A Quest into the West

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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As Hilana spoke, Phocion sat back in his chair and, foregoing the use of servants as not to disrupt the discourse, he poured himself a drink with his Craft of Kinetics. His eyes remained on the orator for the full term of her speech before darting to Lykos as he replied.

“There is the rub.” He countered, “‘The capacity to identify the subjects required for warding’. Our quarantine has been so efficient and our relations with the Commonwealth so scarce that we know next to nothing about the nature of the blight. If you are particularly adept at medical study and might account for as many types of transmissible sickness as possible, it will certainly improve our chances of avoiding exposure, but no measure is a sure thing. Before we set off, I will see that you consult with a medicus to help prepare you to apply this effect to append mind own efforts.

“On the favourable front, all reports suggest that this ailment is not something that affects non-Draconic races. It’s entirely possible that we can’t even carry it, but better safe than sorry in such things. There will be mandatory steps of quarantine and assessment before any of us is permitted to return to the capital after being exposed to the Greens. On this I must insist.”

“Acknowledged. If no one has anything else to contribute, I would move that we take the rest of the day to prepare, the evening to rest and then we set off in the morning forearmed.”

“Agreed. Lodging and preparatory resources will be provided here at the fortress. If Your Serene Highness would join me for a private conference, the rest of you may take luncheon here. Further instruction to come.”

 ! Message from: Pharaoh
Note: After the next round of posts, I’ll be fast forwarding to the next day and moving into the mission proper. You’re welcome to post about how the rest of the day and evening proceed for your character- with whom did they converse? How did they prepare? Etc.

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She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad one that the offerings beyond herself and Lykos were few and far in between, and she decided not to worry about it. Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses; Hilana's played a bit well here. Lykos with all of his skills was a formidable ally, and his Negation skills were unmatched by those that the Vastiana sisters knew, including their father.

Well, it was good that their security measures were so strict that the disease had not made its way in. Alchemists and necromancers could work wonders... but those who might carry the Emblem or Ioniri were bound to be few and far in between. Certainly no Solunarian citizens would have had it; and even then Hilana didn't know if that could even protect against such a thing, or cure it. Her knowledge of Emblems beyond those of Avaerys and Varvara was quite limited, and she was not about to practice apostasy. The downside, of course, was that there was even less information to go off of and then trying to fix something that you couldn't identify so readily... well, at least Lykos was a Master Sembler. Hilana had been working on her own skills to that Rune, but she had a very long way to go.

"Understood, Sentinel," Hilana bowed her head to the Moonborn in acknowledgement. Whatever additional information that could be provided would be worth noting, at least. Maybe they wouldn't be affected, but that didn't mean they couldn't carry it. She had known there would likely be a strict quarantine waiting for them at the end of this, but she had made arrangements with Vasilei to make sure that her cats and tegu were fed. The snakes would all be fine until she got back, though they might well be angry with the lack of their routine meal if they were delayed too long. But she had fed everyone before they'd set off for Fort Sentrium, so with luck... they wouldn't all be too angry with her.

One thing that Hilana had noticed was that Astraea was staying quite quiet, and rather subdued - which she wasn't used to seeing from the Priestess. She had kind of shrunk inwards, and even though she was with the Luxian delegation, the young woman decided that since there was a common cause between them, and being friendly never hurt. To that end, she focused on her Elementalism Rune and Manifested a little butterfly of Light and Shadow, guiding it over the table to the Starborn elf to make sure she caught her attention, and with a beaming smile, motioned for her to come over so that they could sit together and eat. With a luncheon offered, Hilana could happily introduce Lykos to her as a close friend of theirs from the frozen north of Karnor. Food, after all, was a common ground, and common bonds could be made over it. She was determined to try to make Astraea feel a bit more secure and at ease, and bring out some of that fire that she knew she possessed.

While she knew it was odd for a lowly Vastiana to be so friendly and familiar - though she was definitely respectful - with a Starborn, she did not let that stop her. She knew what it was like to be a fish out of water, and she wanted to encourage her.

If Finn revealed himself, Hilana would happily talk to him, too. Tiaz wouldn't mind a cuddle, either, but if the pale human stayed hidden, the python would just remain on Hilana's shoulders, basking and lazy. Depending on how the rest of the evening would go, if they were called away to meet with the Medicus and get that information, then they would attend to that and copious notes would be made. Otherwise, she would go through the proffered supplies, and happily supplement some of her own stocks that she had prepared for Lia and Lykos, and if Astraea wanted it... make suggestions for the poor Deiori who was not like to ever step beyond the walls of a city again.

Not that that would stop Hilana from hauling her out...

When the evening wound to a close, though, she would definitely be asking the Priestess to lead them in the Waning Prayer for the night. The world outside the city might not have been her new friend's forte, but that definitely was.

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At the mention of quarantine, Astræa was admittedly displeased. She understood the necessity, but it was bothersome nonetheless. It seemed the decision was already made, so there was nothing she could do about it. Besides, she should probably be more concerned about their upcoming trip. Despite the precautions everyone planned to take, facing dragons still sounded daunting. Astræa had no idea what she could even contribute when faced with such a creature.

Lost in her thoughts, Astræa barely registered the two princes leaving the room to continue their conversation elsewhere. It was only when Hilana’s butterflies landed on the table in front of her that she finally looked up, returning Hilana’s smile. Seeing a familiar face alleviated some of her discomfort, but she was curious about how the human woman had become involved in this situation. Her earlier tension slowly faded with each step she took. The starborn greeted the two women and introduced herself simply as Astræa to the man.

She kept the conversation light, wondering aloud what the trip would be like. She openly admitted that she had never really traveled before. Having lived her entire life in Solunarium, she hadn’t found anything that her city did not already provide. The meal itself was pleasant, and by the end of it, Astræa asked if she could have some desserts packed to take with her—pastries, tarts, dried fruits.

At Hilana’s request for the Waning Prayer, Astræa was happy to oblige. With the tall windows framing the setting sun, she led a prayer as she watched it slowly sink beneath the horizon. This was something she knew she could do well. She thanked Varvara for the uneventful day and sought guidance for the rest of their journey—the Midnight Mother would know best, after all. Astræa might not know what she was doing, but she was determined to do whatever was necessary to serve the Mistress of Chains.

After they parted ways, Astræa searched for where the prævantores would be staying for the night. Fortunately, it didn’t take her long. The starborn peeked inside and asked to see the man who had ridden with her earlier. He leaped from his seat and practically ran over to her. She offered him the desserts she had collected earlier, telling him to share them with his comrades and asking for his name. He looked flustered for a moment before introducing himself as Vitus, nervously accepting her gift. Kindness was still a transaction. If these guards liked her, they would be more likely to help should she get into trouble. Something told her she might need all the help she could get. She thanked him again with a radiant smile before heading to her assigned room.

It took a little while for Astræa to fall asleep. She lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, replaying the events of the day. Honestly, she felt a little embarrassed by her performance. A part of her realized she was being ridiculous. She wasn’t a teenager pining for her parents’ approval anymore—her father was dead, and her mother had stopped caring. For whatever reason, someone had chosen her to go on this journey, and the least she could do was be useful. She resolved to do better tomorrow.
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At the dismissal, Finn removed his veil so that he could be Finn rather than a sentinel for a while. He greeted Hilana and Lykos, as well as people he knew, though not as well, such as Astræa. The sentinel was a bard in his other life, and would hate for anyone to perceive some slight from him that might reflect poorly back upon his royal husband.

Of course, he couldn't spend all his time socializing. He was still a sentinel, and he did find Phocion later to address his own concerns about becoming a plague vector that hurt Arvælyn. Of course, Phocion knew this, but was patient and gracious with his nervousness. Finn wasn't scared on his own behalf, but only for his husband, who was higher than him on the pyramid, so it was only correct that he should protect him.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Phocion implicitly; he was only human.

After the Waning Prayer, he vaulted back to the palace to spend the night with the crown prince, reporting the proceedings—or as much of them as he had witnessed—and perhaps holding onto him too tightly for the night, as if this mission might be the one to drive a physical division between them. In any case, he didn't let it disturb his symphony, nor his sleep.

And in the morning, he returned himself to Fort Sentrium. It was rare he was able to sleep in anymore. The privileges of Solunarium did come with duties attached, after all.
word count: 261
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Phocion tactfully remarked upon the very condition that remained the foundation of shields and wards, and even Lykos could not deny the challenge that remained posed in the implementation of such protection. Truthfully, Negation was a magic oft used to reflect and nullify the confines of a mage's personal space, and, not very many who utilized it typically went so far as to what Lykos himself could do. Sure, alchemists and menders could apply similar techniques and pull off something akin to what he suggested...

But Lykos often aimed beyond the scope of trivial applications, it was after all how he managed to cultivate the Cold Room back at Arx Rubrum Petram. Nevertheless, the suggestion that he meet with a medicus did not go unchecked by the lupine draegir. Rather fervently did Lykos give the Sentinel a respective bow of his head, as such an undertaking would only further improve their endeavors of battling such illnesses. Once the meeting itself reached a conclusion and their superiors needed to exclude themselves, the wolf paid his respects to them silently in retrospect of everything he'd learned thus far.

It was one thing for him to want to uphold his duty due to the vows he'd sworn upon the Zalkian dynasty, however, therein remained another part of him that wished to see the protections he would instill be done flawlessly. He was by no mere means a miracle worker but that had not stopped Lykos before, now though, he could sense the buried sentiments of his former life deep within him coming to a rise. As resourceful and supportive as his beloved would have been, even as a simple healer, there existed content in knowing she remained so far away in the north.

Lykos felt at ease enough to know she'd stay protected there, and would remain so even after his return from this venture. Of that, he'd make certain once the foundation of his protective wards was woven in place. The time that would be spent with the present company for the remainder of the evening would only further promote this, as it provided ample opportunity to analyze the new and foreign aether signatures he'd need to account for. Scent alone did not seem like it would be enough to rely on, not if he wanted to comprehend the nuances in their personal well-being prior to their arrival.

There also remained some small sense of comfort in knowing that this blight seemed to only afflict dragons. Even so, that did not sway him from considering the possibility of an infection spreading, especially since they would be dealing with a dragonflight directly once they did arrive there. Naturally, he remained subtle about observing those present but clearly, based on the insight of his memory, old habits did not seem to betray him even now since Lykos remained the more quieter of the bunch initially. Luckily, Hilana always knew the best ways to break the ice between individuals.

The accompaniment of food and spirits also encouraged the light-hearted mingling between individuals, as Lykos observed well enough to learn what he needed from Astraea. While he would've enjoyed prolonging his time with such company, he did have an obligation to their security in the end, and thus resigned to seek out the medicus in question that would aid his endeavors. Much of what he intended to do, to accomplish, required more than just proactive installment of wards with his aether. Protecting those who would be present required him to consider their own auras, and how any afflictions they may come across influence them in the process.

Typically this approach was easier to handle with a hands-on approach, much to his chagrin, but Lykos wasn't going to subject them all to such risky experimentation if he could help it. Regardless of what he could spend his time researching throughout the night, the aid of the medicus proved even more superficial when he could replicate even mere symptoms of the most common afflictions. It didn't provide that same edge he had hoped for as it would in the field, however, it granted Lykos just enough insight to prepare both his mind and spirit for the morning to come. As he'd spent that night in a deep meditative trance, he found that sleep sheepishly danced on the fringes of his thoughts before long.

Morning soon came quicker than he anticipated, and with it plenty of time to lay out and instill the foundations of his primary ward. Come the next meeting with those he'd accompany, Lykos would exude a rather serene and calm aura from the time spent in his contemplation.

word count: 801
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A morning meal was served in the same chamber as the prior day’s luncheon and a simple briefing was presented. The bulk of the subject matter was a rehashing of yesterday’s decisions, but there were a few updates based upon the preparations made in the interim. When an hour had passed, Phocion instructed the senior sentinel Traverser present, Sentinel Finn, to open a portal to the predesignated point along the border that had been addressed with him the prior day.

Phocion shut his eyes to focus his senses and energies more fully upon his Æther Sense, as he summoned forth and shaped the æther around him. A barely perceptible blue glimmer phenomenon warped the air around him and began to grow as he stitched more and more together until it was encompassing the whole of their party.


With this, Sentinel Phocion gestured for Seværys to lead the way, following into step behind him as he made his way across the mitigated distance. As the others followed, they might be struck by the stark distinction between Atraxia and its neighboring woodlands. The sands ended abruptly and, while the winds on their side of the divide were bitterly dry, it was actually raining just on the other side of where the sand ended. One could reach their hand into the Commonwealth and feel droplets of rain that seemed abjured from their side of the border.

The slight shimmer of Phocion’s Kinetic shield could be seen warping the edges of the vista before them as Seværys stepped forth. Seværys raised his voice to call into the canopy of woodlands:

“Dragons of the Commonwealth! On behalf of the Dual Realms of the Sacred Solunarian Empire, we seek leave to enter the Commonwealth in the interest of peace and parley!”

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For a long while, there was no response to Seværys's call into the rains. The rains continued to fall, and those in tune with spirits and elements would be able to sense minor elementals therein, playing and mingling and singing now that the seasons were back and intact. A particularly chubby rain cloud elemental floated down before Seværys, bobbing around and looking at him. A small opening formed in between the cheeks of this elemental and a sound came out that Finn would know, from his time in the north lands, was one called a 'raspberry'.

A grumbling followed and the entire party from the desert could feel the vibrations in the ground as something shifted.

The little elemental turned, huffed, and zipped back off, disappearing into the rains. Meanwhile, through the obscure shadow of the rains, trees could be seen moving, waving, shaking. Earthen elementals grumbled, change was happening, at far too quick a pace for their liking. Soon, the shadows of the trees rose high, coming closer toward Seværys, and the vibrations in the ground grew strong enough to upset the footing of anyone unsure.

Then the clouds shifted just enough, and a bit of light shown through, as a draconic mewing filled the air. Many meters before the party was a pale green dragon was shifting about, its neck extending high above the party. The trees that had moved appeared to be part of the dragon, set upon its back like spines. The great being managed to get all four of its feet beneath it, then shifted forward, arching its back, a motion known by any and all who had ever owned a cat and watched it stretch.

A deep emerald eye slid open, staring down at Seværys.

A grumble uttered forth, one that spoke directly into the bones of all that could hear it. "These lands, these skies, these waters are open to any and all that come with peace."

Lightning cracked overhead.

"Pardon Chorky's behavior. They seem to want to meet someone with you, but doesn't seem to know whom or why."

The dragon lowered itself down into a more prone position, a looking directly at Seværys now. "What has caused such a delegation to be sent from the sands? Do you require aid?" The dragon raised its head now, bringing it closer to Seværys, only a few meters away. It was large enough that it could swallow the elf whole and still be wanting for a proper meal. "I am known in these lands, these skies, these waters as Kapok Sundersalve. As a dragon, I sit upon the Senate of the Commonwealth and may parlay in my capacity as such. You may enter as you wish and we may treatise what you wish."

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The Vastian sisters were ready to go the next morning, Hilana bright and early. Before they set out, vials containing a reddish-orange or pale violet liquids were handed out to those who were going. The shimmering concoction was a boost for energy and the immune system, and the violet one was a general restorative, so between the two, it would hopefully help bring up their constitutions and prepare them if something came to it. Beyond that, if something happened, then they would treat the symptoms when they happened. Still, rucksacks on her back and her and satchel on her hip, she was ready to proceed through the portal with the others.

Coming this close to the edge of the Kingdom wasn't unfamiliar territory for the younger sister, though Lia was far more cautious and concerned. They'd made their forays delivering stray creatures found in the Expanse, but it did make her nervous all the same. When they approached the border, Hilana could sense the spirits and elements around them, and she had to remind herself to stay in step with the party. It wouldn't do for her to call out to them and greet them yet, as much as she might want to. And yet, when the little cloud gusted over and made a, well, production of itself, Hilana waved to it, more than slightly amused by its shenanigans. She bit her bottom lip, keeping herself quiet. The spirits across the border were happy, at least, so that was a marked improvement.

The rumbling of the earth told them that something massive was coming, and out of habit, Hilana and Lia shifted their stances and braced themselves. The earth wouldn't knock them over, they knew that, but it didn't hurt to prepare themselves anyway. And when the enormous, tree-covered dragon emerged, Hilana bowed low, sweeping her skirts out before straightening. Lia also curtsied. This dragon may have belonged to those allied with Raxen, but it didn't hurt to be polite and respectful, considering just how dangerous a dragon could be, especially when stirred to ire. Though she wouldn't deny that the stretch was decidedly feline behaviour, and that made her smile ever so slightly. She was content to be quiet, for now, until the opportunity came to over the dragon one of her gifts, and listen to Prince Sevaerys. He, like Phocion, had been trained for things like this since they were knee-high to a grasshopper.

At the little crackle of lightning overhead, that drew her attention from Kapok, and she waved to the cloud from whence the lightning had come. Her instinct was to soothe and reassure, threading her aether through her Rune of Elementalism on her palm, and sending out a little gust of air towards it. It wasn't much, just a gentle swirl like a ribbon twirling on a stick in the breeze, but perhaps it might calm it down so that the discussion could proceed.

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Astræa woke up feeling more centered. She did spend half of the night tossing and turning with nerves, but when she did fall asleep, it was deep and dreamless. She listened earnestly as the plans were recounted over breakfast. By the time the air flickered with blue light, Astræa could barely keep still as the tension inside her body kept building up. With a deep breath, the young deiori stepped through the portal.

The priestess had only heard stories about the forests and orcs and dragons. The ones she’d been told since childhood echoed in her mind—tales of dark, twisted trees, hidden creatures lurking in the shadows, and the barbarian orcs that would tear you to pieces. What she saw before her… it was not quite what she had imagined.

Astræa paused, her breath caught in her throat, and took in the scene before her. Tall, ancient trees stretched skyward, their branches forming a protective canopy that filtered the rain into a gentle mist. The raindrops, catching the occasional shaft of light breaking through the clouds, sparkled like diamonds. Everything was so green and alive. Even the elements felt stronger.

Without even thinking, the young woman glided forward, trying to get a closer look as Prince Seværys announced their presence into the expanse of green. If it wasn’t for the shimmering shield, the starborn would have extended her hand to feel the rain. She had created her own rain in every dance she performed in Aqua Vitæ, but Astræa couldn’t even recall the last time she had encountered a natural one.

Astræa had never seen an elemental before, but something inside her core recognized the rain cloud for what it was as it dipped lower and closer to their group. It felt familiar and new all at the same time.

When the earth started rumbling, Astræa finally snapped out of her wonderment. The sand moved to grasp the soles of her feet, so she didn’t stumble and fall as she took a few steps back from the divide between the two realms.

It was one extraordinary thing after another. The trees rose up from the ground, and a dragon soon towered over them, looking down with surprising benevolence. Astræa always thought that if she ever saw a dragon so closely, it would be to bow before the platinum dragons that resided in the volcano. Instead, here she was standing beneath a green dragon from a foreign land. The creature was as beautiful as it was terrifying.

Kapok Sundersalve. The dragon offered his welcome, and Astræa felt her heart racing. This was truly happening. She was about to enter a world she had never seen before.
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Be useful, Zalkyriax had bade him even before he had married the dragon prince. That was part of why he had pursued an actual career with the Viligia when the need for ruse had passed. And while some of the upper crust considered Traversion the domain of servants, well, it pleased him to connect the fortress to the border and hold the portal open for princes, gods, and others.

Vigil Finn was not the vanguard, but rather the rear guard. Once he separated here from there, he took up his post beside Vigil Phocion.

Behind his veil, he wondered at the veil of falling water, the visible elementals cavorting beyond the border. From behind his veil, he felt a sense of objectivity. It was almost always there, when he was Vigil instead of Finn. He was able to separate himself from the world around him to some extent.

Safe behind Phocion's protections, they waited for a response to Seværys' call.

Thankfully, Hilana did not chase the cloud-like creature and cause an international incident. That would have been bad.

Thankfully, Lykos' presence didn't change the rain to snow. That might have upset the powers that be in Ecith.

When the forest became a dragon, he blinked. That wasn't something one saw everyday, even with the Custodes Deorum.

With Kapok Sundersalve's invitation, the ball was in Seværys' court. Finn wondered whether he might learn anything more of the draconic language while observing a dragon at diplomacy, though he hadn't pressed for lessons lest he upset his father-in-law. He just wanted to be able to pillow talk his pillow princess properly.

But thoughts of home receded before the immediacy of the present situation.
word count: 290
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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