Blood and Snow [Pahoran]

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Title: Perfumist
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A terrible scream tore through the air.

"Please! You can take what we have, just leave our children be. I beg you!"

The leathered backs of about half a dozen or so bandits shook with laughter. They were all clad in dark hides and furs, standing at complete ease like so many ominous pillars against a backdrop of white and grey.

"You misunderstand us," one of them answered, voice drenched in scorn. "Your children are what we want, and therefore what we will take."

At their leader's signal, two others stepped forward and grabbed each child by the arm. Brother and sister cried out as they were ripped from their parents. They looked to be no older than five or six, their tear-stained faces twisted in confusion and terror. Desperate, the parents lunged for their children, only to be knocked to their knees and sent sprawling into the snow.

"If we leave them alive, they might alert the city guards," a man with a thick, dark beard growled.

Their leader nodded in agreement. Daggers were drawn and held to each victim's throats, only to be ordered to wait at the last possible second. The bearded man was clearly irritated but he obeyed, as did his cohort, who was a lankier fellow with a scar cutting across his left eye.

"On second thought, perhaps they could be of some use before we dispose of them," the leader hissed, pulling down their hood to reveal rivulets of dark, wavy hair and ashy skin. It was a woman with cruel, sunken eyes and a complexion close to that of a drowned corpse. She walked around the victims, deliberate and slow, a sinister smile tugging at her mouth. Behind her, a wicked looking tail swished back and forth. "It's been a while since we've had some quality entertainment."

The woman closed her eyes and placed her hand over the husband. It was unclear what she was doing...until the man seemed to grow angrier and angrier. "Wh—what..." he sputtered, before turning hateful eyes upon his wife, who grew even more horrified.

"Mm, yes," the bandit leader cooed, "show us how you really feel. Come on now, it's okay to be angry. To want someone to blame."

" wretched woman," the husband snarled, veins popping all along his forehead and neck. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't insisted on taking the children with us—"

"What are you saying, Artur?" the wife wept, "We could not leave them alone, we had no choice!"

The two men holding them hostage slowly withdrew their knives and backed away. A circle of bandits now surrounded the bickering couple, watching in rapt attention to see who would crack first and what the aftermath would be. With every exchange, husband and wife grew more heated, their words cutting deeper as they both rose to their feet.

"Stop,"Faine interrupted, stepping forth from their hiding place. They could stand the nauseating scene before them no longer. Leave these good people be. Have you no shame? Twisting our kind's gifts for such a vile display."

The second Fae's arrival jolted everyone from the unfolding drama. Even the husband and wife seemed to drift from the bandit leader's Mesmer influence, realizing with growing horror what had almost come to pass. The bandits, on the other hand, were all seething with anger now, their wrath focused solely on Faine.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the leader sneered, answering in Valasren to acknowledge their shared heritage. Though, somehow, their accent was harsher, sharper, dripping with arrogance too contemptuous to be Court of Winter. Which meant...

"A new plaything to join us," she continued, now in common so that her merry band of murderers could understand. "Or, better yet, a worthy sacrifice. Yes, I think our Queen would very much enjoy having the likes of you twisted to pieces in her name."

The men and women around her jeered, expressions lustful on the promise of violence and bloodshed.

Well, Faine thought to themselves, this was probably a mistake.

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Blood and Snow
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Pah floated on chilly breeze with his wings spread. He really did enjoy being in the air. Being able to glide across the world below was a wonderful experience. Right now he wasn’t really getting the chance to enjoy to enjoy the beauty of the world below him. Him and others had been sent out on this particular trip to look for a group of brigands who had decided to take up residence in mountains. Pahoran being the only Avialae in this particular group had been given the assignment to scout ahead.

The ice blue eyed youth found groups like this silly. They though they were so cleaver, unlike many bandits who only kill who they have to and then rob the travelers, these people killed them all, or at least made them disappear. Pah’s mouth turned down as he thought of the different ways people could disappear and death wasn’t at all the worse of them. Stealing was bad enough but massacring really irked people. And despite popular opinion those missing people were noticed especially when the number grew.

It was while he was making a sweep towards the left that saw a clearing off of the main road where a group was gathered. It was close to the road, possible a camping sight while traveling, but far enough that the gathered crowd really couldn’t be camping. Even from this distance it screamed bandits. Pah pulled out some white flags and waved them to indicate for the ground troops to follow him. He looked down and saw the confirming waves.

Pah approached from the direction of the sun, that way those on the ground wouldn’t see him approaching. It wasn’t full proof, but what ever was going on they were more focused on the events occurring on the ground. Pah from the air watched the man and woman arguing with each other, could see the crying children being held captive. This was an enemy focused on the drama in the middle of them. If they had any guards they had left there post. The sky guard recruit shook his head.

It was then that someone interrupted and seemed to break the spell, and they all turned on him. Pah flashed a signal for the others to hurry before he dived down. He quickly picked up who was the leader since well she was talking. Pah dropped to just out of reach above there heads. “In the name of the Kalzasi and the Sky Guard let these people go.” It actually was hard to see the uniform he wore, but Pah voice held authority.

The woman turned and scowled at most recent intruder. “So you brought a friend.” She said and in the flip of a wrist threw a dagger at the young man’s wing. Being always the first move Pah had already pulled his wings in and began to fall. Pah didn’t aim for grace in the fall, he just aimed for the leader. She was surprised as Pah literally crashed into her.

“Bad move.” He growled as the two tousled along the ground. They rolled in the dirt pocking and trying to get the upper hand. Eventually she was on top and had pulled out her dagger. Pah was holding it up with on hand while he extended his other towards her chest.

“Oh that won’t do….” She stopped at Pahoran’s bonded blade appeared in his hand and found its way through her chest. The dirt covered guard sat under the now gasping leader. Just to make sure he had was successful he pulled it out and sliced off the woman’s head. With so many things looking human you couldn’t ever really be sure.

With the strength of the winged guardians of the north lands, Pah threw the body off and leaped up. He would be the first to admit that the fight hadn’t been pretty and his father would most likely have words with him for that undignified crash, but he hadn’t know her enough about the woman. He just needed her distracted. “Do as I said, surrender and the others will take it easier on you.”

“We aren’t going to let the guards take us.” One of them shouted and pulled out a rusty blade. Pah came to stand by the other hero of the day. “Well I hope you have a weapon.” He said with a fighters companionable smile. He moved forward to block and called to the couple. “If you value you life grab a weapon.

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It filled Faine with a strange sensation, something akin to knowing and not knowing, or being close yet far at the same time. The more they stared at the Fallen Fae's features, the more disconcerted they felt. They knew those features in a way that had nothing to do with memory or experience. Their roots ran deep, and somehow Faine knew that this other Fae was somehow also tied to flora, even if their appearance did not readily give that fact away.

Before they could ask the first question of many that burned at their throat, something caught everyone's attention from up above. The sight of the Avialae gave Faine a surge of hope—perhaps all was not lost, now that the Sky Guard was here to save them.

There was a moment of terror as the bandit leader threw her knife at the guard, but he seemed ready and folded in for a dive, crashing into the enemy with singular force. It happened so quickly. Too quickly. One second, they were tumbling in the snow, trying to wrestle one another into submission. The next, the bandit leader's head was rolling, bright red blood splurting everywhere. There were horrified screams and cries of outrage erupting all around, but Faine could only stare at the severed head. They were transfixed, torn between relief and sadness.

Something jolted the hermit from their enthrallment. The Skyguard, tall and broad with ice blue eyes, was talking. He was telling Faine to find a weapon, to fight for their life. It was only then that they realized how enraged the rest of the bandits looked.

The husband and wife captives had already whisked their children away during the chaos, running without sparing a single glance back. With their prizes gone and leader murdered, the rest of the criminals wore plainly on their faces their growing thirst for blood. Some part of the Fae had hoped that with their leader dead, they would desist, but that clearly would not be the case today.

Without further hesitation, they bent down to unsheathe a wicked looking blade from the headless bandit's belt. It looked to be some kind of short sword, only thinner and more deadly looking. The edges were rippled and gleamed an unnatural color. Where, in all the sundered lands, had this weapon come from?

There was no time to wonder further. Several of the bandits bellowed and rushed the pair, weapons held high over their heads. Faine had no doubt that the towering Avialae beside them knew what they were doing, but fighting was not their forte. Face set in grim determination and knuckles white as they gripped the blade's hilt, Faine waited for the first foe to come within their reach.

It was awful, bloody, and messy. Every moment was a fight for their survival and little thought could be spared for anything else. The Fae had no idea if there were more guards, if any reinforcements would arrive, so they fought with everything they had. True, that their new partner in bandit annihilation was taking the brunt of the danger, his skill and experience clear for all to see. But Faine had just as much to lose, and with their blood singing in their ears, they hacked and slashed and stabbed at anything and anyone that got too close.

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The young warrior did notice that the other hero of the day had grabbed a blade from the corpse, and he vaguely wondered why he didn’t have one on him. Even when it was only a monster or a wild animal you were facing, a weapon would be handy. The warrior didn’t waist much time or brain power on the thought as the bandits started in. Pah drew his focus on to the here and now.

These bandits knew how to hold a weapon, well most of them, but luckily for the Pah and the other these bandits were far more versed in the drama of a fight. Pah’s brother had beaten such behavior out of early on. Pah didn’t care how fancy his swings were, or how wonderful the clang of steel on steel.

Pah turned side ways as the first person leapt forward. The man lunged well with in Pah’s reach, and the much taller warrior used the but of his sword and conked the thief on the head. There was a satisfying sound as contact was made and then flared his wings launching himself upward and over the heads of gathered throng. He came down like a rock in the midset of the crowd even as they all scattered to avoid his clearly superior bulk. He allowed his body to go with the movement and as he landed swept his blade in a great arch in front of him, to the sounds of a few screams and grunts as they tried to move away whole trying to deal with a crowd.

Pah didn’t slow because even as he swept forward, he stretched his wings out backwards. Once that was done he launched himself again and landed a distance away from them. He grinned at the confused crowd of robbers. His ice blue eyes almost seeming to glow, his lips turned up in a predatorial grin. Pah raised a hand motioning for them to come for him. Some of the braver souls charged him. The warrior was really glade that these people didn’t have a lot of skill as the warrior jumped forward his blade extended stopping the first one charge short. He then leapt back and brought his blade around for the next strike.

The sounds of grunting and crys began to feel the air. The real sound of battle. Pah worked his way back to the other man to help protect him, but kept taunting the crowd to come at him. The young man made focused on keeping them enraged.

It was after a few minutes that the Sky Guard heard the sound of the other guards arriving even as he smacked another one in the face with the his fist. “Stand down.” The call came from behind them. The crowd of bandits turned and saw armored Guards standing behind them. Many of them dropped there weapons, but a few bolted for the forests. The young man looked over at the brave you man he had fought besides.

“Pahoran. It was a brave thing you did awhile back.”

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Faine was not much with a sword, a complete contrast to the Avialae warrior beside them cutting wide swaths through bandit flesh. But with all their focus—and a bit of luck—they were able to hold their own, defensively warding off anyone who got too close.

Someone yelled to stand down. Panting through a haze of sweat and blood and fading adrenaline, the Fae released the foreign sword in their grip. It indented itself within snow, which had been churned and muddied beyond anything resembling white. From knuckle to finger tips, their hands tingled as sensation struggled to return. Between the cold and the exertion, Faine was not sure which felt worse.

It took a moment for them to realize a voice was speaking to them. Belatedly, Faine processed a name has been given, as well as a compliment.

They grinned sheepishly, still recovering from the fight. “Faine. Well met. Brave or stupid, I’m still trying to decide. But lucky all the same that you showed up when you did.”

With introductions complete and pleasantries exchanges, it was time to assess the aftermath. Everywhere Skyguard were milling about, either helping or subduing anyone still left alive. One particular commotion caught the Fae’s attention. A wounded bandit was struggling against capture, but not in the way one would expect. He was trying to cut his own throat, having gotten his hands on some fallen comrade’s dagger, and was close to succeeding. Faine almost shouted a warning but a guard was already taking note. Unfortunately, by the time anyone was able to grab hold of the suicidal bandit, a large, red gash already lay open along the man’s throat, blood pouring down in sheets.

Faine flinched away, holding the bile down as best they could. Never had they seen a group of highway men and women so organized, so ferociously dedicated. It was so unnatural that they could not help but wonder...why?

“Pahoran...” Faine croaked, a little breathless with nausea. “Have you ever seen anything like this? It is so strange, the way these bandits have been acting, even before the fight. Almost they’re protecting some kind of secret. Only I can’t imagine what it could possibly be. What would even be worth taking their own life?”

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The blue eyes Sky guard watched the other man as he struggled with the realization of what had happened and the fight that they had been through. Pah remember his own first fight and so smiled kindly at the Fae as he fought to find a center. “It is nice to meet you Faine.” He then grinned, “the difference between braver and foolishness is often a fine line.” He said with a wink. “I am glade I could help but with out your interruption who know what might have been happened.”

Pah’s attention followed the young person’s as it was drawn towards a conflict going on with one of the guards and one of the bandits. Pah’s ice blue eyes watched as the bandit slit his own throat. The knight shook his head at the action, and looked at Faine and seeing his fighting being sick he put a arm around their should and motioned for them to walk a bit away from the battle. Pahoran listen though to the question, and he face took on a thoughtful expression. “I believe you about there behavior before, but I agree that there is something that is bonding them together.” He glanced back his eyes thoughtful before turning back. “I have seen groups of fighters work like that for a cause, but bandits usually don’t have so much loyalty.” His eyes narrowed, “Unless they weren’t randomly gathered.”

He set that though on a shelf to address Faine’s last question. His expression was serious as he answered. “There are secrets and causes that could drive someone to that end.” He was serious then and his smile slipped. “There are trajedies and fears and also magic’s that can warp on so that death seems the only answer.” He meet the Fae’s eyes. “I don’t know what secrets they are holding that some of them would end it that way.” He tilted his head and said, “You are very astute observer, I will be certain to share what you told me with my officers. This might very well need more looking into.”

He then smiled and said. “Where were you off to before you jumped into help these two.” He looked around “Speaking of which we might want to see if that couple is okay.”

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Name: Pahoran

  • Reaving - Materializing Blade as part of Strike
  • Reaving - Reaving can be used to deceive opponents
  • Blade - Taunting opponents to keep them focused on you
  • Blade - Don't dramatize your blade swings
  • Blade - Deactivating guarantees opponent is dead
  • Blade - Evaluating Opponents skill
  • Blade - dodging can be a more effective defense even while wielding a blade.
  • Unarmed - Dropping bodyweight on opponents when in a fight.

Points: 10
Magic: These points can be used for Reaving magic.

Injuries: Minor bruise for Pah
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!

Comment: It got violent. o.o Also Faine if you ever return, dm me on here or Discord and I'll fill in your share of the review.

Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!
word count: 230
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