
The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

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Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
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52nd of Searing, 120

Right there, in his hands, was four thousand Dunari Farthings worth of notes, wrapped in a neat brown leather wallet. He didn't earn the money, but he had it all the same. The wallet was Barry's; his old boss'. To save that much money while working for scraps and living in terrible conditions would have taken Arkash a year to save, more, most likely. But in one day, he'd made so much. Not by working himself to the bone, but with violence and the element of surprise.
[indent=30]Arkash sat there in the dark corner of Lower Nivenhain. The sun was coming up while the sky rained upon him as it had since the late night. His mind turned gears that he didn't know he had while he stared at the small, brown, leather-wrapped trophy.
[indent=30]If he just pulled a few heists like that, hit a few big targets, he could make it out of Lorien in just a bit more than a month... Perhaps faster if he invested in some equipment to make the job easier. It was a hell of a lot easier than the slow grind of mining and chopping trees, too.
[indent=30]While the rain washed over him, Arkash held the wallet close to his chest and smiled. A joyous hum flowed from his lips, followed by a light chuckle that had been bubbling in his throat. In truth, he didn't care if Barry would be fine, financially, or physically. It was easy to distance himself from the harm he'd inflicted. Perhaps it was a trait of his reptilian nature? Perhaps it was due to the thing that broke inside him?
[indent=30]Arkash was fully laughing in the downpour. He was crying and shaking. It was going to be okay; he'd told himself so time and time again, but the words had never stuck. Now, he knew. He and Cojack were going to make it.
[indent=30]As he breathed raggedly in the cover of the Alley, the sting in his chest's scales grew more and more apparent. Before long, it was unignorable, and his laughter died with a grunt of pain. He'd reopened his wounds when he attacked Barry, and they bled through the bandages that wrapped his chest. In the rain, the deep red, patchy outline of 'B.T' blurred and faded to a dull, general pink that covered the majority of his chest as the water diluted his blood.
[indent=30]Right. He had to heal before he could make more heists, and for that, he needed more bandages... But that counted as one of the items he would buy to invest in his and Cojack's future. If Arkash could make money like that consistently, they would be able to live more comfortably until they were able to afford the caravan out of Lorien.
[indent=30]With a sigh, he untied the bandages of his feet and formed a sling of sorts by tying them together, he then fashioned that sling to his rusty iron pipe, and slung it over his back. Most people carried weapons on their person, it was a wonder that Arkash hadn't bought one after the numerous attacks he'd suffered on the streets of Lower Nivenhain.
[indent=30]With his weapon and wallet in tow, Arkash emerged from the alley, and walked into the rainy Rien streets.

It took several stops to find all the things that he needed, and of course the most important of the bunch was the most expensive by far. But, by the end, it had stopped raining, Arkash wore a new backpack that was filled with clothes, medical supplies, and some tools that would help with his new trade.
[indent=30]There were a few other things, he saw, that would have helped, but he couldn't afford them. That didn't matter, as he'd just collect them after-hours.
[indent=30]A problem would arise soon enough, however. Two problems, even. Arkash had argued with Barry before he attacked the fat human. Even if Arkash hadn't left any evidence of being there, what if the man just assumed and came after him? He knew where Arkash lived, after all. Secondly, how did he explain the new clothes and things to Cojack?
[indent=30]"With honesty," he decided aloud in Ithmi. The amount of energy it required to think of an excuse as to how he got his claws on those supplies was something that he didn't want to expend. Besides, Cojack consistently bothered him for the truth. If he wanted to meet the cow that died for his steak, so be it.
[indent=30]The subject of Barry's revenge was something he buried, as he didn't yet have a solution. For once, the young Rath wanted an easy day. A day where he could eat well, play with his new toys, and heal the scars of yesterday. And that was exactly what he intended to do.
[indent=30]Soon enough, Arkash arrived at the run-down wooden shack that was his home, turned his key in the padlock, and walked inside. Immediately, he let the heavy bag slide from his shoulders, and it fell into his claws. With a grunt, he rolled his shoulder and put it on the floor before him. After that, he removed the sling of his pipe and left it at the door. A glance to the wooden bed in the corner of the room beheld Cojack, asleep in his sheets.
[indent=30]"Dad," called Arkash with a huff as he knelt before the backpack.
[indent=30]The old horse blinked wearily, then opened his mouth wide in a powerful yawn. "Ahhhh... Arkash," He spoke as he shut his mouth, then swirled his tongue in his mouth to be rid of the stale medicine taste on his palette.
[indent=30]Carefully, arkash pulled the wrapped meals from the top of the backpack's contents. They were still warm. He approached his father and stood in the same motion before he placed the meal upon his father's lap. It had been two days since either of them ate, and Arkash hoped that his father's hunger would stay any questions that surely arose in his addled mind.
[indent=30]Cojack looked to the package and untied the string that bound it to allow the wrapping to unfold. Inside was a variety of cooked vegetables, including carrots. He couldn't eat meat due to the animal that he took after as a Rathari, so Arkash was sure to ask the tavernkeeper to exclude that from his order. "Eat up, it'll get cold," warned Arkash as he sat on his fur throws and opened his own meal.
[indent=30]"...What is this?" Asked his father.
[indent=30]"It's food," replied the younger Rath as he looked upon his meal; chicken, vegetables, and some gravy. "What does it look like?"
[indent=30]"Well, yes, I see that..." Started Cojack, who hadn't even touched the food. "...But how did you get it?"
[indent=30]"Does it matter?" Asked Arkash in turn, who took a bite from his gravy-covered chicken and ripped through it with the aid of his serrated teeth.
[indent=30]"Yes, Arkash, it does." Cojack wasn't letting it go, it seemed. "We have no money, how did you afford fresh food from the tavern?"
[indent=30]"I stole some money," spoke Arkash plainly.
[indent=30]"You did WHAT?!" Strained Cojack, who then began to cough hard into his balled fist.
[indent=30]"It's not a big deal, dad,"
[indent=30]"The hell it is!" he snapped and wrapped up the meal again. "This is exactly what...!" he stopped himself, caught in a stammer that saw him trip over his words as he thought of what to say.
[indent=30]"...What mom did?" Asked the younger Rath, straight to the point.
[indent=30]"Exactly!" Cried his father.
[indent=30]"I get it, mom stole some food for us and got killed for it, but Dad," Arkash threw the last piece of chicken in his mouth and chewed briefly before he swallowed the piece, mostly whole. "That was before the world decided to screw us over. We lost everything to a bunch of thieves and bullies. We deserve this."
[indent=30]Cojack crossed his skinny arms and shook his head. "So, you stole this back from the boys that broke in here?"
[indent=30]Arkash paused. "Well... No, but it was someone that deserved it."
[indent=30]"BARRY?!" Cojack coughed again, and a few more sputters followed.
[indent=30]Arkash's brow softened as he watched his father. Why didn't he understand? "Dad, he was the one that sold us out. He told those guys where we live an-"
[indent=30]"He's a Savant, Ark! You robbed someone from a higher-!"
[indent=30]"-He didn't see me!" Arkash broke his father's ramble with a declaration, a yell.
[indent=30]Silence fell upon the two, as they both thought of how to argue their points. Arkash was resolute in his decision, his morals. He didn't do something bad; it was deserved. Cojack was just as unmoving, however. Arkash took some of the fried broccoli from his plate and used it to mop up the gravy before he threw it in his mouth, bit the floret in two, and swallowed the chunks. He still didn't know why he was able to eat vegetables as a carnivorous Rathari, but that was a topic for another day.
[indent=30]"Dad, it's done. Everything's gonna be fine," he spoke finally. Cojack didn't even look at him. "You should eat, it's not like I can take it back and ask for my money back, anyway."
[indent=30]In complete silence, Cojack looked to the parcel of food, then brought it back to his lap and began to eat from its contents. Arkash smiled a little, then continued to eat his own meal. Once he was done, he began to change his bandages.
[indent=30]"What's next?" Asked Cojack. he spoke in a tone that made Arkash feel as though he was walking a tightrope, and one misstep would plunge him in a pool of hungry sharks.
[indent=30]"Next... I heal, get us more food like that, then get us the money we need for that caravan out of here."
[indent=30]"And how are you getting that money?"
[indent=30]Arkash rolled his eyes. "How do you think?"
[indent=30]"And they're all gonna deserve it, right?" Cojack finished the last of his vegetables as Arkash tied off his clean bandage. It was clear that the old horse didn't trust Arkash's judgment, but he didn't care. Not anymore.
[indent=30]"Yeah actually," spoke Arkash with a smile and a nod. "They will deserve it."

word count: 1858
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Bodybuilding: Meats help with building muscle and recovery from injuries.
Persuasion: Helping someone see reason.
Persuasion: Establishing a moral standard to win a debate.
Persuasion: Assuring someone that moral dubious acts are okay under certain conditions.
Persuasion: Assuring someone that everything will be okay.
Tactics: Invest now to make more money later.
[NPC] Cojack: Isn't okay with you stealing.
[NPC] Cojack: Is terribly worried for your safety.
[NPC] Cojack: Has strong morals and standards.
[NPC] Cojack: Struggles with shouting.
[NPC] Cojack: Ultimately doesn't have a choice in what you do.

+1 set of lockpicks (-2000 df)
+3 linen Underwear (-30 df)
+1 Black linen Tunic (-50 df)
+1 pair of Black linen Pants (-80 df)
+1 Brown leather Belt (-40 df)
+1 Black linen Cowl (-20 df)
+1 Backpack (-20 df)
+3 Bandages (-30 df)
+1 Bottle of rubbing alcohol (-20 df)
2 Meals (-40 df)

Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: This thread felt like it was well deserved. In some ways, Arkash is coming to the understanding that he has to do what he has to do. In other ways I know he doesn't quite know what he is getting into. This is the early signs of overconfidence that will, inevitably, be snuffed out by the harsh realities of Ransera... I can't wait!

word count: 230

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