Finn was pleased that Arkænyn was able to communicate with Arvain; it felt strange given how used to byzantine speech he had become in Solunarium.
"I..." he began in answer to Phædreon's question, but was forestalled by the answering voice from the Void. "I..."
He was making everyone uncomfortable. Could they sense how the chains of fealty had grown entangled? Oh, he was glowing again.
"I have a spirit of vengeance in my thrall," he explained quietly for his compatriots. "The Nykara slave that Æros consigned to the Void. I was curious to see whether my thralls could sense me, how it would work from another world, another reality. It seems there is a similar spirit here, and it answers via the same oath from another reality, but it does not know me."
Finn stood from the bench, shaking it off. "I could open a portal to Ailizane, or try, at least. Whither ought I cast its terminus, Phædreon?"
He wondered whether Alcinæus would just let them go or seek to keep them a while. And he wondered whether this was some version of Zalkyriax or perhaps Cithæra's father. Then again, how much did he need to know of a foreign reality? These might be the sorts of details that would get him too embroiled here to return home.
But he couldn't stop himself:
Pardon, Vengeance. In mine own reality, thou art my friend and, lately, vassal withal. Our vengeances are there entwined. I have come from elsewhere and elsewhen to seek my prey and was curious whether I could call you... him... to my aid.