[prompt] fighter's gambit

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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36th of Frost, 120 Steel

The cold winter winds blew through the valley and the Circle of Wandering was no different. Snow fell from the sky in a light flurry that dusted the stones of the ancient proving grounds. Aoren stood wearing the black cloth that Talon had taken to garbing his personal knights in. Around his waist was a silver sash accented with silver bracers to commemorate this more ceremonial occasion. Over Aoren’s shoulders hung a light black cloak that billowed softly in the winds. His raven wings were folded behind him. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stood observing the fighters that were brawling before him. Lethal blows were forbidden in this display but everything else? Aoren had told them to hold nothing back. Short of killing their opponent, he had told them to use every skill at their disposal. This was their last chance to prove themselves before he selected the final three that would move forward to the last leg of these trials.

The puffs of snow evaporated as they neared Aoren’s form. His arche element of fire kept the cold at bay, dissolving the icy crystals before they even had a chance to near him. In the Kathar’s eyes, there burned the heat of those flames. It was a recent development as his relationship with the elements had grown. Twin witchfires burned perpetually in Aoren’s eyes, shifting his natural eye color from hazel to an infernal red-orange as his closest element asserted itself. It was both a declaration and a reminder, Aoren was an agent of the flames and those fires had claimed him. When the display had begun, he admitted there was a small part of him that took pleasure in seeing a few of the aspirants shift uncomfortably as they met his gaze. Garbed in the black attire, surrounded by the icy white backdrop of the winter valley atop the enigmatic Circle of Wandering with the fire burning softly in his eyes, he knew some of them found it unsettling.

That was a good thing. The Argent Hand should inspire as much fear as they did respect. He would accept nothing less.

To his right stood three aspirants and to his left stood three others. Some of them were already bruised and bloodied, chests heaving as they had displayed their prowess in the bitter cold. Aoren had been impressed thus far. It would come down to selecting those who moved forward by a hair’s breadth. The two fighters currently going at it were evenly matched in their skill but in the end, one managed to disarm the other, kicking him in the gut and sending him sprawling backwards.

Enough!” Aoren’s voice rang out clearly over the low winds ghosting through the valley. The advancing fighter immediately stopped. Aoren motioned for the two to come forward. The clear victor offered a hand to the fallen warrior who accepted it and together they came to stand before Aoren. He surveyed them in silence for a moment before nodding.

Well done. Rest. You’ve earned it.” The Knight-Captain glanced over to two other figures. A woman dressed in armor with distinctly elven features. She had dark black hair and eyes that seemed to pierce one to the soul. Tarshenna. One of the Iron Queen’s personal bodyguards. She was there as another observer but also to provide her medicinal skills to those in need of them. She stepped forward and began dressing the fighters wounds in silence. The other was an Avialae just a hair or so shorter than Aoren himself. He had grey feathered wings and bore an older, grizzled face. Over one eye was an eye-patch and his brown hair was streaked with grey. He was a bear of a man whose hands rested lightly on the handle of a warhammer that was propped on the ground before him. His name was Ythror and there was some Dwarven lineage in him despite his stature. He was one of the Shokaze’s personal guards. He too was there to observe.

Rickter. Hisei.” Aoren spoke their names, the final bout between the last remaining two. He kept the bond between himself and Rickter closed off. He had hopes for Rickter but he would remain impartial. Friends and bondmates they might have been but Aoren would not risk Talon’s safety if the wolf proved incapable of overcoming his opponent.

Hisei was a human who had proven himself a capable fighter. He was a bit cocky, bordering on arrogant at times, but there was no denying that he had skill. Normally his attitude would have been one that Aoren would have immediately tossed out but the warrior’s skill in blending the magic of Transposition with melee combat gave him pause for thought.

As I have said before, hold nothing back. You are forbidden from killing your opponent. Everything else?” Aoren let the statement hang. Talon was not an idle or pampered royal. He actively delved into the depths of the Warrens. He fought alongside the Sky Guard and even members of the Dead Legion. Talon sought danger so that others would never have to face them, even going so far as to investigate crimes around the city personally. That required these men and women know that what they would be doing would require them to be at the pinnacle of their chosen skills. Following the events of the season prior, even he had thrown himself into training more rigorously. He would never forgive himself for what almost happened and so he endeavored to ensure it would not happen again.

Begin.” Aoren nodded toward the Circle. He hoped that Rickter was prepared.
word count: 964
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Fighter's Gambit
Frost 36th, 120th Year, AoS

Rickter had only begun to grasp just how important the Circle of Wandering was becoming, and, how many memories he'd develop here as a result of this trial entirely. For the wolf it had only been a few times out of his entire life, but for others, it was clear the Circle meant more than just a summit of ceremony and power. This place... exuded power and mysticism the likes the wolf barely ever contemplated before, the nature of it rather lost on him entirely even after each visit, however, never forgetting the significance of its role each time he left a little different. Through each change and growth, Rickter had become somebody more now, somebody with a sense of purpose... a goal to drive him forward. But he was not alone here, not when the day had finally come at last.

The others who had passed their first set of trials were here as well, a couple faces the wolf did know, while the rest were all warriors from different walks of life. Cizein was one of the unexpected candidates here, impressing even Rickter with his fighting spirit, when his turn had come to pass and he pulled through in the end. The other face that the wolf recognized was that of the young Maze boy, called Maxson earlier, from the ball that was attended during the season of Ash. His trial, on the other hand, did not end so well as he struggled against his opponent. Though, Rickter did note that the younger man was a Reaver as well, albeit his combat prowess certainly needed much more refinement in the long run. He was, however, quite still young in comparison to everyone else gathered there, which can only mean all this was just as fresh to him as it was to Rickter as well.

Still, the wolf had experiences where Maxson didn't, and that would come to show later when it was finally Rickter's turn. Dressed in his chainmail armor, which still had a broken clasp from the shinaegri horde situation, Rickter stood firm as he watched the two previous combatants go at it. With him being the next in line, he knew he needed to prepare for his opponent. Thus the wolf stood quietly as he watched, half focused on the fights that unfolded before him, while meditating with breaths that were both slow and deep the entire time. This was after all a place where magic would be most useful to those gathered, and for him, that meant preparing in the only way he knew how in the time he had left. Therefore, as he'd spent his time meditating all that thought and energy went to his shields, mainly the anchors he'd had been fixated with creating ahead of time; so that when needed he could use them within the heat of the moment.

It had been a drawn-out process entirely, requiring him to channel his aether incrementally, as to avoid setting off a charge with each anchor he made. Thankfully with the power of the Circle, he didn't have to spend hardly any of his aether to make them, and was able to focus more on storing ample aether within them once he'd made up to three at max. He'd have to test the limitations of this facet of his, knowing well that beyond the circle, the processes would consume more time and aether. It was just as the final anchor he'd had reached maximum capacity, when the last two fighters before him were finished with their bout, and Aoren addressed the two formally as he did with those that came before them. With a victor decided that had left just one final matchup now, and with it, the time to focus on his goal became all the more pressing to the wolf. He understood, quite well, and even expected Aoren to keep a mental wall between them; as it was necessary to judge the wolf equally with the rest.

Rickter of course preferred it as well, mindful that his own walls weren't entirely raised, but fixated more on the actual goal before him; rather than any other means of distractions that surrounded him. The others that were present to spectate the trials were people Rickter didn't know, outright, but he figured there would come a time where he'd learn eventually. Later. When all this important shit was done and over, and it was finally decided as to whether or not he was worthy of the cause. “Rickter. Hisei.” The knight captain called out with his eyes on each of them, the wolf glancing mindfully his way before heavily surveying the Circle entirely. An arena littered with and snow, filled with an ambient presence of aether; where water, ice, and wind were all an abundance around him. He could use this to his advantage somehow, even if he was still grasping much with his rune of Elementalism.

Yet it was his opponent who he knew nothing about, a younger man just like Maxson was, and yet Hisei seemed to be a bit more confident in himself. That told Rickter enough already, indicating that he would in fact have a fight on his hands. However, just like every other battle before, Rickter was determined to outmatch his target, and given the developments that had happened over the course of the season... He felt determined enough to at least be able to hold his own. Yet while it was of no concern for the others to hold back in this fight, the wolf himself might've had inclinations to at least consider the intent. Magic or not he didn't wish to subdue his opponent with harm, merely, quell him into submission if it were at all possible on his behalf. Therefore when the two gave a brief bow to Aoren at his call, Rickter and Hisei marched for the center of the circle as did everyone else. They stood at least a few yards from one another, as the two stood facing in the same direction with one another, two completely different warriors of different builds... about ready to battle it out right before a grand audience. All the preparations he'd made before, all the training he'd gone through, just to get to this point in his life...

It would all be weighed here soon, and the scales were destined to tip moments after the start, the question was... did they fall in line with Rickter or with Hisei?

"Speech" "Thoughts"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."

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Image Rickter
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Engagement!! A battle is ensuing!!
word count: 1194
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Fighter's Gambit
Frost 36th, 120th Year, AoS

Sizing him up now Hisei looked to be at least only a couple heads shorter than Rickter, his armor outfit consisting of leather and padded fur to stave off the cold, with studded steel embedded in the shoulders and boots of his attire. At his back were two sheathed broadswords, with a pair of daggers hanging at his waist as he stood observing Rickter. Yes. Just as the wolf observed his opponent so too did Hisei observe him in turn. He didn't look too impressed to say the least, only, the corner of his angular eyes curved up as though he were curious instead. Probably because unlike his fellow combatant, Rickter carried no actual weaponry on his body at all. Just the armor he wore. Rickter on the other hand... he knew from observation that the man was obviously dexterous, favoring the use of two weapons at any given moment, based on the pairs of blades at his disposal already.

The wolf had a slight advantage here, since it was difficult to determine what he could use in a fight. Thus the anticipating grin on his opponent's face became unsettling, as Rickter could only wonder what other tricks Hisei had up his sleeve. "Begin." Aoren nodded toward them within the circle, giving the signal that the battle had commenced. Almost immediately, Hisei shifted to where he drew one of his two swords, holding it with a sense of keen familiarity as he tested a few flourishes within the air. Rickter on the other hand watched, his blue eyes narrowed with fixed determination, as he pointed his feet away from one another and then bent his knees just slightly in turn. "Don't tell me you're coming at me with just nothing!" He looked rather amused by the notion, nearly giving a singular laugh to Rickter, almost in a mocking gesture as he shifted into a forward bend of his own. "It'll make kicking your ass a whole lot easier!"

"You just worry about you..." The wolf called out to him firmly, almost nonchalant, as he shifted to elevate his left forearm up with a closed fist. Hisei seemed to take the statement as a challenge, launching himself forward with his weapon arm thrown back just as quickly. It was clear to Rickter then, just how precise and practiced his opponent was, and therefore how attentive the wolf needed to be in regards to Hisei's own movements.

"Just shut up and fight me!" The man roared out as he threw his blade, expecting Rickter to at least react in some other manner. Yet the wolf didn't even budge, just simply watched as his opponent drew closer within; allowing him the chance to end the match just as quickly as it started. With a clench of his hand, Rickter grunted, manifesting a round iron-based shield with the figure of a wolf's head jutting from the surface. In just a single blink of an eye, the shield's materialization took place, the sound of steel clashing against steel ringing high into the air as Rickter shifted on his feet. Hisei's eyes widened with surprise, seeing the sudden movement in the wolf's form, as he staggered back from the recoil of his impact while Rickter moved. His left knee bent just a little more, while his right leg slid out so that the point of his boot traced through the snow. With a throw of his foot over the snow, Rickter channeled his aether out, coaxing for an element to head it's call while it moved, so that when Rickter rested aside his shield arm; the kick he made towards Hisei was backed with a gush of rushing wind as a wave of snow had been caught in the stream.

Hisei seemed surprised by it all entirely, taken aback as the air around him generated a hum before smoke swirled off his skin and enveloped him entirely. Just as the wind came to brush into him, Hisei became swallowed by the smoke entirely, the cloud itself dissipating away before it could fully dissolve on its own. Yet behind Rickter... "Nice trice!" Hisei called out from behind as he rushed to flank the wolf, leading Rickter to shift entirely as he kept his left foot firmly on the ground. There was only a moment to react to what he'd caught within a glance, therefore, Rickter's immediate call to action was to rotate around to where he could intercept the coming blow. Hisei had closed in on him rather quickly, quicker than anticipated, and so with just a moment of time to react the wolf shrugged off the jab thrust at him. The outer edge of his shield managed to intercept the blade in time, redirecting Hisei's attack upward as the wolf pulled his left arm continually. With the reprisal just now done Rickter shifted to where his shield arm was held behind him, while he threw an open hand out toward Hisei with more aether channeled into his attack.

This time rather than wind, Rickter manifested water as it streamed in a spiral surrounding his arm, before hurdling towards Hisei directly as though the wolf had thrown a punch at him. The warrior before him pulled back and, just like before, became enamored in a sudden veil of smoke before being hit. Thus the water Rickter threw soared through the plume, before splattering into the snow-covered stone when it missed the mark entirely. Hisei roared again as he came from another flank of Rickter's, this time the right side, to test the wolf's reaction timing as he drew closer in with another pointed thrust. "Transposition," the wolf then noted, "unlike Hannah, however, he uses it to close the flank between his enemies." It was a clever gambit but one the wolf wasn't going to let happen for much longer. Just like before Rickter rotated around to intercept the blow, keeping his left foot stationary in the same spot as he had before; while he reprisaled the blade with a swing of his left arm.

This time Hisei's sword went scraping against the surface of his shield, the rush of metal causing sparks to fly from the surface as the shield itself twitched in his arm. "There it is." He noted as Hisei's expression soured into that of frustration, realizing the actual challenge he'd have in penetrating Rickter's defenses. "It only happens at the point of contact, which means..." Hisei retreated back a few steps then, and that gave Rickter reason to lightly raise an eyebrow. No warp or teleportation? "Hang on." The Transpositioner growled and threw his sword arm back, assailing Rickter with a broad attack as it battered against his shield, merely bouncing off with a forceful recoil as the man just kept swinging. Every hit started to slam across his shield then, testing Rickter's capacity to shrug them off as he remained in place. "If he keeps this up, I'm not going to be able to handle the backlash later!" He realized as he could feel his shield tugging on his arm, almost mirroring the attacks entirely as each blow as deflected naturally.

And then...

It was so difficult for him to explain it, to comprehend what had exactly happened in that entire moment. Rickter's shield arm felt pulled, or rather, drawn to move away from the last blow that was endured. Hisei's last attack ended with his weapon held lowly at his left side, the smoke suddenly manifesting is coalesced and swept him away. Yet, in that moment, when Rickter didn't even know where to expect the next attack; his shield arm felt guided by the very weapon he held. Almost instinctively, did he twist about to face the coming blow head on, and so did the wolf put his other hand up to the support the shield. When the blow impacted the surface with another loud ring, the wolf growled lowly as he shoved both arms forward, bashing the shield into his opponent once before pulling back the moment he'd felt contact. Hisei staggered and that, while not enough, would've been the stopping point for Rickter... had this not been a competition between two candidates. Therefore rather quickly while he had that moment, Rickter thrust his left arm out once more to slam it hard into Hisei one final time.

It didn't end the match as quickly as he had hoped, Hisei found that the sheer force of power was too much to resist. Therefore, with a brief groan of pain, he lost his footing and fell to the ground. Realizing how frustrating he was getting, the man pounded a fist against the stone floor, twisting to glare at Rickter before flailing to get back onto his feet in earnest.

"Speech" "Thoughts"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."

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Image Rickter

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word count: 1673
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Fighter's Gambit
Frost 36th, 120th Year, AoS

Hisei looked to Rickter fiercely with his whole face red as a tomato, the grip on his sword a bit more tighter now as the man's chest heaved quite a bit. He'd spent a lot of physical energy on Rickter just moments ago, but now, it was clear that the wolf would soon see more out of this man. He wasn't intend to give up so easily, and now that he looked to be serious, so too did the wolf glare at him expectantly as he shifted. His left foot still remained at the same spot as it had before, with the only exception being that it's position had only changed, when he reacted in accordance to the attacks he intercepted.

"Just a moment ago he couldn't warp as fast, could there be a time limit between his jumps?" The wolf had wondered as Hisei mounted another advance, charging at Rickter with his weapon pointed down and a low roar made in turn. "Doesn't matter... no time to test that theory." He realized as he shifted once more, presenting his shield arm before him to guard like he had done before. Yet, in that moment, Hisei darted into a plume of smoke, leading Rickter to twist around quickly to see where he'd show from behind. Hisei appeared through another cloud of smoke, stepping through from the other foothold he'd left behind, to strike with full force at the iron shield Rickter threw up to protect himself with. The Transpositioner barreled back a foot, twisting into another attack as he made a light jump with this next swing, which then slammed heavily across the upper half of the shield as the wolf finally moved his left foot back several inches.

Hisei must've noticed the light surprise the wolf had, for when he looked to be mid-transition into his next swing, he quickly threw his free hand straight out to gesture at the wolf. With his fingers briefly clutched Hisei then outstretched them, his open palm generating an invisible force with enough push to overwhelm Rickter. "The hell!?" Kinetics! It had to be. That was the only magic that could generate such a force, from what Rickter had seen with Talon when he'd used it. If Hisei could use that as well... then clearly he'd been holding out on Rickter the entire battle. Realizing that the wolf had almost staggered, Hisei resumed his original charge in turn, hitting Rickter with another set of chained blows as he shrugged them off in a light retreat. He'd simply lost his footing was all, a minor thing that didn't deter him from the battle itself. Keeping up with the motions, Rickter felt his shield tug at him once again, only when he guessed the direction he felt the next hit slam twice as hard. Hard enough to cause him to deter away, and actually stagger as Hisei finished his combo with a quick swivel away from his last attack.

The wolf groaned and lowly hissed, knowing well that after he'd regained his footing, he would be in for a world of hurt in turn. It just so happened Hisei had found it the opportune moment for initiative, for when he saw Rickter gradually resuming the stance he was in earlier, the Transpositioner warped once more to strike at Rickter with a heavy blow from above. Rickter brought his right hand out in a flourish, materializing the bastard sword as quickly as he did the shield, while the other weapon dematerialized in the same process of occurrence. Hisei's weapon fell to smash into his sword as Rickter's legs buckled, his jaw then clenched as he brought his free hand up to share the grip of the hilt, as he could only lowly grow in a fierce manner from all the pain that shot up his left arm then. Everything. Every blow he intercepted earlier came rushing up into his shoulder, setting every nerve in that arm on afire with the sensation of pain. Hisei looked at him rather menacingly now, almost driven even, after seeing the wolf's sudden change in demeanor. "You don't look so good," the Transpositioner remarked cockily, "lemme just wipe the floor with your face!!"

Just as he threatened this Hisei threw his other hand up, lightening the weight of his weapon against Rickter's when he did, therefore allowing the two of them to quickly react with one another. As Hisei manipulated the aether surrounding him, Rickter shoved against the blade with both of his arms, giving the wolf a momentary lapse as Hisei staggered yet again. Yet, just as he released another pulsating blast of force, the wolf threw out his left arm and reached out in front of him. "Negate his power." Rickter started as he mentally created the fundamental core of his task, brandishing his aether as one of the anchors he had in store manifested before his palm. With just the gesture of his fingers spreading out, aether coursed through the Anchor itself, spreading fast to create the form of the shield that he'd imbued within it earlier. As a result, the shield he generated turned a flat glossy wall, it's aetheric particles shimmering just moments before.

Ting! The aetheric residue of Hisei's kinetics met with the shield, causing the surface to glisten as it rippled from the center out. "What!?" The surprise didn't end there for Hisei, for the gleaming particles in his shield then surged from the borders of the shield, directly back to it's center before dispersing into a spectrum of light that assailed the Transpositioner in his place. As Hisei, yet again, staggered his way to the ground Rickter lowered his hand to double-grip the hilt once more. He wasn't exhausted yet by any means, but after the backlash had seeped from his soul into his flesh, he had started to feel a weariness take hold over him in turn. Hisei on the other hand fell backwards into the snow, rolling out of it quickly as he reached his feet almost reflexively. Interesting. The look in his eyes grew all the more spiteful now, indicating just how serious he was getting with the wolf. "He's starting to realize that he can't hit me. Now that he has..." Rickter remained where he stood just to still his accelerated breathing, mindful of the free hand that moved up to reach for the second sword on Hisei's back.

"There it is." The wolf remarked as he adjusted himself, shifting his feet to where the left foot pointed forward, and the right remained placed several inches behind with the boot pointed away. Holding the sword down low as he would always do, the wolf then focused on his weapon and partially dematerializing it when he did. "I know from this point on he's gonna come at me with everything he's got..." With one last breath taken in and then exhaled, Rickter varnished aether channeled through his Negation rune onto the weapon, varnishing wind to generate a coated breeze around the blade, while the sword itself became coated with a fresh layer of aether. "The subject is Hisei..." He focused as the Transpositioner rose onto his feet, "keep my blade protected from his flesh." The aetheric residue on his varnished weapon gleamed with an aurora then, before the wolf raised his sword arm up so that the weapon rested over his shoulder.

Now with his left hand free once more, Rickter kept it close to his torso, ready to flex it in the event he needed to stretch his magic muscles mid-fight.

"Speech" "Thoughts"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."

Party Hub
Image Rickter

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Battle Style

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word count: 1496
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Fighter's Gambit
Frost 36th, 120th Year, AoS

Rickter's suspicions were indeed true, for the moment Hisei took his next step forward, smoke whirled around him to whisk the man away. Rather than attack from the flank, however, he barreled out of his exit point just a few feet before Rickter. Swords crossed over one another as though he intended to cleave his way through Rickter, while the Transpositioner roared even louder in his attempt to lunge at him. The wolf's first move was to strike in general, to intercept that coming blow with his weapon with an blow from below. The action resulted in their weapons clashing, another episode of metallic ringing filling the cold air upon impact. Sparks could've easily flown from where their blades had met one another, and while he didn't have the full strength to stop Hidei in his tracks, Rickter wasn't exactly counting on that the moment he raised it to block the attack itself.

"Here we go..." The wolf braced himself as he let out a withheld breath, minding Sleeping Dirge when it tugged away from the weapons for just an instant. Smoke swirled about Hisei again, and Rickter quickly twisted around with another strike at the ready, landing another blow on Hisei's left blade as he came at Rickter with the right. The wolf flexed his left arm with a squeezed fist, forcing out another one of his shieldcrafted anchors, and tasking it to ward off the Hisei's weapons when he opened his left hand. Lingering in his palm, as though he were loosely clutching it, was the anchor he'd called out to protect him; while aether surged around his left arm to form a barrier around him. It was a half-dome barrier he had projected from his left forearm, the surface rippling with a brief sheen of light once the sword bounced away from the impact. Within seconds upon receiving the impact, his shield glistened with another resounding ting echoing in the air, before glistening particles of aether surged from the surface of his shield to ward off his attacker.

Hisei groaned with an added growl as he used his kinetics to try and divert the dispersion, unable to see Rickter when he'd shifted to move in for the next attack. "No way-" There was no more time beyond that, Rickter's time to move was now or never, and it was his turn to share an entourage of blows with Hisei. The wolf growled as he repeated the same motion as before, moving his shield arm aside so that he projected the barrier behind him, while his sword arm moved to attack from below just as the dispersed aether faded away. Sleeping Dirge rose from below to sail right into Hisei's lower left rib cage, emitting the same frequency as his shield did, before dispersing a lower grade of the repulsion effect his shields generated. Hisei's eyes widened in awe as he knew, for sure, that sort of blow would've dealt some damage. Yet he felt nothing of the sort, no actual harm, just a nasty hit to the side that was backed with a secondary kick. The force was enough to cause him to stagger, leading Rickter to finish his current strike, then follow through with another blow from his left as he went all in.

The wolf hacked firmly with his weapon from left to right, right to left, each time alternating the direction just with just a slight obtuse adjustment. Hisei staggered back over and over, raising his weapons up to intercept wherever the next hit came from, hopeful that he'd have just the right moment to block. He didn't have such luck, for Rickter's next blow ended with his right hand a lower level than his waist, which he then quickly pivoted on his left heel to rotate into a final swing. A finisher. The wolf threw his arm out with the intent to raise it above his head, bringing Sleeping Dirge into a downward arc that would smash into the crossed blades of the Transpositioner in front of him. Hisei bellowed out in defiance, determined to make his last stand against his oppressing foe now. When their blades met sparks did fly from their point of contact, their blades left to press into one another as Rickter started to press his sword arm down. He did so with the addition of his own weight, leaning into the effort as he saw Hisei beginning to falter in place. It wasn't long now... Just a bit more....

Hisei must've decided to flex his own magic then, because in-between his incessant groans and breaths, he gestured a couple fingers with his left hand at the hit. A gesture that the wolf took note of, yet didn't understand since he clearly had the upper hand in this instant. Then he realized... Easing up on the pressure the wolf let off of his stance, shifting his weight so that he darted away a couple feet as Hisei finished his failed cross cleave with a noticeable exhaustion. The daggers at his sides responded, however, to his gesture when he did; floating out of their holsters so that they pointed toward the wolf and flew toward him with relentless precision. Thankful he remembered those were Hisei's weapons as well, the wolf shifted so that his sword arm pointed away and his shield arm presented itself. Clutching that same anchor he charged it with more aether, generating that same half-dome as the surface projected before him. Hisei's daggers flew straight into the shield just moments after it finished solidifying, causing them to bounce away in recoil as the aetheric repulsion released one final discharge onto his opponent.

"Speech" "Thoughts"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."

Party Hub
Image Rickter

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Battle Style

Action Queue
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word count: 1143
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"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
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The ripple of energy billowed out and slammed into Hisei knocking the young man off of his feet. He was sent sprawling back onto the ground, chest heaving, sweat pouring down his brow as the realization of what just happened settled. Silence hung in the air. As he lay there, still drawing in breath, Hisei could feel the anger building up inside of him. That was when he heard that black winged worm open his mouth.

Enough! It is over.” The weight of his failure settled in on him. Hisei reached down into one of the inner pockets of his jerkin. There was one last thing. This all would not be for nothing. He would not suffer this humiliation.


Aoren watched the fight unfold before him with rapt attention. Rickter was pulling off maneuvers with both Reaving and the powers of Negation with surprising alacrity. The man was displaying a penchant for strategy as he both assessed the maneuvers of his opponent and met them without hesitation. His adaptability was something that made Aoren feel a note of relief. He felt Talon gently soothe at some of the worries that were plaguing his mind. His shoulders relaxed and he eased his stance. The bond between himself and Talon had grown stronger. Their relationship had certainly taken a different turn and for that, he was deeply thankful. But Aoren did not let those thoughts distract him. The valley rang with the sounds of battle as Rickter and Hisei faced off. It was a skilled bout and Aoren could not help but wonder if the wolf had what it took to pull through.

More than once he held his breath waiting for the strike that would break through the man’s defenses and lead to his defeat. Each time though, Rickter pulled through. He was showing a level of stamina that Aoren could not help but admire. At the beginning of the bout, Rickter had surprised him by displaying the ability to commune with the elements. Aoren had not known Rickter to be an Elementalist of noticeable skill. Being in close communion with the elements himself, Aoren recognized and felt when their attention was called to action on behalf of another. He kept his eyes focused keenly on the match as it unfolded. As it progressed, it was becoming clear to him who the victor would be. He was tempted to call the bout to a close but decided to hold off as each of the combatants seemed intent on throwing absolutely everything they had into the fight. He was glad for that. It was a chance to see what they were fully capable of.

Then it happened. The final strike that sent Hisei sprawling onto the ground away from Rickter. The silence that hung in the air was palpable. It held a weight of finality to it. Aoren closed his eyes and let out a small breath of relief. Rickter had done it. But the hardest part was ahead of them. It was not a journey that he was looking forward to. It would test them both and he hated it but it was necessary.

Enough! It is over.” He called out clearly. He let the barest hint of a smile touch his lips as he regarded Rickter. “Well done. You may--”

“You dog!” Aoren’s attention was pulled away from Rickter and immediately zeroed in on Hisei. The young man was standing on his feet. His breath was heaving and he had one hand over his chest. “You ruined everything!”

Hisei pulled out a dagger from within his vest. The hilt was a bone white but that was not what drew Aoren’s attention. The blade was a dark violet ringed with ebony that made a knot form in the pit of his stomach. The world slowed to a crawl. Aoren saw the ripple form as Hisei called upon his powers of Transposition. There would be no blocking that dagger. It would cut through whatever was in its path. Aoren acted on instinct. Each of the warriors here began to rise as the alarm of danger, the familiarity of seeing someone unhinged, called to their senses but for Aoren it was much deeper.

Rickter was his friend. Rickter was his Bondmate. Rickter was Talon’s Bondmate.

Hisei vanished only to reappear in the air above Rickter, dagger raised and ready to plunge into his spine at the base of his skull. Aoren arm snaked out. Fire and wind blended together.

The world went dark for a moment as every shadow seemed highlighted. There was a crack of thunder and lightning speared forth from the tips of Aoren’s fingers. He saw Hisei’s eyes go wide before a split second later the lightning hit him right in the chest. The dagger was sent clattering to the ground as the young man was thrown back and slammed into the base of one of the statues overlooking the Circle. Aoren felt his anger rise. The air around him began to shimmer with a mirage of heat. He took a step forward, the winds picking up around him. A sneer of barely suppressed rage painted itself across his face. The fire that burned in his infernal eyes flared to life. Some of the warriors around him went pale and backed away hurriedly. Others simply bowed their heads and moved aside.

You dare…?” The words came out, laced with the heat of Aoren’s anger. As Hisei picked himself up revealing a scorch mark and burned armor, a patch of his skin was revealed and painted there, for all of them to see, was a symbol. A tattoo. It was small but it was clearly visible. It was the depiction of an eagle with wings spread in flight. Around its body was woven the form of a snake whose head rose slightly higher than that of the eagle’s. There was a collective gasp from those who saw it. It only made Aoren’s decision easier.

You step into this Circle…” Aoren stepped forward. His black cloak billowing slightly. Around his body, his pact weapons began to materialize. The two swords appeared, sleek blades that were as deadly as the man who wielded them. Then they multiplied with a flick of his thoughts.

You dishonor this challenge…” The snow around Aoren melted as the heat pouring off of him increased. The hiss of the heat meeting the cold stone and snow was followed by steam that rose into the air.

You try to kill your opponent…” A wall of blades now encircled the Circle of Wandering. Each one floated in the air menacingly as Hisei blinked and his breathing elevated. He was glancing around, looking for an exit. He would not find one. “Rickter. My friend. My bondmate...

Hisei’s eyes went wide.

You wear his symbol?” Aoren clenched his fist and the blades all ignited, fire enveloping the swords. Hisei fixed them all with one last defiant look. He tilted his head back and spat at them.

“Glory to the Jewel.” That was all that Aoren needed to hear. The air around Hisei shimmered and he teleported once more, this time a short distance from Aoren himself but the Knight-Captain was not concerned. He kicked out, the sole of his boot meeting the man’s stomach. There was a pressure in the air before the wall of swords flew into motion, surrounding Hisei. The man screamed as fire a blade cut into him from every angle. His blood was spilled as a tornado of fiery swords enveloped him for only a few moments. Aoren dismissed the duplicates letting them dissolve. Hisei was a shredded mess of torn leather armor, blood and deep gouged missing from his flesh. The Kathar was unmoved. He raised a hand and there was another peel of thunder as lightning cascaded forth slamming into the man. His mouth opened in a silent scream as he was thrown back into the statue. His skin blackened. His body thrashed, the smell of burnt flesh filled the air until finally, Aoren clenched his fist ending the electrocution. Hisei collapsed. He did not rise.

Aoren stood there. He recalled his swords to his body. He felt the searing heat coil into his very bones and grit his teeth, flexing his jaw against the pain before he turned to regard Rickter.

Captain Tarshenna.” The woman rose fluidly from where she crouched next to one of the other warriors. She walked forward, regarding Hisei as one might regard a piece of trash rustling in the wind.

If that thing still lives, interrogate it. Then make sure it goes painfully into the arms of Wraedan. Let it be a reminder that we do not tolerate the stain of Jacien.” Tarshenna gave a crisp nod.

Aoren walked up to Rickter. Some of the others present still gave him a wide berth. He thought that wise. His protective instincts were on full-swing. He dropped the mental wall between himself and Rickter. Striding up to the wolf, Aoren grabbed the man and pulled him into a tight hug. He pulled back after a moment then fixed Rickter with a hard stare.

Idiot. You weren’t supposed to be so good he tried to kill you.
word count: 1555
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Fighter's Gambit
Frost 36th, 120th Year, AoS

The wolf's magical shield pulled through for him a bit too deftly, granted it was also at the fault of Hisei himself when he sent those daggers at him. The billow of energy that had cast out in response to the flying weapons was more than he anticipated, and the wolf's eyes widened as they remained on the very man who was sent off his feet. The energy repulsed cascaded over Hisei too quickly for him to carry out any more, knocking him flat on to his back as he laid there, shocked at first but then clearly angered by what had happened. His chest heaved continuously, and the wolf could only assume he'd overdone it with the magic earlier. Perhaps they both had. Releasing the hold of his aether on his anchor the shield then dissipated, the glossy surface fading out like a receding aurora into the breeze overhead. It was when Aoren spoke out that the wolf finally lessened his gaze, the focus moving from Hisei to the others gathered there who spectated.

That was what Rickter could do. All who watched now had a front row seat to what just happened, in turn, that meant they knew what Rickter was at least capable of. And though he felt certain he'd given it everything he had now, the wolf knew this was only the beginning for him in this career. What he could do, potentially, with not just his shields but his weapons... even his magic. He had yet to fully ascertain what his capabilities were, much less, what his potential really was in that given moment. Still, that didn't mean he appreciated the reception he'd been given, though slight in an instant from Aoren, Cizein certainly looked to the wolf with a smugly impressed grin at least. Knowing that he'd achieved what he'd come here to do, effectively Rickter might've noted, he decided to pay his sword a moment of his attention as well. How much backlash would he feel from the winds that coated his weapon, or from the repulsions of the shields he created to keep from harming Hisei?

He became aware then, of just how much he needed to be aware of his bridge with his weaponry, because if there were ever a time Rickter went overboard... well he certainly didn't want to think of the dire consequences. Aoren had declared him the victor of course, that certainty felt all the more final, after watching Hisei lying around earlier from his blast. The wolf's eyes moved from his weapon to Aoren then, expecting to finish with the same treatment as the rest, only to find the 'ceremonial' part of the tournament to be interrupted entirely. “You dog!” Hisei spat out rather venomously, the bitterness palpable in his tone. “You ruined everything!” The man declared as he reached at his chest for something, the wolf merely casting him a look of utter confusion entirely. Was he really this upset? Had Rickter done something wrong here? The questions were immediate and, in hindsight, pointless for the wolf to ponder initially. Yet he couldn't help it... Never had he gone out his way to actively instill hatred and spite into others, so when someone seemed to affix him with such inclinations, Rickter's immediate reaction was to typically go over everything he'd done and sort out the wrong on his behalf.

Yet there was no such time. Hisei pulled another weapon and in doing so moved, the wolf only catching a slight glimpse of what that weapon was, before Hisei himself seemed to vanish into space once more. He warped yet again, this time, at a point where the wolf couldn't see him coming... but why would he? Rickter wasn't fighting anymore, after all, the fact he'd won meant that he shouldn't have expected this. He should've expected Hisei to act differently over his loss, not that it was going to make a lick of difference in the moments to come later. Catching only a glimpse of the dagger Rickter experienced it again, that same sense as though he'd just walked over his own grave just then. There was such bloodlust in the air, such anger that became quickly slowed by a single moment, a defining point in time where for once in his life... Rickter felt utterly afraid for himself.


The brilliant flash of lightning barreled overhead and zapped Hisei, sending the attacker hurdling through the air before he crash-landed into one of the statues. A streak of violet and white spun through the air, before the metallic clinks of a dagger against stone were heard near his foot. Rickter's blue eyes wandered down immediately, fallen upon the blade in pure awe, and yet even after seeing it he felt nothing... That drive? That immediate response to danger he always had? Where was it? Literally, nothing drove him to react, just the observations in his mind, as he started to draw a different parallel in seeing Aoren step in. The knight captain looked largely vigilant compared to before now, his fiery eyes now a brilliant blaze as he stepped further into the circle itself. Rickter had never seen him look this animated before, in fact, seeing the anger in his eyes instilled a deeper sense of fear in the wolf. "Had I really caused this?!" It was sinking in, slowly but surely, that the wolf was at the heart of something larger.

Aoren's sentences were brief, and yet, filled with a searing rage he kept within. For a moment the wolf pondered where the chill on his skin came from, for the cold hadn't bothered him up until now. Yet it didn't remain cold for very long, for heat radiated within the circle as Aoren continued to step, his gaze fixed on Hisei alone while the wolf moved aside entirely to spectate with the others. Hisei had clearly crossed a line with the knight captain, for swords were duplicating until they forged an entire ring around the circle. No... A wall. Was this? The wolf knew but he never knew just how skilled of a Reaver Aoren really was, not until now when he finally got a glimpse at what real potential looked like. Real power. And... it actually intimidated the wolf in his place, his eyes observing every aspect they could of the scene that unfolded. There was still that smell in the air, apart from the rise in moisture, that Rickter couldn't entirely ignore either when his nose traced it. Burnt flesh. That lightning blast had not only clipped through his armor, but Hisei had been literally struck by a blast powerful enough to damage his skin.

"Even now I..." There's just no way, not with Aoren there wasn't. Even attempting to compare himself felt like an insult on Rickter's behalf, and even so, all this wasn't just to punish Hisei for his actions but... to protect Rickter as well. Was this why he felt so immobilized just now? Why he suddenly became paralyzed with fear over his friend? A symbol was mentioned and then, all swords surrounding the circle were engulfed by flame, bringing a new sense of duality to the area as heat and cold danced among those present to witness. The wolf's eyes moved from the burning wall to Aoren, and to Hisei as well, his breathing slightly erratic as he watched what unfolded next.

“Glory to the Jewel.” A statement that meant something far beyond Rickter in the moment, bringing with it a sudden stirring within his being once Hisei moved once more. He warped again, this time in front of Aoren, as though to actively defy the man who overpowered him. It was strange how quickly it all went down, because it was in that moment he felt it, finally, the impulse to rush and intercede between what clearly was his enemy... and the friend he felt so strongly about protecting in turn. But there was no time, not even for Rickter, for the moment his foot lifted to make that first step, Aoren's own boot lashed out to kick the man in the gut. Hisei had been pushed back, still incredibly weakened from his wounds, before the burning blades surrounding them were prompted to action. In a single moment, Rickter felt the world around him shift entirely, the pressure in the air stilling the very winds before...

Before the entourage of piercing flame skewed and sliced from every corner. Aoren's weapons were a whirlwind he unleashed onto Hisei, before the burning blades dissolved away to leave behind a half-eviscerated man still on his knees. Blood trailed from numerous areas of Hisei's body as leather and even skin had been heavily torn into, with burns marring the flesh where contact had been made, as he lingered in place with a sense of lifelessness in his form. Had Aoren actually killed him? Another blast of lightning followed, with shadows embracing the areas of the circle and fighters unlit by the blast. Hisei had been blasted against the statue once again, this time his body more of a ragdoll, refusing to move any more once the lightning spell had ended and grazed his flesh further. Smoke rose from Hisei's form and the rest of the blades were dematerialized, Aoren himself gritting his teeth through the backlash he felt as their aether returned to his being. It was enough to remind Rickter of his weapon in turn, of the Sleeping Dirge he still clutched tightly in his one hand.

Looking down at it, however, the blade itself hummed in recognition of his gaze. The wolf dematerialized his own weapon then, clenching his jaw as he too felt the pain within rise. It did not last as long as he anticipated, perhaps due to the combination of spells he'd used earlier, but Rickter still did feel an absurd amount of it course through him briefly. He would have to be mindful of that in the future for sure, if he ever planned to utilize such a combination again. For now, though he had other matters to deal with, like the fact he barely knew what was going on anymore. The other captain present had been called to attend to Hisei, if he still somehow lived, while Aoren remarked upon a name that rang familiar in Rickter's memory. Jacien? A stain? That name held some levity to the wolf alright, even if he wasn't there to see it happen, he remembered growing up with the fear of what that name brought.

A man like that was a monster from what the wolf knew. And... Hisei supported that monter's ideals even after all this time? It was no wonder why Aoren treated him the way he had, although, it was still with a sense of purpose in protecting one of his own. His Bondmate. For Rickter there would've been no question, had he been in knight's boots, he too would've unleashed what hell he could onto his enemy. Aoren, Talon, even Telion and Hannah; those were all people important to him now, members of his alleged 'pack' if he were to think of them as such. And a wolf such as Rickter would go above and beyond to protect them. Captain Tarshenna heeded her orders promptly, with a regard for Hisei Rickter found interesting if not agreeable, before Aoren himself walked up to the warrior and gave cause for everyone else to part from his path. The walls between them dropped and in that moment, that very moment, there was such boundless anger for what Hisei had done.

Yet there was also innate concern, which was all the more embodied by the physical hug that the two then shared. Well.. Aoren had hugged him tightly but Rickter? He merely stood in awe, his eyes upon Aoren but then not as they diverted and frequently. He had seen such... such depths of his friend, and truthfully, he was utterly moved by how protected he was entirely. There was no denying the fear in his eyes, however, and the sudden mortality Rickter experienced moments ago.

"Idiot. You weren’t supposed to be so good he tried to kill you.” Confusion filled the wolf as his eyes were aligned with Aoren's then, the duality of blue piercing into red a lingering moment between them. Rickter wasn't just confused in that moment, for there was a lot of emotions that stirred within at that time, at the front of it all however he felt relief with a bit of uncertainty to boot. Was that meant to be a joke? There was such seriousness in his tone, and the way Aoren looked at him just now...

"I'm... I'm sorry..." He didn't know what to feel honestly, just that he was glad Aoren was alright in the end, and that was enough for the wolf in turn. Thus Rickter finally released an apologetic sigh, from a held breath that felt trapped for an age, as he started to lower his head from the weight of uncertainty looming over him.

"Speech" "Thoughts"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."

Party Hub
Image Rickter
Combat Hub
Battle Style

Rickter is the victor!

Aoren intervenes on Hisei... the match is officially over!
word count: 2333
"Dialogue" Monologue
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Aoren’s gaze softened as he stared at Rickter. The Kathar shook his head. He placed both hands upon the wolf’s shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. Across the bond, feelings of calm radiated from the Avialae as he sought to soothe both of their frayed nerves.

Nothing to apologize for. I was trying to be funny.” He cleared his throat. “I realize it didn’t come across that way.

He turned to regard the rest of those gathered. Some were staring at where Hisei lay with open disgust. In truth, he was glad to see that. Jacien’s stain was deep and poisonous. But the more important matter at hand...he appeared to still have a resolute following. That concerned him. It would have to be a discussion had amongst the leaders of the House guard in very carefully closed quarters.

Go. Rest. All of you. You will need it for what lies ahead of you. You proved yourselves today. Take pride in that.” There were nods of appreciation and murmurs of thanks. Some of the defeated were taken into the arm of a victor in a display of friendship. There was that, at least. As all of the warriors made their way away from the Circle of Wandering, Aoren caught the eyes of both Tarshenna and Ythror. The two of them nodded as Tarshenna rose from her place, wiping clean a dagger she had pulled from its sheath. She walked up to the crystal dagger that Hisei had wielded and hissed.

“Voidstone.” That made Aoren’s chest tighten. Close. They had been that close to losing a dear friend. He looked to Rickter.

It would have shredded through whatever defenses you had. It would have been an agonizing death as your body was consumed from the inside out. It either would have killed you or...turned you into a monster. Either way, you would have been lost to us.” Instinctively, Aoren reached out and pulled Rickter closer.

Come. Let’s leave.” Ythror’s baritone spoke pointedly.

“And that?” He nodded toward the body of Hisei.

Leave it. The dead never last long at the Circle. It will be gone by morning.
word count: 372
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XP: 8. Guest Moderation.
One-Handed: Shields: Deflecting A Blow To Counter With Magic
Reaving: Combining Magics To Make Your Weaponry More Efficient
Elementalism: Using Limbs and Gestures To Control Elements
Tactics: Analyzing Your Foes Patterns
Tactics: Analyzing Your Foes Abilities
Reaving: Taking Into Account The Amount of Backlash You'll Receive
Endurance: Withstanding An Credible Amount of Backlash Mid-Fight
Negation: Shielding Your Weapons To Minimize Lethal Injuries On A Subject
word count: 81
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