Flight of the Venerable


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Flight of the Venerable

21st of Searing, 124th Year of the Age of Steel

The Harbingers were not the only company who had awoken before dawn. Their commander, Pasiphaë Len'Minoa, did not blast horns or scream at her soldiers; that was the sort of behavior of lesser races, fallen to brutishness. Her soldiers were well-trained and dedicated to the cause: the protection and succor of Sol'Valen and the Hytori.

Some eyes opened of their own volition, trained to a schedule. Others were roused quietly by their fellows. Morning ablutions were quickly followed, and they marched. A traveler opened a portal and the filed through, trotting expeditiously out of one of several similar portals upon an airfield outside of the city proper. This area was well lit despite only the faintest hints of dawn peeking over the rugged eastern horizon of mountains and clouds.

As they filed into parallel lines, some soldiers recognized friends, acquaintances, and even sometimes lovers among the others, sharing smiles, quiet jokes, and sleepy greetings. Each file led to a beam of light from the bottom of an elegant airship hovering high above. Pausing in each spotlight, a soldier would disappear, magically taken up into the ancient vessel.

The Venerable, it was rumored, had gone rogue when the Hytori were defeated by the Lysanrin, and had remained free until Taegan Sol'Eilran reunited the Court of Princes and the scattered First People. It was exciting for many a Hytori soldier to be walking the halls of history, a connection, perhaps, to lost immortality.

Commander Len'Minoa hadn't told them what their mission was, merely that their orders were to report to the airfield before dawn, and here they were, buzzing with excitement and curiosity. Some of the newest recruits to the Harbingers had never been upon a military airship; there was even one country girl who still got airsick in the flying taxis that flew through the city below.

One of Thimryl's comrades caught him by the elbow. "Len'Lavian, word is we gather to receive orders in an hour. Until then, we are free to explore. Don't get caught anywhere you oughtn't to be."

With a wink, he moved off and, before Thimryl could get his bearings, he slammed into a wall of flesh that caught him before he could fall.
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Flight of the Venerable

21st of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


Thimryl was used to the routine now, waking up at a specific time, readying his fellow soldiers to the start of the day and this day was no different. Dressed and ready he followed his commander as they were portaled to an airfield, to which many would gaze up to witness a beautiful creation. Thimryl found Airships to be fascinating things, they were just flying metal birds after all. This one was something of a legend, and the thought of walking its halls excited the elf. To be upon an ancient airship, one that was able to escape Lysanrin control was impressive.

Once onboard, Thimryl caught his bearings and took in every detail of the ship. The way the air smelled, the hum of controls and magic that made this ship and its inner workings possible, the way the metal felt against his skin. He was so lost in his own inner workings that he came back to reality with a jolt when his comrade had taken hold of his elbow. A soft but startled expression painted his face as the elf warned him not to go poking his nose around. Thimryl simply nodded. They were waiting for orders from their commander, and he wasn't going to get in trouble on his first mission. He had plans, big plans, and becoming a warrior of high regard meant he had to be on his best behavior and follow his orders to the letter.

Curious eyes looked around until he found a window, moving closer to get a look outside. Even though he never showed it, his excitement and astonishment were at an all time high. It was like he was flying like the birds and ravens he adored, causing a small smile to ease its way onto his lips. He didn't mind waiting for things to get underway, he could wait forever if it meant witnessing a view like this.

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As Thimryl's eyes had gone looking for the best view, he had wandered into a monstrously tall elf with wings, who looked apologetic even as large hands steadied the soldier.

"Apologies," he said with a bit of a rustic dialect. "I should watch where I am going."

The winged elf seemed built for war, save his gaze was soft and an air of kindness clung to him. More used to how the airship functioned, though, he pointed out a less obvious vantage.

"That's a better spot to observe, actually, and you won't venture so far you can't hear when your commander calls you in for debrief."

The emblem over his heart marked him as one of those specialized soldiers whose ancestors had taken on the alterations of Garel the Necromancer. The average elf only knew the basics of their history: built to combat the Hellmaw; the traits only holding true to those assigned male at birth; nigh immunity to cold. A specialized soldier to be sure. He would spend a great deal of time on airships, dropping with his shield-brothers in a dangerous flock.

The emblem over his heart would also show his name and company: Len'Kouneli, Turuher. Firebirds.

He would linger a moment to see if the landbound Harbinger had any other questions.
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Flight of the Venerable

21st of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


Bashful eyes looked up at the warrior as he steadied Thimryl. Even with the hytori's stature, this man was a rather tall drink. He was beautiful, and contrary to that imposing height he had a gentle aura about him. Thimryl couldn't help but notice the small things of his appearance. "His wings are large, and look as though they have flown endless miles. His eyes are kind, soft, and comforting. I wonder how many times he has had to jump from this airship on missions. I wonder if he ever gets lonely up here?"

He was mulling over his thoughts as he looked over the man, his words brought Thimryl out of his own self monologue as Turuher offered his advice, and roused a smile from him. "I appreciate that." he accepted, going to move to where the Hytori-avialae suggested but stopped, turning on his heel to return to to Turuher. "If I may ask, how long have you been stationed on The Venerable? Is it always this.....cold? By cold I mean empty. By empty I mean there is no music. Everything and place carries a song to it. People in the streets, the housework at home, even the routine marches of the barracks. But here, it's quiet. Is it always like this?"

His eyes looked to the other male as he regarded the others in the room. Even though the other members of his company and the Firebirds were all making noise, it wasn't the same as in how he explained it to Turuher. He realized then the man must have thought him odd, and an embarrassing red blush came over his fair complexion.

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Turuher's good deed for the day done, he turned to go back about his business but his movement was arrested by the other elf's return.

"Oh, my wing is stationed at the airfield," he supplied. "But this is not our first mission aboard Venerable."

At first, he took the man literally. With the Avialae augmentation, he rarely felt the cold. But when he realized the soldier was speaking in metaphor, his brow furrowed a bit in thought.

"I don't know. I..." He hadn't actually compared notes with a landsman about the feel of an airship, especially one like this. "I feel the thrum of the engines through my feet. I hear the rarefied airs crashing against the hull. The sounds of crew, temporary and permanent, moving through corridors, having conversations."

His brow beetled further. He was not a raw recruit, but he was still young enough in his military career that he felt as though any question was a test, even if it came from someone other than a superior officer.

"They say she's haunted, but I've sensed no restless spirits. And if you mean the Symphonies of Mesmers, hm... possibly their are enchantments in place to dampen the cacophony of so many souls." He spread his hands helplessly, but perhaps the other elf would clarify.
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Flight of the Venerable

21st of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


His hand rested upon his chin as the larger male remarked on the inquiry given, which was one that Thimryl found......adequate enough to satisfy his curiosity. He then realized that his question had thrown the man off guard, unprepared or nervous about giving a right or wrong answer. He bowed to Turuher slightly before running his hand through his golden glittered curls.

"Forgive me if my question seemed odd. I find that everything has a song, be it people, places, or things and as this is my first time on an airship, I wondered. I can be an oddball that way." he apologized, a blush coming over him as he often believed such quirks of his nature made him socially awkward. He could only imagine what the modified soldier was thinking of him at this moment. Then another thought came to mind. "Before I let you go and return to your duties, do you know what this is all about, why our companies are here?"

He knew there was no guarantee that the man would have answers for him. For all he knew this was a test, but it never hurt to ask questions to a certain degree of course. He was certain it had to be important, otherwise, why go through all the trouble? If this was a test for sure, he would make sure to fafill his mission to the letter, to be the best soldier he could. This was his dream after all, to serve at the pleasure of the Phoenix King, and what better way to do so than being a blade in his army?

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Turuher still didn't know whether the man was speaking in metaphor or code, but at least his following question made more sense.

"Not specifically, no," he said. "I believe our commanders would have already briefed us if we were flying into a violent situation. Thankfully, the wisdom of our princes and the wards and warnings keep us safe. We often go on training missions with other companies we haven't worked with before, ostensibly so we have experience working with more diverse companies and remain adaptable to face whatever threats might arise in the future."

The massive winged soldier paused, eyes going faraway for a moment. Whatever sort of song he heard while aboard an airship, it had shifted, and then the light shifted, subtly but noticeably, and moving from one end of the observation deck to the next.

"Gate," he supplied with a small smile.

"Harbingers, debrief," came a curt voice from behind Thimryl. Apparently, he was about to get more answers.
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Flight of the Venerable

21st of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S


His response was a curious one but one he had accepted nonetheless. He smiled and nodded to the modified warrior, bowing slightly as he knew he had taken up more of his time. When his commander spoke it commanded the attention of the entire room. Everyone soon gathered and stood at attention as they awaited the debriefing to begin. Thimryl was near the front of the assembly of soldiers.

The hush was defeating, so much so that the hum of the airship could be heard. He wasn't sure what to expect but he could hide the level of excitement he had as this could very well be his first mission. He wondered what all they were in for, his mind racing through the possibilities of it all. He knew that it was imperative that he not fail or fall behind. His dream was to join the royal guard of the Phoenix King. He wasn't going to begin that journey by not following through with every detail he would receive.

It was paramount. His eyes searched the room for Turuher, and when he found the man, he felt himself becoming flushed again, hoping that the two would be paired up for whatever task they were about to be given. He also hoped this wouldn't be some boring patrol. He hoped he would have a means to distinguish himself. He was determined to prove himself, he was ready, he just hoped his commander wouldn't leave him in suspense for so long, the anxiety of not knowing was killing him. "Here's hoping I don't die during this." he thought, looking back at his superior officer.

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Last edited by Thimryl on Tue Oct 15, 2024 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 388
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Turuher, not being one of the Harbingers, was not standing in the same crowd, but for continuity's sake, he was within Thimryl's view if the soldier ignored his commanding officers in order to seek out his winged form. The flying elf seemed to have been pulled into a knot of conversation with a few other gigantic Avialae.

Much to Thimryl and other green recruits' dismay, they were scheduled for yet another patrol. Captain Len'Minoa reminded them that they ought not to wish for incursions beyond the wards their ancient ancestors had created and the more brilliant modern mages had managed to reconstruct. She was sharp, but not unkind.

"If you die," she noted wryly, "then I would have failed. I do not fail."

Hours later and Thimryl was on the ground.

They were still somewhere in Tronóridan, the principality ruled by Ailuin, but he couldn't have pointed out exactly where on a map. While he was alone, he was not without support. Turuher soared above this sector, keeping an eye on Thimryl and several other Harbingers. They weren't even near the border, which was boring, of course, but those mages whose responsibility it was to monitor the homeland had flagged this area as shifting aetherically and so the endless training missions now involved a very real investigation.

Turuher landed far enough away that he hoped not to startle Thimryl, nor kick up grit to obscure his vision. His cheeks were flushed from the cold air that didn't bother him and from the exertion of near constant flying between one Harbinger and the next. He stretched his wings, then furled them, then took a knee. His great barrel of a chest heaved as his body took the moment's respite to rest.

Warm brown eyes were alight with excitement, and he pointed. The direction was relatively near to the direction Thimryl was intending to go, but seemed a bit more difficult than he would have liked. It was not the path of least resistance.

Turuher pulled a canteen off his belt and drank, taking slow, measured sips so as not to upset his stomach or deplete his supply.

"Ruins," he managed.

Then, after a few more steadying breaths as he sought to return to normal, "Wouldn't have seen it. Wind turned just so. Come on."

And then he was back on his feet, his long legs eating up the distance as he moved in the direction he had indicated.
 ! Message from: Hekatos
Yes, the ruins will be your Ring of Triumph. Feel free to find it and explore it somewhat. It will be more obscured by the forest canopy than the picture you provided for the time being. Please leave any phantom warriors to me. We will explore and develop your idea together through play and then I will make whatever tweaks necessary and then make it official. Assuming we don't die.
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He would have been lying to himself if he didnt let out a sigh of relief, but there was a level of disappointment in him as he was sure there was in his fellow company members for the lack of excitement. Regardless a patrol was a patrol and he was fine with that. He would find other ways to distinguish himself from the rest of the pack at some point in his enlistment.

With the patrols set both companies were put to task, patrolling the forests somewhere in Tronóridan. This was a typical job for soldiers new to military life so Thimryl was fine with it, patrolling the green landscape. The sting of the cold kissed Thimryl's skin as he and his group moved along their intended route. That was until Turuher had descended from his patrol in the sky. He seemed to have been flying for some time, the expression of being tired on his face, the rapid rise and falls of his chest as he gathered himself.

At his mention of a ruin, pointing in the direction Thimryl's group was already heading, the others seemed to light up with excitement, just as Turuher displayed as well. "Interesting." he murmured, rubbing his chin to try and recall any information he had heard about the area, but was drawing nothing but blanks. Regardless he followed the burlier winged male, trailing behind his group as they went looking for these supposed ruins.

Coming upon a ledge, they could see it in the distance, what looked to be an area of sorts, though it was hard to tell from where they were. He joined the others as they were eager to go and take a look inside. "I don't think we should go further till we alert the others, we don't know what we would be walking into if we do." he said, remembering the warning that Captain Len'Minoa had given them.

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