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Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Posts: 668
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:10 pm



Flying: Using air currents to maneuver at sharp angles
Flying: Tucking wings close to create smoother surface area
Blades: Aeril swordsmanship
Blades: Augmenting force of blows with Kinetics
Blades: Deflecting a foe’s lunge with the broadside of a blade
Kinetics: Coating a sword in a layer of kinetic force
Kinetics: Splintering
Kinetics: Creating a well of gravitic pull
Kinetics: Generating an Implosion through Splintering
Leadership: Directing a team of combatants
Tactics: Utilizing the environment to level the odds in battle

Rathari: The Beastfolk of Ransera
Kalzasi: The Dead Legion
Kalzasi: Legionnaire's serve in very hostile locations
Avialae: The Synnekar and the Kathar
Shinaegri: Found across the First Deep of the Warrens
Shinaegri: A Horde of Grotesque Monsters
Shinaegri: Also Known As Shamblers
Shinaegri: Move Slow and Lack Coordination
Shinaegri: Possess Vicious Claws And Strength
Shinaegri: Possess Vulnerable Weak Spots
Arcana: Elementalism: The Power To Utilize The Elements
Arcana: Kinetics: The Power To Manipulate Force

-300 gp

Injuries: Bangs and bruises, trouble breathing, and a serious case of overstepping. He's lucky he didn't make his limbs explode with that little stunt.

Points 8



+100 gp

Injuries: Shoulder injury, bumps and scrapes, and general exhaustion. Two weeks and he will be mostly good as new, though it will take a few more weeks yet the full range of motion in his should back.

Points 8


-Detection: Noticing Tremors Beneath Your Feet
-Running: Rushing Towards Danger
-Running: Using Momentum To Clear Gaps
-Acrobatics: Hopping Across Footholds
-One-Handed: Blades: Fighting Back With Minimal Footing
-Unarmed: Brawling: Kicking Staggered Enemies Over Ledges
-One-Handed: Blades: Staggering Multiple Targets With Wide Area Sweeps
-Reaving: Weapons Can Be Imbued With Elemental Power
-Reaving: Enduring Backlash From A Dematerialized Pact Weapon
-Tactics: Utilizing The Environment to Gain The Advantage

-Avialae: The Winged Warriors
-Avialae: The Synnekar and Kathar
-Shinaegri: A Horde of Grotesque Monsters
-Shinaegri: Also Known As Shamblers
-Shinaegri: Move Slow and Lack Coordination
-Shinaegri: Possess Vicious Claws And Strength
-Shinaegri: Possess Vulnerable Weak Spots
-Arcana: Elementalism: The Power To Utilize The Elements
-Arcana: Kinetics: The Power To Manipulate Force
-Personal: Realizing Your Own Limitations

+100 gp

Injuries: Upper arm wound ends up scaring over, but nothing serious. Gonna be sore in the morning though!

Points 8


Flight: Flying in and out of combat
Flight: Swooping in for an attack
Flight: Gaining distance by flying upward
Elementalism: coaxing the elements to your will
Elementalism: Creating a wall of flame
Elementalism: Creating a fence of stone
Elementalism: Using limbs to project the elements
Tactics: When in doubt fight it out
Polearms(Spear): Impaling monsters
Reaving: The power of Varnishing

+100 gp

Injuries: N/A

Points 8

Comments: Well that was action packed! It goes to show the Warrens are not a place you step in lightly. Great thread. I look forward to the next one :)

word count: 496
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