Depletions and Disappearances [Dreyfus]

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3rd Frost, 123

In the months since the vampyre had regained control over his home, more refugees had come seeking shelter and aid. Together they had begun doing what repairs they were able to the manor itself, but mostly they had erected new buildings, simpler structures that could house them. The timber from the forests was raw, so the new buildings looked more like cabins than houses, but they kept the wind and rain off and the cold out, which, in the confines of the never-ending Frost, were the most important things.

After that, food was the main issue. When the group had first arrived there had been stored supplies in the manor house's cellars still, cured, salted, smoked and jarred items that had escaped the pillaging by being both far enough from the city that not many came this far, and also locked behind stout doors underground. Dreyfus, of course, had known where to find the keys and had shared out this wealth of provisions until they ran out. There were not many animals left alive after a year and a half of unbroken freezing temperatures during which nothing could grow, but between Monteliyet and the local hunters, they had been able, thus far, to provide at least enough that no one was truly going without. But that resource was all but run dry, any the chances of finding even squirrels or birds was becoming rare. The people were worried, but, surely, the man who had promised them safety would come up with something before they began, again, to starve.

Alongside that, there was the other issue. No one spoke of it, or if they did, it was only whispers behind sleeves or when far from the area that was quickly becoming a small village of huts. Every few days, someone disappeared. It hadn't been easy to notice, at first, as a lot of people had come without any relatives of friends and they trickled in at the rate of a few a day. But, the first time a body had been found, there had been no way to deny that something was happening. On the outskirts of the new settlement, between where the people were living and where they were felling trees for building, the body had lain, mangled almost beyond recognition, shredded and crushed. There had been a lot of speculation the first time, suspecting wolves, or a bear, or even the sort of wild spirits that were said to sometimes haunt the wide forests where no people lived. The talk had died down by the time the second body had been found. There had been more and people had started to keep track of their neighbors and housemates so that when people disappeared without a body being found, they knew now.

Who, or what, was causing this, the people were too tired, too used to unexpected deaths to investigate, but they thought that their new lord would. That was the job of a lord, right? To look after his people, administer justice and investigate crimes?

As Frost dawned, there was reason to hope that no one would freeze in their sturdy new cabins, but little other reason. Except for the man who demanded sacrifice and, in exchange, seemed able to, somehow, make things work out.
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⚔ 3rd of Frost, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔

Crimson eyes poured over documents as the vampyre sat within his father's office. Several reports from those he entrusted to handle the more mundane functions of his growing village. With the increase of refugees coming to the estate village, their food supply was dwindling, fast. He had to figure out a way to counter this, lest his people starve. Hannah and Argo entered, Victor following right behind him. I dont know how we will survive, but we must find some form of food supply before Frost envelopes us. Hannah spoke, laying out her report on the desk before him.

On the upside, the cottages are sturdy enough to withstand the coming Frost. Though they can help when one's tummy is rumbling. he added, laying his report on the desk as well. Dreyfus looked over each report in detail, taking in the information provided. He looked to them both and nodded, standing from his seat and walking over in front of the desk, leaning against it. "You two have done well, thank you for your hard work" he praised, his eyes falling to Victor who came forward. "With that out of the way we will need to handle something I think needs to be addressed." he began, Argo moving to close the door. When closed, Dreyfus erected a shield of negation so that what was spoken was kept sealed within the room among those present.

"As I'm sure you are aware, our people are dying, and if we don't do something quickly, it could discourage the villagers we have." he added, the vampyre being able to sense the concern in his voice as he spoke. For a moment Dreyfus was silent, unmoving in his own contemplation, before looking at them all. "You leave that investigation to me. I will personally keep watch over the settlement until this issue is resolved." With that he moved over to the desk, unraveling a map upon the wooden desk. Argo, Hannah, and Victor gathered around it. "There is an opening to the warrens, and from what I've been told from the time I spent in Kalzasi, there is somewhere within the second deep where fresh vegetation and fauna roam free. If we set up an expedition party, we can hopefully find food there to last us until we can find a more stable source."

He allowed that to sink in to give them time to process, and after some deliberation between them all, it was decided that that would be a good plan. They agreed to put together a small enough group to undertake this, as Dreyfus would lead this expedition as he could protect them the best from the dangers of the Warrens. First things first, however, he needed to deal with whatever or whoever was hunting his villagers. What good would having food do if there was no one to feed it to. Argo and Hannah departed, and once it was just Victor and Dreyfus in the room, the two nodded. A few moments later Victor would return with one of the villagers. "I thank you for your sacrifice my dear, I promise only to take what will sate my appetite." he spoke, easing her into his arms as he bit down onto her neck, and drank from her. If he was going to be at his best, he needed to be fed.

As night fell, Dreyfus walked the settlement, his awareness to the flux around the buildings open as to not miss any motion that wasn't familiar to him. He was the perfect warning system and guard.

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The plan to seek out food was a good one, at least as good as any other options available to the village. Most of those still strong and able would be willing to assist, knowing that, if they didn't, they and their families likely wouldn't make it through the coldest season.

Preparations were made, clothing patched, what little armor and weapons could be found in and around the estate were cleaned up and repaired as best could be done. But they would have to wait until the master of the place was ready to lead the hunters and gatherers down into the darkness.

The first night Dreyfus stalked the night seeking to discover what had been taking his people he found very little. He had examined the shredded corpse, of course, and the location where it had been. There had been traces of many people on the stretch of road, from his own to those of almost every other person. There had been the suggestion of something else, something ...other, but they were so faint that even Dreyfus' ability to find them couldn't tell him more than that they existed. Whatever was doing the killing was either very good at hiding itself, or its traits were not ones that could be easily tracked with the vampyre's senses.

This went on, for several nights in a row. No more deaths were discovered but the fear that permeated the villagers lingered, as though they were holding their breaths, waiting for what would come next.

Finally, it did. Five days after Dreyfus had begun stalking the town at night he awoke as the sun was setting to be greeted by a grim faced Victor. Without a word he led his leader out into the twilight and then turned them around to look up. There, pinned to a balcony above the second floor was the body of a young women. It was difficult to tell, but upon further inspection of her mangled corpse Dreyfus was able to recognize her as the girl who had be so kind as to offer him her blood the last time he'd drank. She seemed to be being held up by her own drying innards, or what was left of them. Few people came around to the back entrance of the manor, as the village huts and work spaces were all out in the front, so it was unlikely most had seen this yet.

The wind picked up and the scent of her blood, what was left of it, was carried, enticing and delicious, down to Lord Monteliyet. Whatever was killing things was either growing bolder in its animal instinct, or else it was deliberately trying to taunt the one who hunter it, in turn.
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⚔ 3rd of Frost, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔

Anger radiated from him as he gazed up at the body as she hung there, entrails wrapped around her neck as. She was young and didn't deserve this fate. With a push within the flux, he floated up to her and detangled her, holding her body close to his as he floated back down to the ground. He looked her over, staring into her lifeless eyes as she lay there in his arms. There was silence between him and Victor, and after what felt like moments, Dreyfus's eyes glowed. He began to walk taking the back way and heading toward the greenhouse.

Once there, he moved the earth with his kinetic power, digging a grave for the poor girl. He made her look as presentable as possible, despite her internal organs being out in the open. "This ends tonight." he growled covering the young woman up after laying her to rest. With a quick turn, he left the greenhouse, forcing himself up above the settlement. He opened his aether awareness, focusing on things that weren't familiar to the aether flux of the village, he focused on the aether scent of whatever had killed her.

"Show yourself to me now! You wanted my attention, well now you have it!" he wouldn't allow it to kill another, that was for sure. He would end this as soon as possible.....tonight. It all just came down to finding the culprit, to see who...or what was behind this. It was clear to him that they were observant, as they killed the girl he fed from, which made him wonder. What if it killed her because of him, because he was a vampyre?

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The strong aether sense of the Vampyre reached out and wrapped entirely around the body of the corpse, then rushed out into the rest of the village seeking for something that did not belong, something other. This, it did not find, even as it was stretched to it's limit, each life force and tracery was examined and disregarded as belonging to a villager or follower. The strongest aura traces around the house and dead body were those of Dreyfus himself, Victor, and the few others who spent significant time there.

This information was as disturbing as it was thorough, it meant that it was someone, or something, that lived in the village or the manor that was conducting these disturbing murders. As this information made it's way into the Lord of the manor another realization also came to him. Despite being so close to a significant amount of blood in the form of the dead girl, the temptation to feed on her was very mild. If Dreyfus looked into his own blood reserves he would find them well sated, leaving him in full control of himself.

When he called out, using the strength of his voice and magic both to demand that the killer reveal itself the only reaction was an odd stirring in the back of his own mind. Was it his mind? It was very difficult to tell whether it came from within or without but, either way, whatever had caused it was able, almost entirely, to resist his demands.

A few moments later a Victor appeared on the street below Dreyfus, holding a boy of about eleven gently but firmly by the shoulder. The child looked afraid but also determined.

"This boy claims to have seen something on the roof of the house around the time the girl was killed."
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⚔ 3rd of Frost, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔

He was seething from the nonresponse but he didn't have anything else to go off of. He let his anger boil over, firing off a kinetic blast into the sky. He was not use to being in control of things. With his power he was certain that any obstacle could be overcome. This however was frustrating for him and he didn't like it, not one bit at all. When Victor came to his attention, he descended to be greeted by a young child. Victor explained that the child saw something right around the time the young woman was killed.

Kneeling down he took the young boy's hand in his own and smiled. He could see the fear in his eyes and embraced him in a hug. "You have nothing to fear little one, I simply wish to see what you saw." he whispered as he sharpened a nail and pricked the boy's skin. The tiniest drop of blood pooled onto to the nail, and into Dreyfus's mouth. He would search the boys memories to find the culprit.

He walked through each one, one by one, viewing it with extreme scrutiny as he didn't want another night to go by with more of his people dying. He Saw the memory through the boy's eyes and held it in contempt as he examined it with unyielding eyes. He could see a figure lurking on the roof, looking as if it could see the vampyre as he saw it. He burned the silhouette into his mind as he finished viewing the memory, a crystal rose forming in his hand as he handed it to Victor, instructing one of the attendants to take the boy back to his parents.

His anger and frustration boiled over, the vampyre sending a powerful kinetic blast into the forest, tearing up the landscape as it went.

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word count: 384

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The boy was beyond speech, even after the reassuring embrace of the leader, his fear a palpable scent in the air surrounding them. He did not resist when he was bled, nor when he was drank from but his expression remained that of a prey creature caught in the gaze of its predator.

The vision Dreyfus received from the vitae was tantalizingly familiar, the hidden eyes of the being, humanoid in form, seemed to watch the Vampyre through the memory, taunting him with the flash of bright, sharp teeth.

Once the expression of anger was shot into the ancient forest, rending earth and trees alike, the child turned and fled, panting and calling for his mother.

It was later, when Dreyfus was finally able to calm himself enough to sleep that the memory returned. In dreams, it was, at first, the same memory from the eyes of the child. In a moment, however, it changed, the landscape becoming real, the memory something that he could explore and investigate. The night was too quiet, too still, like a moment frozen in time. The creature crouched high on the roof of the manor house, as unmoving as everything else in the scene.

The sleeping Vampyre was not in control of his dream form, but aware of all it did and saw. Dream Dreyfus scaled to the height easily, climbing the manor in a few easy leaps. When he landed he looked down at the form, wrapped in deepest shadow, crouched over the torn body of its victim. He was leaning down to ascertain its identity at last when suddenly, it moved. The head turned and the eyes became instantly clear as bright red light streamed out from them. The smile flashed again, fangs sharp and red from the woman's blood.

"Why hello." The creature spoke, sounding amused, sounding familiar. It was a voice Dreyfus had heard once but couldn't place. The tone of it said they knew each other, or at least, that the creature knew Dreyfus.

"Did you come to find your monster?" Laughter tinged the words as the creature stood and it became instantly obvious why Dreyfus had almost recognized it before.

It was his body.

There was no mistaking it for any of his villagers or followers, between the height and distinct features, it could only be Dreyfus himself.

"What?" It spoke again, "Don't remember me? Your servant does. Crying out to me from the unmarked grave where you murdered him. Abandoned him. But don't blame him. You made it easy, so, so easy."

The twisted smile on his own face was maddening, or perhaps merely insane itself, but it made something inside Dreyfus twist in revulsion.

"I'm just here to remind you. To repeat your sin until you are forced to face it." The creature wearing his body glanced down at the dream version of the dead woman. "You came to this rune like a child, no one to teach you, no one to guide you."

The face twisted into a grotesque parody of sympathy, of pity, "Poor little Vampyre, using your magic in random bursts of temper and thinking you could still feed too sparingly. You gave me all the opening I need and never stopped to wonder why you always felt so invigorated, so good, after each of your people died."

Crouching again the creature caressed the dead, staring face of the torn woman.

"Now you know. It was you."

Standing suddenly the creature leapt at Dreyfus, shoving him hard. Tipping over the edge of the balcony, the Vampyre fell and, as he hit the ground, he woke.

The jolt was shocking, leaving Dreyfus reeling back into reality to find himself with his fangs sunk deep into the neck of a body wrapped in his arms. It took only a moment to realize how small the body was, how mangled, how still. It was the child who had come to offer him information even though he had been afraid. His head was torn nearly all the way off his shoulders and the last of his blood was coursing, vital and sweet down Dreyfus' throat.
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⚔ 3rd of Frost, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔

Shock settled into horror as he had realized what he had done, what he had been doing. Whatever that was, that looked like him, was the reason behind these killings. Ever since becoming a vampyre, Dreyfus had prided himself on feeding only on the deserving, the wretches of this forsaken world. Now he had become what he feared most.....a monster and that was not something he could abide by.

In his distraught realization, he clutched the child's body, his memorial corridor wrapping around them in its embrace. Standing he witnessed the life of a young soul, one he had snuffed out far too soon. He could see why the child was fearful, as it was Dreyfus he saw that night, not knowing that the boy was afraid of being the next meal. Sadly those fears came true, and now Dreyfus had to deal with those consequences. He had no choice but to bear that truth. He watched himself prey upon the boy and tearing him to shreds to feed his sanguine hunger.

Appauled Dreyfus held both the boy and the rose of his memory in his bloodied embrace. He couldn't remain, he knew that, not when things were starting to settle for his village. He had to keep these people safe, and in order to do that he had to remove himself from the equation. First he would ensure their survival, then he would ensure their safety by removing himself. He stood from where he was, still cradling the young child in his arms as he went to the greenhouse, and found a spot that would be under the sun, and buried him there.

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As the Vampyre performed his sorrowful duty, wrapping the child and burying them in a place where their body might nourish the plants that fed those who still lived, a voice, his own voice but not his own, echoed through his mind,

Run as far as you wish, you will come to care and whenever you do, I'll be there to take it from you


Some days later a scout returned with news of an opening to the Warrens found less than a day from the village. This could be both good news and ill, depending on whether the evil within was willing to remain in its domain. For Dreyfus it allowed easy access to a potential source of both food for his people and blood for himself. He would have to choose who, if any, of his companions to bring with him, knowing that their lives could be at risk both from the denizens of the Warrens and the monster that he now knew lurked within him.

With great luck he might find some sort of herd or flock of creature that could be, if not quickly tamed, at least subdued for meat and possibly other products in the form of milk, fur or other that could be used to sustain human life. With less luck he might be able to find large creatures that could be hunted and then dried, smoked or otherwise preserved to the same purpose. With no luck at all it might be the hunters who became the prey of what lived in the dark places below the earth. At least the choices were now clearer than they had been in quite some time, if no easier.

Who would go, and who would stay?
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Fear was now something Dreyfus was becoming familiar with once again. Fear and a mixture of anger and anxiety, anger for becoming compromised by whatever dwelled within him, and the anxiety of not knowing when and where that "thing" could turn up. It was clear already to him that when he slept, it would take hold of him. Sleep was not something he truly needed, but it was something he had been doing since before he was made a vampyre, so habits still persisted.

He knew he would have to deal with this soon, but for now, he would ensure that his people would be safe. There was no question that he would lead the expedition into the warrens, which meant choosing who would remain behind and protect the estate. After some deliberation it was clear that Voctor would stay behind, the master swordsman would be a shield and blade to protect of this budding village. Which meant Donivan would be accompanying the party as they searched. It was good to have him as the mortal was a skilled sharpshooter, has always been, and has some experience as a field medic.


As the spearhead of the expedition Dreyfus led the group to the opening, instructing everyone to stay on guard and remain close behind him. Using his familial knowledge of the aether flux, he would be able to feel and sense threats before they could reach them. Taking a deep breath he took the first step into the opening leading them down the path laid out by the scout. As it was his first time in the warrens, Dreyfus was amazed at how different of a world it was down there. The stillness of the cavernous air gave way to the feeling of dread and fear for most, but the vampyre assured them that all would be well.

The fighters that accompanied them kept their attention on the blindspots, openly listening for any signs of danger and the commands of their benefactor. After some travel the group finally breached the second deep, opening to a vast valley before them, the vampyre's aether sense picking up on the movements of animals and other creatures throughout the expanse before them. Moving cautiously they continued onward, the hunters of the group taking point behind Dreyfus awaiting his orders.

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Last edited by Dreyfus on Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 453

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