[Memory] Seeing Blind II.

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=695&p=2819

3rd day of Sundered Rise, Season of Searing, Year 57 of Age of Steel

[indent=20]The darkness wasn’t the most unsettling part. It was the sounds. The sounds he couldn’t see because he denied himself the light. He had the solution right at his fingertips always.
[indent=20]Open your eyes. But he wouldn’t. And the sounds around him rustled, meaning nothing and everything at the same time. He didn’t know.
[indent=20]Open them! His mind screamed as the sounds wouldn’t stop. His eyelids pressed together even tighter.
[indent=20]Focus, he thought, pushing through the fear pleading with his sense. The tree offer support as Arlen pressed further into it. And the whishing didn’t stop.
[indent=20]Something is here. The fabric of his pants balled between his fingers.
[indent=20]I swear. Something… His heart sped up and he felt the sweat starting to grace his skin. I Arlen wasn’t going to listen to fear the easy way, then fear was hell-bent on forcing its way into Arlen’s mind.
[indent=20]Something… His eyes flew open. His chest swelled. His gaze darted everywhere.
[indent=20]Any minute. Any minute now!
[indent=20]Nothing moved but the leaves up in the trees’ crown and around him in the bushes. Nothing moved but the nature in its rhythm that Arlen had not yet understood.
[indent=20]Then he felt the culprit. It pressed against his skin with determination. It was saying - ‘I am here, stupid’. The breeze climbed up his heated body.
[indent=20]‘I am right here’. It whispered in his ear before it wrapped around the tree and continued on its merry journey. Arlen would have sworn that it was laughing at him as it went. Instead, he let out a shaky breath, his fingers releasing the fabric in their grasp. It was left crumpled but who cared. He was still alive.
[indent=20]Survival instinct and intuition, the black-haired man recalled someone from the tribe say once. Whether it was in the context of fighting, hunting or within a story told, Arlen couldn’t quite recall. Yet, those words now resurfaced in his mind as though they were to become the core of his journey in the forest.
[indent=20]“Survival.” His hand slipped from his knee, regarding the nature with eyes that were growing accustomed to her variety. “And intuition.” The hilt of the anelace he brought from the weapon maker fit into his palm. It was the only weapon he brought, choosing to travel light.
[indent=20]“Survival,” he said again, squeezing the hilt before letting go.
[indent=20]With the sun high in the sky Arlen saw fairly well in the forest. Perhaps things at a greater distance were harder to recognize but then anyone would struggle. Or so he believed. He had not seen any animal yet, though noticed a few marks of them passing by. A heap of poop here, a broken twig there. Yet, he was not the only one in the woods. That was for sure.
[indent=20]“Time to move on.” With resolution, Arlen got up. He spent too long in this place not sitting still. Whatever animal was planning to pass by probably changed its mind at the smell of Arlen and the sound of his fretting.
[indent=20]He wasn’t in the forest to hunt. No, he was too underequipped for that. But he needed animals to move around him so he could recognize them. Then, when hunting in a dimmer setting, he wouldn’t need to rely as much on his sight or light as he did now. After all, something of what Fow threw at him during their last year’s hunt together struck a chord with Arlen.
[indent=20]The man spent the whole day moving from place to place, trying to get used to the sounds of nature when there was no one to tell him what they mean. And having no one tell him this made the time pass incredibly fast for he found himself lost and in awe, sometimes forgetting his purpose of being in the Wild King’s Forge.
[indent=20]By the time he relocated for the umpteenth time, Arlen recognized the difference between the tree crowns whispering above him, the undergrowth answering around him and the sound of his footsteps on the forest floor underneath.
[indent=20]‘Thanks’ to his eyesight, he also never strayed too far from his camp. Instead, he was moving around it in wider and wider circles, always making sure that had the makeshift signpost insight - his change of red silk clothes tied to and hanging from a low branch. Sure, the red did not mesh well with the greens and browns and that’s what he wanted.
Last edited by Arlen on Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 831
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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=695&p=2819

[indent=20]The sunlight was bouncing from branches at sharp angles. It barely reached the forest floor now. Arlen settled down for the last time, already struggling to see enough far ahead to walk around with comfort.
[indent=20]He knew that the camp was to his left as he rested his back against yet another tree. He trusted too little in his abilities to be able to guess if something would approach him from the back.
[indent=20]He snorted a laugh. “Abilities. Who am I kidding.” He had a long way to go before he could even start thinking about praising himself for skill. But it was a road worth taking.
[indent=20]And the world around him dimmed more. The sun continued to abandon its place in the sky.
[indent=20]Last one, Arlen thought, rolling his shoulders. He laid down the anelace next to his thigh within close reach. After all, with darkness falling, it would be more than just one half-blind half-breed moving through the forest. And although Arlen wanted to improve his orientation in dark, he did not want to pay for these lessons with his life.
[indent=20]Paying less attention to the nature around him, Arlen proceeded with eyes closed. There was still enough light for him to see and that would sidetrack his focus on hearing.
[indent=20]With the visual stimulus removed, Arlen once again dived deep into the fight between focus, and sleep. That was the other hardest part of this training and at times it felt more exhausting than the emotional ups and downs of uncertainty. Yet, this tug of war kept him surprisingly awake and aware. Because his life depended on it after all. If he slipped to sleep, he may not wake up again and that was not a risk he was willing to take.
[indent=20]One of the ways, he could tell that time passed was the dropping temperature in the forest. His skin responded to it with prickling that started off lightly along his arms. And the more it dropped, the further it went - up along the sides of his neck, under his armpits, clinging to his buttcheeks. Arlen had never been this aware of his own body before.
[indent=20]Eventually, the man noticed that even the wind itself had died down. For the first time since arriving, the forest grew still and silence became a new sound that Arlen started to recognize.
[indent=20]Although the cooler sensation of the fallen night was stark against his skin, Arlen didn’t know how much time passed. Nor did he care. In this new stillness, it seemed his ears could pick up anything. If only there was something to hear.
[indent=20]And the chilling kiss on his skin persisted.
[indent=20]He felt it peppering the same trail that the temperature had taken earlier. The hairs on his arms stood in attention like a wave frozen over lake Udori. In that way, it wrapped around his arms, climbed up to his shoulders until it slid around his next and down into his lower back. The strange cold feeling sat there like a heavy boulder.
[indent=20]That’s when he heard it. The murmur of undergrowth to his right corner of the eye. It was subtly, barely there. But in the silence, Arlen picked it up. And his lower back tightened because following the sound Arlen felt no breeze on his skin.
[indent=20]Then it came again. Closer. Still from the same direction.
[indent=20]He frowned, inclining his head. It sounded like nothing he had heard before. It seemed to move in the same direction, not like wind hopping from leaf to leaf.
[indent=20]It was soft. Softer than soft. The muscles along his neck tightened. His back was stiff like metal.
[indent=20]Something depressed the ground. He heard it in the move of the twigs. But he also heard the sound of warning. The chill in his back exploded.
[indent=20]His eyes flew open, hand tearing the anelace from the ground. Arlen released a roar, triggering his inborn ability as a burst of light drowned the world around him. And the shine of his weapon reflected in two murderous eyes and a set of sharp teeth leaping to taste his flesh, for it was way past Arlen’s bed time in a world he didn’t know or understand.
word count: 753
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3281#p3281

XP: 5

Magic Experience: None!

Injuries/Ailments: Probably next time!

Awarded Lores:
Hunting: Patience takes time but brings rewards
Navigation: Recognize the location of action by where the sound comes from
Navigation: Pick a reference point
Appraisal: The sounds of wind and steps are different
Appraisal: Passage of time measured by the temperature
Appraisal: Light steps of a predator

Loot: You'll get lucky someday.

Ah! I'm happy I snagged the second part of this series. I can't say I blame Arlen, I'd also be freaking out if I had to go through the woods with my eyes closed. I liked the way you described what he could feel as opposed to what he could see in this thread, and I look forward to seeing how the run-in with the beastie goes in the next one!

word count: 155
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