Letters to Talon

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Here can be written letters addressed to Talon Alexios Novalys, Firstborn Son of House Novalys.

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To: Talon
From: Patrick
Sent: Fall ??, 120th AoS (Arrives the 72nd)
Arrival: Winter 72nd, 120th AoS

Dear Talon-san,

How goes the year friend? It's been a while since we've last spoken or saw one another, so long that I've often wondered if you remember your stay with us a while back. Remember the Silver Lion Inn? I was one of the proprietors there you met, even if we only interacted with each other a few times. I'm actually writing this letter to you as we finish our packing, as an interesting proposition has turned up; one that allows us the chance to see each other again.

Currently, the business has slowed quite a bit and with it, an opportunity, as some friends of our parents have turned their attention on the north.
Though what little news we get on Kalzasi is vague, it has been enough to garner the interest of a few scholars. So, naturally, our mother has pulled some favors, and within the first week of Glade or so we should actually be in Kalzasi.

I realize that you're probably a busy man given you're likely some high lord there, but I was hoping that we'd be given the chance to meet again, maybe even catch up while you fill us in about Kalzasi? My brothers and I all look forward to visiting there, and we've been advised to be on our best behavior of course.

Our mother, Elinora, sends her regards to you and your family also! She's asked that we deliver a parcel to you once we've arrived, says it's something you and your family will all hopefully enjoy. Until then I look forward to when we can meet again, as I'm sure you've many stories to share over your travels in the world!

See you soon,
Patrick Barnell
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25th of Frost, 120 AoS

To: His Royal Highness Talon Alexios Novalys, Prince of Kalzasi.
From: Lady Mae Eloeth

Dear Sir Talon Novalys,

The Elysian Halls is planning it's Glade Halls of Creation Seasonal exhibit and I would like to speak with you about displaying your artworks and crafts in our primary Creation Hall as an honored artist. If this letter finds you well, I have time on the 30th of Frost at 10AM to meet in my museum and discuss your exhibit.

Lady Mae Eloeth
The Elysian Halls

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㊋ 90th of Frost, 120 AoS ㊋

㊋ I highly doubt that you will read this, though in the off chance that you do I want to first thank you for your kindness. I have come to find that some people here are judgemental, given my wings. I wish to keep in contact with you, as I see you as a warrior, no a man of talent and skill. I say that to say that I have very few friends here in this city, and I'm hoping that you will come to see me as a friend.

I find that the more I stay here the harder it has become to find work, my Kathar heritage standing in the way. I say this not to gain your pity but to truly gain a friend. I am not really good with my words sometimes, but you have shown me more kindness than anyone else I've come to know here so for that I say thank you.

I'm hoping that whatever may change next season, that our friendship never fades, only growing till fate says otherwise.

Hyoga Y. ㊋
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19th of Glade


I'm sure you've heard of horror attacking travelers on the southern roads- people are dying on their way here, and it isn't looking like it will end anytime soon. Why don't we use that opportunity to see what you're made of? Meet me at my home at dusk tomorrow. We'll lure it out and rid the roads of the danger. Bring all you got and then some.

Oh, and Senara will be joining us.
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Kala Leukos
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42nd Searing, 121 AS

My dear Shinsei—

Forgive me if you now require a more formal address. I understand that you have miraculously ascended and I don't know whether congratulations are in order or if there is some proper etiquette surrounding apotheosis. For what it is worth, based on my limited time with you, I think the Gods have chosen well.

But I write to you today pursuant to our previous work together honoring the relic of the Ara Saedene. Yesterday, while I was leaving the Temple, She again appeared to me. We left my brother holding vigil and she led me to a cliff and painted the skies with visions of Avaelor, the Hellmaw, and the pact between our ancestors and the Masked Queen.

In the vision, there were winged women standing among their brothers, but they separated themselves to join Her through a massive gate. I do not claim to be an oracle of Galetira and I am well aware that most stories of prophecy involve the recipient misunderstanding, tragic heroes brought down by their own hubris, or other failings. That may be my fate. I accept that. I have also accepted this as a divine commandment to investigate and I will do so.

I do not ask for help. To be entirely forthright, even with the clues offered, I am not certain where to begin, how even to ask for help. But nothing comes without a price and I am certain that I will walk in dangerous places seeking the Lady of Darkness and Starlight and, should I fail, I will entrust you with what seems the most pertinent clue as it might then fall to you as a burgeoning deity, a prince, and an Avialae, to see that my failure does not doom our people.

"Daughter for Daughter. Son for Son. Through the Boundless Gate, waiting, three people become one."

May all the Gods bless you.

Your faithful,

Kala Mizal Leukos
word count: 352
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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40th of Glade


I don't know what happened a few days ago between you two, but Senara has run off. She said she'd be back 'eventually', but I worry for her as she's not returned for over a week.

The hell did you say to her?

In any case, I hope you are prepared to deal with whatever state she returns in, as once she does I will send for you. Though, she might be upset with me for that, considering she asked me never to invite you over again. As if I'd listen to that child, though.

Don't die,

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Brenner Dornkirk
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Brenner cocked an eyebrow, regarding the strangely ornate letter that crossed his desk. It had the State seal of the First Minister of Zaichaer, but it hardly looked like a formal Zaichaeri missive. It was far too... florid. He broke the seal and first regarded the little note that tumbled free of the letter proper. Knitting his brow in confusion, he glanced to the main communique and blinked at the signature. He felt a flush creeping up his neck as his thoughts receded toward the last time he'd seen Talon, which was on occasion when he hadn't, in point of fact, seen Talon at all, but dreamt of him. Goosepimples sent the hairs on his arms up like bristles, but he was able to dismiss those thoughts promptly with the masterful degree of repression that any good Zaichaeri patriot wielded.

He drafted his reply to the First Minister before responding to Talon directly.

Your Excellency,

My brother and I will be accepting the invitation. Let us know if you would care to strategise ere we set off, presumably toward the end of the season. If the State has instructions or recommendations of any kind, we would be remiss not to hear them. Beyond that, if your office would be good enough to forward the accompanying reply to the Kalzasern Court, we would be most gratefuly.

Hail Zaichaer,

Brenner Dornkirk

Next he poured himself a neat tumbler of schnapps to lubricate his mind for the sort of sniveling required of the subsequent message.

Your Royal Highness,

My brother and I are most honoured to be singled out for such an illustrious invitation. We have heard news of Your Highness' impending nuptials, so we can only imagine what a busy season this must be for you. That you should set aside time for a few humble servants of the Zaichaeri state in the midst of that is remarkable and we would be remiss to decline. If you've an itinerary in mind, please send it along to Dornkirk Manor and we shall endeavour to work something out.

Pleasant regards,

Brenner Stahl Dornkirk
word count: 387
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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