Snowy Meandering [Faine]

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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20th of Frost, late afternoon

The plan had been simple. Come about a days walk out into the wilderness, hunt the creatures of the wilderness, spend one night in said wilderness, return home to practice cooking the wildlife. True the snow made the walking take a bit longer, and also true Leith had never hunted a creature that dwelled on land before, but the day which had begun in darkness as the Rathari trekked out into the Astralar mountains had contained a very optimistic Leith.

Now that she was faced with the reality of actually attempting to catch something, she had spied and failed to nab three different rabbits already, she realized she would have been better off purchasing game meat from the market and practicing on that instead. She had no bow, no traps to catch animals, and even if she had these things, had no idea how to properly employ them. Her fast reflexes in the water only served to emphasize how bulky and slow she was on land compared to the fleet footed prey of the mountains, and she had found herself almost wishing some creature would just attack her so at least then she wouldn't have to attempt a chase she could never hope to win.

So now, as the sun began to sink rather mockingly down toward the horizon, Leith sat in her Lycan form, buried almost completely in snow underneath a thick copse of trees, in lunging range of a small clearing where the grass in her opinion, must be edible. Though the snow had been melting a bit in the past weeks in the city, it had not done so much here where the sun didn't truly perforate the tree line. She was no master of disguise, but there were other piles of snow at least as big if not bigger than the one she had burrowed into. Leith hadn't been cold in just a light jacket in her Zoan form, and was quite comfortable under the snow in her lumbering half seal half humanoid form, her supplies and clothes tucked in a small cavern she had found to spend the night in fairly close by. The only thing she had trouble with was keeping her tail utterly motionless.

Otherwise she focused on the clearing. She would catch something today, even if it was a mouse, a vole, a very hardy centipede, she didn't care. All it would take was an unsuspecting creature to give her just enough time to lock her jaws around it. She would find something to cook, and she would cook it, and that was that.

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I am full, I am full, I am full....

In the confines of their humble but warm cottage, a certain Fae was sitting crossed legged by the hearth, eyes closed and doing their very best to trick their mind and stomach.

It was true, that they had a decent store in their larder, and that if push came to shove they could make another long, arduous trek back into the city proper. But Faine had only just arrived home after several days of hunting murderers and solving mysteries. They were exhausted. The very thought of having the brave Lady Frost’s wintry breath once more made them shrivel up on the inside.

When Mother was alive, Frost was a season they could look forward to. It meant a temporary halt on their travels and therefore a chance to make friends, drink warm mead and soups, and tell long stories by the fire. As exciting as nomadic life could be, sometimes it felt good just to stop and rest.

Now that they were alone, however, Faine found themselves growing restless in the silence. But if they wanted to do anything productive, it usually involved enduring blasts of cold winds and tedious trudging though snow. They did have the foresight to bring back some extra supplies from their last city excursion, but the season had plenty more days left and sooner or later, they knew they would need to hunt.

Faine had glamoured their body early on, adjusting their need to eat at the cost of their full strength. And while it did mean they needed less sustenance overall, it also meant that, should something perilous arise, they would need food more substantial than leaves and bread to meet such challenges.

The Fae sighed. There was no arguing with nature’s demands and they might as well forage now, while they still had the strength, rather than wait for the odds to turn against them.

It did not take long for Faine to collect their usual tools, don their warmest clothes, and set out into the white landscape. Fortunately, the sky was clear and things seemed quiet that day. With careful and determined steps, they started to make their way toward the denser parts of the woods.

Hunting was not the hermit’s forte. Courtesy of their bloodline, taking life was something they preferred to avoid. But cold days meant a need for protein and they were not one to ignore simple truths. As they walked, they brushed by some of the mountain flora, listening to their gentle whispers of comings and goings. Some spoke of rabbit dens and squirrels late in their winter preparations, but Faine had neither the stamina nor the traps to catch them.

It hides, maybe sleeps. Oh, and it is fat!

They stopped dead in their tracks. It was a small cluster of pine saplings, their adolescent arms able to hold only pinches of snow. A juicy, sleeping target was certainly something Faine could try to take on, but only if it was not a bear. Or worse, a mortal.

Kneeling down to get closer, the Fae asked in the quiet, discreet language of plants whether this sleeping creature was dangerous. The saplings seemed to think for a moment, then collectively denied. Apparently, this animal, whatever it was, lay buried in snow beneath their mother, a tall and ancient pine. They said that it was no fauna they had ever seen before, but it was rotund, and it had no legs.

Bewildered, Faine wondered whether the old powers of the forest were somehow handing them dinner on a silver platter. Finding this too good of an opportunity to past, they received directions from the saplings, brushed off all the snow from their branches as a thank you, and made their merry way toward their promising new prey.

As they got closer, they unsheathed their dagger, steps slowing with caution. They could see a rather large mound of snow, just as the baby pines had described.

Faine took a moment to center themselves. It was now or never. With a cry, they lunged forward, ready to grapple their next meal into submission.

Common ❀Valasren
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The fourth, or perhaps the same rabbit she had seen this whole time come to taunt her for her arrogance lay nibbling the tiny blades of grass in the clearing. It took everything in Leith not to lunge immediately. She was patient when it came to hunting under the water, but she had nothing but contempt for this land hunting. Of course she had tried it for all of this single day, but still. It didn't help to be in Lycan form. She was the same person no matter what shape she took, yet the amount of time she spent in Zoan form still felt as if it effected her, or perhaps she simply pushed this ideal upon herself.

Regardless Leith would never get the chance to know if her powerful jaw and neck would be fast enough to catch a rabbit. A cry startled both the hare and the impatient seal woman, and as the rabbit bolted nimbly, infinitely gracefully away, Leith roared out of the snow in a rage.

She turned in a long fluid motion, rising several heads above the creature that had meant to attack her. A large entity would appear before Faine then, somewhat disregarding some of what the trees had spoken to her. A large creature, somewhat humanoid with snow trailing and powdering around her form swung a long tail that split into ends. A pure white stomach and neck broached by grey dappling that darkened over a flat and cylindrical muzzle which opened, panting, to reveal rows of shining white teeth as she stood, large grey and white fists clenched. The half leopard seal- half human fumed, streams of steaming air framing their face as they stared down the Fae.

It was strange the relationship Leith had with the beast within. They were one and the same, but upon spying the entity made from plant matter part of her could feel no rage, only a weary smile that reflected in the edges of an already too large mouth opening somehow wider. Whoever they were, they appeared to belong in these mountains. Sturdy, plant-like, perhaps not as wintery as the surrounding pines, but they appeared as if a tree and flowers had been sculpted into the image of something approaching human. The part that longed for the hunt railed against her, but the part that longed for the hunt should know better when they walked through the woods. In a voice too deep, still too frustrated and furious at how the rules of the earth and sky wouldn't bend to her, spoke to Faine.

"How did you find me?"

It was strange indeed that relationship of her with her bestial self. In control enough not to try mauling the person here, but not enough not to come up with anything past the first initial concern of the moment. How had they known where they were? Her eyes darted to the other snow piles. There were others, she had not simply appeared as a seal shaped lump in the snow. Or...had she?

Something in her, the predator and the animal both, could sense that this being wanted something successful to hunt as much as she did, it was the instinctive knowledge of the predator and the prey.
Though Leith had to admit as their pure black eyes bored into the being before them, they couldn't discern precisely which category this entity fell into.
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It was a sudden and rude awakening when Faine realized just how much the pine saplings had failed to mention. No sooner had they lunged than an enormous creature burst from their hiding place to meet them with even greater ferocity. Startled, the Fae awkwardly dug their heels in the snow to stop their momentum, flailing before they fell backwards to avoid full collision.

A little dazed and more than a little flustered, they pushed themselves back up to their feet and brushed as much snow as they could from their eyes and limbs. What appeared before them was not quite seal and not quite human, a startling combination of both unlike anything Faine had ever seen before. Now that the initial shock had worn off and clouds of snow settled, they could see the pieces of truth in what the young pines had divulged. But what they omitted they could hardly be blamed for; Faine should have known better than to trust the perspective of saplings. Trees lived long lives and gained wisdom steadily over time, but up here in the wilderness, few saw much beyond the usual flora and fauna.

The creature looked angry, frustrated. Faine could only assume it, too, had been waiting to catch their next meal. Suddenly, the Fae felt rather guilty over having ruined someone else's attempts at survival. It was because of this very reason that they tended to avoid hunting. The concept never sat well with them, that someone had to die in order for them to live.

"I overheard some of the young trees whispering," Faine answered, sheathing their dagger and lifting their hands to their sides to show they were unarmed. "Though, they are not to blame. They merely shared what their mother saw."

The Fae pointed up at the tall, majestic pine behind the seal creature. "She found you curious, hiding yourself beneath her in such a peculiar fashion. It amused her and she thought to entertain her children with the unusual news. I only just happened to be walking by when they spoke of it."

Lowering their arms, they looked around and found a trail of small prints leading away from the seal creature's former hiding place. "I am sorry, truly, for having disturbed your hunt. It seems I came here expecting one thing only to have found entirely another." As they spoke, they lowered themselves back to snow level and looked closer at the trail of prints. Hmm. Poking out from one of the prints was a tiny cluster of wild ginger. In its hasty exit, the rabbit must have kicked up enough snow to unearth the struggling plant. Its leaves were dark green with pink lightning bolts for veins.

Brushing some of the snow and straightening a few of its leaves, Faine bent their ear closer. The ginger, being so small, was hard to hear.

It runs...runs to its family...they hide in the ground...just like us...

Turning to the half seal half person, Faine saw an opportunity for redemption. "But there seems to be a way I could make right by you, if you care to agree to it. A den of rabbits hides nearby, this little ginger tells me. I'm thinking if we find them and devise a way to chase them out, perhaps we could both go home with full bellies. What say you?"

Common ❀Valasren
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As the moments passed the frustration waned. It helped everything about the plant entity seemed apologetic. As they raised their hands to show they meant nothing further against her, Leith too relaxed from the tensed fight or flight posture. Still large, but the strange blocky head more inquisitive with mouth closed and coal black eyes assessing surroundings anew. They couldn't have possibly known how little hope Leith had actually had at catching something and this helped a bit of shame replace what little residual anger remained. What they said made sense in the way a person made of plants speaking to trees seemed about as logical as it got. After a few seconds more of processing Leith realized what the creature was, a Fae. She didn't fully understand them, was unsure if you could, each one seemed so unique from the last, but it settled her somewhat to at least partially identify the being in front of her.

"It is really all right." She swished her tail gently in the snow behind her, a small puff spraying up. "I do not believe I would have gotten anything from my hiding place, even if you hadn't come along."

The Rathari looked up at the large pine tree which had apparently given her away, then back at Faine as they crouched back down in the snow. She watched, taking an awkward step forward and also dropping to her haunches and observing the plant. She could only tell it wasn't grass, the stalks thicker. When Faine spoke up mentioning a potential horde of rabbits, the creature loomed over her, a large finger reaching out and touching the ginger leaves, black eyes already large, widening further. "This is ginger?" There was an excitement and curiosity, all the former hostility gone. Leith wanted to dredge the plant up out of the ground, to see the fingers of ginger and how they connected to this stalk. In the back of her mind a slow explosion of realization that she could come out to the wilds not only to hunt, but also to forage for plants to help her cooking took over all things. She pulled her fingers back suddenly, having taken note that Faine had referred to it as 'little', it probably wasn't anywhere close to harvesting, not that Leith knew anything about the growth of ginger plants in general.

There was a bit of a pause as Leith gazed longingly at the little plant, alive with possibilities, then her head snapped quickly toward Faine, realizing she had asked a question in response and not answered the one the Fae had kindly given. A den of rabbits, if they could successfully capture them it would make up for this day. She needed to learn how to cook the local game here, and even splitting her finds with the Fae would not be a detriment to her cause.

"Ah, sorry, yes. I would be happy to try to help get these rabbits. Anything to make this day somewhat productive. How far is it?" She sniffed the air, she could just barely make out the faintest traces of the rabbit that had fled from her, then she perked up slightly. Perhaps it was headed back to that very same den. She uncurled somewhat, sniffing more plaintively. The wind blew towards her and yes, yes now she could detect the scent more strongly. "Actually, I think I know where it lies." She turned back to Faine. "I have stashed my supplies nearby. I can create the beginnings of a fire to smoke them out of the den, though I'm not sure about catching them aside from my previous attempted method." She opened her mouth and closed it a few times, showing again how it seemed to split a bit too wide for comfort.
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Faine blinked a few times and then smiled, relieved that their new acquaintance seemed to have accepted their apology, but still adjusting to the sight of what they could only assume to be some kind of Rathari. The denizens of Kalzasi were as varied as the wildlife surrounding their city, which lent much to the perfumist's cultural education. Yet, the infinite combinations and possibilities of races continued to catch them off guard. Living alone in the mountains for so long left the Fae unaccustomed to Common words forming in the maw of an uncanny carnivore.

They watched, bemused, as the Rathari came closer to observe the small cluster of wild ginger. Their curiosity seemed genuine and their motions oddly gentle. Faine took that as a good sign, vastly preferring a hunting companion who was interested in knowing a life rather than solely the taking of it.

At the suggestion of a more sophisticated plan, they brightened and nodded. "Yes, I think that could certainly work. As for how to catch them..."

The Fae drifted off in thought, giving ample time for their new partner in rabbit catching to retrieve their supplies and begin building a fire. They trailed just a few steps behind, watching but not quite seeing, as they ran through numerous tactics based on what few tools they had. Amongst their own supplies, they had a dagger, trowel, some rope, an empty sack, and not much else.

It was not until smoke began wafting up their nose that Faine came to, snapping out of their thoughts.

"We could dig holes," they suggested all of a sudden, having exhausted themselves mentally of viable possibilities. Deep ones that might give us a chance to grab one if it falls in. The snow should make it a little harder for them to climb back up, which could give us enough time to catch one with my empty sack."

They thought for a moment before adding, "But that may take a while, and the soil underneath might be too hard from frost to dig very deep."

Pulling out their pointed trowel, Faine stabbed at the snow to test their theory, offering a second tactic while they dug. "Or, perhaps we could cover you in snow again, close to the opening of their warren. If I can get enough smoke through a different hole, you may be able to catch one unawares as they emerge."

The sharp end of the trowel made a slight clink as it hit frigid soil. Faine frowned, but then perked back up as another idea struck them. "Maybe...maybe it would help if we built some kind of snow wall around your hiding place? To encourage them to head toward you rather than fan out like they normally do. We could clear a small area then pile up snow all around. What do you think?"

Common ❀Valasren
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The Fae was a silent thoughtful companion as Leith fetched her supplies and began the smoldering beginnings of a fire beneath the large boughs of the apparently playful older Pine. She had taken the time to shift back into her Zoan form since starting a fire required a bit more dexterity than her large Lycan fingers could manage. So a Druskai appearing woman, her large billowing curls held just barely at bay with a strip of leather, now bent over the the smoking kindling. She blew, coaxed, and sheltered the beginnings of the fire with her hand, having already stowed flint and steel, and as the first orange lick of flame came up out of the depths and began to eat away at the wood, Faine spoke.

Leith content that she had done her work sat back, pulling her jacket a bit tighter around her. She was complacent in this winter weather, but the transformation back to Zoan form did highlight the lack of wonderful fat and blubber that had kept her so comfortable buried in the snow. Well, she would return to the form soon. " I think the snow walls might work. If I'm close enough to the entrance that there's a moment where the rabbit doesn't know which way to go, I should be able to succeed in catching them." After that initial moment she suspected unless they spent quite a lot of time building up the walls the rabbits would still be able to bound over them. She only needed an instant, however.

The Rathari waited just a little longer making sure the fire was actively going before shifting back to Lycan form, discarding the jacket and growing. Her hair receded smoothly like dark waves enveloped by the fur that sprouted lean and oily out of her blue skin, covering it with deep grey of old charcoal. The light blue of her lower face and chin became a much more pristine white. The process took several minutes, Leith simply did not use her Lycan form as much compared to her Beast and Zoan forms. When completed she stood and stretched out, tail fanning out behind, then grinned at Faine, her voice having returned to a much deeper tenor. "Guess we should get moving some snow."

First, equipped with keener senses Leith led Faine to the den, which wasn't too far from where they had started the fire. There were three entrances that they were able to find, and they decided on the smallest as the one to use to funnel out however many rabbits lay within. Here Leith got to work using her large form and tail to sweep snow up into walls forming a squat V of snow that would lead any fleeing rabbits directly into her jaws. As she worked she gathered small brambles, fallen branches, and other debris that they could use to plug up the other two entrances once they were ready to throw the smoking sticks into the den. The Rathari worked methodically, content to be working towards an actual goal that could have real rewards of new game to cook. As she packed the walls into thick mounds she glanced at Faine. "Do you live in these woods?" She wasn't sure if it was rude to assume such things, but something about the Fae didn't strike as them being a normal Kalzasi resident. This thought made the Rathari's mouth split a bit, realizing that she was sorely mistaken if she thought she knew what a 'normal' Kalzasi inhabitant was.
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Faine watched, intrigued and more than a little caught off guard, as the Rathari shape shifted before them into what they knew to be Druskai. Limited as their knowledge was, they had met more than few of the sea borne people on their travels, Mother having given them impromptu lessons along the way whenever she saw fit. It made sense, now, the seal form they had met first.

The Fae wondered for a brief moment what possessed a water tied creature such as she to come to this city, hunting meals in the snow.

There was little time, however, for further speculation once their real task began. Faine watched as their new hunting partner coaxed a fire to life, attention momentarily captivated first by the sheer concentration, then by the dancing flicker of flame. Fire starting was always most difficult in these circumstances, everything cold and wet around them. Their one saving grace was that the wind remained absent, everything still and quiet for the time being.

A successful birth to fire was always something to celebrate. Faine gave a congratulatory smile when it sparked into existence, then nodded in agreement at their partner's feedback. "All we need is a window," they responded, "just for one to make a mistep or be a hair too slow. I feel it can be done."

Before long the Rathari was shifting back into her seal form again. Faine marveled at how quickly and easily she could change shape; if the Fae were to alter themselves anywhere near this dramatically, it would require a full day, if not more, of focus and energy. Stranger still when she spoke once more in her seal form, maw stretched wide in a conspiratorial grin. It was going to take some getting used to, but already they were a little less surprised than before.

In a sort of quiet, mutual agreement the two of them began working, piling up snow bit by bit and forming a semi circle around the opening of the den. It was not long before their partner spoke up with a question, and until then Faine had not realized the two of them had not even exchanged names.

"I do live in these woods," they answered as they worked, puffs of labored breath forming white clouds in the winter air. "Farther up the mountain, some way from here."

A moment of thought, then, "I don't know if it isn't obvious, but I don't care much for the city. Too loud, too busy. I like it here in the quiet. Lets me focus on my work more." Taking a moment to rest, the Fae sized up their side of the half wall and added, "by the way, my name is Faine. What is yours, and what brings you to these parts of the woods? I imagine you do not also live here. It is not a choice most willingly make."

Having asked the question, they resumed working on the wall, pushing and packing snow with fevered efficiency. Something about tasks like this, repetitive and anchored firmly in the present, always got them working at their hardest.

Plus, the every nearing possibility of a hot and hearty meal also made for compelling motivation.

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Leith nodded slowly in understanding as Faine spoke. She could grasp quite fully where they were coming from. Of course Leith was used to the noises of ships, of loud sailors, of bustling ports, but she had still been renewing her river stone that re-upped her sound proof negation ward in her inn room each night, so too she understood the desire for quiet.

The Fae looked thoughtfully at the snow bank they had been erecting and Leith opened her mouth to assure them that she could finish up quite handily, but they continued speaking and introduced themselves. Leith swept a pile of snow up with her tail and packed it firm with the palms of her hands, then also paused in her work.

It is nice to meet you, Faine. I am Leith." The amicable if disconcerting smile returned. "You are correct I most certainly do not live here. I just became a resident of Kalzasi, I live near the port...which is probably also unsurprising." She dragged a heap of snow over to Faine's side of the embankment hefting it up and patting it down, eyeing both sides. They came up close to her waist. She didn't precisely know how far or high rabbits could jump, but it had to be nearing something they could work with.

"As for why I'm here, I foolishly assumed hunting for land mammals would be similar to me swimming after fish. I've started working in a tavern in the city as a cook, and wanted to expand my protein repertoire, but I came woefully unprepared. So thanks for screaming at me in a snow pile so we could get to this point, I owe you a nice meal if we can pull this off."

She took a few lumbering steps back and assessed their work. "I think this will work."

She moved through the gap in their walls where she would be setting herself and jogged back to the fire gathering a few long sticks and making sure they were lit, returning at a slower pace to ensure they remained so. She handed Faine the burning sticks, three, though in theory they only needed two, as well as the empty sack Faine had had at their disposal which was now filled with lots of tinder and fallen branches that could be used to create plenty of smoke in the burrow as well as stuff up the other two holes. Then Leith set herself up in the small gap between the snow walls and swung her tail, knocking down snow upon her to create a full barrier with her half seal half humanoid body aimed directly at the narrow opening just a bit father ahead. When she felt she was ready she nodded to Faine.

The tension built as the Lycan seal lay in her pile of snow, aimed at the small tunnel. She could smell when the smoke began to drift out of the tunnel holes, hear the faint crackling of the smoldering sticks consuming leaves and debris. More importantly she heard the light shuffling amidst the crackling, the panicked motions of prey not understanding what to do. Unblinking coal eyes fixed rigidly on the opening. She heard the scraping of rabbit nails on dirt, scrabbling, panicking. She heard it get closer and more frantic. The end happened all at once, Leith shifted her weight back as she saw a shadow, a hint of movement at the opening of the tunnel, then as the first rabbit exploded out of it she lunged. Giant maw opening Leith shot forward, snow exploding outward in a mockery of her earlier exodus at Faine's arrival. This time, however, there was a reward. She was able to catch two rabbits in her lunge, the first out, and the second coming just after. Jaw snapped down hard and both rabbits spines were instantly crushed. She whipped her head to the side throwing the two corpses out to her right, tail swinging as a third, fourth, and fifth rabbit shot out of the hole an opening given now that her large head was no longer directly before it. She only had moments, and not the same power of movement of her initial lunge. Her tail swung to the left creating an sudden mist of snow and startling the two rabbits that had sprung in that direction, causing them to freeze for just an instant. kicking with her back legs and dragging herself forward on her hands, Leith attempting another bite, mouth open managing to catch one of the rabbits by its back legs, she bit down hard and swung her head again slamming the head of the rabbit against the hard packed snow and giving it a swift death as well.

Then it was all over, she hadn't managed to reach the second of the two rabbits which scrambled up the steep incline and away, the fifth doing a slower job on the right bank, given more opportunity by her attempt on the other two. Leith panted, moving herself into a sitting position and eyeing the three corpses proudly, she examined the opening of the tunnel, but no sounds of other trapped animals escaped. Three out of five wasn't too shabby. She then looked about for her companion.

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Mind still half-devoted to pushing snow, the Fae tucked away the bits of information offered with deliberate slowness. Leith, tavern cook, meat enthusiast. They nodded along as their companion spoke, brow rising a little in surprise toward the end.

Unsettling as it may be to first lay eyes upon the grinning and speaking maw of a seal creature, the Kalzasi cook proved to be well mannered and good humored. It occurred distantly to Faine that the usual Kalzasi fare would never bother venturing out here in the first place; any who did always proved to have an interesting tale or two behind their motivations, and Leith was no exception.

It took a good while, but when they were finally done building the makeshift snow wall, Faine could not help but feel a small surge of satisfaction. However wanting their skills in hunting may be, at least they made up for it with sheer ingenuity.

They followed Leith back to the fire and accepted all fire fueling sundries, face set in determination. This was not quite how they had envisioned procuring meat to fill their belly, but it was a much better alternative to wandering around in the snow, hoping to dig up a few wild gingers and winter greens to make a sad salad back in their cottage. As Leith returned to their hunting position, covering herself cleverly in snow with her tail, Faine used a stick to give the fire some more room to breathe. Only when they saw a clear nod from the seal Rathari did they begin to throw in more bits of tinder, poking the pieces now and then to let the fire grow.

Progress was slow but sure; one minute the fire was flickering in the frigid air, hardly producing much of anything. The next, it was crackling with proper gusto, the leafy debris causing so much smoke that the Fae had to turn away for a moment, eyes watering and throat choking in coughs. As if answering some unspoken prayer, a fortuitous flurry of wind blew by not long after, fanning the smoke right into the den. That, coupled with Faine's fits of hacking, seemed to do just the trick. They could hear pitter pattering from within as the rabbits found themselves spooked. For a harrowing span of seconds, there was just scrabbling and not much else. Then, suddenly, the hares must have sprung forward, for there was a great explosion of snow as Leith lunged from her hiding place, great maw open in anticipation.

They ran to meet the action. From the other side of the den, Faine was somewhat grateful they did not see firsthand the violence that ensued. They could hear squeals and crunching but saw only limp rabbit bodies and blood by the time they reached the snow walls.

The hermit, in their weakened winter state, could not hope for any great success in aiding their partner. But it was by chance that they saw one of the rabbits thrust itself up against the inner lining of the snow wall, right in front of their face. It took a moment for Faine to realize it must be injured somehow because it was struggling a great deal, more so than its companion on the other side of the bank. Allowing themselves no time to hesitate, they sprinted forward as fast they could and lashed out just as the rabbit scrambled over the crest of the wall. A great cloud of snow and limbs and wrestling ensued, Faine nearly losing their grip on the hurt rabbit several times before they slammed a hand down on its neck, into the snow. For a second, their stomach lurched. It riled against their very being to take a life belonging to the forest. But survival was queen and her laws merciless. Swallowing the bile back down, Faine wrapped their fingers around the furry neck and gave a sharp snap.

It was done. There was an eerie sort of calm that ensued. At some point, Faine got up, conquest in one hand, and peeked over the snow wall to find Leith triumphant. Three greyish and limp corpses lay at the cook turned huntress's feet.

Faine grinned a grin that belied their earlier nausea. "Well met," they called out.

Not long after, it was back to the fire, this time to begin the bloody but quick work of skinning their spoils. For this part, Faine proved to have a good amount of experience in, having spend many an evening at a freshly set camp, skinning and preparing the food Mother had caught. The Matriarch had let her child off the hook for most of the hunting, knowing they had a particularly tender fondness for animals. Faine had not been spared much in lessons of life, but this one they were gifted for some mysterious reason known only to their mother. It occurred to them that their partner also must have a good grasp of prep work; it made them curious to see how Leith went about skinning hers and Faine nearly knicked their own fingers a few times glancing at the seal woman.

Common ❀Valasren
word count: 875
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