Tobias Greenwood

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Tobias Greenwood
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:47 pm

Tobias Greenwood

Full Name: Tobias Greenwood
Race: Rathari
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Height: 8'2"
Weight: 400lbs

Birthdate: 8th of Ash, 106 AOS
Birthplace: The forests of Ecith

Profession: Bard
Housing: None
Partners: None

Titles: None
Factions: None

Fluencies: Common, Ecitharese
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

A warrior's frame, packed tightly into a lovingly sewn scarlet tunic and brown hempen pants. His onyx colored fur pairs well with his piercing blue eyes that seem to glow faintly even in the day. No scars or wounds can be seen across his lustrous coat, telling of his lack of experience in battle, though two runes that mark his magical prowess can be seen branded upon his right shoulder-blade. At his hip hangs a handcrafted sitar, its design giving tribute to the forest he once called home.

A rather sweet and naive sort, who tries to think the best of others and any situation he finds himself in until proven otherwise. His lack of social interactions has led him to be quite awkward around situations he things is abnormal, which due to his sheltered upbringing is practically everything. He is quite squeamish around violence, and docile around those who are excessively aggressive, which causes him to get into dangerous situations that he could have easily gotten out of.

When it comes to anyone he considers friends, he is staunchly loyal and willing to put aside his fears and worries to help them out if they are in need of it, even so far as to shed blood himself.


A tale as old as time. Two people crave for knowledge that is unobtainable to mortals, so they make a deal with someone that can give them what they want in exchange for something they must sacrifice later. Instead of their own souls, they bargained the untainted soul of their future child, ripened to adulthood with no signs of negative markings upon the soul’s form. Marlisax, the contracted Archdemon, thought slyly and added a means to put a collar around these two now powerful future parents.Noticing the latent Rathari blood coursing through their veins, he waited until the seed within the mother's belly had taken root and altered the fetus with a subtle demonic spell.
When Tobias was born, instead of a healthy Hytori that looked like them, a wolf cub was what greeted them on that fateful Ash night.No love was found in the parents’ eyes at the sight of their child, but they could not break the contract so casually. The family whisked themselves away to a secluded forest, where they made a home for themselves. The realization that their pride in being pure Hytori was a falsehood caused the strength of the household to wane, almost to the point of fracturing, and they could not help themselves from blaming their newborn son for their problems.

As the years passed by, Tobias’ pure nature broke the barrier between him and his parents, enough so that the parents hatched a plan to save their child from his fate they forced upon him. It was then that his parents decided to prepare the young Tobias for a future they may never get to see themselves. His father; who was fascinated with anatomy, put Toby through rigorous training that would make even warriors question if it was torture or not, while his mother imparted as much knowledge about the workings of the world and magic as possible. The young Tobias was becoming more of an outlet for his parent's newfound power than a pupil and child. The fervent study, the grueling exercises, and the simple life free from society created a gap in what a growing person should know, such as social skills. To his parents however, time was too short for such things.

When the dreaded day came, and Marlisax appeared to claim what was rightfully his, a trap was sprung upon the Archdemon. Using the very knowledge granted to them and their own lives, Tobias’ parents sacrificed themselves to create a magic formation, one which nearly killed Archdemon Marlisax, weakening him greatly and causing him to flee. With a whisper of an apology and final goodbyes, his birthday gift was being granted a life with no discernible expiration date . After burying the dead and looking back one last time at what was once his home, Tobias began his journey out into the wide world. Little did he know that someone was still hoping to claim what was owed to them, one way or another.
word count: 830
Tobias Greenwood
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:47 pm

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Mesmer 25/100 Apprentice
Masquerade 25/100 Apprentice
Instrumentals 15/100 Novice
Survival 10/100 Novice
Engineering 15/100 Novice
Singing 10/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+100100 0
None yet+00 0
word count: 44
Tobias Greenwood
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:47 pm


1. Starter Package
Items Here:
1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

2. Handcrafted Violin, made of Inkwood Tree wood and Melodiaspia fiber strings
3. Sheet Music Notebook
4. Woodcarving kit

Migrant variant:
1 Large Tent (4 people)
1 Large Tarp
50 ft. of hempen rope
1 lantern (complete with oil)
10 torches
1 Bedroll
1 Blanket
1 Horse
1 full set of tack
A set of large saddlebags

1. 100 Gold. 0 Silver. 0 Copper.
word count: 176
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