[Memory, Loras] The First Day I

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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The First Day
Ash 19th, 117 AoS
(Continued from here)

He could barely relax when he had retreated to his room last night, after the fact he had, quite literally, smashed a instrument to pieces over a man's head. To say that his mind didn't dwell on the whole event would've been a complete lie, for Ricky could never quite find himself able to think about anything else. Eventually he grew tired of thinking over it, and slipped within that trance like coma he very much desired afterwards. So naturally when he heard noises not long afterwards, the wolf was surprised to find the sun already shining into his room.

Daylight filtered through from the windowpane onto the wooden floor paneling, indicating that he'd been out for at least several hours at least. Clearly not enough however as he still felt drowsy, inclined to ignore the outside noises he heard, and hiding his head beneath the pillow. At least his whole body, save for his feet and ankles, could fit on the bed as he had hoped. That he could appreciate at least. Yet another loud knocking could be heard, twice in fact, as he laid there barely moving at all. Was that his door? Somebody must've been banging on the surface, which meant that he should be expecting a visitor. But who? Immediately his weary eyes cracked open slowly, another couple of knocks heard as he stirred into a rise.

Pushing himself off his belly he moved at a crawl to get out of bed, the cool boards under his feet lightly groaning under his weight. He looked for the trousers he'd slipped off last night, quick to sit on the mattress so that he could slip a foot into each leg. The next time he shifted to stand on his feet, he brought the fabric up to his thighs and around his waist and moved toward the door to his room as he knotted the hemp strings at the waistline. One final knock was heard at the door, this time with a bit more volume, before he arrived to open it. On the other side stood a somewhat tall and grizzled man, though certainly nowhere near as tall as Ricky, with black strands of hair still peppering all the gray on his head. "Are you the one called Rickter?!" He checked in a deep gruff voice, with his weathered yet disciplined eyes locked up on the wolf.

Ricky also noticed that the man appeared to be wearing armor, leather tailored with chainmail coating over certain pieces like his jerkin and greeves. "...Yes?" The half-breed slowly came to admit with an utterly confused look, leading the man to glance down the hall with a nod before looking to him once more.

"You've some explainin' to do at the Terras Manor. I'd get dressed if I were you, assumin' you don't want to meet them half-clothed." The man remarked as he proceeded to cross his arms, indicating to Ricky that this had to be one of the local authorities. So... They finally came calling after all. He half expected it to happen late within the night, which was also probably why he hardly gained any real sleep as well.

"Fine. Just gimme a minute... please." He wasn't sure if that would help his case any since it sounded like he was already in a world of trouble. Still, it didn't hurt to try and display a bit of courtesy, even if he'd already went and made the wrong impression last night. Without waiting however Ricky turned around to head back to the bed frame, with a brief bend of the knees as he reached down to grasp the white cotton vest on the floor. After he slipped an arm through each hole and adjusted the vest, he then sat down once more to reach for his boots next. Admittedly he thought about just going barefoot, yet didn't know if these 'Terras' folk would appreciate that or not. So after he slipped on each worn boot onto afoot, he then rose once more to a stand to approach the guard waiting for him. "Alright, I'm ready." He then proceeded to tell the man as he started to walk out the door, minding his head once more so that he didn't bang the frame on his way out.

"No sudden movements now," the guard ordered him as he gradually pulled the key out from his pocket, showing it to the man before locking the door and pocketing it once more, "is there any other name besides 'Rickter' that you go by?"

"No sir." The wolf plainly answered as he faced the man, following him as he started to lead on down the hall. At the end, there was another guard waiting for them, along with Hannah and that 'Telly' girl from last night. Where they going to come along? Or were they the ones that would condemn him for his actions? He merely looked to the both of them briefly, before keeping his gaze fixated on the one acting as the leader.

"I see. Well, Rickter I'm the guard Captain see, Tyran Malkea, and from what I hear you've made quite an impression." The Captain answered in turn as they passed the others, the three of them following behind Ricky as they exited the Inn in a single file.

"Not my intention Oi assure ya." He remarked in turn as they were on the streets now, the few people already out and about mindful of the guard's presence. Already Ricky could feel more eyes on him now, specifically, as they marched up towards the manor in the distance. He never expected to visit such a structurally designed place, as the architecture looked rather interesting even from where he stood in town. The comment of course made the Captain lightly scoff, as though he were hiding a sense of amusement he felt.

"How in Atinaw is he so damn calm?" Hannah muttered lowly to her friend as they followed along, still unaware that he could hear a little better than the average human.

"He certainly doesn't seem phased by any of this..." Telly answered in turn as he still kept facing forward, the bottom of his lip softly bitten as he slightly began to frown. Truth be told his heart was almost hammering in his chest now, he didn't know what to expect when they all got there after all. Would they punish him? Or simply cast him out and never let him visit again? His mind couldn't help but wonder dramatically, drawing conclusion after conclusion, while on the outside he simply remained indifferent and unchanged. Eventually, the group reached the manor, the large building even more impressive the closer they approached.

"When we're inside, please remember to treat the Terras with the proper respect." The captain insisted with a stern look to Ricky, with a secondary glance shot to the ladies near him. "Address them with the proper title, such as m' lord or m' lady, and don't speak out of line unless you're spoken to." Ricky merely nodded to show he understood, prompting the captain to do the same in turn, before opening the door to guide the lot of them inside.

"Well, looks like I'm in trouble..."
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1319
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=607

As the door opened a well-dressed man walked into view, taking door from the guard captain and opening it the rest of the way himself. The man was average height, well dressed with grey hair and beard. He wore a fine suit of blue, pressed, and in excellent condition without a single spot of dust or dirt to be seen. Even his shoes shined. Directly across from the door was a large staircase leading up to the stories above, but just beyond the staircase the entrance to a large great hall could be seen, a fire roaring in the hearth despite the relatively warm weather. The manor was oddly empty feeling. Not very many tapestries or paintings adorned the walls, and only a couple of rugs decorated the entryway. No art, no sculptures, nothing but the bare necessities. Despite that, the space was so clean that the railings and the floors almost shone. Each of the lanterns and candleholders was polished until they reflected the room around them, and space was surprisingly well lit.

"Captain Malkea," the man said, his voice deep and sonorous, "Lady Milana is waiting in her study. The one called Aaron has already arrived and is pleading his case."

The guard captain grunted, "Figures. Thank you Edwin."

"My pleasure." Edwin bowed his head slightly, waving for the group to pass into the Manor.

Now, up until recently, the Manor had remained relatively closed off to the town of Loras. The clinic was always welcoming to those who needed care, but the Manor itself was reserved for the Terras Family and those who were invited as guests. As such neither Hannah nor Telly had ever been inside the estates before. Malkea would lead the group around to the right, making straight for a set of heavy doors that would open into another open area. This one was smaller, rectangular in shape, and only had a single desk and two chairs. One large fur rug adorned the middle of the room, but the rest of the walls were barren much like the rest of the Manor. Behind the desk sat a young woman, no older than 23, sitting in a high-backed chair with her hands resting loosely in her lap.

Milana was thin, almost sickly so, and heavy bags rested under her eyes. Her features were gaunt but had Ricky seen her just a few months prior to her current state would have been an improvement. Despite her physical features, however, her hair and nails were clean and tidy, green dress simple yet fitting one of her stations, and her eyes though tired were still sharp as she stared at Aaron who was talking in a low voice. As they walked in, however, Aaron abruptly cut off and turned, a smug expression passing his features before quickly masking that with a cough and frown.

"M'lady Milana," Malkea said, saluting as they stopped a few steps back from the desk, "I've brought them as you requested."

Milana broke her gaze from Aaron, casting green eyes over each person in turn before pausing on Ricky. She stared at him for a few extra seconds, examining his hair, his eyes, his clothing, and even glancing down at his shoes before nodding to the Guard Captain, "Thank you, Captain. I appreciate your going to the effort so early. I know you already have more than enough work on your plate as it is."

"Not at all m'lady," the older man said, puffing his chest out slightly as he grinned, "I'm not that old yet. Still got a few good years left in me I reckon." He jerked a thumb at Ricky as he said, "Do you want me to stay and keep an eye on this one in case things get rough?"

At this Milana smiled slightly, a weak and slightly amused thing, "No, I believe my retainer will be sufficient. Please return to your duties, and let David know I expect his report before evening."

"Of course," Malkea said with a nod. He would turn, exchange final words with the people he brought in before walking out with the same military precision he had used to enter the room in the first place.

After he had left Milana once more turned her eyes on the three, tapping a finger on the desk before speaking in a soft tone, "I have been told quite a bit about your arrival in Loras Rickter." She paused here, eyes turning on Aaron for a few drawn-out moments, making the man fidget slightly before returning her gaze on Ricky, "Thus far I have gathered that you are a dangerous man, prone to unprovoked bouts of anger and violence, and possibly a lecher seeking to bed every passing woman you meet." Another pause, and again Milana stared at Ricky. She examined him as if looking for some clue or sign before continuing, "I wish to hear your version of events."

With a wave, a shadow suddenly detached itself from the wall, a man dressed in all black leather stepping up behind Milana's chair. His arms were folded over his chest, his expression impassive though the scar on his face and the dark scruff of a beard did more to give him an intimidating air. On his back was a broadsword, sheathed, but his movements were so casual it was obvious he knew how to use it.

"I expect this to be a civil discourse." the noble continued, resting her hands in her lap once more, "If it is not, then Strous will make it so. Rickter, if you please." She waved at Ricky, the motion clearly indicating he should begin.

Off to the side, in a corner of the room sat a woman who almost seemed to blend into the background. She was tall, mature but not elderly looking, with dark hair of similar color to Milana's. Unlike Milana's her cool eyes held a sharp intelligence. She did not speak, but simply sat and watched Milana as she worked, from time to time shifting to cross her legs or idly finger a signet ring on her right hand.

word count: 1045
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


The First Day
Ash 19th, 117 AoS

Ricky and the others followed in suit after Captain Malkea, with varying levels of awe expressed on their faces as they had entered. It was apparent to Ricky that the two women behind him had never been inside, as they seemed to react with lowly whispered "wows" throughout the building. The wolf himself on the other hand felt impressed in another fashion, one that rather made him feel way out of place the moment he stepped in.

There was no mistaking that a wealthy family had to own this place, even if the decorations were minimal throughout their trip, the fact they could even own a house this big said as much. Quite honestly Ricky felt considerably more anxious now since he hadn't a single clue as to what kind of people lived here. Were they pompous or pious? Did they have a special kind of 'treatment' for outsiders like Ricky? Even now while his mind raced and his heart thrummed heavily, while the group marched towards the office in question, to accompany this "Aaron" guy from last night and whoever ran this place apparently. Some Melana or something akin to that.

Finally, they came to approach a set of heavy doors, leading into a small room where the three arrived as expected. From the looks of it Aaron had already cozied up to the woman, likely spinning whatever story he wanted to about the wolf. That's fine. He could say whatever the hell he wanted, Ricky on the other hand wasn't going to let anyone walk over him in this meeting. Not if he could help it at least, although when his deeply blue-green eyes fell onto the lady at the desk, Ricky couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows for a moment. This was the one in charge? She looked... almost ghastly. Had she fallen ill recently, or had being the lady in charge stressed her beyond hair pulling?

Regardless of what he thought about her, it was evidently clear what the others thought of him. The perceived impressions he noticed were reasonably palpable, indicating to him that nobody here would see him as a friend. He was a lone wolf inside the bear's den now, with little expectation to be given any meritable kindness from the lady. After the captain offered to stick around and was sent away regardless, the weary lady at the desk took the time to look at them all. From Hannah her alleged best friend, as far as Ricky knew, to the wolf himself as he merely stood there indifferent. Well... indifferent wasn't to be exact, as he did possess some curiosity about the woman.

He was curious about a lot actually, yet aware of the situation he had brought upon himself. She addressed him directly still with a punctual tone, even though she looked absolutely miserable in her chair right now. Ricky did not envy this poor woman, and yet here he was also, raking up trouble out on her front lawn no less. Initially what he heard from her rather surprised him, as his eyebrows rose in surprise the moment he registered what he heard. Him? Dangerous? While he certainly wasn't afraid to carry out his beliefs, he didn't necessarily deem his actions that far drastic. In fact, the moment he heard Milana say the second bit, about bedding every woman, the surprise nearly became an episode of hysteria.

In short, the wolf couldn't help but look to her, wide-eyed still, before briefly bursting into a short fit of laughter. It likely merited some unwanted looks from those in the room, yet he couldn't quite help the fact what he heard tickled him so. Were he truly so wild and dangerous, then he wouldn't have bothered to help the poor women as he did. He would've kept to himself until he had found someone interesting, and then from there proceeded to buy them a drink or two. Now that he thought more about it, keeping his head down would've likely been better, even if it went against his damnable moral code. Still even after hearing what she heard, Milana made it clear that she wanted to hear his version of the tale.

Did this mean that she had reason to doubt one of her subjects? Or did she simply seek verification behind his actions? The wolf could only fold his arms over, keeping them close as he noticed the others that were in the room. So they were prepared to handle things differently, should he refuse to comply and prove the allegations against him true. Yet what if he had told his version of the story? Aaron as he already knew wasn't supposed to be bothering the poor blonde woman, and yet he insisted on it all because he had unresolved feelings? While his face remained firm and pensive it was clear Ricky gave it considerable thought, grunting a little even as he glanced at the women standing a few feet away from him.

Whether or not they wanted to associate with him or with the other guy, he simply felt it best to regale his own version of the tale. And so when he spoke out to the lady, he did so with a thick and heavy Kokalath accent. "Sorry M' lady, Oi honestly found it funny that Oi've already garnered such a reputation in this town." He said in regards to his little episode earlier, a smirk still cracked at his lips when he glanced at Aaron specifically. "As y' know Oi only arrived yesterday by sundown and booked a room at yer inn here in town. Not long after Oi got some grub and a beer, and that's when this lady over here entered the picture." When he explained that part he nodded in the direction towards the blonde woman, in which she and Hannah both quickly fixated their gaze on him.

"Lil' miss here had a shot with her friend the barmaid, and then afterward began to play her instrument in the inn. At that time's when asshole here," he nodded to Aaron almost nonchalantly, "came into the picture wantin' to speak with her. At first Oi was content t' finish me drink and keep t' me business, but when Oi saw the barmaid grow upset, Oi followed after them with the bard's ukulele in hand."

"Still don't know why he grabbed it to begin with." Hannah muttered lowly as she glared at him, yet Ricky merely ignored both of them and pretended to be unphased by her.

"They were outside all arguin' and shyte, so Oi hung back until Oi heard what the fuss was about. So when Oi heard that good ol' Aaron here," then came another nonchalant nod, "wasn't supposed t' be botherin' the lady anymore. Somethin' 'bout how the both o' them had a scuttle prior, yet he couldn't bear the decency t' leave a poor girl be."

"F-" Hannah almost swore at him then but Telly, as Ricky knew her, jerked her arm to keep from interjecting.

"So when Oi took matters into me own hands, Oi approached Aaron from behind in m' other form, bashin' him upside the head t' get his attention. Course de poor bastard had t' go pissin' himself afterwards, but de fact is Oi took an extreme t' make a point." The firmness of his expression softened at that point, as he began to appear somber when he almost looked back to the women yet again. "Oi'll admit Oi got carried away in her defense, but breakin' her instrument wasn't the intent in my action last night. Oi''ve even offered t' replace it, should the lady permit me t' do so." He finished as both Hannah and Telion shifted their gaze, cycling between Ricky and Milana while Aaron fidgeted some more.

"Well, looks like I'm in trouble..."
word count: 1419
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=352
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Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=607

Milana's eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden laughter, her mouth opening slightly before she quickly shut it and adopted a thoughtful expression. The woman in the corner was staring at Ricky now, cool eyes examining him in detail as he spoke. Strous, however, looked somewhat bored as he unfolded his arms and adopted a more relaxed bearing. The man idly placed a hand on the back of Milana's chair, his other hand absently adjusting the straps of his sword.

As Ricky spoke Milana's brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to work through the man's thick accent. From time to time she would appear a bit puzzled but quickly seemed to catch on as he finished his tale. The more Ricky talked the redder Aaron's face became, a fact that was not lost on Milana who on occasion sent looks his way as well. When he finally finished the man seemed unable to bear it any longer and took several steps forward.

"He ATTACKED me." he practically shouted, glaring at Ricky before talking to Milana once more, "He became an animal, threatening to kill me just for trying to talk to her. We were together, I just wanted to--" he cut off abruptly as Milana raised her hand, sighing as she rubbed her forehead.

"Aaron Miles." The name was stated quietly, but with such authority that the man's face sobered somewhat, "I have heard your piece. I would ask you to reframe from interrupting further."

"But," The man took another step toward Milana. Behind her Strous casually stepped to the side of the desk, half-sitting on the edge as he drew a knife from his belt, fiddling with a nail without looking at Aaron. The message was clear, and after a brief hesitation, Aaron stepped back once more.

The silence stretched for a few seconds before Milana bent down, the sound of a drawer opening and papers shuffling could be heard before she finally straightened. A small stack of parchment was placed on the desk, the handwriting on it neat and cramped. With one finger Milana began tracing a path down the first paper, eyes scanning as she spoke, "Your relationship, Aaron Miles, with a Miss Telion Maze is documented here in this report." She said this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, but for some reason it made Aaron look uncomfortable, "You both come from families who have lived in Loras for generations. You come from a line of farmers, with you breaking from the tradition to take up carpentry under Thomas Calloway."

Milana turned the page, beginning to scan down the second as she continued, "Telion Maze and her family have a similar history. Her late mother worked closely with both my father and mother during the early days of the clinic." The noble glanced up and passed Telly a half-smile before continuing, "Her father worked as a bard in the Duedrop Inn, and is still spoken highly of by my family there now."

The final page was flipped, and Milana paused there. She read a few lines over, a frown deepening as she looked up at Aaron, "It also appears that you once submitted a marriage application for you and Miss Maze, which was subsequently rejected. Is that correct?"

The red had drained from the man's face as he now looked slightly pale, "Well, yeah but that's what I wanted to talk about before I was attacked that is."

The noble simply stared at the man, if anything her frown etching further in her features, "This report also says you had several incidences with the guards, often regarding drunken conduct and subsequent angry outburst that accompanied them. I count here," She glanced down, "Three separate counts of harassment of tavern guests, both local and traveling."

"That doesn't have anything to do with--" he began angrily before Milana once more cut in.

"This last incident resulted in Miss Maze seeking the help of the guard to restrain you during one especially violent outburst at the Duedrop inn. This resulted in you being both banned from the Inn, as well as from approaching Miss Maze unescorted for her own safety." The traces of weariness were gone now as Milana's tone turned fridge, "Tell me Mr. Miles, what were you doing at the Inn where you did not belong, speaking with a woman you were forbidden to approach?"

The man sputtered, a few half phrases coming out as if to protest, but it seemed he was unable to come up with an appropriate answer. Still, Milana sat back and patiently waited for several seconds more before waving at Strous. The man stood, walking toward Aaron who suddenly felt the need to take a step toward the door.

"I believe we are done here Mr. Miles. Given the circumstances, I will not escalate this further, mostly out of respect for Miss Maze and her family. Should I see you again, however, you will be levied a fine for damages delt and removed from Loras. Should you not be able to pay this fine it will be passed to your kinship instead. For their sake, I hope you make wiser decisions in the future."

Aaron again started to protest, but with one motion Strous twisted the man's arm behind his back and forcefully lead him out the door, tossing him out and carefully shutting the door afterward. Milana watched this impressively, once more looking tired as Strous returned to her side. In the corner, the woman smiled slightly.

"Now then..." Milana's eyes fell onto Ricky again, and this time she waved her hand at chairs in front of the desk, "Take a seat. Strous, please fetch another chair for Rickter and have Sarah prepare a pot of tea."

With a single nod, Strous moved around the desk, once more opening the door and slipping out. He would return a brief moment later with another simple chair, setting it down next to Ricky to take if he wished it.

"While that man's claims were ridiculous," Milana began, shuffling the papers and returning them to her drawer, "I am afraid Rickter that your case is not quite concluded. You still attacked a man who had, as far as you were aware, done no harm and used another person's property to basically bludgeon him. Looking at your size," her eyes swept up and down Ricky's body, this time a note of appreciation in her voice as she said, "You could have killed him by accident doing such a thing."

Strous snorted, making Milana glance over her shoulder at him before continuing, "I want to hear what miss Telion and Miss Hannah have to say on the matter." She looked at the two women, motioning for them to speak.

word count: 1160
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


The First Day
Ash 19th, 117 AoS

It was even more evident now that this Milana woman looked more and more reasonable, as Ricky had paid close attention to her reactions, specifically during his recollection of the previous night. Aaron of course only made his case all the more clearer, displaying his outrage not even two seconds after Ricky finished his story. Yet even when he wanted to smile at the bickering man, the wolfs own eyes calmly flicked between him and the woman behind the desk. For what it's worth he was starting to like this lady, for she quickly dismissed slight tantrum with a mere gesture of the hand. From there the rest practically became history, as some would no doubt refer when looking back on this later.

To say that Ricky wasn't at all vividly interested in these people was an understatement now, where he thought Loras a quiet little place before, he certainly had a first-hand taste for the typical lifestyle of these people. So Aaron was a born farmer huh? Explains his shitty temperament rather quickly, although a sense of admiration was found for seeking a different trade. Strange. Suddenly the enemies in the room were subjects, feeding into his intrigue as Ricky tried to wrap his mind around the lot. Telion Maze? So that was her name. She and Hannah were both a curious duo, leading him to wonder the story behind the two at heart.

So the bard was the daughter of a healer and yet another bard, indicating that the apple didn't likely fall too far from the tree. Yet late mother? Those terms were only used in passing, which Ricky noted the brief diverted glance Telion displayed, following with a soft smile back to Milana afterward. The relationship between these people was fairly close, something he should've expected given how involved of a community this appeared to be. And an application for marriage? So these two were more than just a couple, up until the poor bastard showed his true colors too soon, and gave the lady too soon of a chance to revoke it. The hidden smile he kept from wearing earlier diminished then, as part of Ricky started to really feel for these two, though Telion certainly had his sympathies more than Aaron did.

Not much longer after that when clearly his poor case of an accusation went dismissed, Aaron was soon fed the shame of being turned away from the company present. His role had played it's part after all and now, he would only leave with what fragments of pride remained. Admittedly there was a brief "hmm," emitted Ricky as he watched, with the feeling of satisfying victory lingering in his mind as he faced forward once more. Now that the asshole of the group no longer remained, the second part of the meeting seemed underway not long after. Immediately the wolf's eyes curiously moved between those present in the room, particularly the Strous fellow when he walked past Rickter to find a chair.

It was fairly obvious the wolf felt out of place still, fairly alert and wary of those still present in the room, and yet even then Ricky maintained the collectively calm impression he wore earlier. The two ladies took their seats together respectfully, with Telion offering a warm and endearing smile to the lady behind the desk. "Thank you, my lady, for resolving this matter personally." She offered with a brief bow of her head, while Hannah sat with her arms crossed and a leg tucked beneath the other. Strous returned not a moment too soon with the extra chair, to which Ricky accepted as he still gandered to the manservant inquisitively. Curious. Did he do everything she asked him to? Or was he a man of his own morals?

From where he came from morals were a lesser commodity, though none of them would know that of course, since Ricky had just arrived yesterday. Still, he took his chair and with a hand on the backside of it, the wolf turned it around so that he would sit with it's back underneath his arms. The lady still had business with him, which was presently clear since he still remained, but that business revolved around the two women at his sides now. Already he could tell Hannah was slightly uncomfortable, almost but not quite visibly so, as she consciously tapped fingertips against her thumb. It wasn't necessarily visible from the front but with Rick's angle, he could see that his presence started to get under her skin. Quite ironically he liked it too. Considering how flirtatious she had been last night, it was only fair he returned her the courtesy she could've imposed onto him.

Accidentally killing a man? While there was meritable truth in that statement, Ricky honestly wondered what it was Milana did see in him. She seemed rather amicable now in comparison to earlier, and yet still the wolf felt the need to remain guarded in her presence. Never were his instincts wrong about someone, and that was why he always trusted them no matter what. Still with the snort of the manservant and a lowering of Telion's head, as she tried to avoid smiling, Ricky couldn't help but slightly grin as a response to the statement as well. Then came the next question Milana felt the desire to ask, which was more so directed at the women much rather than Ricky. Quickly the half-breed's hint of glibness faded, as both of them looked to one another almost in sync, before glancing from Ricky back to the lady behind the desk.

"The bastard's got balls I'll give him that," Hannah noted almost in an impressed tone, "fact is I'm not the wounded party here. Telly's the one that been wronged in all this, I'm simply here to support her as a friend." And a true friend at that Ricky thought, for who would go so far to protect a sole bard, one who certainly seemed capable of taking care of herself. Or so he wondered... What was it about Telion that made the barmaid so protective? Even now the blonde woman looked a little on edge, clearly a little shook over the whole ordeal as she opened her mouth to speak.

"While he did take a little to far, I understand the intention was to help me." She then looked to Ricky almost sympathetically, something that stirred a reasonable amount of surprise within the wolf. "All grievances aside I still appreciate his effort, and his offer to replace the broken instrument." She then looked to Lady Milana once more, a warm and humble smile given to her before she finished. "If it would please my lady, then I'd like to hold him to that accord. Even so much as to help him do it, as I'd imagine he'll have a hard time finding work around Loras alone."

"Especially after last night." Hannah casually remarked as Ricky remained visibly still as stone, his eyes still wandering between everyone in the room, as they would narrow and widen in cycles during the conversation.

"Well, looks like I'm in trouble..."
word count: 1297
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=352
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=619
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=607

Milana blinked at Ricky's odd sitting posture, though she said nothing. In the corner, the older woman's lips turned downward in disapproval, though she as well said nothing of it. One did not lounge like that in the presence of the Alt Finla's Vassal. Despite the rather relaxed rules for nobility in Atinaw, there were still some things that were simply not done.

As Hanah talked Milana would lean forward slightly to rest her hands on her desk, folded with one on top of the other. She watched with tired eyes as the woman made subtle movements of her own hands, eyes flicking to look at Ricky and Telion respectively as they were brought up. Glancing down Milana tried to see her hands, though the desk was in the way to see Hannah's finger movements or the movements of her feet farther down. Milana was less than a novice when it came to reading others, however, her aunt had instructed her to begin paying very close attention to the actions of people as they talked. Sometimes there were little hints as to the truth of things buried beneath the rhetoric.

When Telion spoke the eyes of the noble fell on her instead, and the process continued. She looked into the woman's eyes, searching for the sincerity there. She glanced at the shoulders as they slumped slightly from the memory of the previous night. She saw her bite her lower lip just briefly before she made her final case.

"I see..." Milana said softly as she rested back in her chair once more. She folded her arms over her chest, one hand resting lightly on her cheek as she stared at the desk in thought. In the corner, the older woman shifted, her eyes now on Milana as she contemplated.

The silence stretched for a few long seconds before it was broken by Strous, who leaned down to whisper softly into Milana's ear. Milana nodded at his words, browns crinkling as she considered a moment before looking at Ricky, "It is my understanding you have just arrived in Loras no more than a day ago. Tell me, do you have the farthings to pay for the broken instrument?"

Behind them the door slowly opened, a young woman stepping through with a tray in hand. On it was several small cups and an ornate teapot. While Ricky gave his words the woman, Sarah would set the tray down on the edge of the desk, carefully filling and handing out cups to each person in turn. She gave the first cup to Milana, and the second to her Aunt. She then would offer cups to each of the ladies in turn, and finally Ricky. Strous was notably left out of the entire arrangement. When she was finished Sarah would bow her head slightly, taking the tray and holding it to her chest as she stepped back and to the side just in case she was needed again.

word count: 514
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Joined: Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:10 pm
Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


The First Day
Ash 19th, 117 AoS

Ricky's eyes hadn't stopped their frequent shifting, the blue hues displaying a refined sense of focus, with each and every figure they often fell back onto. The Strous guy behind Milana hardly seemed unphased by his behavior, while Milana herself seemed to consider his choice of posture for just a moment. Interesting. The other woman who remained in her own corner, from the looks of it she definitely didn't approve of it. Telion and Hannah were also considerably at odds in their own way, the endearing one more pressed to eye him in concern, while the barmaid kept to herself and did the exact opposite.

Whatever it was about Ricky that made Hannah react in such a way, he hadn't the faintest idea apart from how he handled the situation last night. Yet from what very little he gathered about the barmaid, she seemed like the type who would've praised him for what he did, perhaps if it were done with something other than some fucking instrument. Introvertly the wolf did feel the need to quietly tap his thumbs atop the chair, his lower lip bitten softly as he listened to Telion speak on the matter. So she wanted a replacement like he said he would, and she even felt willing to help him find work. What an unusual way to handle the situation...

From where Ricky came from everyone always had a second agenda, hidden avarice such as greed or ambition that they kept to themselves. The wolf had done a lot of work for these types of people, over the years he lived within Kamdin no less. Here though he had met different people, living completely different lifestyles in comparison to the ones he found back home. Home... Such a concept he barely held onto anymore, Ricky quite honestly hadn't any idea as to what a real home should be like. But he didn't dwell on it either, not when he was clearly caught in an interesting situation to get out of. Regardless of whether or not this Telion woman wanted to help him, Ricky felt morally obligated to replace that which he had broken. He was after all wrong for that at least, no matter how pure the intent was with his actions.

Thus when he was asked as to whether he had the farthing to cover the replacement, his firm pensive expression lowered into a considerable frown. Money. Not that he always had an issue with getting it, but he certainly lived by payment to payment these days. Turns out starting a new life on the road was more than just a little difficult, but anything was better than where he'd came from to say the least. "Not... entirely." He came to slowly admit with a brief scratch over the whiskers on his cheek, somehow causing Hannah to quietly chuckle as she rolled her eyes. Ricky didn't see that of course but to Milana, and the spectating woman, it was a fairly obvious reaction to witness.

"Travel is expensive," He noted collectively with the lowering of his hand once more, "Oi've not a lotta Farthin' t' me name, but Oi can get it if there's work t' be had 'round town." He remarked in turn with a speculative look shot to Milana, his eyes suddenly narrowed as he half expected her to either smile or frown. Telion also looked briefly to Rickter before looking back to Hannah, and then Milana once more with a hopeful expression in her eyes. And then the maid from earlier entered once more, bringing in tea for everyone to drink as she made her rounds. The wolf's eyes couldn't help but fixate on Sarah when she did come into view, his orbs curiously watchful as Milana and the other lady were first, with cups offered to Telion and Hannah in turn afterward. That Strous fellow wasn't offered any, however, which prompted a raised eyebrow for just a moment.

Did he not like to drink tea? It wasn't something Ricky had indulged in much, to be honest, thus when he was last to be given the tiny cup on a small plate, the wolf reluctantly accepted it as he held the plate at its base. Steam permeated the air above the black liquid rippling within his cup, as the wolf could trace subtle hints of a flavor from the aroma. There was mint, maybe even a hint of something tart like lemon... Immediately he started to display a hint of disgust at its smell, yet he couldn't help but at least try to be gracious in the presence of nobility as it were. "Thank you m' lady!" Telion reacted humbly after she had taken a sip, Hannah doing the same in her own way of course, as she sipped at its contents with a soft smile.

"It's always nice to drink tea this time of day." The barmaid complimented as Ricky gave in, lifting the cup by the handle with his index finger until he tilted it over enough to slurp a small portion into his mouth. Immediately he tasted... lemon. Mint. And whatever in Gods name made it so damn bitter. As a result the wolf nearly choked it down, clearing his throat quickly as he lowered the cup back onto its saucer, his throat still contracting as he tried to keep from coughing aloud before everyone. Damn it everything back there burned, making his eyes nearly water from the sudden sting he fought against so stubbornly.

"Needs more sugar..." He finally muttered lowly as he held the cup out for Sarah, hopeful that she'd remove it from his sight before too long. "Or perhaps Oi'm not accustomed t' tea, apologies fer not bein' able to finish it." He murmured with almost a croak still in his throat, leading Telion and Hannah both to glimpse at him oddly. Did they both just refrain from laughing at him? The ladies definitely had that glint of amusement in their perplexing expressions, making Ricky feel a little more anxious about the tea now.

"Well, looks like I'm in trouble..."
word count: 1118
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House

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