[OOC] The Nobility of Kalzasi

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


The Nobility in Kalzasi hold a great deal of power. The Noble Houses dominate the running of practically every aspect of Kalzasern life. From the mining of precious gems to control of the military, nothing is done in the territories controlled by Kalzasi without the involvement of a noble in some capacity or another. Whether this is controlling a particular industry or business directly or serving as patron to a guild or merchant who trades in their particular interests, the nobility of Kalzasi serve in a variety of positions throughout the governance of the city-state.

The nobles of Kalzasi are not so secure in their power to allow for an exhaustive level of corruption. Indulgence, extravagance and certainly questionable dealings happen daily but such things are not overt, nor are they done candidly. The nobles must play a careful game of asserting their control over the status quo and also pacifying the masses. As a result, the bulk of noble corruption happens well behind closed doors and is kept away from prying eyes. The nobles are powerful, there is no mistaking the truth of this, but that power must be exercised wisely.

Noble Marriage

The culture of Kalzasi demands that mothers decide on the issue of marriage and in the absence of a mother, either the local community’s highest ranked woman or a recognized matriarchal figure. For the Synnekar Avialae, this is an absolute, a tradition established to recognize the importance and necessity of women in their society as well as to honor the beloved goddess Naori. With the need for a matriarch’s blessing in mind, a few customs are observed with regard to noble marriage in Kalzasi.

Members of the Great Houses of Kalzasi are free to marry only with the blessing of the Shokaze’s wife. While in practice this is a formality, it has been used as a political maneuvering tool from time to time. While there are no direct consequences for disregarding this custom, it brings with it such a severe level of social backlack that it’s almost intolerable. Often, such couplings choose to elope rather than face being ostracized by their peers.

Marrying into a Great House confers all honors and titles upon the one marrying into the house, albeit in a lesser form. Actual regnal power is retained by the originating member of the house. However, power by proxy can be a powerful thing in and of itself.

There are no laws or customs against same sex couplings. Provided an Avialae strives to produce an heir in order to further the continuation of the race, romantic relations and formal marriage are a matter believed to be of a highly personal nature. Such expectations vary family by family beyond that.

Authority and Involvement

Nobles in the city-state of Kalzasi and its territories do have a considerable amount of influence. They are expected to conduct themselves in accordance to the rule of law however. In Kalzasi, the law is not determined by individual nobles but by the city’s legislative body, which is then either signed and passed into law by the sovereign or vetoed and pushed back to be deliberated. The city-state’s nobility operate on a vassal style system. The highest Noble Houses are the liegelords to the Lesser Houses. Nobles acting contrary to the philosophy or expectations of their liege will quickly find themselves ostracized or even stripped of their holdings.

The Elder Council

Comprised of the Heads of the Seven Great Houses and the leaders of a number of influential Lesser Houses and Guilds, the Elder Council sees to the day to day running of the city-state. The Seven Great Houses have permanent seats on the council. The rest of the seats are appointed by the sovereign and confirmed by majority vote by the already sitting members. These members only hold their seats on the council for three years. This has caused the number of seats comprising the council to fluctuate across the years and much political maneuvering by those wishing to gain one. Currently there are sixteen council seats with the Shokaze serving as a tie-breaking vote.

Any member of the Elder Council has the power to propose a law to the rest of the body. In order to bring the proposal to the floor to be debated, it merely needs to be voiced by the Speaker. Once this requirement has been met, the council members deliberate on the details of the law. So long as at least seven members of the council agree to do so, the matter can be brought to a vote. A simple majority vote is enough to pass the proposal from the council and have it presented to the sovereign to either be signed into law or vetoed. However, the council can overturn a veto if the vote from the council is unanimous.

On a day to day level, the Elder Council is the body of authority that decides what the city-state's laws are, what its budget is, taxes, who is to be confirmed to the positions across the various departments running the city, how to manage infrastructure, and whether or not the city-state should engage in treaties or foreign agreements. The Elder Council is also the body of authority that confirms the promotion of Shohane, or Generals of the Sky Guard or any military unit associated with the city's government.


The Speaker for the Council is the Head of the Elder Council. They hold their position for three years, in conjunction with the appointment cycle held for the non-permanent members on the council. The Speaker is elected to their position by the sitting members of the Elder Council. The Speaker is the one who sets the agenda for the council. While every member of the council can propose a law, it must be brought to the floor by the Speaker. As a result, the Speaker for the Council has immense sway over the shape of Kalzasi’s legislative focus. Furthermore, the Speaker is the sole authority on the council that can bring a motion to repeal a law.

The Shokaze

Roughly translated the title means “First Wind”. This is to symbolize that the ruler of Kalzasi is the wind that gives guidance to the law, spirituality and culture of the city. By law, the title of Shokaze is not a hereditary one. Any Avialae from one of the Seven Great Houses can be declared the inheritor of the title. When the time comes to crown the new Shokaze, the leaders of the Seven Great Houses convene and pass the throne on to the whomever they decide upon. Despite the position not being hereditary, the title of Shokaze has been maintained by House Novalys since the founding of Kalzasi. As the descendants of Synnar, the Avialae who lead the rebellion that freed them, there has been little desire to deviate from this tradition.

The Shokaze is charged with upholding the spirit of Kalzasi and protecting its citizens from the dangers of the Warrens. He is the Sovereign of the Kalzasern Province and is the protector of the realm. He serves as the liegelord to the Seven Great Houses of Kalzasi but that particular role is largely ceremonial in function. The Shokaze has several governing powers when it comes to the actual day-to-day managing of the city-state.

Firstly, the Shokaze is the only individual with the power to appoint non-permanent members to the Elder Council. While these appointees must be confirmed by a majority vote of the permanent members, this authority can help the Shokaze in framing the mindset of those who directly oversee the city. Traditionally, the nobility and influential members of Kalzasi determine who to put forth to be nominated to the council, not the Shokaze himself though he does possess the ability if he chooses.

Second, the Shokaze is the only individual with the power to declare a Noble House. With the exception of the Great Houses, all other land and titles are awarded by the Shokaze. However, the Shokaze can only strip someone of their assets and titles after consulting with the Elder Council.

Third, the Shokaze has the power to veto laws proposed by the Elder Council. While this veto can be overturned if all members vote on the matter unanimously, it is a tool that has helped prevent many would-be tyrants from capitalizing too heavily on the power in their hands.

The Shokaze does not determine the budget of the city's coffers and he does not set the taxes for the city, that is a right held by the Council. He does, however, manage the budget that the Council approves and where a need arises, brings financial matters to the attention of the Council if he determines an area of the budget to be insufficient. The Shokaze is responsible for nominating individual ministers to oversee the various ministries across the city-state's government, however all of these nominations must be confirmed by the Council via a vote. The Shokaze is the supreme commander of Kalzasi's military but he does not have the authority to declare war. War must be declared by the Council.


Roughly translated it means “Nova or New Star”. This is the title given to the presumptive heir to the throne of Kalzasi. It is a largely ceremonial title and the occupant holds few official powers in the government of the city. The Shinsei does however have many duties and can step in to serve in ceremonial roles normally taken up by the Shokaze if the sovereign is unavailable. The Shinsei is termed the “presumptive heir” because ultimately the leaders of the Seven Great Houses determine who the crown passes to. The Shokaze can declare any Avialae of the Great Houses the Shinsei. In the absence of the Shokaze, the Shinsei can step in to preside over sessions of the Elder Council and has the authority to carry out the duties of the Sovereign when they are otherwise unavailable.


The Daizoku are the highest ranking nobility in Kalzasi. These are the leaders of the Seven Great Houses. These men and sometimes women, hold immense power in the city and its territories. They hold dominion over vast estates that encompass the many counties in the surrounding lands. While they cannot set the laws for the city-state overall, the Daizoku are left to manage their individual estates and affairs by themselves to a large degree.


Still in the upper echelons of Kalzasi’s nobility are the Hatakomon. The more powerful of the Hatakomon rival the wealth and influence of some of the Daizoku, a fact that is not lost on them. These men and women also typically have larger estates and holdings. Additionally, it is common to see the leaders of particularly powerful guilds gain the title of Hatakomon.


These men and women have smaller estates and often times are simply the leaders of particularly wealthy families or even prominent business owners. It is not uncommon for the leader of a singular township to hold the title of Koiteki.


Nobles who hold no land or comparatively small amounts of it, but who might be wealthy, who have simply been declared a noble house by the Shokaze, or the extended family of a more powerful house, hold the title of Kozoku. It is the term used to simply refer to a “Lord” or “Lady”. These might be high ranking officers in the military or distinguished members of the government. The vast majority of Kalzasi’s nobility hold the rank of Kozoku.

Roleplay Rules

Any player can begin play as a Noble of Kalzasi or gain the status of nobility through the progression of in-character plot development. There are rules that must be followed regarding play as a Noble of any House in Kalzasi however.

Firstly, a character cannot begin play as a Daizoku or married to a Daizoku. They can begin as the child to one, cousin or even possibly sibling (with such requests being heavily scrutinized) - but they cannot begin as one. Ascending to this position requires layers of moderated approval and oversight, and will most likely require a multi-step process of moderated approvals and review. This can vary by circumstance, as a much more active Noble who contributes more to the plot and development of the realm may be given different treatment.

Second, players must understand that upon submitting a Noble House to Kalzasi, that House becomes open for participation by all players who wish to create characters within said Noble House. This means that Noble Houses are attributed to the public domain in terms of membership and will be treated as such. Any moderator of Kalzasi can authorize a player to join a standing Noble House of Kalzasi. Something to bear in mind is that titles in Kalzasi are not necessarily passed to the firstborn son or daughter. However, the player responsible for creating the Noble House has first right to declare themselves either the leader of or heir apparent of said Noble House.

Third, players cannot begin play higher than a Koiteki. Noble ranks higher than this must be earned through roleplay development and in-character plots. Additionally, while beginning play as a Koiteki is an option, players are encouraged to carefully consider the decision before moving to do so.

NPC Rules

  • If the player is a Daizoku, they may RP the NPC Hatokomon in their holdings for the purpose of plot.
  • If a player's parent NPC is a Hatokomon or higher, they may play their parent but only for roles in relatively insignificant plots (unless given permission to do otherwise) - such as conversations, dining, generally things of a social element. Politics may come up but the player is not allowed to decide that they have swayed or altered their parent's opinion/decision-making in such conversations.
  • If a player is married to a Noble NPC, regardless of rank, they are allowed to play them freely however they wish. As a result, it does require high-level moderated approval to marry a prominent Kalzasi noble NPC.
  • While Koiteki and Kozoku, etc, can be played without permission - please do not do anything extremely drastic in plots with them without moderated approval, such as having them be killed or anything nearly so impacting. Also please be aware of your skill levels and not overplaying them while interacting with Noble NPCs in a meaningful manner.
  • Minor Noble NPCs (such as those below Hatokomon) can be improvised at-will for the sake of plot and immersion, like naming and interacting with a Koiteki or Kozoku during a ball or something of the like. If this is abused, this right can be revoked from an individual player.
  • Even if given total permission to play a Noble, a PC cannot change their rank or status without moderator permission.
  • Use your better judgment. If you think you're being abusive in doing something, don't do it, or ask. Even if something isn't listed as a rule here, it can still be considered abusive.
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

House Novalys


Palace of the First Wind

The chief estate of the House Novalys is the Grand Palace of the First Wind. A testament to the wealth and power of the Royal Family of Kalzasi, the palace is exquisite without ostentation. Blending together the family’s affluence with their values of Discipline, Honor, Courage and Loyalty, the aesthetics of the palace while grand offer a minimalists view on grandeur. Sprawling over a vast compound that adopts an almost fortress-like appearance, the palace does much to incorporate the majesty of the mountain upon which it was built. Couple this with the gardens that are woven into the grounds of the palace and inhabitants and visitors can plainly see that while powerful, House Novalys shows restraint with that power. Unlike many of the other chief estates of the other Great Houses, the Novalys have always made it a policy to welcome into their doors any who manage to make the trek to the estate.

If one manages to make the effort to visit the estate, they will be greeted cordially by the attending staff and shown to a guest complex. While not being allowed access to the main sections of the palace and certainly not in the areas where the family chambers are, visitors with business at the estate will be made comfortable until either the family member they have business with comes to tend to them personally or one of the staff of the palace handles the matter. Those individuals who are simply present to see the palace itself and make the journey are escorted to public areas before being politely dismissed as the day reaches the evening hours. A contingent of royal guard are always on hand to make the journey down the mountain less cumbersome.


Following the rebellion of Synnar and his followers, the Imperium made it a mission to exterminate every member of his line. Every son and grandson was relentlessly hunted on the battlefield. Even following the rebellion, those survivors with any relation to Synnar who did not escape, were culled by the Imperium. Though it caused him great pain and suffering, Synnar persevered as he would not be deterred from leading his people to freedom. Adopting the name of Novalys to pay homage to the stars that guided the refugees away from Gel'grandal, Synnar was immediately looked to as a leader of the newly displaced people. While the battle for freedom had been won at steep cost, the troubles laden at his feet had just begun.

For a period of several years, Synnar lead the refugee Avialae and their families across the thousands of miles away from the Imperium to the Free Cities in the region of Karnor. The elements barraged them. The wilderness assaulted them. Food seemed always in short supply and more than once, Synnar found his leadership questioned. As they reached the Free Cities, still numbering in the thousands, they found no doors were open to them. With the troubles of the Sundering still fresh in every corner of the world, there were few places willing to accept so many displaced people.

When all seemed hopeless, it is said that Synnar received a vision in his dreams as he slept one night. In it he followed a silver star that shone brightly in the night sky illuminating the darkness that seemed ever present. In his dream he is said to have seen a place where the Avialae and their families could build a new life for themselves. It was to be hard won but win it they would.

Convinced that he’d been shown a way, Synnar lead his people by the light of a silver star and eventually brought them to the ruins of an ancient city. There they were greeted by the monks of the Temple of Fallen Skies and were cautioned about the dangers that lurked in the area. Not dissuaded and believing emphatically, Synnar asked if the monks would help he and his people. They accepted and the days that followed were enlightening to the Avialae. Synnar was the first to seek out the monk’s teachings atop the peaks of the Astralar Mountains. As he learned, the better he felt able to face the challenges that still lay ahead. He encouraged others to seek the monks teachings and, as was the nature of the Avialae warriors, they studied. They learned.

And then the Calamity happened. Beasts crawled out of the earth rampaging and killing wildly, Synnar marshaled the warriors of their people and fought them back. They were ultimately victorious and just as they beat back the monsters from the deeps, they found a haven of wealth waiting to be claimed. So, together the Avialae made the decision to claim the haven and rebuild the settlement that once stood there. Following the battle, the monks of the Temple called Synnar “Shokaze”. For he was the First Wind that guided his people onward and the winds of a hurricane that ferociously pummeled those who tried to do them harm.

Titles and Resources

Considered the Royal House of Kalzasi, House Novalys has retained the title of Shokaze among its members since the founding of the city. As the direct descendants of Synnar, the core members of the actual family of Novalys are well respected by the Synnekar Avialae. Because of the unique position they stand in, the tradition of the patriarch of the family naming their partner as Daizoku of House Novalys developed. Having retained unbroken sovereignty of Kalzasi for centuries, it can be said that the Shokaze of House Novalys have been well loved by the people of the city and its territory. House Novalys is the wealthiest of the Great Houses and also boasts the largest standing militia. In the day to day running of the city-state and its territory, the family, its branches and its vassal houses have long comprised the bulk of Kalzasi’s fighting forces.

The banner of House Novalys commands the loyalty of the smallest amount of Hatakomon from the upper echelons of Kalzasi’s nobility. This is balanced by the fact that those who are loyal to House Novalys have some of the largest estates and the strongest militant capabilities. They remain popular among the lower echelons of the nobility however and have a broader range of mid and low ranking vassals than some of the other Houses. The strength of House Novalys is further bolstered by the fact that they are the patrons of the Sky Guard, the standing military of Kalzasi.

House Novalys has complete control of Kalzasi’s dragonshard mining operations, a significant source of its immense wealth. This dangerous but lucrative business has allowed them to assert their economic influence over the city’s trade exploits to a great degree. Dragonshards remain a staple in economies across the entire expanse of the Free Cities of the North and even into neighboring regions. Furthermore, House Novalys, while commanding the loyalty of fewer Hatakomon, possesses the fealty of some of its wealthiest members. This combined with their patronage of a larger and broader range of mid-ranking and low-ranking nobility means they have a much wider stake in some of Kalzasi’s more diverse exploits.

Diplomatic Ties

House Novalys is not as popular with the upper echelons of Kalzasi’s nobility as some of the other Great Houses. This is due to the family’s reputation for being uncompromising on certain moral grounds that tends to dissuade some high nobles from pledging loyalty to them. House Novalys has very strict expectations of its vassals meaning those who live under their banner are renowned for being honorable, honest and chivalrous. These practices make the House wildly popular with the common folk of Kalzasi and its territories as well as a broader range of mid and low ranking nobles. In terms of external relations, given that House Novalys has remained at the helm of Kalzasi since its founding, the family has allies among several of its neighboring City-States to include Antiris, Zeraphesh, and Tedezar.

Great House Dynamics

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The Diamond House of Kalzasi bears the crest of the Silver Star set upon a flat white background. White was chosen to represent the hopeful unknown, the advent of endless possibilities with a future yet unwritten. The silver star is the guiding light of House Novalys paying homage to the star that Joris followed eventually leading the refugees to Kalzasi.

 ! Message from: Paragon
House Novalys is currently OPEN FOR PLAY. Interested players may create a character either tied to the family or directly related to the PC's and NPC's listed below.


Name: Savien Praetus Novalys
DoB: 63rd of Ash, 40th Year of the Age of Steel
Death: 88th of Frost, 122nd Year of the Age of Steel
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Shokaze of Kalzasi (former)
First Wife: Sahfri Andara d'Larienne Novalys nee Briathos. Siltori.
Second Wife: Unnamed. nee Zatrian. Dratori.
Third Wife: Liuxian Anako Novalys nee Dahshida. Human.

Details: The thirteenth Shokaze of Kalzasi is known to be a stern but honorable man who is a great enforcer of tradition. After deposing his uncle from the throne as sovereign following a disastrous scandal that nearly saw Kalzsi lead to ruin, Savien has earned a fearsome reputation. A disciplined man who spent a large portion of his young adult life as an officer of the Sky Guard as an Icewing Rider, Savien never expected to inherit the throne of Kalzasi. When it was brought to light that his uncle, Jacien Novalys, the twelfth Shokaze, had attempted to arrange for the assassination of the Grand Marshal of Zaichaer there were riots among the Great Houses. Even among the Lesser Houses the outcry was swift. Jacien’s attempt to silence the opposition through heavy handed means and his desire to assume full control of the city was met with terrible resistance, even from within his own family. However, loyalty among the militant factions of Kalzasi had always remained strong toward House Novalys and there were rumors of a coup being staged against the other Great Houses.

Before this came to pass however, Jacien held a banquet. Not for the other Houses but for his own. During this banquet...he poisoned many members of his own family. It was by a stroke of fortune that Savien was not present and when he received the news, his horror and rage was immediate. It was not long after this event, following the deaths of a great many direct members of the Novalys family, that Savien deposed his uncle. With the support of the other Great Houses and many Minor Houses, Savien marched on the Palace of the First Wind. Jacien was stripped of his titles, his wings were cut off, and he was conscripted to the Dead Legion and banished to the deepest layer of the Warrens.

Savien managed to stave off civil war in Kalzasi and was soon after crowned as the thirteenth Shokaze. In the thirty years since he was crowned, Savien has proven himself to be a stable ruler who has the trust, loyalty and even friendship of many of the Daizoku of the Great Houses as well as the respect and admiration of much of the nobility. He is well respected by the common people. Savien has spent a great majority of his reign as Shokaze rebuilding the reputation of both his family and restoring relations with Zaichaer. To this day, tensions with the High City of the Northlands remain stiff even at the best of times. Despite his best efforts, things have never quite taken a turn for the better.

On the 88th of Frost, 122nd Year of the Age of Steel, Shokaze Savien Novalys was killed defending his family at the Black Wedding. His memory lives on in the hearts of both the people of Kalzasi, his beloved wives, and his children. The country mourned his passing and in the aftermath of his death, the war he worked so hard to prevent became a reality.

The historians of Kalzasi will remember Savien as a King who was a hero and father to his people and a leader who chose peace when so many called for war.


Name: Sahfri Andara d'Larienne Novalys
Age: 71
DoD: 4th of Glade, 49th Year of the Age of Steel
Race: Siltori
Title: The Iron Queen, High Lady of House Novalys, First Wife of the Shokaze of Kalzasi

Details: A daughter of the enigmatic Great House of Briathos, Sahfri has remained a figure of both intrigue and influence in Kalzasi since her days as a young woman. The fourth daughter of House Briathos, it was never expected that she would marry into a position of such prominence. Even before her marriage to the Shokaze of Kalzasi, Sahfri distinguished herself as one of the more powerful mages among her family, passing her Trial of Judgement at the Circle of Spells by the time she was only twenty years old. Donning the Black Robes of the Circle, she has prided herself on being a person devoted to the pursuit of magical refinement throughout many of her years. When Jacien Novalys betrayed the Seven Houses, including his own, it was said that Sahfri did not bat an eyelash but merely grabbed her staff and readied her Coven for battle. In the strife that followed, she proved to be a formidable master of the arcane arts and is the sorceress responsible for breaching some of the Palace of the First Wind's magical defenses in order to unseat Jacien from the throne. It was during the final confrontation between Savien and his uncle where she drew the attention of the soon-to-be sovereign. Jacien dealt a blow to his nephew that, had it not been for Sahfri's intervention, would have been fatal. She saved Savien's life and in doing so, allowed him to defeat Jacien and prevent the total collapse of Kalzasern society. In the aftermath, she tended to a young Savien's wounds and what began as a cordial affirmation of ties between their Houses solidified into something more as Savien both recovered and assumed the throne of Kalzasi. While at first the two kept their meetings somewhat cool and formal, that soon evolved into an open courtship. Sahfri at first refused Savien's request for marriage but accepted after Savien proved himself worthy in her eyes. It is a story of much stipulation among noble circles about what exactly Savien did to win her hand. Nevertheless, Sahfri became the Shokaze's third wife in union but first in authority as she was soon the mother of Savien's firstborn son.

In the day to day dealings of Kalzasi's politics, the word and influence of the High Lady of House Novalys is a formidable one. Sahfri is a woman of great intelligence and ability who has had more than her fair share of dealings across the political spectrum both internal to Kalzasi and abroad. As a noblewoman she tends to the duties of the First Wife of the Shokaze with a diligent and graceful hand not to mention she often serves as the primary gatekeeper of those who seek an audience with her husband. In the Circle of Spells she holds the rank of Sage, a position she earned through her own arcane capabilities as is expected of a daughter of House Briathos.

Following the death of her beloved husband, Sahfri seized power within the High Council and forced the Assembly of Lords of Kalzasi to recognize a regency until such time as the threats to the country could be dealt with. The Assembly begrudgingly agreed. Pushing through her grief and rage at the loss of her husband and the kidnapping of her eldest son, Sahfri has proven to be an adept and capable wartime leader. She displayed well her moniker as the Iron Queen by keeping a tight grip of control over Kalzasi and its forces, a steady hand that ultimately led to victory over the forces of Zaichaer in the eyes of many. With the war over, her focus now turns to other matters. Primarily, the safety and security of her family.


Liuxian Novalys
Title: Minister of Truth, Third Wife of the Shokaze, Lady of House Novalys
Oversight: Espionage, Intelligence, Diplomacy
Race: Human (Avialae Heritage)
DoB: 14 Glade 72 Steel

Lady Liuxian is a recent addition to the Sovereign’s Court. She is one of several officials who took up the post following the resignation of the previous occupant in the wake of the late Shokaze’s assassination. Her appointment to the post is of exceptional note because she is and was, the Third Wife of Shokaze Savien Novalys. A daughter of House Dahshida, she spent the entirety of her childhood and adult life working to become a figure of note within the Shadow Guard of House Dahshida. An accomplished stateswoman and capable operative, she led numerous successful missions of counter-espionage that led to the weakening of Kathiid’s hold over certain routes controlling the abjinurium trade in West Karnor. Additionally, she was instrumental in assisting in the purging of a great many of the Mad King’s supporters across the nation. She attracted the attention of Savien after saving his life during an attempted assassination. Following his death in Frost 121, Liuxian, along with her children, went into seclusion within the Palace of the First Wind alongside the rest of House Novalys in order to mourn. In the time since her appointment she has worked fastidiously to uncover the gaps in Kalzasi’s intelligence network, using her grief as a catalyst to shore up the country’s lines of diplomacy, espionage and relations.



Name: Talon Alexios Novalys
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Date of Birth: 13th Day of Frost, Year 95 of the 6th Age
Title: Heir to House Novalys
Character Sheet: Here

Details: Upon first meeting Talon one of the most defining and obvious things that one will learn about him is his sense of duty. From before he could fly, he was taught to uphold the honor and traditions of his people. Always he must play the part of a leader of men and women alike. The nuances of a royal court have been ingrained in his psyche down to which piece of silverware to use to eat in any given social situation. The whole of Talon’s countenance, his drive, is centered around the notion of duty.

His first and foremost obligation is to the people of Kalzasi. As the son of the Shokaze and the heir to House Novalys, Talon is expected to be a model of character his people can follow. Second to that is his loyalty and duty to his family as the First Son of the House Novalys. The Diamond House of Kalzasi are trained from birth to death to be the pinnacle of what it means to embody the ideals treasured by the Avialae and by extension, Kalzasi. Brave, bold, strong and driven, Talon is all of these things because he has been groomed to believe he cannot be anything else.

Talon is a compassionate man but he can grow to be quite intolerant of anything close to resembling acts of dishonor and cowardice. He has a very stark view of right and wrong. He can be stubborn and headstrong. He will rarely back down from a challenge which has a tendency to see him get into trouble where his temper is concerned.

In spite of these things, Talon is a friendly soul at heart. He delights in stories by a campfire or a hearth. He makes friends easily and he is loyal to a fault. His belief that he must always protect those weaker than himself moves him to place himself in reckless situations often enough. All in all, Talon likes to believe that he is a good man. Many expectations have been placed upon his shoulders as the Shokaze's firstborn son. It goes without saying that among the nobles of the city-state and its territories, he is expected to be declared Shinsei when the time comes. This fact weighs heavily upon Talon's mind and he both dreads and anticipates the day his father one day makes the announcement.


Name: Rien Delris Novalys
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Date of Birth: 31st Day of Searing, Year 98 of the 6th Age
Title: Second Son of House Novalys

Details: A compassionate soul encased in the body of a warrior. Trained from birth as a warrior. Rien knows of strength and pride, though the man’s passion comes from helping those around him. A kind hearted man looking to help those in need. Rien will go out of his way to help those who need it. Though he has been burnt for it time and time again, the man continues to do good by himself and that of his House. Born to the Novalys family, Rien strives to be a role model much like his older brother. Though he lacks the interest to lead his people as a ruler, Rien understands the duties he holds to his family and the people. Acting as a guide in times of need, Rien has been trained on how to handle people.

Rien’s word is his law, if he says that he will help someone, he does so even if it costs him in the end. Not one to judge based off of meeting someone for the first time. He will often forgive someone if they’ve done him wrong. Though even his patience has a limit.


Kisorika "Rika" Aelia Novalys
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Recessive), Half-Dratori
Date of Birth: 48th of Glade, 87th Year of the Age of Steel
Title: First Daughter of House Novalys, Dragon Knight

Details: Kisorika is the eldest child of the reigning Shokaze of Kalzasi. As the firstborn daughter she has had a great deal of responsibility placed upon her shoulders and while she has struggled at times to find her place, she has proven to be a determined woman. As a girl, she was fiery and defiant, always challenging the ideas of those who crossed her path. Like many of House Novalys, she had little tolerance for fools and her temper rivaled that of some of the most abrasive combat instructors of Mistreach Keep. Early on, her parents made the wise decision to guide her toward the life of a warrior. She spent a great deal of time learning with the monks of the Temple of Fallen Skies before training with the ranks of the Sky Guard infantry. As she matured, the wisdom of age softened her temper but her tolerance for fools has always remained decidedly low. In time, Kisorika came to the decision that the life of a high lady was not one for her. She could never see herself being content to simply run her husband’s household if she ever married.

Kisorika’s path changed when, during a visit from the Dragon Riders of Antiris, she met one of their younger but more promising knights. A rider of a black dragon, Thorin was everything one would have expected for such an individual. He was silent more often than he was outspoken. To many he was unsettling to be around but the steadfast and unwavering resolve that he displayed in battle was a marvel to behold. The two were quickly drawn to one another. It was not long before Kisorika made her intentions of traveling to Antiris with him known. Neither her mother nor her father objected, both giving their blessing. The two were married the following year with Kisorika eventually being inducted into the Dragon Riders of Antiris not long after. She is currently a red dragon rider.

Though Kisorika spends most of her time in Antiris, she is still as close to her family as distance allows. When not tending to her duties as a Dragon Rider fending off the Vykul Hordes, she makes a habit of visiting Kalzasi when she can. She is mother to two sons, both of whom live with her in Antiris.

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House Dahshida


Yorunorei, the Night Haven

Translated from Synskrit, the Night Haven of Greater House Dahshida is far less opulent than the chief estates of its counterparts. Built atop various mountaintop mesa’s interspersed with greenery, Yorunorei is in truth a veritable village in and of its own right. While the main building of the compound houses the immediate family of House Dahshida, the various pavilions and quarters built on the surrounding cliffs serve as home to servants, guards, their families, as well as the various animals that House Dahshida cultivates and grooms. Additionally on the complex is located the barracks and training grounds of the Kalzasi Shadowguard. These sentinels remain some of the finest hunters, trackers, and patrolmen of the entire territory. If rumors are to be believed, the Shadowguard are also trained to be skilled assassins and spies. House Dahshida maintains that the Shadowguard serves only the public interest of the city and its allies. To what extent is the subject of much speculation.

Yorunorei is a relatively peaceful compound. The trees around the complex are often incorporated in the training of either young members of the noble family or the guard on the grounds. It is common to see archery targets or some manner of trap apparatus hanging from the branches, sometimes with an unfortunate student tangled in them.

Perhaps the most heavily guarded section of the complex is the Icewing Hatchery. The hatchery is a series of carefully constructed caves terraformed to maintain a comfortable habitat for the eagles both while the mothers are pregnant and tending to the eggs, and for the chicks when they hatch. As renowned animal handlers, House Dahshida are the primary caretakers of the city’s Icewing Eagles. They are the guardians of a special enclave built for the majestic birds carved into the mountain using both mundane methods and elemental magic. Whenever a female Icewing is ready to lay her eggs, the great bird is brought to the hatchery where House Dahshida cares for the mother and her chicks. Only the caretakers of the hatchery and the eagle riders themselves are allowed into the hatchery at any given time. As one of Kalzasi’s greatest treasures, the young eagles are jealously guarded and cared for.


Descended of Andvari the Whisperer, the Dahshida family have long been hunters and animal handlers, stretching back to their origins in the Imperium. During the rebellion, it was said that the only reason that Joris Novalys survived the battle was because an arrow fired from Andvari’s bow deflected what would have been a killing blow dealt by an Imperial Inquisitor. During the sojourn away from Gel'grandal and as the trek across the thousands of miles from the south took place, Andvari and his few remaining sons and daughters were invaluable in the protection of the migrant people. They kept to the woods. They followed the trails. They fended off wild beasts or tamed them to replace beasts of burden that were lost. Their ingenuity and resourcefulness in the natural world is what many believe to be the greatest reasons that the Avialae and their families survived the journey.

As they traveled away from Gel'grandal and were treated to the wonders of the many places beyond the land that had become their prison, Andvari began to discard everything he had known as a Gelerian citizen. He’d come to despise Gel'grandal, its culture, and its ways. He sought every reason and every chance to distance himself and his family from as much of it as he could. Of the original Avialae, he was one of the few that had survived and was said to have been one of the ones who actively sought to spend time with his heirs in order to teach them and mentor them.

When the Avialae and their families reached the Free Cities, it was thanks to the tracking and hunting skills of Andvari and his children that the route to what would become Kalzasi was found. Andvari and his heirs were among the first Avialae warriors to join Joris in studying with the monks of the Temple of the Fallen Skies. They learned and they learned avidly born from a desire to remake themselves into the people they wanted to be, free from the burdens that life in Gel'grandal had placed upon them. When the Calamity transpired, Andvari fought alongside their people and was said to have dealt the blow that subdued the great beast that emerged from the Warrens allowing them all to beat it back into the depths of the earth. The battle, however, left him gravely wounded and he passed his bow to his son Ciaran.

Ciaran adopted the name Dahshida as an adaptation of “Dahl’Shiada”, the name of his father’s bow, which means “Friend of Long Shadows” in ancient elven. Ever since that day, House Dahshida has made a concerted effort to utterly erase as many ties to the Imperium as it can from both its family by embracing the teachings of the monks as well as adopting the cultures found in some of the Free Cities.

Titles and Resources

While House Dahshida does not boast the opulence of some of its counterparts, it makes up for that in terms of stability. House Dahshida has always had the smallest number of immediate family members but they have commanded the most well trained and intelligent hunters, trackers, and some estimate spies in the eastern Free Cities. Their reputation for always being aware of the motives, movements and dealings of both friends and enemies is a source of strength and fear, one that the Dahshida wear proudly. House Dahshida dominates the fur, leather, and exotic animal hide trade in Kalzasi’s commerce. They are also the patrons of mercenary guilds, bounty hunters, and even broker in information from time to time. Furthermore, much of the wild game and livestock cultivated by Kalzasi is maintained by Dahshida holdings with the vast majority of meats and butchery being provided by their family or their vassals.

The Daizoku of House Dahshida are known to be a shrewd lot. They are cunning. Ruthless in the face of enemies and are some of the most enigmatic politicians in Kalzasi. House Dahshida have always advocated for Kalzasi sovereignty and are a driving force behind projecting the city-state’s power in the Karnor region. This is done through the peerless defense of the city-state’s territories from the shadows. The lands controlled by Kalzasi are patrolled quite frequently by Dahshida operatives and very little happens in the city’s realm and lands beyond without them being aware of it.

Of the Great Houses, the Dahshida family commands a respectable amount of loyalty among the city’s nobility and common folk. They have a moderate balance between having vassals in the upper and lower echelons of the nobility and a healthy amount of respect with the commoner due to the services and patronage they provide.

While House Novalys might patron the standing military, House Dahshida comes in second place. They might not command the same numbers but the Dahshida Shadow Guard are not a force to be trifled with. The patrolmen and women of the Shadow Guard are masterfully trained in a variety of skills, to the degree that they can often put most Sky Guards to shame in a one on one fight.

Diplomatic Ties

House Dahshida has the most ties to foreign states of any of the Great Houses. As they are the family that spends the majority of their time turning their attention outward, they make a concerted effort to form relations with neighboring cities and territories. The family has a mid-ranging amount of loyalty from the city’s upper nobility and fosters a decent amount of respect and even fear from the lower echelons and the common folk. They are known to be a bit more fluid in their scrutiny of their vassal’s conduct, taking an “ends justifies the means” approach to most matters.

Great House Dynamics

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House Dahshida adopts the great Icewing Eagle as its house symbol, the mighty bird with wings spread is depicted in black upon a soft grey background on its banner. This is appropriate to many as they are the primary caretakers of Kalzasi’s treasured eagles and they boast the most Skyriders out of any of the Great Houses. Their house gemstone is the onyx. The color black is chosen to commemorate the dead that have given their lives in defense of the Synnekar, Kalzasi and all of its allies as well as to serve as a warning to those who would harm them. House Dahshida visits swift death upon its enemies and does with with an efficiency that makes many wonder if they aren’t favored by Wraedan himself.

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House Dahshida is currently OPEN FOR PLAY. Players make make characters either tied to or directly related to the PC's and NPC's listed.


Haruhiro Dahshida
Age: 157
DoB: 4th of Glade, 363rd Year of the Age of Sundering
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Daizoku of House Dahshida

Details: The old and wise patriarch of the Greater House Dahshida has seen a great many things in the many years that he has been alive. In his youth he was one of the most formidable warriors that his people had seen in recent memory. In support of the War of Souls it is said that he fought alongside several Dawnmartyr’s in order to combat the Graveplague that swept across Ransera during the years of that terrible event. When the Gelerian Imperium besieged the city of Ailos and news came about of its fall, he is believed to have sent a significant number of Dahshida warriors to support the war efforts being spearheaded by the Kingdom of Atinaw. As he has aged, Haruhiro has maintained a strong and steady presence in his family, being a figure so prominent as to be believed to be a permanent fixture in Kalzasi. His words, the few he speaks, carry the weight of immense wisdom and the few times that he offers his dissent in a matter of governance it is rare that conversations continue in opposition of him.

Of all the leaders of the Great Houses, Haruhiro has the closest relationship with the Temple of the Fallen Skies. While it is something of a tradition for Daizoku of the Great Houses to make a pilgrimage to the Temple, the old Avialae makes it a habit to speak with and seek the counsel of the Masters of the Temple regularly. Many would say this is what has lead him to be such a shrewd and unfailingly accurate judge of character.

As a family man, he is respected and loved by his children and grandchildren and though his wife passed many seasons ago, he has continued on in spite of the heartbreak it brought it. He is one of the few Avialae males to have only ever had one wife and mother to his children among the Great Houses and many marvel at house his line has been able to continue so successfully. In recent years he has begun to take a step back from the direct oversight of his family, turning over the affairs of the family to the younger generations as he deems appropriate. Still, his word is law in House Dahshida but he seldom sees a need to interfere having faith in his descendants to continue his legacy and that of their lineage. As a result of this, the patriarch is most often found tending to the Icewing Eagles that roost around the family estate. If he is not tending to the great birds, he is teaching the young students of the Shadowguard or simply spending time with his family.

Haruhiro is a strong supporter of the reign of Shokaze Savien Novalys and was the first of the Daizoku to shelter the young man when he learned of the betrayal at the hands of Jacien Novalys. While his support for the Shokaze’s reign remains strong, he has often advised the sovereign to take a more aggressive stance in projecting Kalzasi’s power. This he has done in conjunction with the Daizoku of Houses Briathos, and surprisingly, House Senue.


Senrian Dahshida
Date of Birth: 39th of Frost, 1st Year of the Age of Steel
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Family Position: Eldest Son to Haruhiro Dahshida
Title: Heir of House Dahshida, Leader of the Shadowguard

Details: As the eldest living son of Haruhiro Dahshida, Senrian has been groomed to be his father’s successor since the day he was born and no one can deny that he might even surpass his father one day. As a silver-tongued diplomat, the Avialae has contributed to the countless strong relations with foreign states that their family can count on. A deadly hunter and a leader of the Shadowguard, there are perhaps none in Kalzasi that can rival his skills as an archer. It is no surprise when he gains the respect of the people and fellow nobles - although that is because most people don’t know that animals aren’t the only thing he likes to hunt. Like many elite members of the Shadowguard, Senrian Dahshida is a merciless assassin willing to dispatch any threat against him. Those who had seen him kill might even claim that he looked almost gleeful when dark blood stained his hands.

While Haruhiro is known as a family man, his son does not seem to share his compassion for the children. Always preoccupied with gaining knowledge and secrets that would feed his growing power, Senrian rarely has time to spend with his blood. Cold as the night he was born, love is something he rarely shows. When he was around, the Avialae is an unforgiving father. He wants his children to be perfect, to outshine every other Dahshida. The boys he would make go through grueling training when they were much too young, while the girls… sometimes it would seem like he barely even remembered their existence.



Name: Gaston Dahshida
Race: Avialae
Age: 50, Frost 70 AS
Title: Fourth Son of House Dahshida, Hatakomon
Occupation: (Icewing) Skyrider Soraken, Sky Guard
Affiliation: House Dahshida
Household: Engaged to Urs Zauber.

The Hillsglade House

Estate: The Yorunorei was never his, or would be, and so Gaston (with his father's support) purchased the Hillsglade House. Nestled within Adira's Promenade, the manor was built in the Western style, great curated gardens and a small moat create a natural barrier between the home and the rest of the city,

Gaston Dahshida was the fourth son born to Haruhiro Dahshida and his wife. His childhood was a blur of private nannies and specialized tutors. When he was old enough, he was sent to the train with the Sky Guard - an expectation his father had. Gaston had spent early years largely ignored by his family. His parents were too busy preparing his older siblings for a life of noble responsibility and commitment and he, a fourth son, hadn't shown any talent worth fostering.

That was, until he joined the military. The Sky Guard was impressed by his natural athleticism and talent at aerial battle. It wasn't long before he was recruiter to the Skyriders, and was left to raise up the ranks. His affinity for tactics and, well, his last name bought him the title of Soraken, although he has been open about his ambitious for a higher placement.

Gaston is egotistical, possessive (and sensitive) of his titles, and desperate for his father's approval. A fourth son, Gaston knows he will never lead the Dahshida truly, but he hopes to bring his family honor though his military service and his commitment to the city as a whole.



Character Sheet

Title: Dowager Koiteki
Status: Member-by-Marriage, Widower

Korvaelis isn't the first person you notice in the room; he is quiet and often keeps to himself daily. There is the rare occasion that he'll speak, but that's only in places that he is expected to appear. Otherwise, he is like a mouse, scurrying his way through people or places until he is in a place he finds most comfortable. He is all about comfort and tranquility sometimes. It wasn't exactly what he wanted at a time until he became more self-aware and felt less important that he found the quiet to be exactly what he needed in life. Not like his life is too exciting or anything, the quiet just feels much more welcoming than any other that he's come across. The druskai can be a little awkward at times too, especially when coming across strangers or unknown feelings. He wasn't used to being loved or given any attention, so he most often stiffens up whenever those moments come around.

He is a goodhearted man, that much can be promised. A pleaser too if you make him feel guilty enough, which doesn't take much if we're being honest. Korvaelis can be described as nonconfrontational so doing what someone says is his way of avoiding unwanted conflict.



Character Sheet
Note: This is a Companion-NPC. He is not freely available to use. Please speak with Korvaelis for interactions.

Title: Koiteki
Status: Member-by-Blood

Race: Synnekar Avialae (Hytori mother)
Age: 8
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110lbs

Occupation: N/A
Relation to PC: Stepson
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: Born on the 5th of Ash, Aki was born to Akiba and Fae Dahshida. Both parents were very loving to the young Aki as well as influential, although he cannot remember much about his mother, Aki can recall his mother devoting a lot of time to him while his father dealt with issue related to the Sky Guards and Icewing Eagles. Fae was possibly the most loving and giving woman ever, however, she wasn't alive for too long. The hytori passed when her son was only five and he remembers her funeral bitterly. As if his mother's passing wasn't enough, Akiba had been overwhelmed with the feelings of losing someone he loved so dearly and could not take care of his son or even himself for that matter. So Aki was placed in the care of his grandfather and grandmother for a time, both showing nothing more than pity to their unfortunate grandson. It took years before Aki heard from his father again, but when he did finally hear from him, the news of his father getting remarried was a bit of a shock. Upon meeting his new stepparent, Aki was nothing more than a brat; mistreating Korvaelis whenever he had the chance. Aki didn't exactly let up until his father was involved in a serious accident that would soon lead to his death. In the time that he was alive, Akiba only asked that his son be a better person to his new caretaker. Now, Aki is a serious child with nothing more than the duties of his kind on his mind and his shoulders. Aki is the kind of kid that tries to prove that he is mature, but the kid in him eventually shows out.

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House Ahtivin


Jaiyuan, the Jade Garden

The terrace of the Jade Garden is a peaceful place. With high standing towers and a design built to incorporate as much nature as possible, the atmosphere of the compound is one that encourages quiet contemplation and serenity. Home to the Great House Ahtivin, the Jade Garden is what one could expect from the most spiritual of the Great Houses. Unlike many of the other estates that serve as home to the high families of Kalzasi, the residence of House Ahitivin is comparatively small with an air of humility to its grandeur. The path leading up to the tall towers of the estate is one that is well traveled and there are many stone benches for pilgrims to rest along the way. Wells containing fresh mountain waters as well as trees bearing crisp apples line the path, serving as further refreshment for any visitor who makes the journey by foot. There is no gate to the inner walls of House Ahitivin’s home, merely an archway decorated with symbols of wellness and prosperity. The attendants to the archway are not soldiers but monks, ready and able to lend assistance to those in need.

Upon entering the courtyard just past the main archway into the complex, the first thing that visitors are greeted to is the Everbloom Tree. A tall tree with pristine white bark and leaves of green and gold, it sits within a crystalline pool of water within which swim koi fish of many colors. The tree never loses its leaves and exudes a peaceful aura into the compound. It bears but a single flaw, a scorch mark and a few bare branches that look as though they were burned by a fire.

The Everbloom Tree is sacred to House Ahtivin and it is rumored to have been a gift from Ioniri, the Demigoddess of Healing, Medicine and Motherhood.

Visitors to the Jade Garden are housed in clean but humble rooms where they are allowed to rest before continuing on with what business they may have with the family. The doors of House Ahtivin have never closed to anyone who seeks them, a practice that has haunted and hurt them but one they refuse to dismiss.


Ahtiv’s story did not truly begin until long after the rebellion against Gel’grandal. When freedom had been won and the blood had been washed from his hands, Ahtiv swore that he would never again pick up a sword and that he would never again take a life. It was an oath that would continually tested in the years to follow. Along the journey to the north, his skills as a warrior were sought after many times but he refused. He was called a coward. He was called a failure. He was ridiculed for his unwillingness to take up arms in defense of the people he had once fought beside. But when he seemed at his lowest point, it was Briathor who approached Ahtiv and saw in him the weary soul that had grown so tired of death and slaughter. Briathor took it upon himself to teach Ahtiv other things. He taught him the way of herbs and plants, he taught him the healing side of necromancy, he opened his eyes to the aura of all things. This he did alongside Synnar, both of whom encouraged Ahtiv to follow his peaceful ways.

When their people arrived in the north and were greeted by the monks of the Temple of Fallen Skies, Ahtiv went to them willingly and without hesitation. He studied with them. He sought the wisdom of the Temple’s masters, he learned what they had to teach and when the Calamity brought death to his people, Ahtiv embarked upon a different kind of fight. In the aftermath of the Calamity, Ahtiv put to use the knowledge that he had gained. He sought out the sick and the injured, he sought out those orphaned by the horrors of the world, he stayed with them. He walked with them. He put them to rest when the time came. Where once Ahtiv was mocked for abandoning his ways as a warrior, he now had many of those same warriors pleading with him to save their friends, their families or even themselves as they stood at death’s door. Ahtiv answered all of them. He helped those he could. He brought peace to those he could not.

In the days since Ahtiv abandoned the ways of the warrior and took up the mantle of a Healer, the Great House Ahtivin has maintained the ways of the pacifist. They are spiritualists, they are monks, they are priests and healers. The family has devoted itself to taking care of Kalzasi and its territories in ways tied to both the mortal realm and the otherworldly. When sickness breaks out among the people, it is House Ahtivin that answers the cry for help. When the wounded return from protecting their people from the Warrens, it is House Ahtivin that cares for the injured. When a mother fears for the wellness of her unborn children, it is to House Ahtivin that she goes to. In the days since its founding, never once has House Ahtivin turned away a person in need. They answer the call, every time.

Titles and Resources

House Ahtivin are the doctors, the nurses, the surgeons, and the healers of Kalzasi. Their shops practice in the fields of alchemy, they patron the healer’s ways of necromancy, and they tend to the many temples and shrines that pay homage to the gods across the city-state and its territories. It is due to House Ahtivin that the people of Kalzasi are kept healthier than in some other places of the world. It is due to the efforts of House Ahtivin that Synnekar Avialae see much greater success in siring children compared to their Kathar brethren. The family also serve as the patrons of orphanages throughout the city and its territories. Any child that loses their parents for whatever reason, can be brought to an establishment belonging to House Ahtivin or one of its vassals. That child will be clothed, fed and either brought to an orphanage where they will receive an education and guided toward a means of standing on their own until maturity, or they will be welcomed into a family ready to receive an orphaned child. House Ahtivin are the primary makers of wine in Kalzasi and it is from their vineyards that some of the city-states finest wines can be made.

Diplomatic Ties

The green and white robes of a healer of House Ahtivin are something that is recognized not just in Kalzasi but in neighboring city-states as well. Whatever quarrel a neighbor might have with the city-state as a whole, rarely do they bar one of these esteemed caregivers from entering their provinces. The humanitarian efforts of House Ahtivin are something that is well known to the majority of the Free Cities of the North, to the degree that an acolyte of House Ahtivin could travel most roads alone and not have to fear being attacked by brigands.

Great House Dynamics

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The symbol of House Ahtivin is that of the Everbloom Tree. It is a white tree superimposed upon a solid emerald green background. The Everbloom Tree is reputed to have been a gift from the Demigoddess of Healing and Medicine herself. The sap from the tree is said to have properties that can produce marvelous results in the way of medicine and rejuvenation. This rumor is believed to largely be true given that House Ahtivin is one of the few places where the miraculous potion known as Ioniri’s Breath can be made. This, coupled with the fact that their healing draughts are some of the most potent around would stand to reason that the sap of the tree has something to do with it. White is chosen to reflect purity and peace, as House Ahtivin remain, even to this day, pacifists devoted to spiritual causes and medicine over war and fighting. Green is a color of life, vibrancy, verdant fields and growing things. As accomplished herbalists, gardeners and vintners, this comes as no surprise to any who see their House colors.

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House Ahtivin is currently NOT OPEN FOR PLAY. Players may make characters tied to the noble House but cannot make members of the direct family at this time.


Name: Marda Eloise Ahtivin
Age: 94
DoB: 3rd of Glade, 26th Year Age of Steel
Race: Human
Title: Daizokura of House Ahtivin, High Priestess of Ioniri

Details: Marda Ahtivin is a woman of immense compassion. She is also a woman who has suffered terrible loss. Thirty years ago, when Jacien Novalys betrayed the Great Houses and attempted to dismantle Kalzasi’s way of life, Marda lost the love of her life. She lost her husband. She lost her fellow consorts, whom she had come to regard as sisters. She lost her sons and she lost many of her grandchildren as well. As the servants of Jacien Novalys marched into the open compound of House Ahtivin, slaughtering all in their path, Marda begged the gods for intervention. That intervention came in the form of House Senue’s warriors coming in and protecting the remaining survivors. The devastation...was terrible. Nearly the entirety of House Ahtivin’s core line had been systematically killed. The Daizoku, her husband, had been executed in front of her. She’d been forced to watch as her sons were murdered and had thrown herself at the murderous soldiers as they attempted to burn the Everbloom Tree.

But Marda survived. As did a few of her youngest great-granddaughters. When the smoke cleared and House Senue’s warriors helped them recover, there were no male heirs of House Ahtivin left. They had all been killed, down to the youngest of them. Following that terrible event, and when Jacien had been dethroned, a public funeral was held for the dead of House Ahtivin. The streets of Kalzasi had been filled with mourners, the Jade Garden was filled with gifts and visitors for weeks. As the days passed, there were many times when Marda was tempted to curse the line of House Novalys for its treachery and for everything that she lost. She refused to have anything to do with the family that had so thoroughly betrayed her. But a life lived as a caregiver, as a healer and a priestess of Ioniri was a hard thing to break. In the end, she welcomed the newly crowned Shokaze and accepted from him his heartfelt grief at the losses she had suffered. For she saw that Savien, too, had lost so many of his own family to Jacien’s betrayal. Still, things between the two families have never been the same.

Conversely, Marda has welcomed the presence of House Senue and has even taken to serving as a mentor and confidant to the Daizoku of House Senue on many occasions. She is a calm and wise motherly voice that often counsels him on patience and the importance of acts of charity. Her influence on the otherwise fiery highlord, is noticeable to many. The union between House Ahtivin and House Senue was formalized with the marriage between one of Marda’s surviving granddaughters and a son of House Senue. Their young firstborn son, who is but a few years old, will one day stand as Daizoku of House Ahtivin.

To date, there have only been two males born to House Ahtivin in the time since the betrayal and both of those boys are too young to assume the mantle of leadership. Marda continues to remain the regent of her household and she is a revered figure both in public and in the council chambers.




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House Veyl


Ruk Paresu, the Silk Palace

One of the busiest estates of the Great Houses, Ruk Paresu, the Silk Palace, is home to the prominent House Veyl and it is a reflection of their mastery of all things trade and commerce. The wealth and majesty of the Silk Palace reflects the mindset of the family in general. While the other estates of the Great Houses tend to be focused more on incorporating the natural beauty of the Astralar Mountains and the valleys of the province, the Silk Palace is much more metropolitan. The courtyards are made of fine marble and well kept stone. There are fountains and a smattering of greenery but only insofar as it enhances the architecture’s design. The palace is comprised of the central structure which rises high into the sky, overlooking the Plaza of Jeweled Arches from the Cloudhaven District, along with several other villas and towers that surround the compound.

There is always a steady stream of people entering and exiting the Silk Palace as practically every night the family is hosting some sort of gathering in one of the many complexes on the estate. Ballrooms, gambling tables, bathhouses, extravagant galleries, exquisite feasts all take place at the Silk Palace regularly. To be invited to a gathering at the Silk Palace is to be treated to the very finest delights that money can buy.


Velyr was one of the bravest of the warriors that fought alongside Synnar during the rebellion against the Imperium. He was a man gifted not only in the ways of war but possessed the knowledge and ability as a skilled blacksmith. He often served as an individual who repaired the arms and armor of the many Avialae and Inquisitors that went out to quell those attempting to stand against the Imperial Mandate. He was a man who enjoyed the simplicity in plying his trade but who was also often called upon to use his skills as a fighter and a killer, putting the things he forged to use. Because of his resourcefulness and his reliability, Velyr was given permission to sire a child. What no one expected, what no one intended, was for he and the woman who he laid with to fall in love. Velyr was a brute of a man but when he first saw Eyris, he was taken by her. She was a comely woman who, while not the stunning and beautiful maiden that sometimes walked the noble halls he was made to guard, he found to be incredible. She was from the countryside, her family having worked a farm all her life. There was a fire to her spirit. There was a strength in her body and in her mind.

When the two of them were first placed together, Velyr asked of her a simple question. Did she wish to lay with him? When Eyris refused and confessed her outrage at being made to be there like a common whore, Velyr simply sat down and listened to her speak. When she was finished, he told her that he would honor her refusal. This surprised her. The two spoke, Velyr confided in her his love of building things, his love of working the forge and Eyris spoke of her love of travel and of seeing wondrous sights. Velyr managed to convince his keepers to allow him to take Eyris to some of the places he’d seen. He would be under supervision but it was allowed. Together, Velyr and Eyris traveled to several places and along the way, the two grew fond of each other. Velyr was inspired by Eyris intelligence and tenacity. Eyris was moved by Velyr’s gentleness and strength of spirit. Eyris eventually gave her consent and the two shared in their passions.

When Eyris was two months with child, the rebellion happened. Velyr fought, he fought bravely, he fought true. He was killed in the rebellion but not before ensuring that the woman he considered to be his wife, was safely in the arms of others who would take her and their child away from Gel’grandal. Eyris wept for the loss of Velyr but she steeled herself against misery for the sake of their unborn child. She committed herself to the journey. As the refugees traveled from the south to the north, Eyris became instrumental in getting the aid of skilled traders and craftsmen. She gave birth to her son shortly before the refugees arrived in what would one day become Kalzasi. As the settlers found their footing, Eyris remained at the forefront of managing the supplies, bargaining with traders, and finding those among not just the families of the Avialae with skill, but those who could be of use despite illness or injury. She pushed those who had been crippled in the fight to find new purpose, guiding them to skilled trades.

Eyris defended her son and others from creatures that would have killed them and while it was a hard won fight, they survived. Her work did not stop there. As her son grew, she pushed him toward leaning on his common sense, his instincts and to adopt a skilled trade. Most of all, she had him apprenticed to a blacksmith in order to honor the memory of his father. Over time, under Eyris leadership, many of the crafters, traders and merchants prospered under her guidance. Ever since that time, House Veyl has remained at the forefront of trade and commerce in the city of Kalzasi and its territories.

Titles and Resources

House Veyl is the family of merchants. They have their hands in a variety of things that occur in the city from silk trading, to spice trade, the tea trade, to banking, to clothiers to blacksmithing and construction. House Veyl are the primary suppliers of lumber and skilled laborers in the city-state of Kalzasi and its territories. Of all the Great Houses, they are by far the most diverse in terms of portfolio when it comes to involvement in the city’s affairs. House Veyl are one of the biggest property owners in the city-state as a large majority of the buildings in Kalzasi proper were constructed by those under the banner of House Veyl or its vassals. As a result, they are the biggest landlords in the territory. Throughout the city, a vast majority of the shops dealing in skilled craftsmanship are patroned by House Veyl, from glassworks to lumber mills, to blacksmiths to stonecutters. House Veyl has the most low ranking nobility under their banner as, while their vassals are diverse in their contributions, few of them amass much power and influence beyond their focused trade. This does not bother House Veyl much, so long as the trade and commerce of the city continues, that is all the Great House truly cares about.

Diplomatic Ties

The Amethyst House of Kalzasi is a brand that is known far and wide across the Free Cities of the North. Their merchants and traders frequently travel the trade routes between the cities and are welcome most everywhere they go. They are known to be shrewd businessmen who run a hard bargain but who are ultimately fair in their dealings. House Veyl has fostered strong relations with the city-states of Satesoria, Shemashk, Zeraphesh and even as far as Antiris. They are known in Zaichaer and even have a begrudging respect in the High City’s markets as well.

Great House Dynamics

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The symbol of House Veyl is a golden palm surrounded by blazing sun that is superimposed upon a deep violet background. Gold is chosen to symbolize the family’s wealth whereas the symbol of the hand with palm facing he viewer is meant to imply the family’s willingness to always extend a hand. It is a reflection of House Veyl’s mindset of making use of what is useful where usefulness can be found. A Veyl is almost always willing to make a bargain if it proves to be beneficial. Purple is the color of great wealth and nobility, a fact that is made obvious to anyone who ever has the privilege of dealing with a member of the family itself. House Veyl is not shy about its prestige and that is reflected in their extravagance and affluence.

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Name: Tizan Veyl
Age: 164
DoB: 78th of Frost, 356th Year Age of Sundering
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Daizoku of House Veyl, Speaker of the Elder Council

Details: Tizan Veyl is a shrewd businessman who approaches the leadership and governance of both his family and Kalzasi with an attention to detail that is intimidating to many. There is little that escapes his notice. He has been known to be able to read a person’s intentions and motives with as little as a glance in their direction. He is not a man who minces words and his straightforward and pragmatic attitude is what has helped him retain leadership of the Elder Council for the past fifteen years. He is a man who knows the art of making a deal very well and it was because of him, in many ways, that Kalzasi did not end up going to war with Zaichaer in the aftermath of Jacien Novalys’ attempted plots. Tizan quickly inserted himself as a principal advisor to the young Shokaze and frequently counseled him on navigating the very tumultuous political landscape created in the aftermath of that disaster. Not only was his advice instrumental in staving off full-scale war with Zaichaer, he was also able to assist Shokaze Savien Novalys in helping to mend the bridges between several of the Great Houses as well as the lesser noble families of the city-state and its territories.

This relationship between the two families has been tested in recent days as Tizan has frequently gone out of his way to make attempts at subverting the economic efforts of some of the other Great Houses. While he still maintains a mostly amicable relationship with the Shokaze, it has grown more distant as of late. In the chambers of the Elder Council, Tizan is often content to let the other members of the council voice their grievances or express their motives for quite some time before he maneuvers himself into position to either support, undermine or even outplay other members of the council. Very rarely does Tizan ever display the full extent of his awareness of a given situation, allowing most people to assume he is either fully aware (which he most often is) or at least partially aware enough to glean insight into a given matter.

Given that House Veyl is rather intricately tied to the trade and commerce of Kalzasi, Tizan goes out of his way to maintain a positive image of his family in the day to day matters of the city-state. Surprisingly, he is not a man who indulges himself in luxury very often but rather he uses it as a means of opening doors that were previously closed to him. He is a man quick to offer an individual what they think they most need or desire in a given moment...for a price.

In terms of his family, Tizan is the eldest of the Daizoku in Kalzasi, older even than Haruhiro of House Dahshida. He runs his family with the same skill and ability as he manages the council chambers and the various family businesses. He has only a handful of children but he is among the Daizoku with the most grandchildren.




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House Zatrian


Voa’ta Angvan, the Court of Gold Pages

Taking the many steps up to the terrace upon which rests the estate of House Zatrian, one is treated to a scenic sight that is beautiful in its relative simplicity. Looking at the grounds and architecture of the palace of Voa’ta Angvan, it is easy to get the impression that it serves almost as a monastery as opposed to the residence of one of Kalzasi’s most prominent families. Indeed, it is quite common to see scholars and philosophers convening in the courtyards of the estate to hold public debates or to engage in discussions about some of Kalzasi’s latest academic developments. Compared to some of the other estates of the Great Houses, the home of House Zatrian gives off a much simpler and humble atmosphere that is inviting of conversation. There are many simple gardens and various courtyards where it is clear that people are meant to congregate and engage in social activity. The design of the steps leading up to the terrace of Voa’ta Angvan are made in such a way that they can easily be converted to stages where performances of all sorts can take place.

The Court of Gold Pages has several libraries and even a museum that is open to the public for most hours of the day. It is common to find students of the Academy as well as the Antiquities Society on the estate as they are conducting research or using some of the palace’s facilities to host meetings for sponsored excavations.The most famous aspect of Voa’ta Angvan is that of the Dragonbone Wellspring. When excavating the mountain upon which the estate has been built, the workers uncovered the resting place of a dragon’s bones. At the time, the head of the Zatrian family was prepared to abandon the excavation out of fear that disturbing the dragon’s resting place would bring misfortune upon their heads. However, it is said that he was guided to the tomb and there he received a vision from the Goddess Keela who bade him to build a place of peace and contemplation under the watchful eyes of this long dead dragon.

The chamber was built in such a way as to allow natural sunlight to flow into the tomb. The bones of the dragon have not been disturbed but rather the wellspring has been built to be in the shadow of the dragon’s resting place. The pool is deep enough to wade into up to the waist and the water is warm and soothing. There is a single stone pedestal in the center of the pool and it is there that many pilgrims have meditated, seeking the wisdom of the Dragon Goddess and the spirit of the dragon that dwells there.


Zatar never wanted to be a warrior. In his heart, through his training, in all his years of fighting, he never took pleasure. When he was a young man, patrolling the streets of Gel’grandal, he bore witness to a street performer who sang a song of whimsy and of comedy. It moved him and for the first time in his weary life, he felt joy. But war had been all he had known. War had been all he had been made for. He was an instrument that the Inquisition had honed to be little more than an extension of its brutal agenda. He never saw that street performer again but he never forgot the song that she sang. When the rebellion against Gel’grandal came to pass, Zatar fought for his freedom and it is said that when the spirits of his brethren grew weary, the Avialae raised his voice in song. He sang the only thing he knew. He sang a song about war and a yearning to be free from the chains that bound them. He sang about soaring through the skies and when his song was over, the spirits of his brethren were uplifted.

In the fight against the Inquisition, Zatar was dealt a terrible blow. He lost his sword arm but was spared death. With the rest of the Synnekar he traveled north, learning how to live in a world with just one arm. In the end it proved to be his greatest boon, for Zatar was no longer a warrior. He never wanted to be one. He was moved to continue contributing to his people in the only way he saw that was left to him. Through the gifts of his mind and what he could provide through the gift of song and oration. As the refugees traveled from Gel’grandal and to the lands further north, Zatar sought out bards and storyteller. He sought out elders of communities and beseeched them to teach him what they knew so that he could spread knowledge to his people. When the Synnekar reached what would one day become Kalzasi and were greeted by the monks of the Temple of Fallen Skies, Zatar found his purpose. He was among the first who went with Synnar to study with the monks. He was awed by what the monks had to share and they shared it freely and willingly to those with the drive to seek the knowledge.

Zatar joined the fight against the monstrosities that crept up from the Warrens, resolved to build and protect the new home that they had found for themselves. Zatar was blinded in that fight as he suffered terrible wounds that robbed him of his vision. In the aftermath of the battle, it is said that he received a vision from the Dragon Goddess of Wisdom herself and that vision stopped him from falling into despair. Rather than let his blinding deter him, Zatar became a seeker of stories and a lover of song and music. If he could not see, then he would share knowledge by way of the voice. It was soon after that he found love in a woman, a woman who revealed to him that she remembered seeing him in the streets of Gel’grandal as a young lady beside her own mother who was a street performer.

In the years that have followed, House Zatrian has established the Academy of Kalzasi as a center of learning and a hall of knowledge.

Titles and Resources

House Zatrian, while wealthy, commits the majority of that wealth toward reinvesting in the community at large. They are a family that is devoted to the expansion of the mind and scientific endeavors. Their first love and devotion has been to the twin realms of knowledge and wisdom and as such it comes as no surprise that the family are devout followers of the Dragon Goddess Keela and the Mistlord Lyren. Among the family and their vassals they hold only a middling amount of sway with the upper echelons of Kalzasi’s lesser nobility. The vast majority of House Zatrian’s supporters are, in fact, among the common folk. They are the patrons of taverns, theaters, schools, and of course the Academy of Kalzasi. While Kalzasi is not a mecca of knowledge and learning, it is due to the diligent efforts of House Zatrian that the city is able to hold its own in the ways of science and engineering outside the realms of magic. Beyond those things, House Zatrian is also known to be patron to several brothels around the city as well, taking the stance that passion is just another form of expression that should be embraced and explored. House Zatrian are large purveyors of the tea trade across the north as well and are the primary papermakers for Kalzasi and some neighboring territories.

The Daizoku of House Zatrian are known to be intelligent, charismatic and champions of endeavors that further the mortal sciences. As a result of this amicability, House Zatrian is possibly one of the few Great Houses that has largely pleasant relations with all of its peers in the chambers of the Elder Council.

Diplomatic Ties

House Zatrian is one of the more well travelled of the Great Houses. Its members often spend a great deal of time studying abroad at foreign institutions of learning. It is seen as a great honor to learn from foreign cultures and to return to the family with knowledge and wisdom that enhances what can be spread to Kalzasi. As one of the more openly humanitarian of the Great Houses, the family is frequently hosting public events for the benefit of Kalzasi’s populace. A large portion of the holiday festivals that take place around the city are coordinated by House Zatrian. Because of their involvement in the tea trade, their merchants are known throughout many of the Free Cities and in some places far beyond them.

Great House Dynamics

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The symbol of House Zatrian is the chrysanthemum flower as it is seen as a flower of rarity and a sign of good fortune. The rarity of the flower is of no-nevermind to House Zatrian but what they admire is its delicateness. To them it symbolizes how, if unattended, how fragile the gift of knowledge and wisdom can be. It is something to be nurtured, to be treasured, for without a steady hand to advocate for its growth, it will surely wilt and become as rare a thing as it is precious. The colors of House Zatrian are Gold, Green and White. Gold is viewed less as a symbol of wealth and more as a sign of light illuminating inspiration. White is seen as a color of purity, reflecting that pursuit of knowledge and wisdom should always be born from a place of good will and purity of spirit. Green is a color of growth and prosperity, a mindset that House Zatrian wants to see with regard to scholarly pursuits. The House banner is that of the chrysanthemum flower in full bloom superimposed upon a white background with a single emerald gemstone at the heart of the blossom.

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Name: Vako Zatrian
Age: 103
DoB: 27th of Glade, 17th Year Age of Steel
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Daizoku of House Zatrian

Details: Vako Zatrian is a name well known to the people of Kalzasi. In the years since he has taken the helm of leadership among his family, he has continually been a driving force for public welfare and improvement for the opportunities available to the common man. It is due to the efforts of Vako that the Academy of Kalzasi opened its doors not just to the wealthy but to any who seek entry and who can meet the academic standards of the institution. He implemented the academic patron system wherein a wealthy patron can offer scholarships to those deserving of them in order to expand upon the educational opportunities across Kalzasi and its territories. Vako has been an advocate for opening centers of learning and the Fine Arts across many of the villages in Kalzasi’s province, going so far as to commit a portion of his family’s wealth to paying the wages of school teachers willing to go to some of the outlying settlements in Kalzasi’s territory. His efforts have been rewarded over time as people have flocked to House Zatrian, offering up innovations that have seen the family’s wealth and influence grow beyond just scribing tomes in libraries. Vako is the individual responsible for setting up the Kalzasi Antiquities Society, the primary historical and archaeological society that goes to great lengths to excavate portions of the Warrens and surrounding areas. Their efforts have seen the recovery of not just ancient things lost to the Warrens but in rediscovering technology thought lost with the destruction of the Clockwork Empire.

Vako is regarded as pioneer in the realm of earthly science. He is a noted scholar, poet, and has an affinity toward the mechanical sciences as his workshop has helped to devise many of the mechanical lifts that have been implemented across the city of Kalzasi. Vako has been a premiere humanitarian and is the individual primarily responsible for overhauling the design of Kalzasi’s infrastructure to include such conveniences as indoor plumbing, a sanitation system involving the purifying properties of aqualyth dragonshards, a working sewer system and overall pushing for the improvement of everyday life through mortal sciences. He is a figure much beloved by the common man. In terms of personality, Vako is a humble man who is always interested in learning and sharing what he has learned with those who can benefit from it. While the man does have his secrets, there are few who question why he has them.

Of all his achievements however, one of the most remarkable things about Vako is that it is widely known he is Core Bonded to a Bronze Dragon.




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House Briathos


Lau’Dai Xhan, the Cerulean Keep

Deeper into the black reaches of the Astralar Mountains, further north and removed from the center of civilization in Kalzasi, stands the Cerulean Keep of House Briathos. Lau’Dai Xhan is not an inviting place. Indeed, compared to the residences of the other Great Houses, Lau’Dai Xhan is an austere place. It is built from the rocks of the mountain itself, standing precariously over a cliff that seems as though it could crumble at any moment. It is a cold place and outwardly, there is no greenery that grows there, only the cold black stone of the mountains touched by the perpetual flurry of snow. Adding to the mystique of the area, it is not uncommon to see wyverns and even the occasional dragon perched nearby. Cerulean Keep gets its name from the domes of the towers that form some of its structures. Fashioned entirely from what is clearly aetherite gemstones, the towers glow softly in the frigid wintery light that clings to the area. For those who come to visit the estate, it is common to see currents of aether forming a halo of unsettling blue light in the skies directly above the keep.

Lau’Dai Xhan can only be reached by flight as the rocky path leading up to the main gate of the castle breaks away from the mountains and stretches out over open air. While there are skyships certainly capable of making the journey to Lau’Dai Xhan, there are not many that are willing to do so. In the uncommon event that the Cerulean Keep receives a visitor, it is typically only because that individual has business with House Briathos specifically. In such an event, their visit is usually short and to the point with a hasty exit away from the cold reaches of the estate. Generally speaking, most individuals who have business with House Briathos typically deal with the Circle of Spells who serve as the family’s proxy in the affairs of Kalzasi.


Briathor was among those Avialae granted the privilege of bearing a rune of magic while in service to the legions of the Imperium. His collar was one that was held tightly by the reins of his watchers due to the exceptional rate at which he seemed to progress in mastery of the arcane. He spent every waking moment of every hour under careful watch, the Inquisitors of Gel’grandal ever vigilant that one day his powers might grow beyond their control.

That day came.

When Synnar came forward and the Imperial Inquisition moved to strike him down, Briathor unleashed his wrath with a terrifying fury that shattered not only his collar, but disrupted the very weave of the Obelisk itself. That break in control, that single moment, was instrumental in the events that followed as thousands of Avialae tasted freedom for the first time in their lives. This event was what sparked the bloody civil war that ultimately lead to the migration of the Synnekar to the northern lands of Karnor and settling in the Free Cities. In the days that followed the Avialae rebellion, it became clear that Briathor and Synnar had formed a tight bond. As they journeyed to the north, Briathor came to initiate Synnar in several runes of magic as well as pushing the boundaries of the Bond and the depths that it could go to.

Along their journey, Briathor remained a figure who stood apart from the rest of his brethren and their families. Among the Avialae that traveled to the north, he was seen as a solitary figure both because of the power he commanded and his outward demeanor. More than once, Briathor struck fear in the hearts of even his closest allies with the ruthlessness he showed toward his enemies. He discarded all reservation in his quest for understanding the depths of the power, knowledge and freedom now at his disposal. When the Synnekar settled in Kalzasi, it was Briathor that identified the unique properties of the Astralar Mountains and it was he who eagerly pursued the knowledge that the monks of the Temple provided. When the monsters broke through the earth and began attacking their people, Briathor displayed unparalleled mastery of the things he had learned in putting his powers to use in protecting their people. It was Briathor who braved the depths of the Warrens to both identify its dangers and discover many of its riches.

Following the events of the Calamity and after discovering the depths of the Warrens, Briathor understood the role that magic would come to play in the growing society that was being formed. To aid him both in his work of securing the future of their people and to help him explore the depths of the Warrens in general, he established the Circle of Spells alongside several of the other leaders of Kalzasi. While the formation of the Circle was a compromise, it was clear from the start who the true guiding hand of the Circle would be. As the Circle grew to prominence, Briathor established the tradition by which his House would select its vassals. In time, Briathor eventually took a wife of his own but to any who observed it was clear that this union was one of mutual convenience more than romance.

In the end, Briathor left the region of Karnor alongside his bondmate Synnar, departing for parts unknown. It is said that the two of them left in search of the Isle of Atoria, embarking on a quest to find the creator of the Avialae as they searched for answers only Garel of Atoria could provide.

Titles and Resources

House Briathos possesses an indeterminate amount of wealth and resources. It is clear that the reach of House Briathos is extensive and that they are not lacking in wealth. However, the family has never been known for being particularly opulent or expressive with that wealth. One of the biggest differentiating factors between House Briathos and its peers is the manner in which it chooses its vassals and establishes lesser Houses under its banner. House Briathos does not accept just anyone wishing to pledge themselves to their banner. Nor do they typically accept the fealty of families on a whim. Every noble House subservient to House Briathos is one that has been carefully curated by the main family itself. House Briathos, early in its history, established the practice of forming Covens of magical practitioners that have been vetted by them. House Briathos observes each prospective member for their fields of interest, fields of expertise, magical aptitude, and their ability to work cohesively as a unit with other mages.

The most convenient proving grounds by which House Briathos performs this vetting, is through the Circle of Spells. It is common for ranking members of House Briathos to be present to observe the Trials of Judgment that are performed. Promising members are sometimes offered an invitation to visit the Cerulean Keep and further go through the rites of joining one of the covens pledged to House Briathos. Among the mages of Kalzasi and indeed across the Free Cities in general, an invitation to join a coven of House Briathos is considered a golden ticket to arcane progress.

In terms of goods, House Briathos is the primary purveyor of magical goods in Kalzasi and its territories. Potions, weapons, accessories and utilities bought and handled by the majority of citizens are provided by shops that are patroned by House Briathos. With few exceptions, the family and its vassals control the majority of magical trade in the city-state and its territories. Given their high level of influence in the Circle of Spells, it is known that they are involved in the markets of even other city-states as well. Furthermore, it is known that House Briathos is the chief sponsor of the Slayer’s Keep mercenary guild.

Diplomatic Ties

House Briathos has the smallest number of vassals under its banner. As mentioned previously, they personally establish the noble Houses pledged to them in the form of covens of mages they personally vet for skill and talent. House Briathos is known to have strong ties to the elven states of Dalquia, Auris and Sol’Valen. This is reflected in the fact that it is exceptionally common to see members of the family with elven heritage. However, the family tends to remain rather insular with its activities being largely away from the public eye. House Briathos has never invited attention to itself, a practice that continues into the current era.

Great House Dynamics

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The symbol of House Briathos is that of a circle surrounding an inverted triangle at the center of which rests an unblinking eye all in silver which is superimposed on a blue background. The House colors are dark blue, the color typically associated with aetherite dragonshards and thus a color attributed to magic. The color silver is chosen to reflect the strong ties that the family has to elven blood, particularly Siltori blood. The House gemstone is the sapphire and it is common for members of the family to weave aetherite jewelry into their accessories given that every member of House Briathos is an accomplished mage.

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Briathor IV

Name: Briathor IV
Age: ???
DoB: ???
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Daizoku of House Briathos

Details: The enigmatic leader of House Briathos is a powerful sorcerer with few equals across the Free Cities of the North, and some estimate that he has few equals in the world. However, that is about as much as anyone outside of his family knows about him. He took over as the head of the family at an unknown time and until his public appearance before the Elder Council and the ceremony that crowned him as head of the family, he’d made decidedly few public appearances. In the tradition of all patriarchs of House Briathos, he took the name of the family’s forebear. What happened to his father before him is unknown, then again, no one has mustered up the courage to ask. The only people who know his real name are those of his immediate family. What is known is that he is both respected and loved by his family as he guides them with a steady and patient hand. He has several daughters and sons to his name but their mothers are publicly unknown. He is the current father-in-law to the reigning Shokaze, having given Savien his blessing to marry his daughter Sahfri.


Sage Fiora Briathos
Race: Siltori
Order: Black Robes
Bio: The Head of the Order of the Black Robes, Sage Fiora Briathos is a name invoked carefully by those who know of her. She rose to power after the mysterious disappearance of her predecessor and following an incident where two rival Black Sages were lost to a tragic accident. She is a woman with little tolerance for those who do not grasp the enormity of the majesty of magic. She is one of the foremost Summoners that the Circle of Spells has and is rumored to have brought into her service a Kahl demon. As Mistress of the Black Robes she prides herself on ensuring that only the most worthy and capable candidates get accepted into the College of Entropy. She is the eldest daughter of Daizoku Briathor IV and takes immense pride in occupying a position that solidifies the legacy of her family as one of the greatest authorities on magic in all of Karnor. She is known to carefully scrutinize things brought to her attention with a level of awareness that shocks most. Few things escape her notice and even fewer things surprise her. She is a woman who seems meticulously prepared for any and all eventualities, having proven her cunning many times over the course of her life.


Sage Ryom-Yun Briathos
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Order: White Robes
Bio: Head of the Order of White Robes and Grandmaster of the Oathkeepers, Sage Ryom-Yun Briathos is the eldest son of House Briathos and one of the most formidable mages in all of Karnor. An accomplished battlemage and warrior, he spends a great deal of his time training the battlemages of the Kalzasi Sky Guard. Additionally, he serves as the chief guardian of a place known only as the Vault of Ages, which is rumored to be a repository for artifacts and relics that the Circle deems too dangerous to be loose in the world. Among the warriors of Karnor, he is reputed to be one of the few people to have ventured all the way to the Fourth Deep of the Warrens and survived with his sanity intact. He is a noted practitioner of both Reaving and Negation, powers he puts to good use in helping to keep his homeland and the Circle safe. As Head of the White Robes, he is a supreme believer in the idea that magic exists to serve the public good. Having witnessed firsthand the horrors that are out there, he vehemently opposes the very existence of the Order of Reconciliation. He goes to painstaking lengths to ensure that those who pick up the practice of magic, will wield their powers wisely.




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House Senue


Kyongyuan, the Skygarden

The Sky Gardens of Great House Senue are a marvel of agricultural, architectural and magical engineering. In the design of the grand estate, no expense has been spared. House Senue possesses immense wealth and it is made inescapably obvious to anyone who ventures to their familial stronghold. Situated atop one of the many mesa’s that form the mountainous upper echelon’s of Kalzasi’s society, the estate has been carefully cultivated with the meticulous hand that House Senue has become known for. Through a combination of using aqualyth dragonshards as well as verdantite, the estate has been built to incorporate scenic waterfalls with enough expanse made to give the illusion of walking into a veritable garden valley. The family colors of crimson and gold are made more vibrant by the perennial cherry blossom trees that fill the landscape. Opulence is in abundance on the grounds of Kyongyuan as the artificial lakes and streams are filled with fish and cranes typically dot the skies in the warmer times of the year.

The palatial manor of House Senue surpasses even the Palace of the First Wind in grandeur. With its high ceilings and sweeping rooftops, the Ruby Palace as it is called, is a testament not only to House Senue’s affluence but also a display of the many tributes from its vassals it receives. The path up to the palace itself is lined with statues paying homage to the various Daizoku of House Senue. Each statue is positioned the same, with hands outstretched over the pathway leading up to the main doors of the palace. From these hands hangs the banner of each of the noble houses that pledged their fealty to the Senue Daizoku during their reign as head of the family. When one finally reaches the Ruby Palace itself, the compound is sprawling, with buildings even going up into the cliff face of the rocky slopes beside it. Despite this great expanse, the palace is very well tended and is easily navigated due to a clear layout of sections that have been built over the years. Servants and guards are always readily available in the vast majority of sections in the Ruby Palace.


Following the rebellion against Gel’grandal, among those Avialae who journeyed away from the lands of the Imperium one of them had cultivated a particular affinity for Alchemy. His name, Davak Sen. During the journey away from Gel’grandal, it became apparent that while the Avialae themselves were capable hunters, they possessed only so much in the way of skills outside of the art of war. The rigorous training and education they received was spent focusing mostly on survival, battle, and brutality. While some of these skills could be adapted, there was much that needed to be learned along the way. Davak saw a need to develop and provide for his people a means of surviving outside of just hunting and scavenging for food. If they could not provide for themselves, they would become little more than migrant brigands and that was not a life that Davak wanted for his people so soon after they had achieved their freedom.

Davak employed his skills in alchemy to devise a means of supplementing their food sources and replicating the effects of verdantite, a dragonshard associated with plant growth. He was only partially successful but what he achieved managed to stave off starvation as the Avialae and their families migrated north. Along the way he made a point to take himself, his sons and others to farms and villages as they traveled. He bartered. He performed labor, he asked for knowledge and trade, offering his skills and the skills of those with him in exchange for food for his people.

When the Synnekar reached the Free Cities and found a home in the dessicated ruins of that broken city, Davak was the first to begin setting to work cultivating the land. He made a point to explore the lands, finding unique plants, and seeking workable soil. He found little and when this came to light, he proposed to the leaders of their refugees that they move away from the ruined landscape to a place more viable. In the end, he was not persuasive enough to win that argument both due to the weariness of the people as a whole and a readiness to make a home for themselves. Frustrated but resigned, Davak set to work putting what he had learned over the many seasons of travel to funneling life back into the world around them. When the monks of the Temple of the Fallen Skies welcomed the Avialae into their fold, Davak ignored them. He believed that there was time being wasted trying to seek a nebulous enlightenment when there was far too much work to be done. When the beasts and creatures broke through the earth and began attacking, Davak fought alongside his brethren but when the fighting was over and the Calamity was subdued, he again argued that they should migrate elsewhere. Again his arguments fell on deaf ears.

The legacy of Davak and his family is that of a family that has poured its blood, sweat, tears, heart and soul into the lands of Kalzasi. It is due in huge part to House Senue’s unrelenting diligence and commitment to building a world where their people not only survive, but thrive, that the influence of the Warrens and the otherwise blasted landscape has been restored to its vibrancy. The farmlands around Kalzasi are viable because of the work of Davak and his descendants, many of the bargains and trades he and his followers made along the way built the bridges for plausible trade and exchange. House Senue is, in large part, a driving force behind the practical side of Kalzasi’s survival.

Titles and Resources

House Senue is the second wealthiest of the Great Houses. This shortfall of being first in wealth is by a razor thin margin and many estimate that if push came to shove, their wealth would surpass all others of the Great Houses if they so desired it. House Senue has accrued that wealth because of its exceptionally pragmatic mindset when it comes to fostering wealth and prosperity; a favor for a favor. The banner of House Senue does nothing for free and everything it does is either to foster its own growth or to enhance the position of either a vassal or an asset that will in turn bolster themselves. House Senue possesses, by far, the overwhelming majority of arable land and soil in its holdings. The vast majority of foodstuffs that fill the bellies of Kalzasi’s citizens come from lands owned and worked by House Senue and its vassals.

House Senue boasts the largest amount of support among the upper echelons of Kalzasi’s lesser nobility. This is because of a simple fact, they put time and energy into growing the wealth of their vassals by any means necessary so that they in turn can grow their own. House Senue spends large sums of its time and money into exploring greater business ventures that benefit them and their allies. They, alongside House Veyl, are the primary patrons of trade and commerce.

Diplomatic Ties

House Senue is quick to make assets of those whom they deem of interest to their agendas. They are aggressive in their quest to expand the amount of influence and territory that can be controlled under their banner. If an individual is useful to them, they reward that usefulness. With that being said, House Senue is also quick to discard those who become useless to them. While the origins of their House saw them viewed as a family devoted to building prosperity for all, that changed over time as more and more of House Senue’s good will became transactional in nature. As it stands, while House Senue might be viewed favorably among nobility due to their penchant for increasing the standing of the nobility, the same cannot be said for the common man who lives in areas controlled by them. Their mindset has not fostered a particularly forgiving mindset when it comes to paying one’s dues to either them or their vassals. It is quite common for House Senue to toe the line of what is considered legal in the eyes of Kalzasi’s laws in order to exploit a particular resource or labor force. Finding themselves before the judges of Kalzasi means little when they can pay the fines and be on their way.

Great House Dynamics

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House Senue adopts a gold crane superimposed upon a scarlet background, with wings spread and body pointed toward the skies as its symbol. The crane is seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity to the family and is frequently depicted in tapestries and finery that they wear. The color gold is chosen to symbolize wealth, authority and the right to rule. The color red is chosen to symbolize the blood that House Senue has poured into ensuring that themselves, their allies and the lands they consider theirs have always been given life. The house gemstone is the ruby and it is common to see House Senue members with pyrolyth dragonshards woven into their accessories.

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Pavel Senue
Age: 73
DoB: 83rd of Searing, 47 Steel
Death: 88 Frost 122 Steel
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Daizoku of House Senue (former)

Details: Pavel is one of the youngest Daizoku of the Great Houses and it is not without reason that he has risen to lead his family with a tight fist. Still considered a relatively young adult for Avialae, Pavel inherited the title of Daizoku from his father who was killed in the attempted coup by Jacien Novalys. Prior to that, Pavel had proven himself to be a shrewd businessman and an excellent statesman boasting a charisma and force of presence that has swayed many to form an alliance with the young patriarch. These traits only grew as he came to the forefront of Kalzasi’s politics upon taking up the mantle of leadership in his family. Since assuming control of House Senue, Pavel has lead a great purge of his vassals, dismissing any whom he deemed lacking in loyalty to the family. In the days since that time, he has lead a successful campaign of not only replacing them but in expanding the influence of his family both at home and abroad. Pavel is a ruthless negotiator, an aggressive expansionist and a firm believer that it is time for House Senue to take the spotlight in Kalzasi. He believes that the city is infested with uncontrolled levels of magic and perpetuates a running narrative that it is due to the practices of unregulated mages that the Warrens have become so active in years of late. In the chambers of the Elder Council, he is a sharp critic of House Novalys and its supporters as being far too lenient and actively works to proliferate the beliefs of the Order of Reconcilliators, albeit with the understanding that magic is still necessary for Kalzasi’s survival.

Pavel walks the tight line of both understanding that mages, magical objects and such are vital to Kalzasi’s continued existence and loathing it entirely. He employs a great many antimagic practices across his estates in order to control its flow and spread. His agenda, while harsh, has received a growing number of support in recent years due to multiple incidents. It is still a minority of opinion in the city-state at large but there have been more sympathizers as of late. Pavel is a very outspoken voice in the chambers of the Elder Council and is one of the chief presenters of issues requiring legislation and modification of policy. Often his debates center around a renegotiating of resources and increasing the influence of sectors that bolster his bargaining power at the council table.

In terms of his family, Pavel is strict. He is the Daizoku and there is no arguing with him. Deviation from his interests and his vision for the family is not tolerated. More than once, he has stripped lesser members of the family of their holdings, practically banishing them from the city-state for failure to abide by his will. He rules his family with an iron fist and is known to be extremely unforgiving of disobedience.

Pavel is a sharp critic of Shokaze Savien Novalys, often implying that the sovereign does not do enough to ensure Kalzasi’s safety and supremacy in the north. His sentiments have been receiving more support, a matter that is of interest to some and alarming to others.

Daizoku Pavel Senue was killed in battle during the events of the Black Wedding. He defended his people and died honorably.



Karam Senue
DoB: 16 Searing 94 Steel
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Title: Daizoku of House Senue

Details: The sixth son of House Senue. Karam was not born within the halls of the Ruby Palace. He was born in the countryside, to a whore who worked in one of the brothels in a township that fell under the banner of House Senue. The product of a fanciful night with the esteemed Daizoku of their ruling Great House, his mother had been invited to the manor of the local lord as they celebrated the season with their ruler. Thus, when he was born, he was born under the auspices of a commoner. From the moment he first drew breath however, there was little about Karam that was common. He showed himself to be a curious boy with a sharp mind and a strong will. As his wings matured, they drew the attention of other Avialae because they had one of the rarest of traits, his feathers were golden. His mother quickly pushed him to the house of the local lord where he began to receive an education befitting an Avialae. Karam grew up being taught how to live among the common folk. He worked the fields with farmers. He learned how to bring life and vitality to the soil. He was tutored in the ways of alchemy. From the lord’s house he learned the history of his people, mercantilism, statecraft, and was trained by the soldiers in the ways of a warrior. Because the township was further away from the main city, they saw more frequent problems from the wildlands and creatures that crept up from the Warrens. Karam learned magic and how to use it to protect their land and their people.

When the day came to embark upon his Warren March, his mother told him the truth. He was the son of the Daizoku. Karam proved to be one of the most formidable warriors that his people had seen. Not a single Avialae was lost to that March, Karam would not allow it as he demanded that all of them follow his lead, he did not care how deep into the Warrens he had to go to bring all of them back. He went to the Ruby Palace to declare his fealty to the Daizoku of House Senue. He went there to declare himself to be Pavel Senue’s son. What he received was mockery and laughter as the Daizoku already had four sons born from his various wives, all of whom were grown. Pavel dismissed him, going so far as to humiliate him for his perceived arrogance. It was his first lesson about the pride of his blood father.

Karam has no love for his father. Time and the reality of Pavel’s ruthlessness have wiped away any warmth he might have had for the man. The idealistic boy from the countryside is gone, replaced by a jaded individual who has learned how to navigate Kalzasi’s political landscape with a great deal of expertise. Rumor has it that the only reason Pavel declared him Heir was because he had no choice after proving himself the strongest candidate among his brothers. Further still, there are murmurings that Pavel only did it because he wants to keep as close an eye on Karam as possible, fearful of his own son’s ambitions…and his ability to achieve them.

Following the death of his father during the events of the Black Wedding, Karam assumed the mantle of Daizoku of House Senue. In that time he has assisted in maintaining the stability of Kalzasi by supporting the regency of the Iron Queen. He has helped to broker an armistice between Kalzasi and Zaichaer. He has even had a hand in coordinating efforts to ensure the safe rescue and return of Talon Novalys to his homeland. He is now poised to be the most qualified and well-liked candidate who can take the Throne of the Shokaze, an ambition he has never shied away from.

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The Hatakomon

The High Families of Kalzasi

The Great Houses of Kalzasi are powerful but they are not wholly absolute in their power over the city-state and its territories. Beneath the ruling families of Kalzasi are the Hatakomon. Individually, as all noble families in Kalzasi are, they are pledged in service to one of the Great Houses. Traditionally, the Hatakomon are those older families that have remained loyal and prominent throughout the city-state's history since its founding. They are second in power throughout the realm and each House has a seat within the chambers of the Elder Council. They do have voting power and they are allowed to speak within the council chambers to offer up opinions and debate matters brought before Kalzasi's legislative body. Collectively the Hatakomon wield a great deal of power with the ability to sway even some of the Great Houses toward or away from certain paths.

The greatest power within the hands of the Hatakomon is the Right of Severance. A Hatakomon family that believes their patron Great House has abused them and violated the oaths sworn in service to them can approach the Seven Great Houses. By invoking the Right of Severance, the noble family petitions the Daizoku for compensation and the ability to declare a new liege lord as consequence for the abuse. If the Seven Daizoku accept the allegations, a trial is held where the Daizoku hear the case brought against the relevant Great House. The seven then hold a vote in either the affirmative or negative. If the vote finds the relevant Great House guilty of the charges, that Great Family must then offer compensation to the abused Hatakomon. The Hatakomon can then petition for a new patron if they so choose.

The Right of Severance has been used multiple times across Kalzasi's history as a means for the Hatakomon and the Great Houses to place a check on one another. More than once it has been invoked at the prompting of a rival house in order to reduce the power and prestige of an opposing family. The Hatakomon who agree to invoke the right and it succeeds are often rewarded quite heavily by the new patrons they swear fealty to in the fallout.

Ambitious families be warned. If the Right of Severance is found to have been invoked fraudulently, the accused Great House becomes the one entitled to compensation. Most commonly, this results in the Hatakomon family facing the judgement of the Shokaze wherein they are stripped of all their assets and titles which are then absorbed by the Great House that has been wronged.

The Many Houses of the Hatakomon

House Lekivian- The House of Colors.
House Leukos- The House of the Mountain.
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The Koiteki

The mid-ranking nobility of Kalzasi are some of the more public figures with regards to nobles. These are often prominent politicians that hold positions of great influence. Ministers of the city-state's government, mayors of larger townships, the heads of middle-sized guilds or businesses. Many of the mid-ranking officers of the Kalzasern military organizations hold the titles and prestige associated with the Koiteki. In terms of day to day life in the city, the Koiteki are those families that tend to be more spread out amongst the territory controlled by Kalzasi. They are the ones who most commonly see to the border settlements or preside over counties that fall within Kalzasi's sovereignty. Generally speaking, most Koiteki are left to their own devices. So long as they are paying taxes to their liege lords and ensuring things run smoothly in their area of purview, this suits the interests of the city-state's government just fine.

The Koiteki are allowed an adjunct seat within the chambers of the Elder Council. They do not have the power to vote on matters but much like other nobles, they are allowed to speak before the council on areas that interest them. By and large the majority of matters brought before the Elder Council are handled by the Koiteki. These families often have a finer awareness of those things happening among the common populace.

Outside of their daily affairs, the greatest powers afforded to the Koiteki are the Right of Absolution and the Right of Challenge.

The Right of Absolution allows the Koiteki and higher nobility to issue a pardon for crimes that occur within their purview. All such pardons must be presented before the High Court of Kalzasi. The High Judges can collectively overturn the pardon but it requires a unanimous ruling, something that rarely happens.

The Right of Challenge is the power that enables the Koiteki and higher nobles to present a case before the Shokaze of Kalzasi. In it, the family can either contest the standing of a Hatakomon family, petition for the awarding of higher title and holdings for their own, or nominate a lesser family to become either Kozoku or Koiteki. Ultimately, the Shokaze has final authority on the granting of noble status and he alone can affirm or dismiss the challenge at his discretion.

The Many Houses of the Koiteki

House Hattori- The House of Serpents.
word count: 444

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