The Ascension On Astralar II

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Title: Dabu
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The Ascension On Astralar II
Ash 32nd, 120th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

After their short bout of fun spouting howls into the valley behind them, Rickter and the other two continued to carefully tread onward up the slopes towards the next section of the mountain pass. Before too long they'd begin to reach another jagged peak near their previous stop, where the range began to span in the form of plateaus for them to traverse as they chose.

From the looks of it, there were quite a few ways they could cross this part of the range, however, there was also the fact that light piles of snow dust already covered much of the rocky ground all around them. By now the air felt colder than before, enough to where Hannah and Telion both shivered lightly. "Told ya it'd be getting pretty cold soon." He remarked in regards to his mentioning of the drop in temperature earlier, while they were busy scaling the slopes to get where they were now.

"Yeah, so? Where's our stop big guy?" Telion teased him heartily with a wink as she approached him, looking around afterward to admire more of the scenery.

"With a bit of luck, we should find it between those crags there." He answered with a nod towards the north, at a crevice between two adjacent peaks of the mountain. "Word is there's a hot spring there we can find, it'll be useful for keeping us warm throughout the night."

"So that's your plan!" Telion remarked with enthusiasm, garnering a look of surprise from Hannah no less.

"Clever boy." The brunette remarked with her arms crossed, the trail of her breath lightly visible within the air as they talked.

"It's not the greatest idea but it works." Was all Rickter had to say in turn, before light screeches were heard carrying out through the sky. "And... it looks like getting there will be a hassle." He noted with a lofty sigh as he and the other two looked to the air above the peaks, noticing movement as four-legged creatures appeared to be flying about frantically among the rocky spires. "Great. Flyers..."

"Should've gone with Elementalism then huh?" Telion jested quickly with a lean forward, peering into Rickter's eyes with a playful grin beaming up at him. The wolf almost rolled his eyes in turn, admittedly wishing that he did in fact choose the other Rune. Though... Negation had its uses for sure, and while he wasn't able to attack at range, Rickter still had his partners to rely on for that ordeal.

"Don't worry," Hannah weighed in with her head thrown back, so that her hair would be thrown over one shoulder when she did, "whatever wretched beasts lurk up here, we can handle them so long as we work together." Rickter noticed the handle of a pistol jutting out at her waist, which intrigued the wolf since he'd never actually used one before... much less seen one up close.

"Alright then," He remarked in turn with a look towards the plateau, minding where several of these creatures flocked in turn, "we'll try to keep low and cut through there." As he spoke Rickter pointed at a point that looked to drop off, almost certain that there would be a way down if they could reach there. However, they had quite the obstacle course to run, and with aviary creatures to dodge that would be even more challenging.

"Lead the way." Hannah encouraged him as she and Telion looked to ready themselves, their faces wrought with determination as they prepared for the run. The wolf groaned lowly with a nod, the straps of his body pack adjusted so his shoulders felt less strained. Already his upper back had started to hurt from carrying everything for too long, but hopefully, it wouldn't be much longer before they reached the spring Rickter had mentioned earlier. Thus after a few deep inhales and exhales were shared, the wolf led his companions onward toward the plateau before them.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
Last edited by Rickter on Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:16 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 759
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Dabu
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The Ascension On Astralar II
Ash 32nd, 120th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

Their path was certainly not a direct one but for Rickter, the way towards their destination seemed clear at the moment. Thus he leaned forward a little to shift the weight of his gear, the slant of his position allowing him to keep a wary demeanor, while carefully marching forward almost in a jog-like pace. The snow crunched beneath his feet as he led the pair along their first plateau, heading towards the northwestern corner where another slope descended downward. From there he pressed onward following it around the base of the plateau, allowing it to lead him down to a narrowed path with a couple more footholds to jump across.

Rickter hesitated when he arrived there, mindful of the calls that echoed into the open air above. The wolf looked to the footholds then as the other two watched, and waited, before looking at him in alarm when he quickly made the first step. "Careful Rickter!" Telion called out to him as he hesitated, loosely keeping his balance in place even, before he moved on to the next foothold in front of him. He did this for the next three rocky pillars before him, until he finally landed on the other side across from where they were. Telion and Hannah both looked to be relieved, before the brunette pulled Telion in close to her with an arm, and shot a wink to Rickter before her aether swirled once more.

In a brief yet brilliant flash of light both Hannah and Telion were standing right before him, the aether still swirling in the air before dissipating into the wind upon their arrival. "Hm," the wolf lightly scoffed with an impressed look to them, "Guess you can really get around with that magic."

"Oh, you have no idea!" Hannah teased as Rickter turned around once more, facing the direction towards the next plateau that rose higher above them. "Did you want to keep hopping around then?"

"Save your magic if you can, if we get into a fight we'll need it..." He assured her before resuming his march forward, the pair following along behind him as they all trekked further along their path. The second half of their slope winded about the lower levels of the second plateau, even so much as went cutting into the middle where a little cavernous nook could be found.

"Wow, there's all sorts of hiding places up here!" Telion pointed out as they continued onward, following the path to their left as it started to rise along the plateau's side. "Do you think the spring will be safe for us?"

"We'll know more when we get there, for now, stay sharp and keep a low profile until we get there." Rickter reminded them as they were approaching the peak of their current plateau, the cold air swirling with particles of snow as they reached the top not long after. It was while they were traversing that very plateau, however, that things didn't pan out the way Rickter would have liked them to. Quickly did five of the flying flour-legged creatures seem to swarm around their location, their cries out into the open air a constant echo within the mountains before they closed in, hovering above the group with vicious eyes glaring down upon them all.

They looked to be winged prime apes with gruesome claws for talons, their eyes a fire as they looked at the group with a bitter hunger. "What are those?!" The bard called out above the wind blowing through the plateau, as she pulled her staff out from behind her back to ready for a fight. Hannah clutched at the handle of her pistol also, holding it up in her left hand as her eyes narrowed on the creatures with a determined gaze.

"Whatever they are, they don't look ready to place nice." The brunette pointed out as the winged creatures flew about frantically, a pair of them swooping in to launch an attack at the trio. Rickter then threw his right arm out to materialize his weapon, his aether swirling in a teal-colored light as it created the hefty bastard sword in his hand. With the hilt clutched tightly he lowered the weapon down low, pointing it upward at an angle as he then gripped the hilt with not one but two hands next. The creatures flew at them relentlessly, their aggression evident when they neared the trio, only to fly above them so that they now lingered within the air behind them. Two at their backs, three at their front, all of which remained in the sky. This already didn't look good for them...

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
Last edited by Rickter on Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:16 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 869
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Posts: 668
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:10 pm




Survival: Using A Hot Springs To Survive A Cold Night
Detection: Noticing The Presence of Aviary Creatures
Leadership: Guiding Your Squad Through Untreaded Terrain
Running: Treading Territory Within Range of Creatures
Acrobatics: Shifting Balance On A Foothold
Climbing: Scaling Slopes Within The Astralar

Vulcan: The Aviary Imp
Vulcan: Common Flight Patterns
Vulcan: Flocks Work Together Strategically
Vulcan: Communicates Through Screeches

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: Well this is quite the predicament. Don't tell me one of them dropped a house on a witch recently?

word count: 101
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