Hikami Yoko

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Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686


"They say the best way to know a soul, is by how they fight, so take up your arms, and show me who you really are."
Given Name: Hikami Yoko {Formerly Hyoga}
{Hah - Kah - Mee} {Yoh - Koh}
Race: Kathar Avialae
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 240lbs
Wingspan: 18ft

Birthdate: 25th of Frost, Year 98, Age of Steel
Birthplace: Outside of Kalzasi, Karnor

Profession: Monster Hunter/Bodyguard
Housing: Within Kalzasi Proper
Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Bisexually Polyamorous

Titles: N/A
Factions: N/A

Fluencies:Common, Synskrit
Ineptitudes: None

Get Inside My Head
  • Things I Like:
    Fighting| Magic| Training| Meeting new people| Indulgences| Adventuring| Testing his limits
  • What Pisses Me Off:
    Manipulators| Narrow-minded people| Threats to the innocent| Braggarts/Pompous Individuals
  • My Merits:
    Loyal| Charming| Open-Minded| Perceptive
  • My Flaws:
    Carefree| Battle-hungry

  • He admires those with wisdom and experience and is known to acknowledge another man/woman's abilities when given the chance. Despite his initial childish demeanor, he becomes fiercely determined whenever the chance to test or display his skill is given. It is seen that when engaged in combat he maintains a slight smile on his face, be it he is at an advantage or disadvantage.

    He considers fighting to be the purest form of a warrior's self-expression and tries to make each battle as much fun as he possibly can, even taking deadly risks to drag out fights for as long as possible. Hyoga will often be seen constantly smiling when engaging in a fight with a formidable opponent, having a sort of childish glee about him.

    He considers the only honorable battles to be the ones fought one-on-one. Even the threat of death is not a reason to ignore this fact, for he believes the winner is only determined when the other dies.

After Becoming an Iceborne:
  • -

You Can Touch, It's Ok
  • Hyoga, like many other Avialae, holds a stature of 7'2". He is an imposing individual to stand next to weighing a solid 240lbs. With a developed physique he is physically intimidating to the foolish. He sports short hair and changes the color as often as his mood shifts. His skin is pure porcelain and his complexion is flawless. His eyes shift from fluorescent hues of amber, pale blue, and a smokey grey.
  • His wings
    ► Show Spoiler

After Becoming an Iceborne:
  • -

Rune Magics

Rune of Elementalism - Master
  • The Rune of Elementalism sits in the center of his left shoulder. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting from red, to green, blue, & bronze. After becoming an Iceborne, the rune has shifted to glowing in hues of blue.

Rune of Reaving - Expert
  • The Rune of Reaving sits in the center of his right shoulder. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting from blue, black, & grey.

Once Upon A Time
  • Born to an honorable father and mother in a village outside of Kalzasi, Hyoga would learn the beauty of battle & magic at a very young age. His father was a Freelance monster hunter, finding honor and fame in slaying dangerous beast around the Karnor countryside, where his mother was an accomplished sorceress of skill to aid their village.

    He spent most of his childhood learning the lifestyle of a warrior, as much as a young kid could grasp at that time. During these times he taught him both the joys and hardships of life itself, learning to accept the beauty in all things. They showed him many wonders of both his father's and mother's people and making sure to instill pride in his heritage.

    His mother taught him the ways of magic, inscribing the rune of elementalism on him, and shepherding him in the art of rune magic. She instilled in him the importance of tranquility and being one with nature in order to commune and shape the elements to his will. It was tough, but Raiku pushed through his training.

    His father, on the other hand, taught him lessons in combat. Hyoga learned the family business, both in theory in lectures and hands-on joining his father in the field. From ages 10-15, he was hard at work, training, and trying to perfect his skill with the only weapon that felt right in his hands, a spear.

    Seeing the potential in his son, his father gave him the Rune of Reaving. This was the final step and with it, Hyoga learned an important lesson as a warrior, and that was no matter who your opponent is, fight as if it's your final battle. It was a lesson he would carry with him into every battle afterward.

    Things seemed to be going so well for Hyoga, but tragedy soon struck him and his village after his 19th birthday. While out on a hunt the smell of smoke drifted in the air, the direction coming from where his village was. Rushing back he couldnt believe his eyes, as his village was ablaze in flame. Rushing in, he tried to soothe the flames engulfing his village but they were too loud to listen to him, too powerful.

    He immediately tried to find his parents, but he didnt know he would find them as he did. His mother was clinging to life, only for him to witness his father being slain before him. As his father fell Hyoga saw them, their forms covered in shadow from the raging flames. Five grisly shadows stared down at him, one of which he only recognized as a fellow Avialae by their wings.

    "If you hate us enough to seek revenge for what we did, then come find us when you are stronger, till then try not to die as the last son of the Yoko Clan." a feminine voice hissed to him, the figures vanishing within the flames. Tears pouring from his eyes he let out a cry of anger, pain, and sorrow. Taking his mother in his arms, he went to go take her to get help, but she refused and told him that it was already too late for her.

    She told him she was sorry for not telling him about his father's clan sooner, that she failed as a parent to protect her baby boy. With her final breath, she told him how proud of him she was, for being so strong and talented. She told him to seek out her sister in Kalzasi, as she would be able to help Hyoga in his journey.

    With that, she died in his arms, to which he spent the next five hours sobbing uncontrollably. On the next day, Hyoga buried his mother and father, and soon after, left on a journey of self-discovery and honing his skills. For 6 years Hyoga traveled around the Northern Free cities, earning a living as a monster slayer as well as honing his craft in magic and combat.

    At the end of his journey, Hyoga sought out his auntie like his mother instructed, coming to find himself in the city of Kalzasi.

After Becoming an Iceborne:
  • -

Last edited by Hikami on Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:26 am, edited 48 times in total. word count: 1509
User avatar
Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686


Forever Changed
Racial Ability:
  • Avialae are unaffected by cold climates. Additionally, they can breathe easily even at high elevations.
Iceborne Physiology:
  • In response to both Hyoga's connection to water and ice, as well as his opening up to a power greater than himself here and the related events around the Avalanche of Frost 121, Hyoga has heavily overstepped and received an altered Quirk.

    : The Blessing of Udori has fundamentally changed Hyoga permanently. His body is now made an amalgamation of living water, ice, and Aether, holding the shape of what his own self-image shows. This may change as his moods or personality change and grow, but they are subtle changes. Additionally, because he's taken this form, he's been cut off from the Elements of Earth and Fire. However, this has led to his Water and Wind based powers doubling in raw power and effectiveness at all levels.
Viper Elementalism:
  • Having suffered the mindbending touch of a being that cannot even be remotely described as mortal, a piece of that creature's madness has been left inside of Hikami forever more. As a being that is not altogether mortal himself, Hikami can feel the soft whispering call of this essence that has marked him. To embrace it is to be granted the power to invoke something truly powerful and terrible but doing so opens the door to madness and mayhem. Use it wisely.
    • Acid Waters - Touching upon the lingering effects of the poison left within him, Hikami has now gained the power to transmute his elemental water or ice into acid. This acid is incredibly deadly, easily burning through any and all mundane substances that are not reinforced by magic. Hikami can manifest this acid in liquid, solid (ice), or gaseous form.
    • Jester's Laughter - The entity that puppetted Hikami was something altogether otherworldly, eldritch and weird. That touch has had a lingering effect. This manifests as Himaki being able to will his waters or the vapors created from them into hallucinogens. Anyone who either drinks or breathes in the gases he can produce will suffer hallucinations. Hikami can choose to make them either euphoric and pleasant or terrifying and debilitating.
    • Gaseous Form - Hikami can now invoke a gaseous form. He is capable of imbuing this form with the aforementioned properties of acid or hallucination at will.
Forged By Magic


Arsenal Roulette - Apprentice

  • Upon reaching Apprentice in Reaving, Hyoga finds that his pact weapons, when called or choosing one, rotate around him like a roulette wheel. This acts as a catalog for him, summoning aethereal versions of his pact weapons to choose from. Once chosen his weapons will glow in an aura with fiery patterns and colors in fiery hues of azure, black, & grey. To add to this, a crown-like halo of blazing hues floats an inch above his head, giving him a divine appearance whenever wielding his pact weapon(s).

Battle Smiting - Journeyman

  • As a quirk that is aggressive in nature, this quirk turns Hyoga into a vicious head hunter on the battlefield. As an incarnation of war, one must eliminate those who grant the greatest challenge in battle, and the way his rune has interwoven itself into his very being at this point shows in this quirk, compelling him to test his skills every battle. Once per battle, Hyoga enters a bloodlust-like trance, his eyes blazing intensely with the same fiery ethereal opulence as his pact weapons, urged to seek and slay whoever he thinks to be the most skilled in the enemy group. He will have to rely on his own basic instincts to assess who he feels fits that description. He may be right, or he may be wrong, but as he grows to understand combat and war more through experience he will get better at recognizing skilled warriors. This quirk comes with the threat of death if facing an enemy of greater skill than himself, not to mention the considerable mental and physical strain on Hyoga. Though it doesn't take effect after the trance wears off, once the battle concludes he will find himself beset with a severe case of exhaustion, forcing him to rest for 24hours


Water Becomes Him - Apprentice

  • At the apprentice level Hyoga begins to see that water favors him. When in the presence of water, it will lean and ripple in his direction, yearning to submerge him in its cooling embrace. Sources of water within 20ft of him or under his manipulation turns a mystifying azure hue with subtle hints of silver glittering within. His skin also has spots along his chest, forearms, lower back, and thighs with iridescent opal scales. A misty like aura softly radiates from his body as well, giving him a look as if he is being delicately splashed by waves. His connection to waters heightens as he is able to sense sources up to 40ft of himself, attributing the sensation as if the water calling out to him. When manifesting water his eyes will glow, taking on reflective hues reminiscent of having mini pools of water for eyes.

Living Frost - Journeyman

  • Progressing to Journeyman, and gaining the ability of Blending, Hyoga has been compelled to mix water with wind, producing ice. Whenever using his arche element of water, Hyoga's wings radiate with the same misty aura as the previous quirk, though this mist is cold to the touch. Because the relationship between him and water is as strong as it is, he finds that whenever he is manipulating the element, it is ice cold, those he uses it on feeling as if being hit by a frozen lake. His personality also changes, as he breaks from that erratic and impulsive and nature, taking on characteristics of water & ice; calm, stoic, easy-going.

    It is feasible to say that because of Hyoga's connection to the element of water his inability to deviate from it means he devotes a lot more specialization to it, thus enabling him to more easily manipulate it. Because of the possessive nature that water has with Hyoga, it will only allow him to manifest and sculpt water naturally from his own aether more easily and in a larger quantity than others of his skill level. If forced to utilize wind, earth, or fire, he must use an outside source. Because of the water's desire to be close to him, the other elements he wields besides it take on characteristics of water & ice; wind becomes ice-cold, the earth is dense like thick ice, and fire burns an icy blue.

Blessing of Udori - Expert

  • In response to both Hyoga's connection to water and ice, as well as his opening up to a power greater than himself here and the related events around the Avalanche of Frost 121, Hyoga has heavily overstepped and received an altered Quirk.

    : The Blessing of Udori has fundamentally changed Hyoga permanently. His body is now made an amalgamation of living water, ice, and Aether, holding the shape of what his own self-image shows. This may change as his moods or personality change and grow, but they are subtle changes. Additionally, because he's taken this form, he's been cut off from the Elements of Earth and Fire. However, this has led to his Water and Wind based powers doubling in raw power and effectiveness at all levels.

    : Staying in his watery, natural form costs no aether, however, Hyoga can expend his Aether to look more like his original self. The cost of this is tied to his Resistance skill. At Novice, maintaining his original form will be extremely taxing. The cost is halved at Apprentice, halved again at Journeyman, is barely noticed at Expert, and costs no aether at all at Master.

    : Additionally, the Blessing of Udori has awoken Hyoga's magic to a more sapient level. Hyoga's magic within him will take on the persona of the Spirit of Udori. Hyoga can unlock enhancements to his form by improving the relationship with his Spirit of Udori. This is represented by the social skill of Leadership. At Novice, Hyoga gains icy claws and fangs. At Apprentice, he gains a long, serpentine tail. At Journeyman, he gains wings capable of granting him flight (based on flying skill). At Expert, he gains a humanoid dragon-like form. At Master, he gains a full Ice Dragon form. It should be noted that activating these aspects does cost a high amount of aether, but costs no aether to stay in the form once active.

    : Finally, the Blessing of Udori gives Hyoga access to the ambient aether of the entirety of Lake Udori, while physically touching it while in range of it. He can use it to recharge, to power him while using his magic, and any other methods. However, this is tied to his meditation skill. At Novice, Hyoga may recharge his completely depleted Aether in 24 hours. At Apprentice 12 hours. At Journeyman, 6 hours. At Expert, 3 hours. At Master, Hyoga effectively has unlimited Aether while in the presence of Lake Udori. It should be noted that this does not prevent Overstepping. If anything, having access to much more Aether than one's natural form allows, can cause him to overstep far worse than thought possible.

Last edited by Hikami on Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:33 am, edited 71 times in total. word count: 2349
User avatar
Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686

My Capabilities
龍 Grandmaster
  • Skill
龍 Master
  • SkillProficiency
    Elementalism {100/300}
龍 Unskilled
龍 Novice

龍 Apprentice
Unarmed Combat(25/100)
龍 Journeyman
龍 Expert
龍 Saved XP
Saved CategoryAmount
Saved XP{15}
Saved Reaving XP{0}
Saved Elementalism XP{0}
ThreadPoints AwardedRunning Total
Combatant SP+1000
Character Archive Option 1+25297
Character Approval+15112
A Welcome Home+88 {Saved Elementalism}
Trial By the Elements Ⅰ+55 Elementalism
Saved Elementalism80 {Saved Elementalism}
Old and Frail+100
Havershim Asshole+80
Crashing Like Waves+55 Elementalism
Damsels in Distress+88 Elementalism
Hey! Put that back!+88 Elementalism
Passing the Mantle+50
Havershim Needs To Die+88 Elementalism
Someone in The Shadows+80
A Cake Walks Into the Bar+8Saved XP
Saved XP-21Polearms
Seeking Closure {Part 1}+55 Elementalism
Seeking Closure {Part 2}+5Polearms
Are you not Entertained+5Saved XP
Combat Venting+8Reaving
Damsel in Distress...Again+5Etiquette
Is that to Go?+8Saved XP
Hired Hand+8Saved XP
A Friend Indeed+80
Once More Into the Darkness+8Saved XP
Lost in the Evening Mist+80
Fireworks From Below+80
Does where you are from matter?+875
Between an Avalance and a Hard Place+1075
Meditation & Leadership-500
Night of the Living Dead+180
The Reception+1515
The Dragon of Udori+1530
If you call me, I shall answer+1242
Wave of Darkness+4082
Saved XP-820
Dark Diplomacy+100
The Coronation of a King+1515

Starting Package:
100 points
  • Polearms {Spear} - 25
    Flying - 5
    Hunting - 15
    Reaving - 20
    Bodybuilding - 20
    Acrobatics - 5
    Elementalism - 5
    Stealth - 5

Character Archive Option 1:
252 Points
  • Polearms{Cross Spear] - 25
    Elementalism - 20
    Hunting - 10
    Reaving - 30
    Bodybuilding - 5
    Acrobatics - 20
    Flying - 20
    Stealth - 20
    Saved XP - 97
    Saved Reaving XP - 8

Character Approval:
15 Points
  • Saved XP: 15

A Welcome Home:
8 Points
  • Saved Elementalism XP: 8

Trial By the Elements Ⅰ:
5 Points
  • Elementalism: 5

Saved Elementalsim:
8 Points
  • Elementalism: 8

Old and Frail:
10 Points
  • Tactics: 5
    Unarmed Combat: 5

Havershim Asshole:
8 Points
  • Intimidation: 8

Crashing Like Waves:
5 Points
  • Elementalism: 5

Damsels in Distress:
8 Points
  • Elementalism: 8

Hey! Put that back!:
8 Points
  • Elementalism: 8

Passing the Mantle:
5 Points
  • Intimidation: 5

New Weapon, Who Dis?:
5 Points
  • Reaving: 5

Saved Reaving:
8 Points
  • Reaving: 8

Havershim Needs To Die:
8 Points
  • Elementalism: 8

Someone in The Shadows:
8 Points
  • Endurance: 8

Saved XP:
20 Points
  • Unarmed Combat: 20

A Cake Walks Into the Bar:
8 Points
  • Saved XP: 8

Saved XP:
21 Points
  • Polearms: 21

Seeking Closure {Part 1}:
5 Points
  • Polearms: 5

Seeking Closure {Part 2}:
5 Points
  • Elementalism: 5

Are you not Entertained:
5 Points
  • Saved XP: 5

Combat Venting:
8 Points
  • Reaving: 8

Damsel in Distress...Again:
5 Points
  • Etiquette: 5

Is that to Go?:
8 Points
  • Saved XP: 8

Hired Hand:
8 Points
  • Saved XP: 8

A Friend Indeed:
8 Points
  • Elementalism: 8

Saved XP:
21 Points
  • Etiquette: 21

Once More Into the Darkness:
8 Points
  • Saved XP: 8

Lost in the Evening Mist:
8 Points
  • Flight: 8

Saved XP:
17 Points
  • Flight: 17

Fireworks From Below:
8 Points
  • Negotiation: 8

Does where you are from matter?:
8 Points
  • Saved XP: 8

Between an Avalanche and a Hard Place:
10 Points
  • Elementalism: 10

Saved XP:
25 Points
  • Psychology: 25

Saved XP:
50 Points
  • Leadership: 25
    Meditation: 25

Night of the Living Dead:
18 Points
  • Elementalism: 10
    Reaving: 8

The Reception:
15 Points
  • Saved XP: 15

Dragon of Udori:
15 Points
  • Saved XP: 15

If you call me, I shall answer:
12 Points
  • Saved XP: 12
Wave of Darkness:
40 Points
  • Saved XP: 82
Saved XP:
82 Points
  • Leadership: 50
    Persuasion: 7
    Negotiation: 25
Dark Diplomacy:
10 Points
  • Meditation: 10
The Coronation of a King:
15 Points
  • Saved XP: 10
Last edited by Hikami on Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:44 am, edited 54 times in total. word count: 750
User avatar
Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686



Polearms{Spear, Guandoa, Halberd}| 37

  • Polearm{Spear}: The pommel of the Spear can be another weapon
    Polearm{Spear}: Easy for keeping enemies at a distance
    Polearm{Spear}: Locking weapons with an opponent
    Polearm{Spear}: Strike multiple areas for maximum damage
    Polearm{Spear}: Able to dismember foes easily
    Polearm{Spear}: Come with amazing reach
    Polearm{Spear}: Attacking with a Spear
    Polearm{Spear}: Is versatile in the right hands
    Polearm{Spear}: Remain relaxed, flexible, and responsive
    Polearm{Spear}: An on-guard stance
    Polearm{Spear}: Twirling the Spear fast enough to deflect projectiles
    Polearm{Spear}: A Spear is an Extension of your Body
    Polearm{Spear}: Downward slam
    Polearm{Spear}: Uppercut stab
    Polearm{Spear}: Parrying quick strikes
    Polearm{Spear}: Can be used to Disarm opponents
    Polearm{Spear}: Lunging thrust
    Polearm{Spear}: These weapons make a wide circle
    Polearm{Spear}: Cuts through flesh like butter
    Polearm{Spear}: Making your own techniques
    Polearm{Spear}: Impaling monsters
    Polearm{Spear}: Keeping enemies back with your spear
    Polearm{Spear}: Deflecting beast attacks with the shaft of your spear
    Polearm{Spear}: It's hard to fight in close corners
    Polearm{Spear}: Spear to the face!
    Polearms{Spear}: Putting your strength into every Strike
    Polearms{Spear}: Using the butt of the Spear
    Polearm{Guandao}: Holds more striking power than a spear does
    Polearm{Guandao}: Fighting while in flight
    Polearm{Guandao}: Striking to take off a limb
    Polearm{Guandao}: Aiming for decapitation
    Polearm{Guandao}: Flurry of Strikes
    Polearms{Guandao}: Clashing with a Bastard Sword
    Polearms{Guandao}: Using the reach to limit openings
    Polearms{Guandao}: Deadly in the hands of an expert
    Polearms{Guandao}: Blocking a Beast's bite with your weapon
    Polearms{Guandao}: Launched into the head of Beast

Unarmed Combat| 12

  • Unarmed Combat: Gripping someone by their head
    Unarmed Combat: Fighting in a crowd
    Unarmed Combat: Standing one's ground
    Unarmed Combat: Breaking out of an upper-body grab
    Unarmed Combat: Countering a punch with your own
    Unarmed Combat: Bashing folks with your wings
    Unarmed Combat: Adrenaline fueled attacks hit harder
    Unarmed Combat: Using flight as a means to deliver strikes from above
    Unarmed Combat: Fighting those stronger than you
    Unarmed Combat: Punch Flurry!!!
    Unarmed Combat: Headbutting others
    Unarmed Combat: Kicking a beast away


Bodybuilding| 8

  • Bodybuilding: Techniques to help improve musculature
    Bodybuilding: Fighting is just another form of working out
    Bodybuilding: Forcing multiple people off of you
    Bodybuilding: Carrying another person on your back
    Bodybuilding: Breaking someone's neck with your bare hands
    Bodybuilding: Putting your weight into each strike
    Bodybuilding: Dancing is another form of exercise
    Bodybuilding: Carrying two people in your arms away from danger


Flight| 21

  • Flight: Hovering above prey
    Flight: Flying with a passenger
    Flight: Divebombing
    Flight: Catching the air currents as you fly
    Flight: Gliding efficiently
    Flight: Taking off from a standstill
    Flight: A running start for takeoff
    Flight: Flying in and out of combat
    Flight: Swooping in for an attack
    Flight: Gaining distance by flying upward
    Flight: Patrolling above
    Flight: Hovering over an area
    Flight: Flying off into the distance
    Flight: Chasing speed
    Flight: Sustaining flight through combat
    Flight: Ariel Sweeps
    Flight: This is an advantage when facing non-winged opponents
    Flight: Casual Flying to clear your head
    Flight: Speed Flying in a time of urgency
    Flight: Slowing speed upon descent
    Flight: Circling around foes

Resistance| 5

  • Resistance: Taking hits
    Resistance: Continuing to go on despite having no energy
    Resistance: Second Wind
    Resistance: Enduring the backlash of Reaving
    Resistance: Taking magic endowed attacks head-on


Tactics| 8

  • Tactics: Planning the best way to deal with rogues
    Tactics: When in doubt fight it out
    Tactics: Figuring out the best way to deal with hordes
    Tactics: Coming up with ways to fool something
    Tactics: Learning combat patterns in combat
    Tactics: Using magic as a diversion
    Tactics: Flying out of the line of sight
    Tactics: Mixing magic and martial skill in battle


Acrobatics| 1

  • Acrobatics: Flexibility is Key to Being Limber

Stealth| 2

  • Stealth: Darkness is your Friend
    Stealth: Flying high and out of eyesight


Pschology| 10

  • Psychology: Having time to grieve
    Psychology: Dealing with your regrets
    Psychology: Allowing your emotions to be felt
    Psychology: Self-doubt
    Psychology: Nurturing hate after experiencing prejudice
    Psychology: Consumed by revenge
    Psychology: Not caring for the consequences of revenge
    Psychology: Having someone in your head is jarring
    Psychology: Realizing you are formless is terrifying
    Psychology: Seeing those important to you in dire moments

Hunting| 1

  • Hunting: Tracking bounties

Investigation| 2

  • Investigation: Knowing when something isn't right
    Investigation: Connecting the dots

Detection| 4

  • Detection: Spotting a thieving animal
    Detection: Noticing a familiar face
    Detection: Noticing the whispers of others
    Detection: Knowing when you are not wanted

Meditation| 6

  • Meditation: Reflecting on being a warrior
    Meditation: Concentrating on your Form
    Meditation: Remembering who you are
    Meditation: Focus, focus, & more focus
    Meditation: Maintaining aether control
    Meditation: Dont let things distract your concentration


Leadership| 5

  • Leadership: Taking the lead in chaotic situations
    Leadership: Putting yourself between attackers and the innocent
    Leadership: Doing what's best for someone even if they can't tell you themselves
    Leadership: Making split decisions
    Leadership: Choosing between saving the royal family or an innocent father & son

Negotiation| 6

  • Negotiation: Offering physical labor in exchange for a service
    Negotiation: Requesting an item from a forge master
    Negotiation: Making Deals
    Negotiation: Asking for a favor
    Negotiation: Making a counteroffer
    Negotiation: Terms of employment

Persuasion| 4

  • Persuasion: Being convinced of the Truth
    Persuasion: Being a man of your word
    Persuasion: Holding to a contract
    Persuasion: Being convinced of more job opportunities in the future

Etiquette| 13

  • Etiquette: Conversing with a fellow Reaving
    Etiquette: Apologizing for not realizing someone is Rathari
    Etiquette: Inviting another warrior to train with you
    Etiquette: Meeting Fighters at the Pit
    Etiquette: Bowing to show respect
    Etiquette: Speaking properly in front of Royalty
    Etiquette: Conversing with Familiar people
    Etiquette: Speaking freely around a friend
    Etiquette: Speaking on past experiences
    Etiquette: Trying to find Common Ground through conversation
    Etiquette: Venting to a Friend
    Etiquette: Attending royal functions
    Etiquette: Familiar tones with those you know like Talon

Seduction| 2

  • Seduction: The Art of Flirting
    Seduction: Letting your body lure others in

Intimidation| 7

  • Intimidation: Challenging the group as a whole
    Intimidation: Using magic to scare people away
    Intimidation: Making one fear for their life
    Intimidation: Angry Kathar is Scary
    Intimidation: Making it clear lying is not in their best interest
    Intimidation: Using your size to intimidate
    Intimidation: Threats, threats, and more threats

Rhetoric| 2

  • Rhetoric: Explaining how magic works
    Rhetoric: Explaining What Runes are









People, Places, & Things

Wraith| 1

  • Wraiths: Wraith of Torment

Locations| 1

  • Location: Macabre Monolith
Last edited by Hikami on Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:33 pm, edited 46 times in total. word count: 1477
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Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686




Motif - Incarnation of War

  • With the Rune of Reaving inscribed on hin Hyoga begins to shift to becoming an embodiment of battle, the personification of combat itself made flesh. As he progresses within the magic, the rune intermingling with his soul more and more, Raiku gains the desire to cleave through the world, overcoming any obstacle that appears in his way, dominating the field of battle in a blaze of glory. In this way, the rune reacts to this desire and molds Hyoga into the perfect weapon - the Incarnation of War.


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Knowledges - 30

  • Reaving: The Rune of Reaving
    Reaving: The Initiation
    Reaving: Forming a pact with a weapon
    Reaving: Melding a weapon upon your soul
    Reaving: The Bond between a reaver and pact weapon is sacred
    Reaving: Calling forth your pack weapon with Materialization
    Reaving: The Pain of Dematerialization
    Reaving: Materializing your weapon in order to defend yourself
    Reaving: Feeling what your weapon felt from battle during dematerialization
    Reaving: The convenience of calling your weapon to you with Return
    Reaving: The power of Varnishing
    Reaving: Dont let go of the weapon you are forming a pact with
    Reaving: Fighting against a master Reaver
    Reaving: Pouring aether into a weapon
    Reaving: Feeling when you become one with your weapon
    Reaving: Using your pact weapon all the time
    Reaving: Ice Varnish
    Reaving: Clashing with Negation
    Reaving: Pain ensues when dematerializing your pact weapon after a battle
    Reaving: Fighting another Reaver helps sharpen your skill
    Reaving: Fighting Spectral enemies
    Reaving: Coating your pact with other magic
    Reaving: Feeling the difference between fighting mortals vs spirits
    Reaving: Feeling the aftermath of the fight through your weapon
    Reaving: Using the elements to fight against magical enemies such as wraiths
    Reaving: Technique - Duplicity
    Reaving: Using duplicated weapons as projectiles
    Reaving: Technique - Dancing
    Reaving: Duplicated weapons don't carry any special properties to them
    Reaving: Using Dancing to impale assailants from a distance

Pact Weapons

{Shimo no Tsume - Claw of Frost}
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{Aoi Ryu - Azure Dragon}
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{Fukitsuna yuki - Unholy Snow}
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Motif - Yuki Ryū

  • The Rune of Elementalism intermingles the natural traits of water into the soul of Hyoga. Most notably, it causes his impulsive personality to mellow out, making him calm, easy-going, and attentive in his daily interactions mimicking the traits of water. As he progresses, he will become more akin to a dragon born of the tranquility of the snowfall from the heavens, the Yuki Ryū.


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Knowledges - 45

Elementalism: The Rune of Elementalism
Elementalism: The Initiation
Elementalism: Coaxing the elements to your will
Elementalism: Creating a wall of flame
Elementalism: Creating a fence of stone
Elementalism: Using limbs to project the elements
Elementalism: Using the wind to blast away enemies
Elementalism: Requesting from the elements with your aether
Elementalism: Wind blast from your Wings
Elementalism: Can only manifest one element at a time

Elementalism: Crushing skulls with boulders
Elementalism: Sculpting Stone into a new form
Elementalism: Stone Spike
Elementalism: The Voice of the Earth
Elementalism: Throwing boulders at demons
Elementalism: Asking the wind to help lift you off the ground
Elementalism: Earthen Wall
Elementalism: Stone Dome
Elementalism: Forming a cage of stone
Elementalism: Stone Wall

Elementalism: Burning Bodies
Elementalism: Using the wind to blow people off their feet
Elementalism: Coating oneself in wind
Elementalism: Using the wind as a propellant
Elementalism: Making water from your own aether in your mouth
Elementalism: Icy winds from mouth
Elementalism: Mixing Water & Wind to Create Ice
Elementalism: Technique: Blending
Elementalism: Blending ice into various forms
Elementalism: Creating an ice platform

Elementalism: Dancing while you blend the elements
Elementalism: The elements respond to your emotions
Elementalism: Using Lake Udori as a source
Elementalism: Creating an Ice Barrier
Elementalism: Becoming one with the water
Elementalism: Trying to calm a tidal surge with magic
Elementalism: Becoming an avatar of water
Elementalism: Igniting your spear in flames
Elementalism: Elemental flourishes
Elementalism: Flaming Spear attacks
Elementalism: Using flames to empower your weaponry
Elementalism: Coaxing fire to aid you
Elementalism: Beginner Elemental manifestations
Elementalism: Using the natural elements as a source for your magic
Elementalism: Learning to hear the voice of the elements
Last edited by Hikami on Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:05 am, edited 16 times in total. word count: 3876
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Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
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What's Mine is Mine
1. Combatant Variant
Basic Items


1 Fine Cloak
1 Pair of Black Leather Boots
1 Waterskin
1 A backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel


Shimo no Tsume {Claw of Frost}

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Aoi Ryu {Azure Dragon}

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Fukitsuna Yuki {Unholy Snow}

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1 Set of Casual Clothing

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Yukikure {Snow Cloak}

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+4 Minor Aetherite
+4 Minor Aerolyth
+4 Minor Aqualyth
+4 Minor Pyrolyth
+4 Minor Terrasyte
► Show Spoiler


Starting Gold +150 GP 150 GP
Character Conversion 33,100 - 331 481 GP
A Welcome Home +100 581 GP
Frost 120 Wages +1,911 2,492 GP
Common Living Expenses -175 2,317 GP
Crashing Like Waves +100 2,417 GP
Glade 121 Wages +4,423.80 6,840.80 GP
Good Living Expenses -350 6,490.80 GP
Last edited by Hikami on Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:33 am, edited 15 times in total. word count: 312
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686


My Shenanigans
Year 120


A Welcome Home 4th Collab Graded
Night of the Living Dead 65th Collab/Event Ongoing


Someone In the Shadows 54th Collab Graded
Damsels In Distress 10th Collab Graded
Havershim Asshole 18th Collab Graded
Old and Frail 32nd Solo/Prompt Graded
Havershim needs to Die 38th Collab Graded
Hey! Put that back! 25th Collab Graded
A Cake Walks Into the Bar 60th Collab Graded

Year 121


Combat Venting 6th Collab Graded
Passing on the Mantle 3rd Solo Graded
Hired Hand 20th Collab Graded
New Weapon, Who Dis? 4th Solo Graded
Lost in the Evening Mist 12th Collab Graded
Seeking Closure {Part1} 10th Solo Graded
Seeking Closure {Part 2} 10th Solo Graded
The Heist Begins 40th Collab Pending
The Pinnacle Games 41st Collab Placeholder
Evolution of a Battlefield 30th Collab Ongoing
Is that to Go? 19th Collab Graded
Does where you come from matter? 11th CollabPending
Getting Wet 19th Collab/AF Complete
Once More Into The Darkness 13th Collab Graded
A Friend Indeed 13th Collab Graded
Fireworks from Below 5th Collab/Open Graded
Are you not Entertained?! 37th Solo/Job Graded
Damsel in Distress...Again 56th Solo/Job Graded


A Mutual Exchange 4th Modded Ongoing


Of Vengeance & Justice 12th Collab Pending
Between an Avalanche and a Hard Place 74th Modded/Event Ongoing
Year 122


Wave of Darkness 70th Modded Ongoing
Year 123


The Dawn Has Come 5th Collab Ongoing
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686

Those in My Corner


Yumeko Yoko

Race: Human
Age: 38
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150lbs

Occupation: Monster Hunter/Bodyguard
Relation to PC: Aunt
NPC Type: Personal
Influence: 4

  • Yumeko is a mature and collected woman. Intelligent and elegant, she appreciates the value of patience and planning, though is known through the Northern mercenary scene to be fierce and uncompromising. Though her marriage was arranged, she genuinely loved her husband and did everything in her power to help shoulder his ambition before his passing, picking up the mantle as the head of the house.

    To her friends and loved ones, she is quite generous and can be quite nurturing to those younger. Despite her impeccable composure, Lady Yoko has been shown to be quite sarcastic at times and will openly chastise those who act selfishly or insensitively. She also has little patience for those who underestimate her as well as any chauvinistic attitudes in general. She takes great pride in her skills and learned abilities and can tackle anything that comes her way just like any man could.

    Yumeko is known to be a very brilliant and accomplished tactician, a skill seen in both combative or social settings, especially during times of war. She will never follow blindly and her inquisitive nature causes her to question authority when warranted. She is both reliable and determined and never backs down from what she believes to be the right course of action despite objections from those closest to her. She speaks her mind with confidence and has earned her place among the mercenary elite. Yumeko is known as fearless when she refused additional security to protect herself from assassins after her husband's death.

  • Polearms {Guan Doa}: Master
  • Reaving: Master
  • Tactics: Expert
  • Negotiation: Expert
  • Teaching: Journeyman
  • Hunting: Journeyman
  • Acrobatics: Journeyman
  • Affliction: Journeyman
  • Unarmed Combat: Apprentice
  • Investigation: Apprentice
  • Spycraft: Novice



N P C: Hansui

Race: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5" 6'
Weight: 130lbs

Occupation: Hunter/Mercenary
Relation to PC: Subordinate/Companion
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: Were to begin. Hansui was born in Low-City. He was always a happy child, well for a while he was. At age 10 his mother was beaten to death by his drunk of a father, after which Hansui spent the next 4 years under his father's abuse, causing him to develop extreme trust issues. It was at age 15 the young man had finally had enough and ran away from home, but not before setting the place ablaze, his drunken father trapped inside. From age 15 to age 17 he was homeless, doing everything he could to survive.

When he turned 18, he found himself selling his body for food among other things, along with some other boys & girls who shared the same tortured upbringing as him. They were just drawn to him, eventually making him their so-called leader. He was always in trouble with the local peasants in the Low-City, so much so the local knights knew him by name.

It was not the easiest life but it was one that he had come accustomed to, making sure his fellow street orphans were taken care of. One day he found himself in quite a predicament. One of the girls in his group was being harassed by a group of drunken men, Hansui coming to her rescue, only to find himself outnumbered. He was beaten within an inch of his life that night even with his martial arts skill, and just as things looked grim, a ray of hope appeared.

A large man with wings had stumbled onto the scuffle and used a single blast of wind to end the beating. The drunks were scared more than anything and ran off. The man that saved Hansui was looked like a celestial through his swollen eyes, his large wings obscuring the man's face as he was tending to the wounds of both Hansui and the girl.

Hansui was shocked yet intrigued by the act of kindness shown to him by the stranger, and a fascination began to grow. Hansui would always be seen out of the corner of the warrior's eye, following him wherever he went, causing the Avialae to be amused by him. Eventually, the warrior confronted Hansui, introducing himself as Hyoga Yoko.

Ever since then Hansui has been at Hyoga's side whenever possible, owing to the man his life, a debt he plans to pay even if it kills him.

  • SkillPointsTier
    Unarmed Combat70Journeyman
The Lives That Have Touched Me

Talon, Prince of Kalzasi | 12

A warrior in which Hyoga aspires to become. He is an Avialae that Hyoga has come to cherish and is honored that he can call the Prince of Kalzasi friend.
  • Talon: Is a prince!
    Talon: Owns his own Forge
    Talon: Is a Runeforge mage as well
    Talon: Has shown me kindness
    Talon: Is a friend
    Talon: Is genuine with me unlike others
    Talon: Walks a path of light
    Talon: Sees justice differently than I do
    Talon: Is aware of the plight of his people
    Talon: Genuinely cares for my well being
    Talon: Wants to help me find a different path
    Talon: Is someone I may come to trust

Fawn| 9

A ray of sunshine, and a young woman who has become the sister he never had, Hyo feels compelled to protect her. Given how the two first met Hyo sees her like a little bird who needs protecting as she is precious and innocent.
  • Fawn: New to the city, only arrived two days ago
    Fawn: Was almost kidnapped
    Fawn: Is a bondmate of mine
    Fawn: Likes magic
    Fawn: Wants to become a mage
    Fawn: Was kidnapped
    Fawn: Has endured great pain
    Fawn: I feel responsible for her suffering
    Fawn: Was tortured

Mino | 10

Not the best first impression when Hyo met Mino, the trickster has proven to be a rather interesting, but annoying individual who has a talent for talking himself out of situations, or around people
  • Mino: Not a normal Cat
    Mino: Is a thief
    Mino: Is smarter than he seems
    Mino: Is bad at playing drunk
    Mino: Is a curious person
    Mino: Steals without honor
    Mino: Has a silver tongue
    Mino: Is a weird cat man
    Mino: Is a lord of a noble house
    Mino: says Nyam a lot

Rickter | 10

First met while in wolf form, Rickter is a Rathari Hyo has come to respect both as a warrior and a man. Though there is still much he wants to learn about the man, he holds the Rathari in a positive light.
  • Rickter: Is a big wolf
    Rickter: Can use Elementalism like me!
    Rickter: Is just as protective of Fawn as me
    Rickter: Ferocious
    Rickter: Is not a normal wolf
    Rickter: Is a Rathari
    Rickter: Is Talon's Knight {Lucky Bastard}
    Rickter: Is kinda hot
    Rickter: Wields Reaving like me
    Rickter: Quite the capable warrior
word count: 1406
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