A Quest into the West

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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Title: Dabu
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Typical mornings were oft followed with restful nights in his prior life, but Lykos had only found that a faucet of his mortal coil prior to the awakening he'd experienced. While sparse throughout the night the moments of rest he found in his meditations proved enough, at least, when it came to managing both his focus and energy on the task that remained ahead of him for the day. And what's more, a hearty meal in the morning would only bolster that effort on his behalf, if only because food somehow remained an inborn passion even in his current lifestyle.

But that mealtime was spent reasserting a sense of control with his own aura, allowing it to gradually acclimate to the presence of those he ate with, so that come the moment of their journey he'd feel a sense of Resonance developing between them. Before too long, they were gathered to relocate where the portal would transport them, and Sentinel Phocion weaved his Kinetics into scope and created the first official barrier as planned. While the Lupine Draegir had every intention to weave his own aether into the foundation of it's makeup, he refrained from doing so until the kinetic barrier itself seemed woven to completion.

The Vigil was a master of his craft after all, and it would only benefit them to build upon it, rather than try and integrate his own magic into the aetherial makeup during the process. That time allowed Lykos to fully associate himself with his colleagues for the journey, of course, to the point where they were all synergized with his own aura once the time came to cross the portal. Stepping through it's threshold on the other hand venerated a mixture of intrigue within the wolf, as the arid smells he had remained accustomed to dramatically changed before they'd even crossed over.

Rainfall filled his ears as the skies were overcast on the other side, and stepping out onto the plateau that remained the last boundary between dominions, there came an entirely new sensation over Lykos that felt different compared to the desert. Humidity. The Atraxian Sands were hardly known to possess such a thing, and while the North often experienced rainfall, it was of the colder variety that brought with it fresh ozone from the nearby mountains. Here on the other hand...

Here it was just as hot but the heat smelled moist in comparison, an unusual sensation that tickled his nostrils for a moment, before the wolf wondered if there might've been something else that warranted a ghost of a sneeze. Oh well. That did not matter since his aura remained tampered down by his Negation and Semblance magic, the instilled ward still remaining charged from the natural aether he radiated off as a Draegir. When Seværys started his address to the Dragons of the Commonwealth, Lykos fixated his concentration on the members of their party before anything else. Admittedly, the mischievous display of an Elemental amused him a bit, however, the sensation of aether emanating from his pack member nearby stirred his mind into focus.

Hilana was greeting the world around her already, albeit in silence, ever eager to make friends with anything found within it. Such a spirit never failed to dampen Lykos' attitude, henceforth, his desire to focus on their protections before the gradual rise of tremors beneath their feet. Such a large creature was finally on the move now, and when it became apparent one of Aedrin's guardians had responded to the call, the vivid blue hues in Lykos' eyes shifted to silver with the activation of his Semblance rune. He did not wish to scry into the aura of the dragon itself, since that could been seen as offense after all, so rather keen on maintaining privacy he focused on expounding the groundwork of his Negation ward.

The rune itself flickered across the surface of his skin along the entirety of his left arm, as the aura of every individual he felt connected to became enshrouded, the very kinetic barrier that preserved them from the rain enhanced with his Negation rune. Common afflictions that would resemble sickness were no longer a threat to their health at this point, but even so, he had to remain watchful for any significant changes in all of those he connected to. Their well-being relied on him being able to identify even the subtlest of changes, but of course, his concentration remained unchallenged as the nature dragon drew closer to them in turn.

It felt strange. Not because of how resilient he remained to the tremors beneath his feet, for he still felt them even if his posture didn't show it, but due to the fact that standing in the presence of this dragon felt... familiar. It wasn't akin to knowing a dragon personally, for Lykos had identified that feeling already in sifting through Rickter's memories, somehow there just existed an unusual sense of kinship that lingered between himself and the dragon Kapok Sundersalve. Regardless, the Lupine Draegir remained silent and true to his role in part with this delegation.

word count: 876
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Seværys winced at the childlike gesture posed by the spirit, but held his ground, otherwise unmoved.As the dragon rose into view, Phocion lowered his eyes and descended to one knee, soon followed by his Sentinel comrades and, a moment thereafter, Seværys and his complement of Golden Guards. Though the Solunarians were subjects of a different dragonflight and here on their lofty business, their culture remained reverent to the grace and wisdom of those races which came before their own. The Green Dragons were no exception to this sensibility, despite their embattled relationship with the Platinum overlords of Solunarium.

After Kapok Sundersalve spoke, Seværys was the first to rise at the explicit invitation. He would gesture for the others to follow suit, before trudging across the border- blinking at the sudden humidity that assaulted his senses as he did so. Though the temperature was the same and Phocion's barrier shielded them from the rainfall, the moisture in the air permeated. Seværys was unaccustomed to such moisture in the air, as was true of most of the Solunarians present. Phocion, for his part, displayed no discernible reaction upon his features. He did, however, send a pulse of kinetic energy from his person to dismiss many of the offending particles to the outside of the barrier he and Lykos had forged, to render the party's immediate environs more comfortable to its occupants.

"I am Seværys Princeps, and I represent the Royal Crown of the Solunarian Luxium. My counterpart, Sentinel Phocion, represents the Draconic Crown of the Umbrium... If you would know more of us, you need only ask, but in the interest of expediency, we shall proceed to the point of our visit. It has been marked that those of your mighty ilk have been congregating along our borders during the course of the Eclipse and beyond... This has roused questions and, I will confess, concern amongst our people... particularly given the circumstances of the plague that has been reported to have been afflicting the dragons of the Commonwealth. May we be so bold as to inquire after the intentions behind this gathering at the edge of Atraxia?"
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The small breeze sent over by Hilana was received within the storm cloud. The antsy little elemental grasped onto it, pulling the breeze after it, going to settle on a lump of cloud to play with it. And, as was the desire, the elemental calmed down and did not continue to cause disturbances.

Kapok listened as Seværys spoke, his gaze intense and focused upon the sentinel. When the delegate finished his opening piece, Kapok leaned back onto his haunches, his torso and neck raising up high, his front claws propping him. His head was weaving a bit, thinking long before speaking again.

"It is true that mortals are oft concerned with disease."

He turned his head looking westward, his claws digging into the soft loam as his weight shifted. The earth elementals there did not complain or begrudge, they were more than happy to embrace and support their steward.

"Such afflictions are part of our world, no more a part of death as they are a part of life. Pestilence is not cruel, is not an enemy to be feared, even when it touches the lives of those we revere most."

He turned his head to look back at the group, "However, this ailment that touches upon us dragonkind did not come from nature. It moves with intention, defying natural laws to spread pain and death."

A shift in the world could be felt among those attuned to any sort of magic or divine detections. Even those without such things would be able to feel something shifting in reality. The dragon began to shrink down, and the air, the water, the lands all moved to embrace and accompany him in his change to his mortal form. He wore the form of an ancient Orkhan man, his beard one of moss and lichen intertwined, his body entirely covered in tattoos and piercings.

"The reasons for our congregation is multifaceted. We initially came to this border yours have constructed to aid in the return of species fleeing the floods of the Felwinter. That is merely the duty of us stewards here in these lands, these airs, these waters."

He stepped forward, a few meters away from Seværys, arms open as he spoke, though his eyes were peering at the rest of the delegation. "We have also gathered those of our kind that have not been touched by this virulent. Isolation away from the disease, to protect dragonkind and keep this disease from jumping the border. This is our duty as citizens of the Commonwealth."

He paused, a hand stroking through his beard. "However, we are also here at my own direction so as to encourage this meeting to come to fruition. In both my standing as a Senator and as a member of Aedrin's stewards over these lands, these airs, these waters, I have this which I ask. Will Solunarium answer a call for help from one of such historical folly as the Commonwealth? These lands, these airs, these waters, these peoples, these creatures, these plants, these spirits," he paused for a moment, "These dragons and these gods are all suffering. I lead the recovery of the land following the Sundering, my directive is one of healing these lands, these airs, these waters. However, in the wake of the Felwinter, with the mortal stewards of this land scarred and depleted from their mortal wars, as disease cuts down the numbers who serve Aedrin, these lands, these airs, these waters, and all that depend upon them are nearing a precipice from which they will not return."

He looked up to the clouds overhead, "These lands, these airs, these waters will always recover, but it is all that live within them that will be sacrificed in doing so."

He looked toward Sevaerys, "I, Kapok Sundersalve, of Aedrin's first flight, of the Senate of the Commonwealth, of these lands, these airs, these waters," dropped down to one knee, head slightly bowed, "Ask all the peoples of Solunarium to come to our aid."
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With the little storm elemental spirit otherwise occupied with its new toy, Hilana's attention had returned to Prince Sevaerys and Kapok. Into the Commonwealth it was, then, and this was not Hilana's first jaunt across the border. An earlier trip had taken her and Finn and a now-departed friend into Ecith to find something important, and she had approached it numerous times with errant wild creatures that she had found where they shouldn't be in the Atraxian Expanse. Still, the humidity smacked against them almost like a wet blanket, and she took a deep breath. She could manage easily, Athalia disliked it at once and was glad her sister's hair was all securely braided; otherwise the humidity would have turned her long hair into a giant ball of frizzy, poofy curls... and she would have looked more outlandish and ridiculous than she had yet.

Still, the Vastiana sisters worked in tandem within the kinetic space that the group occupied to help Sentinel Phocion alleviate the extra moisture in the air, gently guiding it beyond the barrier where it could be better used by the flora and fauna of the region. With the oppressive humidity taken care of, it would be far more comfortable for everyone else. While they did that, they listened to the great dragon as he spoke. Hilana was glad to hear that the dragons that had gathered here had thus far avoided the sicknesses, and she could only hope that some of the green dragons she had come across when returning wildlife were around here, too. She was all ears, though, as he mentioned that it was not a natural disease. That meant a challenge for the mages, but if someone could manage that... well, between the semblers and alchemists and negators...

When the great green dragon took a knee before them, Hilana's eyes could have popped out of her head. Whatever she was expecting, that was not it. She looked to the Re'hyaean princes amongst the group - this would be their call, and she suspected they might well reach back home first before giving an answer. Now she wondered how this might come into play, or change things... not only for Ecith, but for her homeland. She had learned to tolerate the Karnorian orcani, which still took a great deal. It was a sad fact of life that they were everywhere, and she just had to hurry on by when going to visit Lykos at his familial home in Kalzasi.

The brutes of Ecith? That was something else entirely. The monsters that had hunted her people so long ago, chasing them out of their homeland and into the sands where they eventually dropped the pursuit... she and Athalia shared a glance, and Lia's was pointed. Hilana got the message, and just brought her fingers up to stroke Tiaz's head where the sturdy python remained around her shoulders. It was not for the likes of them to make such decisions; but she would assist to the utmost of her ability if they were made.

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Finn was untroubled to bow to the senatorial dragon. He had been taught the lesson of paramountcy of the Pyramid most deliciously by the Rex Regum Himself. But he banished such intrusive thoughts and settled in to observe. Should the dragon ignore the rules of parley, he would vault himself between draconic danger and the princes here present. He was still unsure where he stood upon the Pyramid of Solunarium, but while wearing the veil, he would act the Sentinel for certes.

The transformation of the dragon tingled across his brow where Aværys' mark lay hidden for the nonce. Blue eyes narrowed, curious. Perhaps this Kapok Sundersalve was more than he appeared. Even the crownwyrm's transformations didn't have that effect upon him.

The repetition in his speech was almost lulling, reminding Finn of a classical ostinato. Whether that was a holdover from how Kapok spoke in his mother tongue or mere affectation, he didn't know. Again, it was not something he had observed from Arvælyn's kin.

When he bowed, though, an Ecithian dragon bowing to an envoy from Solunarium, he felt his crown tighten. A part of Aværys was always there, though faint enough to go unnoticed unless he meditated or prayed. Sometimes, however, his God's divine presence was apparent. There was a thrill of something like ecstasy at being indwelt by his divine patron, though rather than distracting him, it focused him.

He reached out subtly with his Mesmer and, he thought, his divine grace, to curl into Phocion's symphony, to connect with his complementary grace. This moment was a fulcrum. Power could shift substantially.

Whatever the God's intention, his presence felt like a caress, as though he were pleased that his empyreal lord recognized opportunity, as though he were giving him tacit approval to chase it. He only shared this divine attention with Phocion; they had worked in tandem well when their twinned deities required it of them.
word count: 330
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Once they stepped into the forest, Astræa sauntered closer to Prince Seværys and the prævantores. It seemed like the most reasonable decision. This Kapok Sundersalve might seemingly not have ill intent toward them, but she was still in foreign lands, and it was better to be at arm’s length with the people who would most likely protect her if anything went wrong. For a brief second, Astræa wondered what her mother and brother would think if she got herself into trouble in Ecith. Would they even care? She couldn’t answer that with certainty.

These lands, these airs, these waters… Astræa could not help but notice how the dragon kept saying it in such a particular way, over and over again. It made her a bit curious about the lands, air, and waters. They still had a barrier surrounding them, which she could tell because the rain did not touch her—something she was a little disappointed about. She didn’t know if she could even reach her magic through it, so Astræa turned her attention downward instead. As she walked, she let her æther flow into the soil beneath her feet. There was nothing she was trying to manipulate; she just wanted to feel it, to understand its temperament, wondering if the earth would feel different from the one back home.

As if walking in a humid, tropical forest wasn’t wild enough, Kapok said something quite unbelievable. Even Astræa knew that a dragon from Ecith asking them for help was unheard of. Considering that they were here to find out what was going on, such a request would probably give them access to all they needed. It would also probably mean they would be more at risk of exposing themselves to whatever disease Ecith had spread in their lands.

The young woman instinctively turned to look at the golden-haired prince, wondering what he would say to such a request.
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And so the diplomatic talk begins. The lupine draegir quietly mused in thought as he observed the discussion soon unfolding before him, his attention rapt on the members of his current pack so that they might remain protected by his magic also. Admittedly the humidity still felt strongly to Lykos here, enough so much that he actually started to sweat a bit, while the moisture outside the kinetic barrier seemed to yearn and seek him out. A lack of foresight on his part given his former iteration had an innate nature, one that named water as his Arch element as his prowess with Elementalism further developed.

An unseen draft was felt within the air currents though as Lykos felt a tinge of aether, or perhaps, a shift of it as the world around them lightly shuddered in response to a stimulus. Kapok activated powers that allowed Eikaen's beautiful creatures to shift and alter their shape, and within the moments to follow, the green dragon towered before them donned the appearance of a mortal coil. An Orkhan of the earth itself, of fern and trees decorated with marks of wisdom and power all over his form. The wolf looked a tad impressed by the transformation, but moreover, gauged the auras of the group that stood before him.

Seværys Princeps and Sentinel Phocion were undoubtedly the enigmas of the party, as their auras remained well protected even to Lykos' own sembling eyes. Hilana, Athalia, and Finn were the more prevalent auras he observed, of course, having much familiarity with them already; only noticing the shift in their emotional states in response to Kapok's appearance. Astrea though prompted a moment of interested observation, as the subtle scent of aether laced from her into the ground beneath her feet. Not to prompt reaction or spur change within it, merely, to interact and even feel the presence with it in turn. An inquiry upon the soul no doubt.

All seemed well as it were, and so far, nothing harmful would likely come into contact with them for the moment. While the wards instilled in the barrier remained, the lupine draegir finally alleviated his own guard in the moment, and continued listening to what had been discussed. He speaks in ancient verses, not quite akin to the ages of old but somewhere within them. Lykos noted thoughtfully with his hand brought up to quietly stroke at his own beard. These afflictions he touched upon... if they're not natural as he said, then are they arcane in nature?

Were that true, then Lykos might've had more to offer here than He originally believed. Yet it was not His decision to make on the matter, rather, it fell upon Vigil Phocion and His fellow packmates to determine whether the wolf should offer to act.

word count: 485
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Seværys' eyes registered surprise at the unprecedented request posed by the dragon before them. The golden prince parted his lips to speak, but Vigil Phocion was already stepping forth and lifting eyes that now bore a hitherto imperceptible silvery glow. Those who were actively Sembling at the level of Master or higher would also note a chain-like mark that rounded one wrist was also aglow brimming with divine energy.

"We are humbled to hear this historic entreaty, Your Excellency..." Though the honorific was not practised in the Commonwealth, it was a typical show-of-respect for foreign Magnati in Solunarium. "I will admit that our intelligence has marked the gravity of the damage done to your realm, even as ours was spared the worst of it." He glanced over his shoulder to Finn, though the divine energy did not presently flow between them, there was something imperceptible connecting them... a common sense of purpose. Turning back to Kapok, he clasped his gloved hands together and took a deep, contemplative breath before speaking again.

"Though it may not be commonly understood of our people abroad of the Dual Realms, one of the main tenets of our Faith... of our entire culture is the mitigation of suffering. Though we may seem severe in our ways, this is because we wish to balm the multitudes in our charge and care against unnecessary anguish." He lowered his gaze, and grimaced mournfully.

"However, I cannot promise that our superiors would consent to freely offer aid to our foreign power with which we've so fraught an history... Even if they consented to lend you some resources, I do not know that this would be sufficient to thwart the grievous drain that now haunts your lands.." His eyes danced up to meet Kapok's, "Unless..." He paced a few steps closer to the draconic diplomat.

"There is one thing the Commonwealth can do that would promise the full and unreserved support of Solunarium." Seværys arched an eyebrow as Phocion continued,

"If you brought forth a proposal before the Ecithian Senate... If your ruling legislature consented to a binding resolution that swore fealty to the Zalkyrian Dynasty, Royal Family of the Umbrium and of the Platinum Dragonflight, and resigned yourselves to become a Client State beneath Solunarian dominion, you will find that this umbrella will defend your realm consummately, as it does ours, against the blights now afflicting you. Moreover..." Seværys' face reddened and he set his jaw,

"If you accept these terms and unite our rich, vast and powerful continent under the banners of one, peerless empire, we will commit vasty resources to see that the miseries suffered by your land are visited, instead, upon the heads of your ancient archenemy, which has transgressed withal against us. Submit to these terms, and I pledge that I will see that you retain the bulk of your sovereignty over your own subjects, abeit under the sympathetic eye of a Solunarian overseer who holds none of the grudges that many of our subjects bear against your people." Phocion parted his hands and held both palms out as a warm smile painted his moon-pale visage in warmer tones.

"Swear your allegiance to our dragons, accept our Gods into your pantheon, and submit to the authority of an Imperial Prætor. As a Client State of Solunarium in a United Ecithian Empire, it would be the bounden duty of our Crown to heal your lands, elevate the quality of life of our new subjects and thwart the enemies who seek your undoing. Will you bring this offer unto your senate?"
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 ! Message from: Pharaoh
XP: 18 (May be used for applicable magic)

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XP: 18 (May be used for applicable magic)

XP: 18 (May be used for applicable magic)

Injuries/Ailments: N/A

Loot: N/A

Notes: In the interest of moving things forward, I am closing this thread with the assumption that Phocion's proposal will be taken to the Ecithian Senate for debate. PCs may proceed with the understanding that this is being discussed but has yet to be decided upon. I'm giving a few points of bonus XP to PC participants for bearing with us.
word count: 112
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