Seasonal Registration - Frost, Year 119 Age of Steel

A kingdom of equal chance and ferocity, a land full of strong-willed warriors.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author


Character Registration for Year 119, Frost

Players who intend to write within Atinaw during the Frost of Year 119 should post their registration here as soon as possible, even if they don't intend to stay the full duration of the season. Please stand by for the completion of the Seasonal Calendar. Use the registration format found below.

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[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #000000; border-right: double 6px #000000; border-bottom: double 6px #000000; border-left: double 6px #000000; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #ece8e8; background-image: url(]
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[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race, Age, and Gender:[/b] Character's race, age, and gender.
[b]Citizenship:[/b] If you belong to a kinship, you are a citizen. Otherwise, you must be a knight, druid, or royalty to hold the status of citizen, regardless of being born in Atinaw or not. Citizens should mention what Kinship they're a member of and when it was created (before or after player creation). If you aren't a citizen, please mention if you have a Temporary Visitation Pass. 
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What kinds of threads do you enjoy writing about? What do you not enjoy writing about?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] Why come to Atinaw?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you remain in Atinaw?
[b]Random Mod Intervention:[/b] How do you feel about mods 'randomly' bombing your threads or plots. Yes, no, ask first. (Answering no will not stop mod intervention if you're found to be breaking the rules or abusing the rules and outlines of the story and setting.)

word count: 334
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Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:24 am
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

Name: Iakovos
Race, Age, and Gender: Human, 28, Male
Citizenship: Citizen (before creation)
Likes and Dislikes: Likes nature, working with his hands, helping others, music, spicy food, sports, pretty people (he especially likes them petite and curvy). Dislikes napping, excessively loud people, mistreatment of others, being the center of attention, snobs. Due to his social isolation, he is weary and avoidant of non-humanoid races, but not rude or completely unfamiliar with [most of] them.
Reason for Visiting: Lives here. Often comes to Grimholt to trade, to pick up the occasional work, or to buy supplies. After taking on the role of the next kinship leader and the eventual death of his grandfather this season, Iakovos will be trying to decide the best course of action to take in regards to the future of his house. He may even be looking for a spouse or someone to contract children with.
Goal for the Season: To obtain a pet (pig?), to improve one skill to apprentice, to learn about the culture of another race.
Duration of Stay: Foreseeable future
Random Mod Intervention: Happy to have it.
word count: 185
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Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:54 pm

Name: Linden Asmund
Race, Age, and Gender: Mixed Human, 25, Male
Citizenship: Citizen
Likes and Dislikes: Fairly open to various types of threads and they don’t even have to be skill related to Linden himself. Can just be meeting new people, socializing, catching up, doesn’t matter. Haven’t thought about too many dislikes and it might be interesting to place him out of his comfort zone to flesh him out and see how he reacts. Who knows, perhaps he will learn a new skill or two?
Reason for Visiting: Born and raised.
Goal for the Season: Becoming fluent in Kokalath, raising surgery to apprentice, and maybe a few more skills depending on what happens.
Duration of Stay: At least until after the competition that will be happening in Glade and then see where fate leads him.
Random Mod Intervention: Welcomes them.
word count: 143
Larkspur Aneurin
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:58 am

Name: Larkspur Aneurin
Race, Age, and Gender: Siltori, 23, Female
Citizenship: Not a citizen, in possession of a Temporary Visitation Pass
Likes and Dislikes: Rarely is there a thread I can find little to no lasting joy in, however, I do tend to prefer plots which have a way of... furthering my agenda. I'm always open to a thread or two so don't hesitate to reach out, darlings.
Reason for Visiting: Does one need a reason to follow the ever-shifting sands of time and fate? Why does anyone ever end up anywhere? Money.
Goal for the Season: Ingrain myself into society until they'd need to gouge a part out to remove me. Like a tumor, or perhaps a tick.
Duration of Stay: As long as I can bleed the upperclass men and women of this country dry.
Random Mod Intervention: Hmm, I know I'm brave enough if you are.
word count: 154

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