[Loras] The Better Half Of A Day

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Searing 62nd, 120th AoS

Sunlight no longer filtered beyond the western mountains anymore, as night time had fully fallen over Loras, with the street lanterns already lit to illuminate the streets awaiting him. Ricky walked forward towards the gates of his home, the two guards stationed there briefly alert when they had seen him initially. However, remembering the fact Ricky was a half Rathari and that he was seen running off as a wolf earlier, they quickly relaxed with a few chuckles as they watched him. Dangling from his mouth was the bloodied cloak of the bandit he'd attacked earlier, rolled and folded to carry within it every stolen item he'd ever gotten, while the knot of the cloak rested snuggly in the grips of his canines. "Heeeey, atta boy Rick!" One of the gate watchers cheered as he walked briskly past the lot, his blue eyes in a roll towards the sky as he merely continued onward.

Moments later when he moved closer to the guardhouse, other members of the watch reacted with brief surprise at seeing him, while he promptly walked through the room towards the Captain's office. "Well well," Captain Malkea started as he looked up from his desk, "you did that rather quickly!" The grizzled old man remarked in an impressed tone, with a hearty chuckle when Ricky moved to use the desk for leverage, standing on his hind legs so that he could drop the bundled cloak atop of it. "Took care of the problem and brought back everythin' he stole? Good work Maze." Captain Malkea commended as the wolf panted a few times before he started to wince and give off a few low growls a moment afterward.

Snaps coursed along his spine as the growls he gave was one of utter annoyance, his animal form contorting at the legs as he engaged in yet another metamorphosis. Captain Malkea leaned back in his chair with his eyes widened as he watched everything, having a front-row seat to the alterations that took place with Ricky's form, as fur began to recede while muscles shifted into a different mold before him. Within moments the wolf became a naked man before the Captain, the growls suddenly groans as the rest of his facial features lessened into the human form. "Damn son, does it hurt when you do that?!" Malkea checked with a bit of concern in his eyes, while Ricky himself sighed before breathing soft pants from his exertions.

"Not really..." He remarked as he slowly started to rise, using the edge of the desk to help keep him supported. "Definitely not used to doin' it several times a day."

"Huh," Malkea's mouth hung open briefly before he adopted a look of consideration, "Well regardless, your clothes are over there." The Captain shared as he pulled the cloak closer to him, slowly undoing the knot so that he could inspect everything that was inside. "I took the liberty of delivering your armor back to your house... Hannah wasn't really pleased."

"Did y' tell her it was you who sent me?" Ricky tested as he looked over to the table, with few brisk steps taken to approach it.

"I did..." Captain Malkea answered in turn, with a bit of amusement heard in his tone. "Pretty sure I got all the lip I needed from her in one day. You're next on her list I would assume." He reasoned as Ricky slipped his beige-colored trousers on first, his expression still plain as he grabbed the white cotton vest next, slipping it on while he turned to face the Captain once more.

"I wouldn't doubt it." He remarked in turn with a lean down to grab his boots, which he then took a seat near the desk to slip them on. "That's everythin' the bandit had on him when I found him. He was busy muggin' another traveler, pretty much gave me the only-"

"Thank you for your report Maze," Malkea promptly interjected with a hearty grin, "Go pick up your boy before Hannah loses her mind." Getting the message his Captain was telling him, Ricky swiftly nodded as he finished tying the strings, padding his boots on the floor a few times before rising into a stand once more. With a brief wave, the wolf wandered out of the office, stopped only by the Captain's last beck and call when he exited the threshold. "Oh and Maze, you did good work out there." The wolf shot a very minor, very brief, smirk to Malkea before moving to leave yet again. Paying no mind to the guards that waved at him on his way out, he moved outside the guardhouse towards the main street, strolling directly towards the Duedrop Inn as he always normally did.

So that he'd get to enjoy the better part of his long and weary day. After a few minutes of strolling, he finally arrived at the entrance, quick to enter with a duck of his head in doing so. A couple of the barmaids working seemed busy handling the drinks at the bar, while Hannah herself carried a platter to deliver food, with Martin still worn at her front torso thanks to the makeshift sling she'd made. Right away the brunette noticed he'd arrived, her eyes narrowed briefly before rolling in utter relief afterward. "Bout time! I oughta kick your ass you know!" She called out to him over the roaring bustle, as a few of the people who watched Martin laughed a little.

"Did you kick Malkea's when he visited?" Ricky checked as Hannah placed her platter down on the table, careful to undo the knots in her body sling until finally, Martin was free from the apron she used to carry him within. "How's he been?"

"Curious as ever, I'm starting to think he enjoys the work. Least watchin' me do it anyways!" She told him as she carefully held the baby out for Ricky, who took the squirming child into his arms calmly, yet with a sudden smile beaming across his face. "And yes, though he only received the verbal end of it!" She assured Ricky in regards to his earlier question, while the father raised his eyebrows to give the boy a slightly goofy look.

"Oh no! Looks like daddy's next fer a good whippin'!" The child grinned a wide toothless smile with a few chuckles, while Hannah made good on her word by whipping at his bum, using the washcloth she kept tucked away in her pocket.

"It's been a few hours since he last ate, should I get some milk and bread ready?" She checked as she reached to pick up the platter once more.

"Please." Ricky responded plainly yet still with half a smile. "I could use a beer as well."

"Don't get drunk on the job daddy." Hannah teased with a smirk as she moved to resume her job, while Ricky nodded at those who were watching them, before briskly moving to find a seat at a table for themselves. After the father scooted a chair back using his foot, he eased down into it in a mildly slow fashion, reaching out to sit his son atop the surface of the table before him.

"Heeere we go!" He said aloud towards the child, who already stirred about as he looked around the whole room. "I tell ya what kiddo, it's been a helluva day." He muttered lowly with a sigh, lightly pinching at the tips of Martin's toes to grab his attention. "Hey, when 're ya gonna tell me bout your days? Huh?"

Martin looked down at his fingers in a puzzled manner, before looking back to his face with another grin. "Bwaaaa." Ricky couldn't help but laugh at his son then, the smile on his face all the more genuine when he did so.

"Me too kiddo." He answered in turn, giving an affectionate kiss on the child's crown afterward.

word count: 1364
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House

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