Turoth: Regional Codex

All core lore information on Lorien goes here.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author


The Codex

The Turothi Regional Codex is an assortment of information pertinent to those playing in the region of Turoth, but not specifically stated in individual city lore. This includes unincorporated regions, areas of interest not within the borders of the three major Turothi nations, peoples, groups, flora and fauna native to the region as a whole or in part; the list goes on. This Codex will be expanded through time, so stay tuned.
word count: 123


The Koltoskans and Larissa Valley

WIP info on Larissa Valley.

The Koltoskans
The Koltoska, or Koltoskans, are the original inhabitants of Larissa and once called much of the valley their home. Now mostly residing in the fringes, the Koltoskan people have been driven to near extinction as a result of Daravain negligence. Many of the undead used in the border war with Lorien have become Awoken, intentionally designed with a dangerous level of intellect and self awareness in order to maximize damage to enemy forces. The unfortunate result of this war stratagem is that many of these undead go rogue after fulfilling their duty in battle, and achieve full sentience. With no future in either Daravin or Lorien, they go to the very near east, joining communities of Awoken already invading Larissa.

As a result, the Koltoskans have been set upon by hordes of violent, wandering undead migrants, designed for war and exceedingly difficult to kill. While many of Lorien's nobility have joined the Koltoskans in alliance and have dedicated some resources to assisting them in protecting their lands, their civil war has left them preoccupied and unable to truly reinforce their southern allies. This has led to another source of removal for the Koltoskans: with little hope of victory, hundreds of thousands of them have already moved north to Lorien, moving into the border cities as refugees.

In turn, the region that once held nearly six million Koltoskans now holds less than two, with less every season. Still, the Koltoskan culture remains impactful on Larissa, whether through still-standing ranches and settlements or scattered throughout ruins. As such, the people will be explained in detail.

To begin with, one fact that proponents of tolerating Koltoskan migration into Lorien will note is the similar cultural roots held by the Koltoskans and the Rien people. Like the Rien, the Koltoskans were originally human slaves who managed to escape the dominion of Silor and carry north, only they chose the dryland hills over the unending frost. They speak a similar dialect of Common as the Rien, but with a quaint, country charm to their voice. Unlike the Rien, they never fell away from their faith in the Dragon Gods, though their religion has had little influence on their culture.

Koltoskans are ranchers and farmers, tending mutated animals and crops affected by the Sundering. They're animal breeders, riders, herders and sometimes hunters. Living in a highly autonomous, but somewhat confederated system of government, they generally live in rural areas often surrounded by canyons or other natural defenses, leaving their diaspora very isolated. The communities they do have, though small, are often extremely close knit with their neighbors viewed similarly to relatives, many of them lifelong friends.

The Koltoskans have a small militia formed by contributions from each settlement, stationed in fortresses across the valleys at key points. These soldiers, often simply called 'Rangers', generally use long rifles that double as scouting tools due to the glass binoculars installed on their surface. Though they're highly effective at decimating their enemies at great range, the Koltoskans - as marksmen - are terribly unskilled in close quarters combat, without the weaponry or training to sustain an effective line in true war.

More to come.
word count: 596


The Vethcairn and Nametaker's Tides

WIP info on the Nametaker's Tides.

The Vethcairn
Being that the Vethcairn serve Lotheric, Elven God of the Brine, they are perhaps the only mortals able to trespass through the Nametaker’s Tides without being antagonized by unnatural, alien-like foes from the mists. It appears Lotheric has somehow consorted with many of these beings, and either exists alongside or above them in many cases, and he extends this gift to his people.

But the Vethcairn still do not dare to live in the Tides continuously, and instead venture to them in the form of expeditions, or voyages, elapsing their time navigating towards Daravin’s shores to raid. Even they are sometimes assaulted by true monsters of the mist, those who do not fear Lotheric’s retribution and those strong enough to destroy a Druskan Warbarge.

When not present in the Tides, these Druskai live on Turoth’s east coast, and quarrel among themselves in massive naval battles on the shores of the Mistreach Ocean. Those willing to contend with the Imperium sail east to do battle with its fortified settlements, while the rest stick comfortably to their annihilated homeland. The Vethcairn are constantly at war - with themselves and with others - and they are brutal in their victory. While their tribes constantly form and reform, consume and collapse, a very large tribe by the name of Karond-Vol has recently amassed great power in their core areas of settlement, threatening the possibility of a unified Druskan horde.
word count: 311

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