Defensor Princeps

Wherein Finn asks for Talon's boon to protect his amatus.

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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Arx Rubrum Petram
68th of Ash, Year 123 of Steel

The events of the Mascerata Regia were what they were. The dust might have settled somewhat, but the repercussions would continue to rebound through the Atraxian empire. The stronghold of the Custodes Deorum might seem calm, an oasis in the desert, but there was an underlying tension. It was their job to prevent assassination attempts, but the schism between the city and the undercity, between elven and draconic crowns, had everything out of order.

It was times like this that Finn most wanted to run away, to be the Farstrider that they called him - at first in jest, and now as a sort of honorific that included his mastery of traversing. Finn Viato in Vastian. But it was also in times like this that he wanted to buckle down, to help, to make matters better. After all, his fiancé was bound to this land. His family had recently moved into his Luxian villa at the invitation of no less than His Exalted Majesty himself, the platinum crownwyrm, Zalkyriax.

His nameless family could live better here, more secure from the dangers of the world than in their lakeside hamlet. His parents could retire, his sibling's family flourish with all the privileges of nieces and nephews of a magnatus, and his brother could, hopefully, find some direction of his own.

It had occurred to him that he might better protect his family, his friends, and his loved ones with the Rune of Negation. Phocion Princeps had offered it to him, but he remembered the abortive boon from his old friend. Liking neither to be indebted nor owed a debt, he had sent word through diplomatic channels that he requested an audience with the Kalzasern god-prince when next he spent a while in the Solunarian capital. Avaerys would brook no other divine marks upon His chosen, save perhaps that of His twin, but Finn could bear a magical, if not divine, mark from Talon Novalys. Perhaps even his runic initiations would be steeped in divine magic for all Finn knew. He certainly found Avaerys' grace bleeding into his song and his Mesmer.

Finn laughed quietly to himself, imagining a shield of holy dawnfire holding against voidborn threats or Orkhan invasion or whatever unknowable threats were lurking on the horizon. But he quieted himself as Talon was expected at any moment.

The courtyard was cooled by the breezes through the fountain and the dappling shade of the palms. It was a serene place if one could forget the turmoil brewing back in the city.
word count: 432
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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It was not, however, Talon Novalys, nor Dæmon the gladiator, nor the blighted Arcas, no any other version of the self-proclaimed Prince of Dragons who appeared in the courtyard. Rather it was a prince pledged to dragons, but born to elves- pale of face and eye, squinting slightly beneath the artificial sun.

"There's been no word from the embassy in Kalzasi..." Phocion announced when he was close enough to be audible above the breeze without raising his voice. "Other people's gods can be so fickle." He quipped, as he looked Finn over- eyes resting upon his face to scan for signs of disappointment at this news.

"Are you sure you wish to linger here in waning anticipation? If you're dead set on having the rune conferred by a higher being, you could always lodge a request with the royal family... You do have an in there and with your wedding approaching, one of your betrothed's aunts or uncles might deem it a fitting gift." He shrugged, "Or you can wait around here for the Lightbringer to alight on our Atraxian sands once more... if and when it pleaseth His Highness to do so. I will let you know when it starts to cut into hours you should be devoting to our order." With a slight skyward scowl, he turned on his heel and marched back toward the citadel proper- his black robes flowing behind him in the wind that rolled off the dunes.

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Faint disappointment did appear on his fair features. Finn didn't like to owe or be owed favors, and it had seemed a way to cash in on the boon Dæmon had offered in a manner that would also benefit the divine studies of their order. Alas, it was not meant to be. Perhaps Aværys had deflected the Kalzasern deity from approaching that day.

While he was getting better at reading Phocion—or perhaps what Phocion wanted him to read—there were still a number of times where he certainly couldn't, which might have made him second-guess his artist's perceptions. He didn't second-guess himself so much anymore, not since he had been crowned in a God's own glory.

He caught up with Phocion, though he waited a while before speaking.

"If you would not think it fickle of me," he replied with quiet surety, "I would rather you initiate and train me. If you could spare me the time and attention."

Finn had been patient, awaiting word from Dæmon. Perhaps it were better he was playing Talon Novalys, fulfilling his duty to his Great House. Surely, the Twins would rather keep him out of their realm if he were not under their thumb like Lykos. But once the course was decided, patience was less a virtue than a trial. He wanted that power, to be unassailable. The sooner he had it, the sooner he could master it, and he supposed he would have a better chance surviving long enough to get his hands around Thalya's throat, or his pact weapon between her ribs.

He kept his cooling vengeance out of his symphony. It were better cool than hot with passion. She was ancient and calculating; he couldn't catch up on her years, but he could be pragmatic and think things through.

If Phocion's mind proved fickle, too, perhaps he would seek out Vrædyn or another Luxian potentate for some initiation. The dragons would always support Arvælyn, he guessed, as he was one of theirs. The Luxians, on the other hand, had already proven false, or at least the head of their monarchy had. It were better to keep some of them closer.
word count: 376
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Phocion's gait was not leisurely as he made his way apace through the corridors of the citadel. When Finn caught up with him, he displayed no signs of being aware and it was only when the human spoke that he acknowledged him. That acknowledgement came in the form of Phocion pausing, holding his fingers to the bridge of his nose as he shut his eyes and letting out a heavy sigh.

"Very well, but... Not now. I can't just drop what I'm doing and execute a whole bloody runic initiation, I'll..." He huffed, "My secretary will be in touch about scheduling." He started to stalk away again, but then paused and turned back sharply.

"What have you done in the way of preparation? Have you read up on the Rune and the conferral process? Do you know by what means your Northern friend was going to go about it? I'm sorry- It just occurred to me that you didn't go through an actual classical training regimen, outside of whatever crash course we gave you to improve your spellcraft when you first got here." He looked Finn over. He was an apt pupil, to be sure... if he were someone else, Phocion would have directed him to enroll at the Academia for a more controlled and formalised education than what he himself was prepared to give, but Finn was quick and pleasant enough to be around that it wouldn't be as much of an imposition. In all likelihood, even if Talon had shown up to initiate him, Solunarium still would have been saddled with the training process. Bloody deific deadbeats.
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"Yes, of course, it wouldn't have to be now," he acceded quickly, not sure what had Phocion so on edge. His knee-jerk reaction was to help, though he knew that reaction sometimes made things worse. It would have been so much easier if he was allowed to run his rune and know things. Cithæra always seemed to know things and he never felt her dart into his mind. Phocion too to a lesser extent seemed to know more than he ought to.

"I have, of course, read what was available on the subject: initiation; psychological ramifications; early training regimens. I spent the morning in meditation to prepare."

His other runes had come differently. For Command and Traversion, he had been the secret pupil of Zef Mirlind. Reaving had been ill-advised, perhaps, coming without preparation. But he had since found mentors in people like Vespera, and all of his magical aptitudes had been honed by instructors in the Vigilia.

"Seeking help from Dæmon was, as you recall, meant to give the Assessors a chance to observe runic initiation from a demigod. But I could petition my empyreal master, or I could merely go through the normal channels. It was not my intent to cause you undue stress. And..." His tone changed, careful, "If there is anything I can do to lighten your burden, you have but to ask. Or command as the case may be."

Were it personal, ask; were it professional, command. Finn was still getting used to being different people to different people, depending on what he was wearing and where he was standing, but Phocion had grown up that way. Still, Finn worried about his soon-to-be royal in-laws. They pushed and pushed and pushed themselves, accomplishing great things, but often those who burned brightest also burned out early.
word count: 308
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Phocion nodded sharply, his shoulders relaxing slightly as Finn indicated he didn't expect him to drop what he was doing and execute a grueling rite of initiation.

"Good, good." He replied to the explanation of preparations undergone and, at what came after, he pursed his lips and knitted his brow.

"It is not-..." He sighed, shaking his head. "I am not a spontaneous person when I can avoid it. I do not mind doing this for you provided time to prepare, and I believe it will be to the benefit of the Order to empower you further. It is..." He paused, searching for the word. "Felicitous that we should empower one another, as do They who deigned to bless us with Their bequeathments.

"As for Arcas? There will be other opportunities to observe the higher powers at their work. 'Tis no great loss."
He started to turn away, but before he started walking said:

"I shall consult my diary about a date and time and you'll hear from my office anon. I bid you good morrow." And with that he continued in the direction he'd been heading.

True to his word, a missive found its way onto Finn's desk before the setting of the desert sun. A block of hours had been allotted halfway through the following Eikæus, prior to one of Finn's already-scheduled days off. Ever-efficient, Phocion would have Finn recover on his own time if he needed more than the evening.

Phocion would be waiting when Finn arrived. He was not in uniform, but in a set of black robes rounded at the waist by a belt of barbed silver chain. The cowl was down, so his pale skin was stark against the sea of black that draped him from the neck down.

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Finn arrived early, but not so early as to be rude. Phocion was particular, and rather than seeing it as a failing, Finn was trying to embrace it, to work with it. That was what family was supposed to do, at least insofar as he had been raised. He didn't know if Phocion would develop fraternal feelings for him once he was his brother-in-law, but it was Finn's hope that he would, even if he didn't quite understand the fraternal feelings in his gens.

His midnight blue tunic was slightly embellished with thread-of-gold embroidery, but he did try to eschew the overly ornate unless the situation called for it. Those were costumes for him, who had been born in the dirt and raised among simple villagers. When allowed into Phocion's presence, there was a moment where he had to admire him. Moonborn, indeed. It was an aesthete's appreciation and nothing more, but he didn't say anything lest he make the elf uncomfortable. Finn's own skin was only safe from the Atraxian sun (and Aværyn scepter) thanks to Hilana's sun shield ointments.

"Good even," he said simply. While his addresses were correct when there was an audience or when he was wearing his blacks, this was not such a time and place. He wondered if he would ever be able to reciprocate, if Phocion would ever need his help. Time would tell. His smile was understated, at least for Finn.

The princeps didn't seem inclined to chatter, so after answering a battery of questions to ensure he had prepared, they settled in to work. It needn't take long, and he would return to the Palatium Umbrarum afterward, most likely to sleep off whatever initial threshold sickness he might accrue. On the morrow, an Assessor was coming to check on him since the majority of the side effects were mental and emotional in nature. Finn was determined to be strong and to persevere so whatever recuperation he might need wouldn't impact anyone else.

Kneeling in a meditative pose, there was little actually required of Finn. Phocion did all the work. Perhaps if he was a sembler, Finn might have been able to track the process. He knew from his studies that Semblance would help him understand what he wanted to Negate on a more fundamental level. Truly, magic seemed to ask more questions than it answered. It was no wonder that people braved the danger for more when they came up against a soft limit that another Rune would bypass more easily.


Finn realized Phocion was talking to him, asking him a question. He found he didn't care—didn't care to answer, didn't care whether something was wrong. Ah, he thought to himself.

"Apathy. Apathetic. That is how I feel. It could be worse. Well, I thank you for your time and effort," he said, standing up. There was a wave of vertigo that nearly took him, but he stilled himself until it passed. "I suppose I should go sleep it off like a hangover, then. Thanks."
word count: 525
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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It would be impossible for Finn to have known what was ancient ritual and what was Phocion's personal touch, as the initiation was undergone. Finn's familiarity with Vallenor would help him to understand some of the liturgy that Phocion recited from memory, though much of the verbiage was old and obscure even for that ancient tongue. A few passages were spoken in a tongue Finn would not recognise, but could not help but focus upon as they were uttered and he would feel changed for having heard them... as if those were the words that locked the magic into his flesh as Phocion carved.

When all was said and done, Phocion would speak his first words of Vastian since Finn's arrival.

"What and how do you feel?" He inquired, with a softness that was common to his voice but a tenderness that was not common to his eyes. He even placed a gloved hand on Finn's shoulder and looked into his eyes, searching.

"If negating the effects would not be, by definition, counterproductive, I would do so." He stepped forth to put his arms around Finn and embrace him. Whether Finn understood that this was part of a Solunarian custom for sealing the conclusion of a contract or a ritual between two parties, Phocion did not know. If not, he was content to let Finn believe it was born of affection. And perhaps this omission was, in itself, Phocion's approximation of affection.

 ! Message from: Pharaoh

Experience: 15 XP may be used for Negation.

Injuries: Negation threshold sickness

Loot: The Cardinal Rune of Negation

Notes: The Rex Regnum is pleased with the empowerment of His acolyte.

word count: 305
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