[Location] Jacun's Alchemical Goods

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Jacun's Alchemical Goods

Located across from the Roasted Hen sits the little alchemy shop owned by a man named Jacun. The shopfront itself is tidy, well lit, and welcoming. The windows display an odd assortment of glassware, plants, and pottery which seem to come from all across Ransera. The sign that swings over the entrance looks more like a tea or coffee shop than an apothecary, and for locals of Kalzasi, it has become something of a joke to recommend newcomers to try the tea at the shop across from the Roasted Hen. The owner, Jacun, himself does not really mind this, and should one come seeking a cup of tea or coffee he is always happy to oblige, providing cups as well as other refreshments as if expecting the visit all along.

The inside of the shop is immaculately well maintained. Shelves of drawers contain any number of odd and interesting ingredients, and books and scrolls of alchemical concoctions can be both bought and would here. There is a pungent smell of lavender that always fills the space, its source quickly found to be the burning incents in the corner near the desk where Jacun spends most of his time. Those who are of keen senses, however, may be able to detect that the strong smell is meant to hide some other more pungent scents that could curl the toes if one were to get a good sniff of it.

The first room one enters is the main shop area, and guests are free to travel and inspect all equipment and ingredients at their leisure. Everything comes with a small handwritten label in a script both elegant and legible. From these labels, one can discern what it is they are looking at, the pricing, and in the event of an ingredient Jacun even provides an example or two of the potential uses. Everything that can most commonly be found is in this front area, and when one has made their selection Jacun will always be there at hand ready to fill the order.

The room off to the side of this main shop is something of a sitting area. Locals are not sure if this space was created before, or after, the rumors of the shop being a place for a good cup of tea, but for whatever reason Jacun has provided anyway. A small table and several cushioned chairs are located here, and should one feel inclined Jacun will provide them a brewed pot of either tea or coffee, mixed with just the right ingredients to help soothe whatever ales the customer at the time. If asked Jacun will even provide small pastries, though the experienced know to refuse these if offered for while Jacun is a fine alchemist and tea brewer, his baking skills leave much to be desired.

In addition to raw ingredients and equipment, Jacun will also prepare potions, salves, or any custom works of alchemy at the customer's request. The pricing for these items are negotiated with Jacun at the time and can range anywhere from a few coppers to hundreds of gold.



Jacun stands at just under 6 feet tall, a trait which he seems somewhat embarrassed about. His appearance is always that of a well kept professional. The man's hair is always combed and styled, bore though rugged in appearance is always trimmed with precision and efficiency, and though his clothing looks casual upon closer inspection all that he wears is of the highest quality, without stain or wrinkle. He even takes the time to shine his cufflinks, shoes, and buckles. No one is quite sure when the man first came to Kalzasi, but since that time he has become something of a staple to the local citizens. His shop comes highly recommended by the Circle of Spells themselves, with even House Briathos calling on him from time to time to prepare some special products or ingredients for them. All of this Jacun takes in stride and does not let such matters interfere with the day to day running of his business.

Many would call Jacun handsome, with his dark hair and styled clothing, but what most remarks are his startling blue eyes which seem to look through you and not simply at you. Those who first meet him are often taken aback by how quickly he can come to know them, and before they have left the shop Jacun has begun treating them as if they were the fastest of friends. This trait of his to make connections quickly, and the humility which he carries himself, has earned him quite a number of admirers over the years, yet as he will say to any who asks he is not quite ready to settle down just yet.

Like his coming to Kalzasi, Jacun's past is all but a mystery. His shop is riddled with pots, plants, and artwork from all across Ransera, and he often tells stories of his travels across the lands before settling in the city. His knowledge of the world shows a strong sense of adventure, and he is known to spend the evenings across the street at the Roasted Hen where he talks and tells stories that make even the bards stop and listen in. Though he will never quite say much about himself or his past, he is always eager to listen to other people's stories and offer his own thoughts on events that transpired. Typically with a cup of tea and a not so tasty baked good.

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