[Loras] Desperate Men

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:28 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=695&p=2819

35th Day of Searing, 120 AoS

[indent=20]Even a vague call to action was still a call worth answering. After days of static guarding jobs, Arlen was craving something a bit more active. Something where he could get his whole body moving instead of just eyes. His trips to the forests nearby were good and full of surprises. But they were a poor fix for the needy. After spending decades as a convoy caravan, Arlen was missing that action and movement in his life.
[indent=20]And though Loras was full of convoy opportunities, Arlen did not want to take one just yet. So instead in his desperation for change, he picked up an ad that was as far from anything he had seen over the last days as possible whilst still staying within his expertise.

Looking for a skilled swordsman. Details to be discussed in person at Terras manor. Taelian Ela’Rannoch

[indent=20]Curiosity and necessity drove him, transforming wonder into energy that carried him through the town towards the manor.
[indent=20]Arlen weaved his way through the crowds with acquired agility. After all, his tribe’s settlement wasn’t as large as Loras, but Loras was a good size to upgrade his in-crowd walking skills.
[indent=20]Terras manor, Arlen thought as he left the center market behind him with its usual ruckus.
[indent=20]He remembered another meeting a few days prior with a young woman from the estate. Peculiar and fascinating, he still couldn’t quite place his finger on the impressions he got. Perhaps this visit would shed some light on some unspoken questions.
[indent=20]Was he hoping to see her there? Not really. He did not hold onto false hopes nor youthful dreaming. But it was only natural for him to wonder if he was to enter her home which was open to all kinds of folk it seemed.
[indent=20]The wall that separated the manor from the rest of the town was gate-less. Arlen lifted his eyebrows upon realizing that. If the town was to be invaded, they could hardly protect the stronghold. Was that on purpose? Or did the people and lords of Loras grow lax in their inner defences? But then again, when and why the town would be invaded, Arlen did not know. Nor could he figure out by whom. So he shrugged to himself and walked through the arch. Again, it was not the matter at hand that he needed to attend to.
[indent=20]The manor itself rivalled in size homes Arlen had seen in Kalzasi. Throughout his years, he came to understand one thing - the bigger the house, the bigger the man. And this certainly spoke of status.
[indent=20]Does this Taelian person live in here or something? Arlen wondered, trying to recall if it was only the Terras kinship that was caring for the land or another one. Or was it joint? Who knew and so he went on.
[indent=20]The gardens spread around the manor and were well-tended and immaculate. In the heat of the searing sun, the countless flowers filled the air with scents as thick as pumpkin soup. It was different from the smell of nature that Arlen was accustomed.
[indent=20]Yet, his job wasn’t to come and ogle the riches of others either. Or to be awed by a different way of living. No.
[indent=20]Taelian Ela’Rannoch, Arlen thought. That was his target. He could wonder about other things another time. There was a much more pressing question rising inside his mind.
[indent=20]Now that he arrived to the manor...where would one find a man one had never seen in a place one had never been?
word count: 683

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