Blood & Stars {Kala}

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Blood & Stars

18th of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


The day had greeted him with warmth and sun, allowing the vampyre to walk the streets of Kalzasi with comfortable ease. Though he was not here to sightsee as he did last time, no there was business to be handled. He knew that if anyone place had the people to handle his crisis, Kalzasi did. He often thought to consult Talon, but not knowing what the demigod was up to as of late he didnt want to be a burden upon the man, especially given how he can not recall what happened after they met in the imperium.

He had asked around the Jeweled Arches of a place with the best healers. He was referred to the Tranquil Gardens as it was the largest of the hospitals in Karnor. Upon his arrival, he was impressed with the sheer grandeur of the place. It was beautiful, to say the least, absolutely breathtaking. Upon entering the place he was met by the receptionist, who greeted him. What brings you to the Tranquil Gardens today good sir? she gave him a polite bow, hands clasped as her blue eyes regarded his crimson orbs.

"I seek your best healer. I believe I am afflicted by something that causes me not to be myself, causing me......" he paused if only for a moment before continuing. "to hurt those around me." he explained, a look of shame on his face recanting the night he came to realize he was a danger to those of his village. The receptionist gave him a look of sympathy before going to get one of the available healers.

When she returned he was greeted by the doctor and recanted his issue. The male avialae looked the vampyre over with a discerning eye, the pale green of his turning silver as he sembled Dreyfus's aura. He recoiled a bit as he looked slightly terrified from what he saw, before calling one of the nurses over, instructing her to prepare a warded room to put him in. It was there he sat and waited, listening to every word being spoken about him. With his power of Veracity, his hearing was elevated to where he could hear them.

"There is something sinister about his condition, whatever it is, it doesn't want to be removed from him. I think it is beyond even my expertise." Those words where a bit disheartening to hear.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

word count: 516

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Kala Leukos
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", of course, I went first to the mind healers because he admitted to being a danger to others..."

"Oh, Diera," Kala said softly, reassuringly, "of course you did the right thing. I'm hardly the greatest healer but if he wants my opinion, I will, of course, give it."

The nurse seemed mollified, and handed Kala off to the Avialae physician to bring her up to date.

"This is what you get for visiting," he said apologetically. "We always have more work."

"I am happy to help, of course," she replied. Self-deprecation wasn't repeated here. He knew her skills in the hospital better than most; if he thought she could add something, then it was quite probable she could. Based on what he had told her, she wove new layers over the room's wards. She was less worried about the patient hearing her than she was about his admitted violence being turned upon any of the healers here present.

While Kala had never met a so-called Vitalitasi, but she was well-educated and had seen more of the world than most. The so-called lost magics were not so very lost. A dreamer sat upon the Hytori throne. There was a time-cursed elf currently in Kalzasi—unless he had blinked out of the flow of time once more. And here...

She wove protections around the room now that she could semble the blood rune, as well as what she knew to be utile against hexes and vengeful spirits. Of course, they wanted to help the patient, but they also had to protect the populace from a pandemic of violent sanguiphilia or one feral creature.

Then, she fell into a light trance, sembling the patient long and hard. The physician went about his rounds, and when she sensed him approaching once more, she gave him her diagnosis. He looked crestfallen, and she put a hand upon his arm.

"Go. I will interview him. We need more information."

"Are you certain, Kala? You are a lady and a vice-minister-"

"And you are a master healer. This seems more an arcane affliction than a medical problem, but I will share whatever information I glean and let you decide a course of treatment."

He still looked dubious. It was not, unfortunately, a new experience for her. Her wings were hidden under a glamoured cloak, and Sahfri had done a fair job keeping the revelation of her wings from becoming public knowledge. Only Marda Ahtivan knew she trod the path toward divinity among the High Lords and Ladies of Kalzasi. But most Avialae men had a savior complex; it was rather built into their blood.

She supposed Avialae women did as well.

He nodded. She went inside, personally warded to the teeth.

"Hello," she said with a calm smile. "My name is Kala. I am sorry we kept you waiting so long."
word count: 484
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Blood & Stars

18th of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


The woman that approached, it seemed to the vampyre that she was important. Evidently, she was a lady of court as well as a vice-minister. She was reassuring, as he figured what plagued him was more arcane than biological, and was now glad he hadn't come here in vain. After a moment she entered and he could see the glow of the Aetherium on her. He had noticed that after his meeting with Eikaen. It was like a glowing aura that enveloped her, and part of him started to realize that maybe what was happening to him was more divine than arcane.

Her appearance was interesting, to say the least. Her pale skin and ice white hair suggested Siltori, but he could never be sure. "When you have all the time in the world, hardly anything seems like a long wait." he slipped, not realizing that he may have given his vampyric nature up, though given his experiences in the past, everyone seemed to be able to tell he was one. It was another issue he would have to figure out how to conceal. "Dreyfus, Dreyfus Monteliyet by way of Zaichaer" he introduced, standing to give the woman of rank a respectful bow.

Taking his seat again his gaze fell to his hands as he looked at them, still able to see the blood from the villagers he had killed, still feeling the regret and remorse of his actions. "I'm sure they briefed you about my condition. At first, I believed it was a setback from my condition, but then I've just come to realize that maybe this is Eikaen's punishment for failing to aid in freeing Talon from the Imperium so many seasons ago." he began, tears running down his face as he was revisited by the mangled images of those innocent he had killed.

"I made a promise that when I became what I am now, I wouldn't become a monster, and now, now I don't think I can keep that promise to myself. I can not return to my village until I undo whatever has been done to me." he exclaimed, taking a moment to compose himself as this had been something that weighed heavily on the vampyre for quite a long time.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

word count: 515

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Kala Leukos
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When he rose and bowed, she replied with a bow of her own. His own words gave away what she could already sense, but it was nice to know she wouldn't have to dance around pretense. It was difficult to hide things from a master sembler, and often it was irritating to have to pretend not to know things.

While she gave no implication of threat, some people did find her unnerving. She was often too still, too quiet, and certainly, she hadn't looked away from him, and hardly blinked, since walking into the room and sealing the only point of egress behind her.

"Well, I failed to bring Talon Novalys back when I journeyed to Gel'Grandal, but I don't believe I was punished for that failure. I do not think the Great God would deign to curse someone for so small a failing. Then again, for many patients who come to the Tranquil Gardens, there are certain comorbidities. I cannot claim to know the Dragon King's mind."

She made no move to sit, but stood where she had stopped upon entering, hands clasped. She watched. She studied. She sembled.

Whatever she thought about how monsters were made, she said merely, "Do you seek the removal of the Rune, the kindred spirit, or both?"

The common wisdom was that a Rune could not be removed as it was writ directly upon the soul with the soul's consent, but she had already seen many exceptions to rules in her short life, and she had heard tell of runic initiations with consent that was dubious at best. There was his Rune of Vitalis, and the aetheric changes to him that might once have been bloodborne, but were now systemic. Then there was the spirit that clung to him, like drawn to like, and while it wasn't a ghost, she might be able to reason with it or...


Perhaps that was all he wanted: to have the spirit removed so he would be able to live without conscience once more.
word count: 345
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Blood & Stars

18th of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


He couldnt help but smile at her attempt to sympathize with him, but he was certain that her journey there wasnt from a direct request from the King of Gods himself. In any case, he would listen as she spoke, finding her demeanor to be unsettling at best, but admired the fact she didnt beat around the bush about the subject. Though if his facial expression could have had an audible sound, it would have hissed at the mention of the removal of his rune of Vitalis.

"The rune stays." he stated as a matter of factly, his eyes burning into the woman, if only for a moment before softening. "The spirit however can go. More so if there is a way, once it's removed, to trap it that would be ideal. Im not keen on having my faculties stolen while I sleep, and if this spirit is the cause, I will make it answer for the lives it has claimed during its uninvited stay within my body."

It was an odd request for sure, and he didn't think the woman would agree to it, but he had questions. When did this spirit latch onto him? Was it responsible for how Dimitri acted during their time in the Ecithian jungles? What was its goal in the end? He didn't like being used, more so by something he couldn't outright kill immediately. He started to spiral down a tunnel of thoughts as he waited for her response but took a moment to add one more thing.

"If you do this for me, I'll forever be indebted to you, my village will thank you. We may not have the resources now, but I can promise you this, I always repay my debts." he added, his eyes inclining to catch her's, to see what she would do next.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

word count: 435

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