Test Your Might {Part2}

The capital city of Ecith, known as the Three Cities in the common tongue, it is the jewel and pride of Ecith.

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3399
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3918

44th of Frost, Year 123. A.o.S
Fingers ran across the scar on his back when he awoke the next day, the reminders still etched into his skin. His hearing was still one sided, he leaned into the right with every conversation nowadays and was getting somewhat used to the hearing adjustment. Stretching he removed himself from under his fellow competitors and greeted the day as it greeted him. Once ready and dressed he went to the Unseen Temple where the next trial of the tournament was to take place.

He was early as he could see them setting up for the trial of the day and he sat and waited for when it would start. He would take that time to practice his skill with his axe and shield, as there wasn't much else for him to do at that point. And so he practiced honing his talent and skill with his weapons of choice, repeating processes and techniques as best he could, making his own personal flair and style with it that suited him. After some time the other competitors joined him, and the MC of the tournament had appeared through a portal.

Ready he along with Guringor and the other competitors stood ready, waiting to hear what was in store for them. "Welcome back you six who have proven yourself determined to continue on to the next trial of the tournament. This trial will be a test of your courage." Tapping his weapon on the ground six figures came to stand behind each competitor. Lae would look behind him and see the figure behind him was a young elven woman, maybe around his age with short silver hair and piercing purple eyes.

"From this moment on, these six will be your handlers, as they will send you into the Arena, a place we Arbiters use to combat and overcome our fears. In this trial, your courage will be tested to face and defeat your greatest fear will be your challenge. The first four to achieve this will move on to the semi-finals. There is no time limit, and you will remain within your personal arena until said fear has been vanquished."

With those final remarks, he tapped his greatsword on the ground once more, and Lae felt a hand clasp his shoulder as the world around him shifted. Blinking he stood within an arena, and several paces in front of him a figure stood cloaked in shadow. Its form was relatively the same size as Lae, but as it moved a bit closer, the shadowy veil that obscured its form gave way to the one thing he feared most. "Father!?"

Sword in his hand, the visage of Maelor stood before him.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
word count: 514
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