"I do not know whether Master Jacun is aware that I am aware that he is a dragon. I would assume, given he is a dragon, that he is craftier than I. But I can ensure he anticipates your visit."
As for the crystal and its altar, "A boon in dark times, aye, but also a mystery in his home whose mysteries even his sembling eye hasn't quite managed to unravel yet."
And for the Re'hyæan poison, he wrinkled his nose. "It seems they were playing the odds. Reaching out to Kalzasi and to Zaichaer. I suppose they settled on Kalzasi as the winning side, though it was little more than a cold war before multiple tragedies befell Zaichaer." He shrugged off their suffering. It was not so much that he had no compassion, but rather he disliked the culture that aligned more with the Solunarians than did Kalzasi's.
As for the Atraxians and their atrocities, he could only regret the rise of the Clockwork Empire, which distracted the Hytori long enough for the infidels to turn the tables on their human masters and fully entrench themselves. Why the Court of Princes didn't move to destroy them, he didn't know. Perhaps that was why Prince Rhydian was so interested in a dragon. While Laurevere didn't know Jacun well, he doubted he would take any side against Solunarium. But that was above his pay grade, anyway. A Val'Kor prince might just have been sent to recruit dragons to the Hytori cause.
A Val'Kor prince would be a dueling challenge as well, but he did not invite the prince to spar. The longer he stayed, the greater the chance he would investigate Sivan. The Sol'Miaren line was diminished—Sivan's wastrel father had only begotten a child upon a Dratori diplomat—but it was the closest they had to a new Arsoren. If only Sivan would wed a proper Hytori...