for it, which was apt, "has ruined gardens. As magic was brought to bear upon the problem, that changed, but ornamental gardens have suffered the most. Resources have been allotted for crops before all else. Thankfully, mine was already protected from the cold and I merely had to make up for the lack of light." He indicated a gently, warmly glowing pendant in a section of the counter covered in glass.

"Master Kilvin was quick to buy up illumite when we realized it made the shadowspawn vulnerable, and thankfully other dragonshards proved equally useful in that regard as the illumite unlocked the production of artificial sunlight. Of course, mushrooms and fungi that thrive in low-light or lightless caves have also become a staple of the local diet." He paused, made a gently self-mocking case and moved onto her other question lest he infodump about his special interest for hours.

"My garden started out as a sanctuary for local nature spirits. I am also a summoner. They can get lost in urban areas and when lost, they can become fearful and lash out in ways most people don't notice but... make everything a little worse for those around them. So I have tried to give them an... oasis, I suppose. It was a hobby at first, too. I didn't know how long I would stay in Kalzasi. But then I found an orphaned squealmouse and a hive of bees in need of relocation and... well, I started taking in strays, you might say. Everything was local at first. Most things are local now, although there have been a few additions that aren't." He didn't even know how to describe the seed Destyn had brought from Ecith, nor the altar with its glowing gem that Talon Novalys had set up without Sivan's knowledge.

"Eventually, I had a friend ward it against certain things, but mostly the spirits themselves help me regulate it. Even those who don't stay there more permanently seem inclined to help while they do abide with us. And..." he laughed quietly, "at the beginning of the Darkness, an owl used to leave dying rodents for a snake who lives there. The squealmouse was horrified, but pleased not to become lunch. One of my neighbors is a friend who opened up his yard to me... and since the Darkness, others have as well. So my garden has grown by leaps and bounds despite the trouble we are in. Gods willing, spring will come again soon."

Again, he had to moderate his monologue and answer her third round of questions.

"That particular powder will help mostly with sheer growth. It sells more to the affluent who are trying to save their ornamental gardens, which... while it isn't the top priority, 'tis still important. When spring does come, we might have lost a great many sorts of plants if some aren't maintained. But if... well, if you plan to remain in Kalzasi for a few days, I could formulate a bespoke growth agent for you. And I could advise you on soil and watering and other necessities..." He glanced over his shoulder much like a child whose parent might be overhearing, but young Timon was still at his lunch.

"The cost wouldn't change. I am a terrible businessperson, but I don't feel right... solutions to benefit life during this long winter I'm... I'm selling them at cost. Our business manager won't let me give them away for free, so it is our compromise. But I think I can get you what you need without him adding fees for special formulation." The bashful smile on what looked to be a Sunborn elf might seem strange to his Vastian guests, but then, this was another side of the world.

When Khalcifer realized Athalia could see him, he quickly morphed himself into having eyes and a mouth, pseudopods becoming arms and hands and fingers. He had clearly learned to mimic humanoid creatures from his long association with Sivan. He grinned brightly and waved to her.
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Hilana listened intently to Sivan's words. She had definitely broken the ice with these choices, and she was delighted to get the Sunborn-seeming Elf talking. She rather liked his accent, too, and her eyes brightened. His passion and love for this subject was audible to her, and it was exciting. Athalia could only smile to herself; her little sister had clearly found someone with similar interests, and the proprietor might well get an earful out of the younger Vastiana too. There were few things Hilana loved to talk about more than plants, and Sivan hopefully wouldn't throw them out if she got started. She was suitably impressed by their resilience in the face of disaster with the Eclipse; and their solutions to the problem were smart ones, all things considered. It was sad that so many ornamental gardens had died, but crops and edible plants had to take precedence when the lives of so many hung in the balance.

As he explained that he was a Summoner, he could probably tell that the young woman was hanging onto his every word. What he did, with nature spirits and helping guide them and give them a safe place to be was something she could aspire to. While she was awakened to the language of the elemental spirits, there were far more than those, and ever since she had started reading about it, it had appealed to her. She could admit that she had hamstrung herself by not starting this sooner, but she wouldn't have changed her decisions and her course, either, if she could have gone back in time and made them again.

"I think that that is so kind of you to help the spirits like that. It is very admirable. I've only Elementalism, not Summoning, but that is one that I want to learn some day," she admitted. "With luck, love, and care, those plants with the deeper roots will come back, especially with something as valuable as this," she lightly touched the jar of growth powder. "I've no garden of my own, aside from all of the pots I have everywhere in my apartment... but where I work, we've lots of greenhouses to maintain, my employer has a couple of rooftop gardens he's built up over the years, and we have many hives established around. Down south, our problem has been a bit of the opposite, really, we've had so much light that it has played havoc with the tides and the ecology. Mages have had to try to maintain the environment the best we can. All the same, it has been a bit challenging on our yields for some of our exotic, non-native plants, and while they're still producing... they're not at what they used to. Our native plants, that are used to the heat and sun have thrived and grown in leaps and bounds, but the imports..." she shook her head.

"I travel back and forth to see a friend here, but I do have to work back at home, so I will not be able to stay. But I can pop back in in a few days' time," she offered. "I can bring a soil sample, too, if you'd like to examine it. We've had it formulated pretty well, and they've grown nicely, but perhaps there's something extra I'm missing." And if he could help source the problem, then she could also have a good idea on what she could work with to help the plants with her alchemy. And once she visited the Plane of Wood... "And that is very kind of you to offer, thank you. Would you accept a donation, since you're refusing to sell your wares with a markup?" She could pay extra, or perhaps bring something from Solunarium instead.

Athalia was no longer focusing on the conversation - she was very curious about the warmth that had come earlier, and she had suspected a spirit of some sort at the time. Sivan's words confirmed it, so she was curious to see what it looked like. Now that she could clearly see the spirit through her auralyth glasses, she could follow his path and get a better view of him. Ahh, there he was. She was well-used to using her glasses, and now that she could see him... When he formed a face in order to grin at her, she smiled warmly back and waved to him, offering a curtsy. She didn't think he'd be much interested in her aether since he surely had his summoning contract, but when she straightened, she offered him a little tendril of her own anyway. Fire recognized fire, after all - burn brightly.

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Khalcifer seemed taken aback at first by the proffered aether. He glanced toward Sivan and then made a little movement that might have been a shrug before gobbling up the magical treat. He grew bigger and brighter, which was more a matter of will than the power she had offered. But he did shine so that even Hilana would see him if she chose to look in their direction. He took on a more humanoid shape, albeit smaller even than a gnome, and bowed to Athalia in an attempt at the fashion of the Kalzasern court. He was a little flirt. He also did a quick swim around her, warming up the air, intuiting that it was a sort of a contract, albeit implied more than explicit.

"Ahh..." Sivan nodded appropriately, polite enough not to cut her off at any point. "Yes, I still consider Elementalism, but now I can achieve so much through my contracts with spirits that it seems the wiser course to save my soul for other runes should the opportunity arise. There is a point at which more becomes more dangerous and it seems a less worthwhile risk for me personally."

Rubbing his chin as she explained how the Eclipse was affecting her land, he said, "I spoke to a celestial spirit recently who proclaimed that there was a new god of stars. Perhaps they will help bring the firmament into alignment so the tides don't cause a chaos we cannot weather." Then, "My brews have a long shelf life anymore. I can keep whatever you order for you, or you can leave your friend's name in case you send them to pick it up." He wanted to say he could have it sent to Solunarium, but he didn't want to speak for Torin's red-headed lover playing courier. In any case, the man was often away on business for stretches of time that nobody could predict.

"I would love soil samples! As well as small cuttings or seedlings that won't mind an artificial environment. I have been considering a special ward over my rooftop for more exotic species, to keep them even more separate from the local flora. Some don't mix well no matter how I sweet talk their spirits." He smiled again. "But any other donations will be given over to those who need it more than I do. It is gauche to speak of money, perhaps, but I have more than I need. Master Kilvin overpaid me for my services as a freelancer, and then made me a partner. My tastes aren't expensive."
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Athalia smiled when Khalcifer accepted the aether, and watched as he grew and shone. "You burn brightly," the woman murmured, Elementalist to Elemental, and when he bowed to her, she offered him a little curtsy. She had great respect for the spirits, after all - any good Elementalist worth their Rune knew that they did not command, they worked with them. The warmth was appreciated, of course; even though they had made their trips north, the Atraxian desert was still their home, and what they were most comfortable in. It did make her think about those little automatons on the shelf. Perhaps something like that with something as delightful and personable as the spirit that was so friendly... Sivan was a lucky elf, with such a friendly spirit. But she had a feeling if Hilana was able to master that Rune as well, there would be no shortage of them. When he circled her, she tickled him with a little ribbon of air.

His words made a good point, though; considering the source of one's aether was in fact their soul. In Solunarium, it was very easy to forget that; what with how freely magic was used and was woven around as a fundamental facet of life. It flowed like the water in the mighty Vasta, from the Crystal Sea and through the land. Others tended to be far more cautious, more careful... and outside of their homeland, it was very easy to forget that. "He is lovely," the younger Vastiana had noted the way Khalcifer had gotten brighter. "And that would be useful... especially since they can see and sense so much more than we can. Was it summoning that drew you to botany, or the other way around?"

At his talk of a God of Stars, Hilana tilted her head thoughtfully. "Perhaps one day... that would be something quite complicated, I think, to arrange," she was pensive. "The situation is getting better, as we no longer have complete light full time, and a more normal rhythm is coming back... but it is getting better. Easier on the mages who have been retained to act as the moons would to help the tides and the water levels... it may be slow going, but it will be better." But that was fascinating how a celestial spirit told him that. She could only imagine the conversations... and for someone like her who was all too happy to talk all day... Well. "But we can come back and get your creations, that won't be a problem. We make the trip fairly regularly now, and with Traversion it is easier," she reassured him. She also didn't want to send Lykos and his family on errands, considering how he was getting settled back in and getting situated once more.

They had a similar interest, then, and bartering and payment would flow. That would be easy enough to rearrange - and she could think of plants that would grow in an artificial environment... probably one of her many succulent pups that she had growing in her own collection. "I have just the ones," she smiled at the blond elf. "And that's an interesting idea, using wards to keep them separate. We've done that with a few types of plants here and there," she admitted. "Some tend to be more... prolific... than others, and will take over anything given the opportunity." But she well-understood about his tastes not being expensive. The Vastiana was much the same.

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Khalcifer continued to flirt with Athalia, though if she wanted to continue perusing what was on the shelves, he would happily buzz about her, producing desert-like heat for her. He might have shimmied a bit with Hilana's eyes upon him as well. He was a bit of a showoff. Sivan smiled after him, then nodded more seriously to Hilana. That a Vastian was treating a Hytori well was more than he should hope for; he didn't need to let on that he was Dratori. He knew they weren't welcome on the Atraxian sands either.

"The elemental spirits and the other natural spirits are more prevalent in the Everwilds, and I began communing with all sorts. The wild spirits taught me most of what I know about botany... Although, their teachings are... hm... conceptual. I followed up by reading."

As for stars and moons and tides, he could only nod thoughtfully. There were mathematicians who might be able to predict such things, but the best he could do was pay heed to whatever the spirits told him. His mathematics focused on much smaller things than heavenly bodies. But he smiled slightly and nodded, accepting that she and her sister might be back again and with some frequency, especially for international clientele.

His nodding picked up pace when she brought plants back into the conversation.

"Different wards for different controls. Air humidity, pollination, pests... but those I reserve for plants who are quite particular. I have an Ecithian orchid that has to be kept entirely warded. Small spirits tasked with maintaining the perfect little bubble of environment for it." He smiled fondly. "She is a fickle one. Ah, but her blooms are beautiful." He paused. "Ah... just a moment..."

It was probably unwise for him to disappear with so much left on the shelves, but there were magical precautions taken to prevent theft. After all, the normal face behind the counter was an apprentice. He was only gone for a couple of minutes, the time it took for him to cross the small courtyard from shop to Torin's home and back.

He held out a nondescript bottle on a bit of velvet, which turned out to be a little bag. He deposited the bottle in the bag before offering it to her.

"Some mead from my bees."
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