Song of Fire (Galius)

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Song Of Fire
Ash 1st, 120th Year A.o.S.
The sun had began to sink in the sky and in its last harrah it painted the sky with an array of beautiful colours. Soft oranges blending harmoniously with lilacs and yellows in the clouds above. The sun still shone the last of its light through the distant trees in the east but the rest of the world was growing dim. With the coming of the fall, the breeze had grown colder and the need for fire grew. In the small town of tents where the Dancing Monsoon tribe lived, many crackling fires had began to bloom. Their warmth bringing everyone together to share their music and stories to end the day and get the kittens ready for bed.

“Oh Rainbow After Storm finally decided to join us,” Rabu’s older sister Unwritten Book lightly teased as she looked up from tuning her shamisen at her brother. “What kept you this time?” Like Rabu, she was in her Zoan form which looked like a silver elf with short dark hair and ashen skin.

“Uh..”Rabu grimaced at the sound of his sisters voice, for a brief moment he thought he could arrive without anyone knowing he’d even been gone but he should have known better. “I wasn’t visiting the city if that’s what you were asking.”

Book raised her brow in doubt, and she rolled her eyes at her brothers obvious lie. “I don’t care if you go to the city so long as you bring someone who can watch your back. like a sister for instance.”

“Or two sisters.” Added Summer Afternoon who had been sitting in a woven chair next to Book. Unlike the other two she was more Duskkai, with a greenish tint to her skin and long ears with fin like ridges.

“Or a Cousin!” The young orkish looking boy Screech of a Bat raised his hands with a cat like smile that showed of his tiny tusks, before the two females turned their heads to glare daggers at him.

“What we’re trying to say is that were worried about you” Book concluded with a softer tone “a tribe is stronger together.”

“Okay lesson learned.” Rabu nodded as he found a spare chair and joined the circle by the fire.

“We’ve heard this before brother,” Summer sighed and shook her head. “but i’m not gonna let your silliness offend the fire.”

“Since he’s late he should play the first song!” Screech grinned devilishly at Rabu while he rubbed his tiny hands together like a screaming imp

“Okay sounds fair.” Rabu shrugged his shoulders and smiled at his cousin. he brought his Ocarina to his lips and began to play the song of flame. A simple song and one that everyone in his tribe had heard many times before. Other tribes men and women at different fires were playing the same song and Rabu played along with them.

(The song of Fire)
word count: 551
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As the sun began to sink over the horizon a sigh left Galius' lips. Had he not wandered from the caravan that he traveled with. Chances are he would already be well within town. Dragon's only knew what was waiting in the wilderness around. And he was fairly lost as it was.

The crunching of twig and leaf underneath his feet only pushed his anxiety further. He was capable enough to survive for a night. Assuming he could stay warm and find a place to stay. But his sense of direction wasn't exactly all knowing. Getting lost wasn't part of his plans. But here he was. The jingling of the rings on his sword mixed with the sounds of the woods around him.

The crunching under his feet continued as he moved. Trying his best to use the remaining light of the sun to guide his way. Trying to find some semblance of shelter. A place to block the wind as it blew through the trees. The creeping feeling of being stalked settled over him as he continued to move. Unsure if it was just his mind and the shadows playing at his eyes. Or if there was something there.

Rustling branches and leaves making it harder to discern the sounds of his own footfalls verses something else. His hand wrapping around the hilt of his blade. Drawing it from its resting place as he stopped walking. The sun was to low at this point for him to be able to find his way now.

"It's rude to follow someone." He said as he turned to look behind him. Holding the sword in less then aggressive stance. It could have easily been a hunter or a forager. Someone that could show him the way to a camp or something. Galius wasn't interested in fighting someone just because they were curious about the orc roaming the wilderness. But he also wasn't interested in having his guts scattered across the forest floor.

The sound of music cutting through the air. A faint smell of smoke and fire raising on the wind. For a moment his eyes turned from directly in front of him. A momentary distraction was all the creature that was following him needed as it sprinted from it's hiding place. A screech left it's throat as it lunged at Galius.

The orc falling to the side as the creature launched over him. Rolling over and jumping back to his feet as he grabbed his sword again. Now holding it to defend his life.

word count: 438
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