[Location]Dust to Dawn

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Dust to Dawn

This small shop is located down a nondescript street in the Low City. Pushed back near the woods at the edge of the city, Dust to Dawn is an establishment that has just always been there. Citizens who have lived in Kalzasi, especially in the Low City itself, simply know that it is there, but where or when it opened its doors. Even some of the older generations remember the shop existing when they were children. These lower parts of Kalzasi are not unfamiliar with a crime, despite what the ruling elite might wish for others to believe. Every shop in the Low City has had some experience with theft or robbery of some kind. Every shop, that is, except for Dust to Dawn. This little establishment, which does not even bother to lock its doors at night, has never once suffered from even a minor act of vandalism. Perhaps it is because from the outside the shop is less than welcoming. Old, rotting boards frame a doorway that looks older than the buildings around it. Cracked windows look into a shop that seems sparse, and the items that are visible are not necessarily of the sort that one would wish to steal. Some say if you did try to steal from the shop you would be cursed to die an agonizing death, a rumor which none seem willing to test.

Over the doorway hangs an old, fading sigh of a sun rising over a hilltop. The colors might once have been vibrant reds and golds, but now the paint is chipped and dull brown. Once one walks through the door, which hangs slightly askew on its hinges, one enters a shop which is surprisingly clean. The floors are swept, tables free of excess clutter, and the items on shelves seem ordered. The shop itself is relatively small, just a bit larger than the typical apartment in the Low City. The items on display seem to vary wildly. A cup made of silver dented yet still gleaming, Sculls of various creatures, and a few that look distinctly human, a severed hand of a beast with three fingers and long claws. Near the back, there is even a rack of clothing for sale, though a thin layer of dust has settled over the articles of clothing there.

It is no secret who Dust to Dawn caters to. The unhinged, the despicable, the desperate... and Necromancers. Here one can purchase items related to the Necromantic arts. The items and tools are surprisingly high quality and expertly crafted. It is even said that one can request... special items. Unique parts, bones, organs. It is rumored you can even purchase curses if you have the coin for it.



Fletcher is a man who seems to exist outside of time. He is, and always had been, an old man whose personality is just as undesirable as his appearance. His clothing, accessories, and even his walking cane are expensive, easily costing more than the average man's yearly wage. Everything he wears, however, is old. Dirty, stained, ragged in places. The cane almost always has a splintering crack running its length, and the rings and jewelry all could do with a fine polish. Some even swear they see dust falling off him when he moves like he just pulled himself out of the grave.

For as long as he has been in the Low City no one has ever seen anyone come to visit him. The few customers he receives seem all too eager to leave, yet despite a notable lack of clientele Fletcher always seems to have the gold to pay for whatever it is he wants. He is not the type to hold idle conversations, and at times seems to actively try and dissuade people from being in his shop. He does, however, take an interest when someone brings him an... unusual request. The old man seems to take pleasure in making people uncomfortable and has been known to let slip a bit of personal information about a person that he should not know, just to see how they react.

Despite all of his odd behavior and unlikable personality, the goods and services he delivers are of the highest quality, and he charges for it too. There are few things that one can ask for that he cannot find, somehow. The more disreputable the request, however, the higher the price. He has also been known to charge more than just gold, dealing in favors and trade depending on the request in question.

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