"I suppose that all depends on how quickly I prove myself to the Masters of Tavárinoikos, ma'am," he said. "Though they are allowing me time to work on long-term projects I brought from Kalzasi, so I suppose if they extend my tenure, we will not go out of business."
Sivan caught a hint of resonance with Akantha; ah! she was also a shape-shifter. Well, that would explain her interest. He had accepted it thinking it would allow him to better protect himself from those who had raided his home with the apparent intent to kill him, then disappeared without another attempt. Instead, he had used it more to hone his vision after borrowing the blueprints, so to speak, of a dragonfly from one of Destyn's friends.
But perhaps someday, Master Jacun would allow him a scale and he could fly like a dragon... Wouldn't that be something?
"I find that my interests lie in the gray areas between them. For example, I am currently building a golem body and working with a fire spirit so that it will be able to wear the mechanical body for protection, for repose, and for more ability to manipulate the world around it without burning things. So, I am blending artificing and summoning for my client. I suppose I still harbor my old child-like wonder for the stories of the archmages who saw magic as one interconnected discipline. That is how it has always felt to me."
His personality shone through the brighter when he spoke of the actual work rather than the logistics of business.
Local spirits, unused to Spiritwalkers, were following him around, only visible to Semblers who knew what to look for. The humble maker-in-training had a bit of an audience beyond the princess and her current coterie.
Golden brows raised toward Akantha, he hoped he had sufficiently answered her question.