Bazyl d'Aerendyl

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Bazyl d'Aerendyl

Full Name: Bazyl d'Aerendyl
Race: Siltori
Sex: Male
Age: 165
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lb

Birthdate: Ash 90, Year 359 Age of Sundering
Birthplace: Auris

Profession: Lesser Noble - Koiteki
Housing: Aboard the Aetheria
Partners: Multiple

Titles: Lord
Factions: House Aerendyl

Fluencies: Silandris & Common
Conversationals: Ecitharese

Bazyl d'Aerendyl possesses a striking and distinctive appearance, shaped by his experiences and heritage. His hair is a stark white, a vivid contrast against his pale ashen skin. Covering much of Bazyl's body are ritualistic tattoos, each marking a significant event or transformation in his life.

Bazyl's personality is a testament to the harsh upbringing and relentless battles he faced from a young age. Growing up on the front lines during the Age of Sundering, he witnessed firsthand the horrors of the Dread Mists and the constant struggle for survival. Bazyl's resilience is one of his defining traits; he has faced innumerable hardships and emerged stronger each time. Beyond his resilience, Bazyl's resourcefulness sets him apart. Having grown up in an environment where survival depended on quick thinking and adaptability, he learned to make the most of whatever resources were available. As a strategic thinker, Bazyl approaches challenges with a tactical mindset, always considering multiple angles and potential outcomes.

Bazyl's determination is unwavering. Whether hunting down remnants of the Cult of Mending or strengthening his family's position, he pursues his goals with relentless focus. Despite his hardened exterior, Bazyl is deeply protective of those he cares about. His loyalty to his family and close allies is profound, and he will go to great lengths to ensure their safety.

Haunted by the memories of the battles he fought and the friends he lost Bazyl have a certain bias toward the undead and those dabbling in the art of undeath and blood magic. He would never trust those practicing the art of undeath. If he had concrete proof that someone is a member of the Cult of Mending, he wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate them even at a crowded place in broad daylight.

Bazyl d'Aerendyl was born in the secluded and resolute settlement of Novorym during the Age of Sundering. An epoch marked by catastrophic upheaval, brought about by Kaitos Diraegon’s reckless actions, which blackened the sands of Auris and filled the skies with the menacing Dread Mists that obliterated entire cities.

Novorym, known for its isolationist tendencies, bore the brunt of the Mist’s devastation. The settlement’s inhabitants, including Bazyl and his family, were forced to hunker down and rely on their resilience to survive. From an early age, Bazyl was immersed in a world where vigilance and combat skills were paramount. The elders of Novorym ensured that every child, Bazyl included, was trained in the art of warfare as soon as they could lift a weapon. Bazyl’s weapon of choice was throwing axes, which offered both power and the safety of long-range engagement.

When the Order of the Dawnmartyr arrived in Auris, bringing with them hope and strength, Bazyl saw an opportunity. He sought to learn from them. He and his friends often tagged along with the Dawnmartyrs, gaining valuable combat experience and absorbing whatever knowledge the Order was willing to share or exchange.

At 34 years old, Bazyl d'Aerendyl faced a new and unprecedented horror: the Graveplague. The Cult of Mending had achieved the unthinkable, raising armies of the dead to march at their command. The Graveplague, a terrifying manifestation of necromancy, infected the dead, reanimating them as mindless thralls of the Cult. This nightmare spread rapidly, overwhelming entire regions, including the Clockwork Imperial cities that still clung to remnants of their former glory.

Novorym, located near the border of what would be known now as Clockwork Wastes, was not spared. The settlement, which had long stood resilient against the Dread Mists, now faced a relentless onslaught of the undead. Bazyl and his fellow Siltori fought valiantly, but the sheer numbers and ferocity of the undead proved overwhelming. Many of Bazyl’s family members and friends perished in the relentless waves of attacks.

During one particularly fierce skirmish, Bazyl and his comrades found their path of escape back to Novorym blocked by the undead and the Cult of Mending’s forces. With no way to return home, they decided to head south, seeking refuge in the capital city of Auris. The journey was perilous, filled with constant battles against the undead. They moved swiftly and cautiously, avoiding large concentrations of the undead and fending off smaller groups that crossed their path.

In the aftermath of the Graveplague, determined to hunt down remnants of the Cult of Mending, Bazyl and his fellow survivors journeyed west to Ecith, the last known location of the Order of the Dawnmartyr. As they traveled, they kept vigilant for any news of Cult sightings, systematically tracking and eliminating any members they encountered.

After crossing the sea to Ecith, Bazyl and his band arrived in Ailos, where they immersed themselves in studying everything they could about the Cult of Mending. Their focus soon shifted as the Imperium attacked Ailos. Bazyl and his comrades found themselves joining forces with the Orkhans, engaging in guerrilla skirmishes against the Imperium. However, these efforts proved largely insignificant in the face of the overwhelming enemy. When Ailos fell, Bazyl followed the Orkhans further inland, continuing to launch hit-and-run attacks. After Kythera fell, Bazyl escaped once more and joined the naval resistance with the Echitian navy and the pirates of Zythura.

Returning to the continent of Ailizane with the pirates, Bazyl chose not to return to his ancestral homeland of Auris. Instead, he settled in Kalzasi, using the city as his home base. He focused on strengthening his resources and forces, vowing to root out the Cult of Mending and prevent another catastrophe like the Black March.

The rise of the Shadow of the Eclipse in Ash of Steel 122 brought with it whispers of the Rune of Nyx, a dark power rumored to be tied to the Great God Shaeoth. During this tumultuous time, Bazyl encountered someone he never expected to see again: his best friend, whom he had believed to be killed during the siege of Ailos. The reunion was bittersweet, filled with memories of battles fought and comrades lost. His friend, now a Nyxborn, shared with Bazyl the power of the Rune of Nyx, claiming it could be the weapon they needed to stand toe to toe with the Cult of Mending's Vitalis mages.

Intrigued and desperate to gain an edge against their enemies, Bazyl agreed to undergo the initiation process. The ritual required complete and total darkness, a setting that invoked both fear and anticipation. As the Rune of Nyx was inscribed onto his flesh, Bazyl felt the darkness of the Void begin to spread through his body. His veins turned black, his skin grew cold, and darkness filled his eyes. He was plunged into a spiritual journey across a realm of darkness and discarded things.

In this broken realm, Bazyl faced a dark reflection of himself, a manifestation of his inner fears and doubts. He was tested in ways that pushed him to the brink, forced to confront the deepest parts of his soul. The journey was perilous, filled with shadowy entities seeking to tear him apart. Despite the overwhelming desperation, Bazyl's unwavering resolve and determination saw him through. He found hope within the darkness, mastering it and emerging as a Warlock.

As the decedents of Nefim, Bazyl possess a powerful presence, an indescribable aura which presses down on those around them unless consciously restrained. This ability is tied to his intimidation skill.
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SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Nyx 25/100 Apprentice
Intimidation 25/100 Apprentice
Ranged: Thrown 25/100 Apprentice
Leadership 25/100 Apprentice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+1000 100
Nyx+0-25 75
Intimidation+0-25 50
Ranged: Thrown+0-25 25
Leadership+0-25 0
Approval Reward (Mirage)+150 15
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Noble Starting Package
Items Here:

1 Set of Fine Clothing
1 Signet Ring

A room aboard the Aetheria

1. Starting Gold, +150 gp. 150 gp Total.
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Alicia d’Bazyl

Race: Mixed Race (Human/Siltori)
Birthdate: Ash 19, Year 103 Age of Steel
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 99 lbs

Relation to PC: Daughter
NPC Type: Companion NPC
Influence: 6

Alicia d'Bazyl stands at about 5’5”, her petite frame often lending an air of innocence that belies her true nature. She has striking white hair, a family trait, that falls gracefully around her shoulders, contrasting sharply with her pale ashen skin. Her brown-colored eyes, deep and contemplative, often carry a deceptive look of innocence. Her appearance is both alluring and misleading, masking the cunning and sharp mind that lies beneath.

Alicia is the daughter of Bazyl d'Aerendyl. From a young age, she exhibited a natural talent for magic. She was initiated by her late mother into semblance magic and later on initiated into negation magic by her aunt Kenia. Her mother's family were explorers, researchers, and mages, instilling in Alicia a deep curiosity and a relentless drive to understand the arcane.

Alicia spent much of her childhood under the watchful eye of her father, Bazyl. As she grew older, she became increasingly aware of the darkness that he harbored as a Nyxborn. Determined to help him, she dedicated herself to mastering negation and semblance magic, hoping to keep her father from being further consumed by the Void.

Her academic pursuits often led her to heated debates with her uncle Rhys, who championed the integration of arcana and science. Alicia, however, firmly believed in the purity of arcane knowledge and was skeptical of technological enhancements. These debates, though contentious, fueled her passion for research and deepened her understanding of the arcane.

Alicia is cunning and deceptive, her seemingly innocent appearance often lulling others into underestimating her. In battle, she prefers to play a supportive role, using her magical abilities to aid her allies and disrupt her enemies.

Outside of battle, Alicia is a dedicated researcher, constantly seeking to expand her knowledge of the arcane. Her curiosity is boundless, and she is driven by a desire to uncover the secrets of magic and its potential to protect and empower her family. Despite her often contentious relationship with her uncle Rhys, she respects his expertise and is always eager to engage in intellectual debates.

Alicia's loyalty to her family is unwavering. She keeps a close watch on her father, Bazyl, always ready to intervene should the darkness within him threaten to take over. Her dual motivations of protecting her family and mastering the arcane.

Semblance (50/100), Journeyman
Negation (30/100), Apprentice
Research (50/100), Journeyman
Linguistics (45/100), Apprentice
Magical Theory (50/100), Journeyman
Persuasion (25/100), Apprentice


1. Starting gold, +450 gp. 450 Total
word count: 495
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