Out of His League

Wherein Sivan bites off more than he can chew.

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7th of Searing, Year 124 of Steel
The Heroön of Laurëtelepse, Silfanore

but haven't you heard?
hearts turn to dirt
along with the rest of your body.
it's all claimed by the earth.
it will fade and it will wither.
but gold, it will never,
and hey, baby, don't you know?
diamonds are forever.

There was a crowd around the Argyrocopieon, the Royal Mint, when Sivan came seeking the building adjoining it: the center of Laurëtelepse's hero-cult. The ancient elf had been a priest of Fyraea and, it was said, the father of Avenna Draegir. While the mint had long ago made clear the demarcation between its provenances and those of Her Guild of Coin, she was a Hytori on the path of apotheosis and Her father maintained his small, respectful cult of—mostly—craftspeople.

No, he realized as he made his careful, respectful way closer to his goal. They were gathered at his destination.

All he wanted to do was make an offering for his dear, deceased master, who had been a devotee, and ask for intercession with Fyraea for Torin and for himself with their studies this season. He would have come earlier, but he had to help Torin get accustomed to the city without running into things while delving into the auras of every person, place, and phenomenon. Perhaps humans were a touch simple, he thought, but shook his head. Sol'Valen was a place of boundless wonders. A person could grow accustomed to anything, even wonders.

When he got about as close to the altar that had been set up in front of the heroön as he was likely to get without unseemly elbowing or stepping upon feet, he saw what the fuss was about. It wasn't the Dream King of Sol'Eilran, but someone nearly his equal. Sivan had never seen Prince Salmakis this close before, but that prince's realm was the Amber City of the principality of Cassarond. They were far from home, but it made sense why they were calling down blessings from Fyraea here. Someone was being honored; a designer of couture from the sound of it.

Sivan waited patiently. It was right to honor those who achieved great things. He would have tried to found a heroön for his old master had they returned to Sol'Valen before he died. The irascible old man had been his first friend. He looked down at his hands clasped before him. Gravity betrayed the sheen gathering on his eyes. His hand came up, knuckling away a tear before it could truly be called one. He didn't look on Salmakis in their glory, but rather listened to their voice, wondering if he would be remembered well when he was gone. That time was far away yet unless something terrible befell him.

Thankfully, he had been to Master Filaurel's shop since arriving in Silfanore. He no longer dressed like a Kalzasern alchemist, but a Len'Hytori artisan. There was respect for that here, and here in a holy place, he even dared to meet the gaze of the beautiful woman he found himself standing next to when the prince's incantations were said and after applause for the honored guest was dying down. She was clearly noble, but when even princes walked among the common elves, it was not the place for hierarchy.

"Do you know her?" he asked in the polite mode of a Len'Hytori to a Val'Hytori, even as his hands clapped their last few. "The designer being honored here today? She must be something to earn the laurels from the Prince of Cassarond."
word count: 623
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Akantha SolEilran
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Searing was a beautiful time for Silfanore. Sol'Valen's weather was fairly pleasant year round, especially compared to areas around the world that were far more turbulent with the changes of the seasons, but the heat of Searing hadn't quite come to its full strength yet, and one could enjoy the mild, and agreeable, temperatures. Those who had the opportunity to enjoy it were wise to do so, and the Princess of Thorns was present today and quite appreciative.

She rather liked the subject of the heroön, and was indeed wearing an outfit designed by her. When she had received word that the master seamstress and designer was being honoured by Prince Salmakis theirself, Akantha knew she wasn't going to miss it and made sure it was in her schedule of events to attend. The Princess's gown was a soft blue-grey with many, many hand-stitched and beaded motifs, and if one looked closely... They were thorny vines. When it came to the bodice and sleeves of the gauzy dress, the beads were gold, giving off more colour and catching the rays of sunlight around them. While the motifs continued down, the beads were silvery and more closely matched the fabric, and those at the hem that travelled upwards were a combination of gold and silver. A narrow belt hugged and defined her waist, and a twisted golden necklace rested around the base of her neck. Her long, golden blonde hair was swept up and twisted into a rather large bun at her nape, and held in place with a long stick capped in gold.

It was always a pleasure to listen to Prince Salmakis, either speaking or singing, though she did always hope for the latter. But they were a gifted orator, and to hear one Maker sing the praises of another... it was an experience, and she found herself clapping with the crowd. Well said, indeed. She felt that Mistress Len’Ryllae was well worth the praise given to her - she combined the art of the dress with Runeforging, but while she did supplement her garments with the Craft, there was no mistaking the raw talent and innate elegance and creativity that the Maker wove.

The handsome Hytori beside her spoke to her, and Akantha turned her gaze towards him. She didn't recognize him, though that was unsurprising to her - she was there to meet and be seen. While she did spend a fair bit of time amongst the people of her kingdom, as her royal Sire did, there were many more than she could ever meet. She activated her Rune of Semblance, and studied the echo of his attire for the craftsman behind his clothing. Ah, Master Filaurel. She rather thought so.


"I do, actually," Akantha nodded. "Nefeli Len’Ryllae is a true craftswoman and is quite deserving of the title of Maker. Prince Salmakis was not exaggerating when they were talking about her skill with fabric and needles. Her portfolio is extensive... and multiple pieces in it legendary. Her attention to detail is exquisite. She has pioneered a number of textiles with Runeforging, but she specializes in beadwork and has a waiting list over a year long to get a piece requisitioned from her... and that is if you can get on that list."

Not that Akantha had ever had to wait that long when it came to Mistress Nefeli’s work... the Haus of Thorns got what it wanted, and it got it in a timely manner.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
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The stranger nodded thoughtfully at all she said. When she mentioned beading, he looked her up and down more closely, appreciative but nowhere near lascivious.

"I think, perhaps," he said softly, with gentle humor, "that you have been on her list before? Oh."

He looked closer, then. His Rune of Semblance flared invisibly from where it had been laid upon the back of his skull. If she Sembled past his own clothing, she would note the archaic, symbolic placements of his Runes. Semblance over the anterior third eye, Animus over the anterior heart center, and Summoning at the base of his spine. Any Sembler soon learned to note the wheels of aether at various points on the body; some healers used them as indicators of imbalances and some magi, especially their ancient elders, believed that some where auspicious placements for particular Runes—or, in some ancient texts in Vallenor, Seals.

Aether clung to his hands, as well, a sign of a Maker, whether acknowledged by a Guild or another Maker or merely a fact. If she looked deeper rather than asking, she might catch hints that would resonate with Alchemy and Artificing. While he hadn't marked her for a royal, he thought she was at least noble, and so he would only guard deeper secrets from her endarting eye.

"Masterful, indeed," he said, pulling his gaze away lest he make a social faux pas and ignore her in favor of studying the intricate work of Mistress Len'Ryllae. He was glad Torin was busy; the runeforger would not have had the self-control, he thought. Sivan had almost forgotten how his father's people had found ways to make everything magical, even the very mundane. Of course, there was nothing mundane about her dress or her, though he hadn't Sembled deeper than the beading of her dress.

"I consider myself fortunate to be able to see her work up close." He took a step back so he could bow properly to her. "Thank you for educating me, Lady. I will not take up any more of your time. I must make my way to an acolyte, at least, and make my Master's offering."
word count: 366
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Akantha SolEilran
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"You would be correct,” Akantha agreed with his guess. When she knew he was looking at her - her own Sembling sight saw the activation of his - she swirled her gown a little bit for him. Her aerolyth bracelet helped her to splay the fabric out as the Princess turned, letting Sivan take in the details before she faced him once more, and the fabric settled about her. This stranger was a Maker, too, and who knew, perhaps he could draw inspiration from such a garment. Mistress Len’Ryllae’s detail work was inspiring, and who knew what patterns might later emerge from this Artificer’s down the line? Inspiration came in many forms, and a hue that might be featured in one designer's portfolio for a season show might be found in the next season from someone another designer's collection.

He was interesting to study through Semblance - she noted each of his Runes, and approved of the fact that they were in the right places, such as they should be, classically. It was logical and it made sense, unlike some strangers who just chucked them on as they wanted without regard for traditional ways of order. Semblance, Summoning, Animus... Strongly skilled in each, she was able to discern. Alchemy and Artificing, too... respectable. The way the aether lingered on his hands was telling.

But beyond that, she was satisfied, and her attention was on him. The time he had spent studying her attire was time she had spent studying him, and so the Princess of Thorns didn't mind at all. She was ready to continue the conversation, and find out more about him, when he bowed to her. "A pleasure. Art should be enjoyed and shared, no matter what form it takes, no? You'll find the acolytes up that way," she nodded in a direction ahead of them and to the left. She would look forward to talking with him again. As much as Akantha wanted to find out more about him, if he was in a hurry, he was in a hurry, and she would not delay him. "I am sure that we will cross paths again later," the tall blonde smiled at him. "May the gods smile upon you."

She would let Sivan continue on, and follow his path through the crowd to make sure he went in a direction that would help him find an acolyte to help him, and she could socialize with another Hytori in the meantime. She meant what she said about art being shared and enjoyed, and some may never have the opportunity to see Mistress Len'Ryalle's work in person... so she would be glad to give them the opportunity. She wanted to listen to those around her, too - it was a good lesson from her Father - everyone had their story, and listening was what made a good ruler. With luck, she would find the Maker again later, if not another day.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
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The stranger offered her a gesture of parting—not one in vogue, but then he had admitted to being absent for some time. The Hytori were still rebuilding their understanding of their past. So much had been trod under by Lysanrin jackboots, or those who had taken advantage of their downfall to plunder ruins and such. She, of all elves, knew how a slight change in the composition of a bead might be the difference between a nod to Daeomorean faience and a nod to fritware beads from the lost world of Samarra. The wisest elves, those who knew the most, claimed they knew nothing and, in the grand scheme of things, they were correct. And so one might wonder whether his gesture was a bastardization of something or some hint of their shared past that was no longer common knowledge. Such was the life of an elf.

Sivan made his way carefully around the celebration, not wanting to steal a Maker's thunder, and found an acolyte willing to accept his offering in the name of the hero. He spent some time there. This was not a perfunctory act. Before he rose, the acolyte anointed his brow with oil and sprinkled his golden curls with hyacinth-scented water from a silver aspergil. They prayed together for a few moments, and then, Sivan rose, head bowed to receive a benediction. He thanked the acolyte, and then turned to go.

Finding the celebration still underway, he lingered, listening, observing. He hadn't felt as though he fit back in his youth, and perhaps he hadn't. But he had also grown greatly in his time away, and he wondered if he might fit in now. It didn't matter, really. He had his place in Kalzasi. But perhaps he could make more frequent visits. The Makers who had been students of his Master treated him differently now, having been the one their Master chose to accompany him on his last journey, to hold vigil as he began his journey to the Grimlord, and the one who had returned with his ashes.

The errant elf made polite noises when people spoke to him more than he spoke back. The one lady had been handy when he had an actual question, and he chalked that conversation up as a win. He hadn't babbled or left uncomfortable silences; it seemed pleasant for both. Best not try his luck with a second conversation with a stranger, especially after the emotional time spent with the acolyte and his memories. Thankfully, his eyes were no longer watering.


"Ah, Your Highness..." a woman was sighing, "you do tempt one nigh unto outright envy."

Your Highness.

What he had thought was a success was clearly an unmitigated disaster and the princess too kind to tell him so. It was time to leave, and perhaps buy the house in the Alienage so he never had to set foot under the sun again.

He looked for the quickest path of egress from the milling crowd.
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Akantha SolEilran
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While she could still socialize with those gathered, Akantha would keep an peripheral eye on Sivan just to make sure that he got where he needed to go. The Princess's enhanced vision that had come as a permanent change due to her acquiring her Osprey totem made observing him at a distance through crowds a simple feat. She easily joined a conversation with those approaching her, as politely and pleasantly as anything, and when she was satisfied with his progress and his likelihood of running into an acolyte, her attention became fully on those around her.

This sort of topic was well within her wheelhouse. She could admit that Mistress Len'Ryllae's knowledge of beads and beadwork had been utterly illuminating, and she had learned quite a bit from her on the subject. Her Semblance helped her spot the difference between all kinds of different types, some of which were only different from another by one step in the process; and it might be as simple as adding a specific element at a certain point in time... but knowing these and knowing when they could be used and when they should be used was one of those things that allowed the Princess a deeper understanding and respect for the Maker's Craft and knowledge; and it wasn't everyday that one got to wear such adornments from techniques that came from worlds that had since been lost to them...

"Thank you," Akantha inclined her head at the praise. "Mistress Len'Ryllae's vision was without fault, and she does take such strides to continuously improve upon her Crafts with each new creation." And it did help that the gown was on someone that knew how to best wear it. She kept the work of art on display, the aerolyth shards helping her smooth and splay the beaded fabric out. Part of the mystique of a Len'Ryllae original was the length of time that many of her clientele waited to get their garment, but just because others waited that long, didn't mean she did. "We are so fortunate to have such depths of skill within our Kingdom, aren't we?"

When she saw Sivan's coming back, she offered him a smile as she caught his eye. A silent gesture of her head being moved in the direction of which she was, was an invitation to approach and return. Well, this was possibly very much not good - she clearly wanted him to come back, and now that he knew her status, refusing and running off now that she had caught his eye was likely not going to end well, either...

"There is no rose without a thorn."
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His darting eyes caught upon her gaze as though she were a rose with thorns. Her gesture was unmistakable.

Sivan took a steadying breath, much as he did before a customer came into the shopfront attached to Kilvin's Forge when young Timon was in the house eating his lunch. He tried to maintain long, slow breaths as he made his careful way over to where the princess was holding an informal court.

He bowed low to her and, indirectly, to those around her.

"Your Royal Highness," he greeted as if he had not spoken to her without preamble not so very long ago. "Great ones. Good day to you." They all seemed to be of various stations, all higher than his, though.

The reactions of those around the princess were mildly varied. At least one of them had caught her gesture to the Len'Hytori, though, and knew he wasn't being presumptuous, whoever he was. He wasn't servile. Even the first among the Court of Princes, her royal father, would despise a Len'Hytori scullion who abased himself too much before his king. Even the Len'Hytori were beloved of the Gods and worthy of respect.

It was just that some Hytori were worthy of more respect.
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Akantha SolEilran
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"Well met," Akantha inclined her head to the Maker when he came up to the group around her. She had been curious about him, and while she had let him go the first time, she wouldn't mind more information about him and what he did. Her Sembling sight had shown her the aether on his hands, and that told her he was highly proficient, at the very least, with Alchemy and Artificing... two very valuable crafts. They were complementary; one enhanced the other, and both could bring the next to greater heights and levels.

There were a number of lovely golems within the Palace, and she had seen others on display at events and festivals. She was intrigued to know if he specialized in one style or another. A true Master could turn their hand to anything, but everyone had their preferences. It was just a matter of finding out what his were. A Maker's work was desired for those preferences, it was what set them apart from the other practitioners of their craft. She'd said as much about Mistress Len'Ryllae - it was all about the beadwork, all about the eye that they had for their passion.

"As I was saying, we are very fortunate to have such skill within our Kingdom. You are also an artisan, no? Which Master do you train under, Master Len'Myren? Have you joined a Guild?" the Princess asked him pleasantly. Perhaps she was putting the other elf on the spot in front of a range of nobles and herself, but perhaps this could be good for him for connections and clients. Besides, he had managed quite well with her earlier, even if he hadn't known who she was before. Fortune favoured the bold, usually. She did like taking an interest in artists of all kinds, even if fashion was her first and foremost love - sometimes they surprised her, and when she found true talent, she was rarely disappointed.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
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Sivan, however, was decidedly not bold. He was honest, though.

"A humble artisan, Your Highness," he agreed, self-effacing to the extreme. It might be difficult to tell whether his modesty was false or not, but as he was not hiding more than the more personal secrets, she could tell if she wanted to. For all he knew, the Dream King's daughter would pluck the truth out of his dreams even if she didn't pluck them out of his mind in the daylight.

"Humble, though I have been more than fortunate to have been apprenticed to Master Tavári'nar Val'Gwairil in artificing. I accompanied him from Silfanore to Inakova, and then abroad. When he passed beyond the veil, his last bequest took me to Kalzasi to seek apprenticeship from his friend, Master Jacun. The foreign maker," and calling anyone foreign a maker was compliment indeed, "taught me the art of alchemy. I suppose I should have known it as he was a friend of my late master, but I did not know until after my apprenticeship that Master Jacun is of the Blue Dragonflight. I have yet to ken how that might have affected my understanding of the alchemical arts. Unsure what to do, I remained in Kalzasi, and a friend who is an exceptional runeforger asked me to work with him until I decided what I wanted to do. Well, now I have returned my master's ashes to Tavárinoikos, and I will complete the last few lessons my master was not allowed to teach me while my business partner learns from the best runeforgers in creation. I am also a capable summoner, scrivener, sembler, and animist."

The last three were tacked on quickly. He had tried to be succinct as he was speaking to his betters, offering them as much of the full narrative without boring them with details. It was as though he were on an interview, really. Scrivening and sembling spoke to a proper magical education, while summoning and animus were a bit quirky given his trajectory toward becoming a maker of some renown if his academic pedigree was anything to extrapolate from.

Indeed, one of Akantha's less socially astute hangers on murmured, "Tavárinoikos" with some respect. But while that person was incapable of hiding their admiration, they were far from incorrect in their reaction.

Master Tavári'nar Val'Gwairil had been a Maker among Makers, and the workshop run by several of his apprentices was perhaps the most concentrated locus of talent, skill, power, and innovation in the entirety of Sol'Valen. Certainly, Salmakis had made several a honeyed offer to move them into their capital, something they had bickered with Ailuin over on more than one occasion.

But Akantha could almost hear her father scolding the young elf. Len'Hytori, certainly. If one were looking for it, of mixed blood. But clearly, the Hytori blood was strong. Master makers and dragons had elected this too humble elf to train. Surely that could be no coincidence.
word count: 509
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