Atinorin Fauna and Monster Submissions

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Here, players can submit fauna and other beasts for approval. Please use the template below in order to do so!

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1. For submitting Fauna, please refer to this Wiki article.
2. Please note that the "Uses" section refers to how the sentient races may utilize the beast in question, such as: what can be salvaged from the beast, how that salvage can be used (such as for equipment, artifacts and tools), and how they can sustain others (via food).
3. When fauna/beasts/monsters are approved here, they are moved to the Lore Bestiary.

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[style2=width: 650px;padding: 10px;margin: auto;background: rgba(3, 3, 10, 0.85);][b][center][size=180]FAUNA NAME HERE[/size][/center][size=120][/b]

[/googlefont][googlefont=Cinzel Decorative][color=#FFFFFF][u][b]Fast Facts[/b][/u][/color][/googlefont][googlefont=EB Garamond]
[b]Height: [/b]

[b]Weight: [/b]

[b]Length: [/b]

[b]Diet: [/b]

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[b]Tier: [/b]

[/googlefont][googlefont=Cinzel Decorative][color=#FFFFFF][u][b]Appearance and Biology[/b][/u][/color][/googlefont][googlefont=EB Garamond]

[/googlefont][googlefont=Cinzel Decorative][color=#FFFFFF][u][b]Habitat[/b][/u][/color][/googlefont][googlefont=EB Garamond]

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[/googlefont][googlefont=Cinzel Decorative][color=#FFFFFF][u][b]Life Cycle[/b][/u][/color][/googlefont][googlefont=EB Garamond]

[/googlefont][googlefont=Cinzel Decorative][color=#FFFFFF][u][b]Uses[/b][/u][/color][/googlefont][googlefont=EB Garamond]

[i]Created by NAMEHERE.[/i]



Fast Facts






Appearance and Biology
All things appearance, inner biology, adaptations, capabilities... the most general description

Where can it be found

Common behavior, behavior in presence of mortals

Life Cycle
Lifespan, reproductive habits, development from birth to adulthood/death

Possible application of materials or uses as a tamed animal

Created by NAMEHERE.
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Whispering Death

Fast Facts
Height: Unknown (1.5m)

Weight: Unknown (68 kg)

Length: Unknown (2.2m)

Diet: Unknown (Smaller animals, scavenges from larger carcasses from time to time.)

Rarity: Rare

Tier: 4

Appearance and Biology
The creature is difficult to document, as those that gaze upon it suffer sudden and intense migraines, as well as gradual distortion of their vision and hearing. This, if not interrupted, can lead to lasting damage that impairs one's vision and hearing to permanent blindness/deafness, brain damage, even death. Those that have seen it claim it appears to be some sort of deer, which later blurs and grows multiple sets of antlers, eyes, and terrible jaws. An unlucky few hunters have been discovered in the woods, facedown with streaks of blood and brain fluid running from their eyes, nostrils, and ears after encountering the whispering death, but this is exceptionally rare.

The woodlands of northern Atinaw, closer to the river.

Mostly docile, it's almost unheard of to be attacked by one of these creatures. Those that flee after sighting the beast are often left alone, but those that persist with their unwanted gaze meet grizzly, unfortunate ends.

Life Cycle
Largely unknown, but they typically live twelve to fourteen years. No carcasses have been found to confirm this, as most appear to be simple deer without their mind-scrambling abilities and it's difficult to differentiate between the two. Juveniles haven't been documented, as their mind-scrambling abilities are far stronger while they're newborn, and can fell a man in seconds.

Considered to be inconveniences and pests, naturally. The folly of the hunter, as it's exceptionally difficult to strike one such creature with a ranged weapon, and getting close to one amplifies the brain-scrambling effect, even if no eye contact is made.

The illusions generally duplicate and mirror the victim's vision, making it difficult to navigate their surroundings. The victim's ears will experience a distinct, sharp crackling noise as well as an almost deafening ring before they eventually burst and go fully deaf.

Created by Magna
word count: 488

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Champion Viper

Fast Facts
Height: 4 Inches - Head, 3 - Body

Weight: 2 Pounds (.9 Kg)

Length: 6 - 8 Feet

Diet: Carnivorous - Rodents, Birds, Goats, Sheep, and other small-medium sized animals.

Rarity: Uncommon

Tier: 2

Appearance and Biology
The Champion Viper is a long and slender snake. It is primarily grey, though occasionally scales may turn to a whiter hue, especially when exposed to a great deal of sunlight. This appears to be a purely cosmetic change for the viper, similar to the presence of tanning among humanoids, but can be indicative of a particularly aggressive and mobile specimen.

The viper possesses many common features of its kind, including the presence of heat-pits and scent glands which allow for better ease in stalking prey animals. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of the Champion Viper is the presence of a bloated venom sac located just under the chin of the creature, giving it a look not dissimilar to a frog mid-croak. This venom sac will occasionally deflate, especially after being emptied into a prey-animal, but otherwise holds an exceptionally large volume of venom. This means that it is very rare for the Champion Viper to run out of venom, and thus it is highly irregular for the creature to "dry-bite" - that is, to bite without an injection.

The venom of the Champion Viper is known to act quickly, typically requiring immediate treatment. The venom has a highly corrosive effect upon flesh, atrophying musculature which it makes contact with, and causing a nervous system overload which tends to overwhelm prey animals and force them to the ground. The mixture of physical weakening and the pain and sensitivity induced by the venom is enough to immobilize most beasts until the venom reaches a primary artery and causes a fatal heart attack. At it's fastest, this process can take only ten minutes, but low-venom injections have been known to kill as late as an hour after an untreated bite.

Treatment of Champion bites often involves substantial blood-letting, and has been known to occasionally involve sudden amputation, especially in remote areas.

The Champion Viper tends to make its home where there are rocky crags and outcroppings where it can sun itself and watch for the presence of prey animals. It is especially accustomed to moving atop of rocks to sun itself throughout the day, and then proceeding below a rock when night falls. It is present in various quantities in many places throughout the world, though it is unusual to find one outside of a mountainous region, or at the least, a particularly rocky landscape.

Possessed of surprising aggression, the Champion Viper is unlike many snakes in its pursuit of prey, and its fearlessness in the face of larger creatures. When defending itself, the snake will typically its upper body off of the ground, and present its bloated venom sac to an aggressor, making it clear that it will bite and kill most creatures which attempt to bother it.

It is not uncommon for Champion Vipers to bite multiple times when they assault a prey animal, or when they are defending themselves, oftentimes hastening the death of these creatures. Due to their lack of fear in regards to mortals, casualties caused by Champion Vipers are high among snakebite deaths.

Life Cycle
Champion Vipers live for roughly twenty years at their maximum, typically expiring due to territorial aggressions between themselves or else death from external sources before they have reached this age. Champion Vipers will pick mates during the Searing season, becoming notably more mobile than in any other season as they attempt to reproduce. Champions tend to prefer mates with larger and more bloated venom sacs than mates with deflated sacs but have been known to choose these lesser specimen when there are no alternatives.

Maturing at about six-months, the Champion Viper grows alongside its brethren with surprising cooperation until they have matured. During these formative months, they tend to band together as a group, acting as a small band in their activities, including in scaring rival groups of Champions, or warding away predator animals. While venom-development is often low at this stage in life, it is present from birth onwards, and the threat of bites from multiple sources can be successful in preventing predation.

The Champion earns its name at maturation when members of the group will turn on one another in a violent and almost ceremonial contest of strength. Typically, there are only one or two survivors of these bloodfests with the remains of any others being consumed by the winners.

Champion Vipers are not kept as pets except by the most extravagant persons whose lack of fear is often matched by the viper's lack of loyalty to them. While Champion Vipers may be consumed like other snakes, the risk involved in their predation often outweighs the benefits of the meager meals provided by them. Occasionally, groups throughout history who settle in mountainous areas have utilized the venom of freshly-killed Champion Vipers to assist in slaying other beasts, often dipping their blades or missiles in the potent venom.

Created by Althalos.

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Grønne {Green Ones}

Fast Facts
- The average male height of 5" 8

- Despite their size, they are very light, weighing around 100lbs to 110lbs

- The average width of a mortal human

- These creatures draw nutrients from the digesting victims they strangle to death

- Pretty common, especially around farmlands and heavily wooded areas

Appearance and Biology
  • The Grønne is humanoid in shape, somewhat similar to the average man, but are covered in wooden protrusions across their face and lower body, with long arms that reach down as far as the ground and extremely long root-like tendrils that protrude and extend from their backs. Though they appear humanoid in appearance, these beings are more akin to trees as they have rings that can tell their age as trees do when cut open.

    These monsters also carry around what many believe to be a lantern, but in reality, is a jar of their blood. When shaken for several moments it releases a blinding light they use to incapacitate and blind prey and then extending the roots protruding from their backs to ensure and pull prey in. If caught and strangled into the cavity on their backs, one's final moments will be spent staring at the vat of their acidic blood that they use to dissolve and digest prey.

  • Mostly found in the dense Atinaw forests, the Grønne are known to form "hives" so to speak, using large old trees as the base for their nests. The area around these nests tend to be unnaturally overrun with vegetation, this acting as a den of sorts for them.

  • They tend to be highly observant creatures, records recanting the ominous stare of several of these beings amidst the treeline or edge of a forest by farmers and travelers alike. While observant in nature the Grønne show signs of violence to anything and anyone who crosses into their territory, flying into a rage akin to bees when their nest is disturbed. These monsters are albeit organized when hunting prey or defending their nests as they exhibit guerrilla tactics of a "blind & strangle" variety. Some would attribute them to having a "Unified Consciousness" showing a level of coordinated and complex behavior as if under mind control. Some scholars believe that this hints to there being a greater being involved with the Gronne, but nothing is confirmed.

Life Cycle
  • There are no records of how the Gronne come into this world, some speculating that these are vicious spirits from the plane of wood. However, from rare accounts, it is determined that these creatures live up to 50 years if not slain. That being said the Gronne are akin to trees as the only way to determine their age is by counting the rings of their corpse. These monsters exhibit a life cycle like trees do, as they are young and spry from the time they are spawned up till 20 or so years.

    Once at this point in their life around the 20 to 40-year mark, they'll be within their "prime" so to speak, making them dangerous opponents to face. Once they reach the final 10-year span, the Gronne will begin to show signs of aging or in this case a form of tree rot. Once the tree rot has consumed them they expire.

  1. Paralytic Poison: The acidic blood, when processed through alchemy can produce a paralytic toxin used to ravage one's nervous system, causing the afflicted to experience spasms as their muscles and body lock up. It will begin as a numbing feeling, then quickly proceeds to rapid contracting and spasming of the body.

Created by Rhea Iulide
word count: 834
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