Last Resort II (Rickter & Telion, Nnerka)

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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21st of Frost, 120xx

enara knew Fate was a cruel mistress. She had placed the wolf in a home in which family meant bloodshed and the setting sun meant bruises. She had delivered the mountain lion to her certainly as a means of laughing at her hardship. And in her darkest hours had taken all but her will to live from her very veins. But then, why place these humans in her path?

That night she had dreamt of nothing. Silence, blackness, perfect comfort as if in death Senara had slept until the sun began to rise above the treeline setting the snow aglow with a mixture of pink, gold, and white that sparkled and flurried in the gentle wind. Much later than her normally waking hour, Senara slowly opened her eyes to the sounds of robins and bluebirds singing her awake.
It felt different. It wasn’t her cave, nor her cliff.. Her head raised slowly to take in her surroundings as the events of the previous night came flooding back into her mind. And as they did she shot up onto all fours quicker than the pain could register. But as soon as it did her muzzle let out a soft whine. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been previously, but she was in no condition to be walking and tearing open any wounds.

Not that that had stopped her any other time, but this time she could feel her body being pushed past it’s limits. The meat given to her by the strange blonde woman had been the one thing keeping her alive through the night. The woman… the man.. And the spider. She held her head low and kept her eyes pointed at the tents, her stomach growled and limbs were rigid as she listened for the sounds of inevitable danger.
Nearly ten minutes later it didn’t come. She could still smell them, and their tents were still here. Which meant they were likely still sleeping. Senara’s muscles relaxed as she began to limp forward on three legs. Her back injured thigh still curled up in her attempts to keep from moving the stiff, burnt flesh. The edges around the burn were the most sore, and every small shift in her skin sent a brief sting of pain throbbing through her body as it exposed itself to the harsh frost air.

But, she could move. And none of the humans were awake. Which meant she could steal. Senara licked her nose and tasted the remainder of the stew upon her muzzle as she stalked forward, peripherals making note of the tent entrances. When she finally got close enough to the pot from the previous night her heart sank at the sight. No more stew. Just tiny remnants of what had once been her saving grace. It was likely the man had come back and finished it all.
With a small huff she stuck her muzzle into the pot and began licking it clean, desperate for something. It was funny, the way starvation worked. It was easier to ignore the hunger when you hadn’t had a bite in weeks, but the first taste of even bland meat and suddenly you were unable to go even a second without thinking of wanting more. Needing more. She could nearly hear Fate laughing once more at her strife, and she scoffed in return as she licked the final bead of frozen stew particles off the inside of the pot.
Still no sight or sound of the humans or their spider. With wary eyes she made her way around the camp, sniffing every corner and crevice for some semblance of scraps or leftovers while she mulled over the night before. The woman… it seemed she had been attempting to fix her wounds. But why? What did she gain? Her leg, while stiff and throbbing in pain, was no longer at risk of catching the black fester she’d seen on so many other animals. And what’s more, the woman had fed her. Given her meat from the very pot she’d hoped to steal from. It was odd behavior, and it didn’t add up. The girl inside her wanted to reach out and ask why, while the wolf that she knew she was knew better than to get involved with humans.

But… there was no food left. She had come to realize any remaining sustenance available would have been hidden inside their tent with them. And if the blonde woman was strange enough to feed her once… perhaps she would do it again. There was no way Senara would win fighting even a rabbit at this point. No, she’d likely rip open the wound again just in the chase alone if she could even grit through the pain enough.

They hadn’t killed her while she slept. And at least one of them had fed her.

So, maybe, hopefully, her plan would work.

Senara left her roaming in large paw prints behind her as she limped her way to the center of the camp and laid herself down just in front of the logs still warmed from the previous night's fire. Waiting on humans to feed her like a common dog... It wasn’t the most prideful thing she’d ever done but pride could be rebuilt, death could not. And so with head raised and alert, silver fur clinging to her thin frame still speckled with old blood, she stared ahead ready for the tent to open.

Last edited by Senara on Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 937
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Title: double bubble disco queen
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21 Frost 120

Spiders don't sleep.

Not really. It wasn't so much that sleep was something that just didn't need, but it was something that Nnerka had learned was different from the humans, and even some of her fae peers. And at that, her sleep was different from that of a common spider. She found herself slipping into an oblivion that was too easily disturbed to really be called sleep. It was something she had never really discussed with others, because what was the point? There were not true dreams to be had, or ones worth mentioning, anyways. But she found herself plagued with images that made her uncomfortable for the first time in a long while. Could she call them nightmares? It might be best to do just that.

Though she was awake, the spider remained still. Chasing the last remnants of her not-sleep. She needed rest; it kept her pretty. It kept her hair shining and her nerves from being frayed at every little thing. But it didn't mend them now. Even as her eyes fluttered open, she could still see the images. She sucked in a breath, brows furrowing as she turned over. The clump of silk that held her up at a comfortable height remained under her, soft and comforting. Something familiar; her own silk.

Outside, something stirred. Maybe the wolf. Probably the wolf. The wolf that should have been dead. The wolf that should have disappeared down her maw like any other food, but had been saved. Nnerka wavered on the idea of going out to see what it was doing. She didn't care. She wouldn't care. This wasn't her problem to deal with. Rickter and his human could deal with the care of the creature. Or well, care of the creature and Rickter combined after the other's grand return.

She hissed as she turned over again, too far gone into the waking world to find a trail of sleep. If she remained inside, she would just keep thinking about what had happened and she didn't want that. She didn't like the way her heart picked up pace at the mere thought that the human woman was valued more than she, that Rickter would probably side with her if she decided Nnerka was the one to be killed. Was that what her nightmare had been? It was all fuzzy, and not the kind of fuzzy she would use to describe her legs. She reached for the tent flap, her robes hanging off of her. It didn't seem like the others had woken. Just her and the wolf. Her lip curled up as she observed the creature.

"You've adjusted." Her brow rose as the creature lay by the corpse of the fire. "You must be so happy to be made a pet."
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"Ricky?" The soft and melodic sound of his partner reached his ears and yet... "Riiiicky." A gentle nudge on his shoulder and he mildly hissed to himself, groaning as he shifted within his bedroll, looking over his shoulder to find that Telion had already risen. Looking down on him the bard lightly giggled, tilting her head slightly as she gently stroked at his hair. "Time to go back home!"

"Ugh..." The wolf groaned aloud finally as he buried his head beneath the blanket, not ready to crawl out of the warmth that cocooned his body.

"You're not gonna make me pack up camp alone are you?" There was something low groaned beneath the fold of his cover, leading the woman to smile wryly before she curled a finger thoughtfully under her chin. "That's fair, a bit of food will help get you going." She laughed a little before hearing the sound of Nnerka, as she'd addressed what had to be either the dire wolf or... something that lingered in the camp's vicinity. Rising to her feet to poke out the other tent Rickter had pitched, the bard's eyebrows rose to find that the white wolf had indeed stuck around. What's more... she was waiting by the dead fire, as though she wanted more food as well.

"Um..." She looked from the wolf to Nnerka, clearly baffled, with this experience before turning around to peer down her shoulder. "Ricky, the wolf is uh... still here."

"...For fuck's sake..." Was the only words clearly muttered through his covers, the wolf slowly rising up to reach for his chainmail gear. Telion lightly gave a bit of a chuckle to him in turn, stepping out in full-gear furred armor so that he would have some privacy with getting ready.

"Well, that's certainly unusual." She admitted with a quick look to her staff, her hand apt to reach for it calmly, as she kept giving the white wolf indirect glances. "Why in Ransera is she just sitting there? This isn't typical wolf behavior... I don't think?" The bard wondered with a mindful look back at the tent she'd just walked out of, a curious expression in her eyes as she started to slowly approach the wolf, extending a hand out in a cautious manner that invited the wolf to approach her socially. Although, with her iron staff in the other hand, Telion was also prepared for the event this wolf might turn on her; if it came down to such a moment between them.

word count: 445
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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21st of Frost, 120xx

ell would have frozen over before she'd have thought to be sitting, willfully, so close to the city-dwellers. They stunk of coins, the harsh metal scent that cut through her nose like a knife, and of other people. Dirty, sweaty, even in frost. But here she was, sitting at the ready and waiting not-so patiently for the first of three to wake.

And when they did, her ears folded back. A low growl sounded in her throat, barely a rumble, as she stared the spider down. Now that she wasn't on the verge of collapsing she was able to get a much clearer look at it. She was tall, impressively so, with delicate yet impenetrable legs that carried the rest of her body so effortlessly it was like she were floating on a cloud. In a way she respected the woman. For she too was a predator designed to kill. But it also meant she knew exactly what sort of angry thoughts ran through her mind. To have her kill stolen from her, kept alive even, it was like a smack to the face of the natural order. And of her efforts. Senara had nothing but condolences for the woman. And condolences did nothing for the hunt, the reality of the situation. Knowing the state of things she turned her head away, ignoring the comment outwardly, but fuming inside.

'A pet? I am no pet. I am the shadow of the mountain. I am the spirit of the snow. I am the jaws of the crag. I am everything you silly visitors and those like you have called me and more. But pet?...No.'

She chuffed briefly, her head spinning to the now open tent as the blonde woman poked her head out. She could smell the confusion in the air, and chuffed once more. Humans.. they feed something and expect it not to stick around? What strange creatures indeed. Senara had nearly forgotten that she too was human, or at least been a long, long time ago. Back when the world made less sense and was filled with her own weakness. The wolf watched her with careful eyes that, now in the light of day, were nearly as bright as shimmering gold or the sun. The sections of her fur that weren't covered in dried blood nearly disappeared into the snow itself, though her form was still silhouetted by a few peppered strands of grey throughout. She licked her lips, then lowered her head defensively as the woman approached. The same low growl from before came back and she leapt up, her back leg pulled up and tucked up under herself. As she limped backwards, eyes locked on the blonde human, her ears flattened.

Why did humans always think they could touch her? Especially this one? Her instincts fought aggressively with her rationality as she forced herself to remember the previous night. If this woman wanted her dead, she'd already be. Which meant the hand was safe... right?
She took a step closer, her eyes never leaving the woman's. The hair on her spine had stood on end and pricked itself towards the sky as another paw reached forward. Only two strides later and she was within an inch of the humans hand. It was warm, she could feel it from there, and smelled of herbs and sunshine and mist. Senara huffed, sniffing her hand as she tested the waters of humanity for perhaps the first time in her life. Could she trust it? Did she have a choice? After a few moments of careful investigation of the woman's hand, her scent, her emotions that filled the air with a pungent sweetness, she turned to the pot over the dead fire and poked it with her nose. It swung on it's axis back and fourth, the ladle inside spinning and scraping against it's sides. Her eyes flicked between the woman and the pot, back and fourth multiple times. Any attempt that the blonde made to approach her Senara mirrored with a step backwards.

Sure, the lady might not be trying to kill her, but that didn't mean she could be trusted. It still didn't make sense to her. What did she have to gain? What was her end goal? At least until she figured that out, it was safe enough to assume the honey-like scent coming from her was safe enough to be around. Now, she just worried what the fighter from the previous night would do. He'd attacked her before, would he do so again? In preparation, she stiffened her shoulders and stood facing the tent, with both human and empty pot in her peripherals.

Last edited by Senara on Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 804
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Title: double bubble disco queen
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20 Frost 120

The wolf ignored her. It wasn't like it could talk, open its mouth and shoot back a retort. But it turned its head away from her, which was insulting enough. Nnerka could have easily snatched the creature up already and be done with it. After all, Rickter had only really said to let it stay alive for the evening. His words couldn't have extended to the morning, especially if he couldn't have been sure it would stay. Which it did, and anything that happened to it had blame rested solely upon itself.

Nnerka had been a terror once. A blight to civilization that had threatened to encroach on her land. Land she would inherit and one day pass on. But she'd had to adapt, to become...a different sort of predator. Most of the time. Any other time, though, she could have disregarded the word of her companion and went through with the unspoken words of the trees. The words every animal under the sun knew, and what every infuriating two-legger sought to dismantle.

She hiked her chima up high on her chest, glancing toward Rickter and Telion's tent. The woman stepped out first. She seemed surprised to see the wolf there, as if this wasn't something she'd anticipated. Which - she should have. The spider wanted so bad to laugh in her face, but getting too close would reveal the troublesome not-sleep she had all too well. When the food was ready, she might be much the same. "Look at that. It's still here. Who would have thought?" She followed the statement up with a laugh, mirthless and cold. "Do we have enough food for all four of us? Or should we start eating each other before it runs out?"

Another laugh, this time bright and airy. "Just kidding! You probably don't taste all that good." She let her smile spread wider, as joyless as it was. "Don't take from my portion, though. Or I might actually have to take a bite to compensate." That would be nice. To fit her teeth, her mandibles over one of their arms. To feel it sink into flesh and tear down to bone. Her giggle was a lot more genuine as she ducked back into the relative warmth of her tent.
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Telion hesitated the moment the wolf growled lowly at her, her eyebrows raised warily as she waited before testing the waters further. When their eyes met the bard lightly grinned before turning her gaze into an indirect stare, knowing her companion didn't like it when he was looked into the eyes right away, she had thought to treat this wolf as though it were Rickter when she did. She made no sudden movements when wolf hesitate, a mindful glance given to her limped leg she favored as she gradually approached to sniff. Genuinely the bard was exhasperated by the moment, almost in pure disbelief that a wild animal had approached her so curiously.

The wolf's muzzle then shifted toward the empty pot hanging over the residual embers, almost as though she were telling the bard that she wanted more food as well. "Hungry too huh?" Telion pointed out with a tilt of her head as she lightly chuckled, though, before her attention shifted onto Nnerka when she said her piece. "And good morning to you, miss Nnerka." The bard greeted in a nonchalant manner as her lips widened into a smirk, wiping a hand along her thigh as she stepped back a couple feet to avoid alarming the wolf. "No worries, there should be plenty to go around." It was almost as though the joke either rolled over her entirely, or perhaps the bard was just being far too kind to retort anything in general.

"I wouldn't think so anyway, I've been told I look gamey once or twice." Almost as if on queue the big bad wolf himself came easing out from the tent, his arm used to part the flap as he quietly exited with a few heavy exhales of air. Bandages wrapped around his forehead as there looked to be a nick on his chin and cheekbone, while the overall form of Rickter looked rigid and tense in comparison to last night. "Morning sleepy head!"

Rickter looked to Telion first before gazing past her, his eyes upon the wolf with a furrow of his eyebrows, before he looked to Nnerka slowly as though the turn in his neck ached a bit. After she tucked back into the tent the wolf then eased his stare to Telion, tilting his head so that a few sound pops rolled from his neck. "When will food be ready?"

"Well, we've only a couple logs of wood left to get the fire going again... but I don't think they'll burn long enough to keep the fire cooking." Rickter's eyes wandered on the wolf, a hint of curiosity in them as he listened, before he looked back to Telion with a firmly stoic expression.

"Fine..." He murmured lowly with his head turned to the other tent once more, his voice hoarse when he called out to the one inside it. "Nnerka... Mind helping get a bit of wood with me?" To that the bard raised her eyebrows, surprised to find the wolf asking her to join him, though admittedly a little relieved since he wasn't exactly in high spirits. It was somewhat a request but also an invitation, given that he still needed to have a sort of 'heart to heart' with the woman and the views she possessed. Though that would leave Telion alone with the wolf, which looking at it now it seemed relatively harmless, but what would happen if they were left alone together? Would it attack her then? He didn't want to risk it, but then again, he didn't want Telion to come along and they return to find something dead... and one of the remaining predators on the hunt for them afterward.

"I'll get something started then." The bard smiled lightly when she assured the wolf of that, giving Rickter reason to loosen the firm lines around his lips.
"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
word count: 727
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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21st of Frost, 120xx

ad Senara found even a scrap of food in the past two weeks, perhaps she wouldn't have had to act like a begging 'pet' as the spider had so sweetly suggested before retreating into the tent. But the frost had been harsh. Nipped at her mind, stolen her flesh, and left her with little more than tightened skin around protruding bone. She licked her lips, white teeth and pale gums glimmering in the reflection of sun across the snowy expanse of the mountains.

Humans spoke an awful lot, as did the fae creature, but yet so little was said. More communication had been done through movement, and while not entirely trustworthy, the blonde woman's scent and the way she graced herself around the camp smelled of an odd sort of warmth. One she couldn't place, one she'd forgotten or perhaps never known.
And then he came. Senara jumped back on her wounded leg and stiffened as a flash of pain hot as coals rushed through her limb and up to her spine, but by instinct alone she pulled it up out of the snow and kept her calculating gaze positioned on the man in front of her. He looked at her. Now in daylight she could see, something in his eyes that reminded her of... her. Of another predator. Not like the spider, though, his eyes did not dance with the enjoyment of a kill nor the passions of a fight, instead protective, pensive, territorial almost. Like he was ready to strike her down at a moments notice should she step one foot beyond the fires corpse.

She hated it. Her growl was low, but the pain and lethargy left in her body was the only weight left, and so as she submitted to his instinctual command of his space, she let herself sink to the ground in the snow. Her head was held high, though. A submission by necessity, not by weakness. Not by choice. She chuffed, licking her lips and flicking her eyes between the pair as he began to question the strange spider woman.
Did he.. not know how to carry wood? Had they not planned ahead, made a stockpile? She'd seen countless other travelers at least do that much, and couldn't help let out her own version of a scoff, which came out as a loud chuff and a twitch of her ears.

'Humans.. never planning ahead. Even I bury food for later....'

She looked to the blonde woman once more. She kept... caring. It sickened Senara. Her stomach churned. She found herself unable to come up with why, though. Was it the sickening sweetness of her actions? The type of sweet that you know must be poisonous, and yet you keep eating in hopes to get your fill? It must be. Or, the woman was simply acting. If she was trying to get something from the man then it would make sense- perhaps money, power, or simply to be kept safe. Her body was tiny, after all, and while Senara remained a sad shadow of who she once was she was still a great deal larger than her. It would be easy when they left for her to simply break the woman's neck. Trick her into thinking that she meant to let her touch the fur she kept reaching for. After all, humans were painfully gullible, and there was no way they would bring enough food to feed her to fill.

But.. something about her smile, and something in air that wafted from the man pulled the normally righteous thought from her mind and replaced it instead with a thought so foreign she wondered if it was even hers.

'Is that right?'

'Does it MATTER?!'

She screamed back at herself, chuffing in annoyance of her own indecision and whining briefly into the soft morning wind as it tickled her wounds. Her mind flashed back to the previous night. Her hands, the fire, her burned flesh... but the food.

'Whatever. I will wait. They will feed me, and I will leave.'
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If she could look more unimpressed, she would. If she could voice her distaste for the human in terms that would be presented as eloquent beyond the common man, Nnerka might have made it known. But even with Common, knowing it as well as she did, it would not flow the same way as Valasren. And she wouldn’t be wasting the musical cadence of the words on any one of them.

To them, this would be no more than a simple tantrum. And maybe it was. Maybe it was a childish turn of attitude, to minds that deemed themselves more practical. She wasn’t stupid; she knew what this looked like and what they must already be thinking of her. It wouldn’t change that she didn’t care. Chima adjusted and cloak covering enough of her that she wouldn’t much mind the cold, she was out of the tent again. And just as she had re-emerge, Rickter made his offer.

Her top lip curled up into a sneer. Whatever light of emotion that had hit her before was replaced solely with revulsion. Menial tasks; she did so wonder how stupid they thought her to be. Of the four in the camp, three of them were predators. The last — a soft, squishy morsel. He didn’t trust the spider to stay with his beloved human and not do something. As much as it hadn’t been a joke (and she would have taken a bite out of the human if food did run scarce), she wouldn’t have done it while he wasn’t watching. No, she would have shown him. It would be the consequences of the disruption of the natural order. An equal exchange; the woman for the wolf. Maybe not equal to the other, but equal to the spider: they were both food.
Her sneer turned into a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

Nnerka was sure that none of them knew spiders very well. Not at all, even, aside from swatting the tiny ones and shrieking at the large ones. It took patience to hunt as a spider and if she was going to do it, she would wait. Maybe she ought to let Rickter know as much. She wondered what he’d look like if he knew she would be planning to wrap his human companion in silk, fill her body with the venom that sometimes filled her cheeks so she could feel herself being eaten. The spider thought that would be fun, but she supposed he wouldn’t have the same feelings.

“Sure, I will.” She looked down her nose at him as she drew herself to her full height, shoulders back. “Need wood to stay warm and cook, after all. More mouths to feed, more fire to use.”
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The moment that the white wolf had lowered her form into the snow, head held high no less, was the same moment Rickter's eyes briefly widened in response to the gesture. To Telion it obviously didn't register the same as it did for him, for she cast the other wolf a smile in response to the occurrence. "Look at that, she must like you." She then teased as Rickter looked from the white wolf to Telion, scoffing an amused grunt before looking back down at the animal in turn.

"Behave then." Was practically his only remark before Nnerka came back out, seemingly carrying on about the wood and fire as though it were a crude joke. Perhaps it was too her, then again, Rickter could smell the bitterness coming off her as well. The spider clearly wasn't happy about this whole ordeal, quite honestly, Rickter himself wasn't overly thrilled on the matter entirely either. Not that he held feelings against the dire wolf of course, gazing upon her even he could see how impressively large she used to be. No. What made this whole trip, again for a fucking flower, all the more unnerving was the fact three predators were in the same vicinity. One who never wanted to be one, one who clearly thrived off of it, and then the obvious wildlife predator the first felt a kinship to.

Not to mention the fact Rickter was in for what would probably be a very difficult conversation, once he looked to Nnerka with a modest grin in turn, before turning to lead the way toward the thicket of trees he'd scoured last night. "If we use your web, we can probably build a net to drag a small pile back." The wolf reasoned with a side glance to the spider, curious if the idea would entice her to feel a part of the group at least. He wasn't entirely sure how to break the ice with her necessarily, only that somehow, he needed her to see the world through a more greyed pair of lens; rather than the black and white one she clearly thrived within. As they walked away, however, Telion was left alone with the wolf as she waved at the two on their march off.

Before too long she then looked to the wolf once more, before smiling generously and approaching the fire pit. "Alright then, time to get something started at least." Checking the coals and residual logs that didn't completely burn, the bard carefully situated what tinder she had left using a stick, before snapping that apart with her hands to add that into the hot coals of the pit. "Probably not enough to actually get us started, but nothing a bit of improv might help with." She lightly reasoned to the wolf, treating her as though she were intelligent enough to understand. Technically it was a true fact, after all, canines were smart that way; therefore it wasn't outrageous to think this one was any different. Besides, she knelt down to Rickter! Something Telion had never seen before, yet grew all the more enthusiastic about.

"Let's see." She murmured to herself then as she moved closer to the tent once more, kneeling down so she could rummage through their packs for the rations. Once found she then looked from the dried meats in her hands, toward the empty pot still hanging over the dying embers. "I could easily make another stew... but would Nnerka like it? Rickter eats just about anything... Hm." Telion rose to a stand once more as she approached the pot, tearing a sliver of the rations off so she could toss that bit toward the wolf nearby. "Just don't eat me next, okay?" She teased warmly as she gradually waved a hand over the pot, manipulating snow to fill the pot as it started to melt in the residual warmth of the pot.


While Telion was busy doing her thing with the cooking preparations Rickter walked onward, often giving off light groans when he felt a flare of pain in his sides or legs. The trip back down had done a bit of a number on him, as riding that avalanche down certainly wasn't the best or worst thing for him. With Nnerka helping with the gathering though, he'd hopefully have a lot less stress taxing the sore muscles he had. After the conversation that he had with Telion over the stew last night, he was quite ready to finish up here and get back home. He wanted nothing more than to be back in his warm bed, or on his sofa with a nice bit of piping hot food to boot. Steak maybe. Or something thicker like roast.

Even if food weren't on his mind his belly grumbled, indicating just how hungry and tired the wolf really was, as he started to collect the first of many fallen branches to come. They didn't need anything serious after all, just enough tinder to keep the fire going longer and... maybe hotter? That last bit didn't entirely matter too much, since the wolf was well aware of what Telion could do as a mage. Hell he could too if he needed to, though he doubted he'd have his full strength back after last night's tumble down. It was bad enough those Vulcan's clipped him over and over again, as was apparent by the tears in his chainmail armor when he walked. Yet Rickter didn't rush any when he started collecting, too weary to even try for one, and so he started glancing over to Nnerka when he began.

Waiting for the moment he felt was right to chip away at that ice.

word count: 971
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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21st of Frost, 120xx

hatever thoughts Senara might have had about the strange pack of humanoids last night, they were vastly different than the ones coursing through her mind today.

'Like him?!' If she had a human mouth she would have laughed. Instead it was a chuff. A simple, short chuff as she rolled her eyes and groaned. The human was odd- what part of her behavior said anything about 'like'? It had been an act of necessity. Nothing more, nothing less. And yet the continued remark from the man stirred her to snap her head back in his direction.

'Behave?!' There was nothing about a wolf that behaved. At least not in the way he probably meant it. But she had already resigned herself to mostly staying quiet, simply waiting, for the strangely stupid human girl to feed a wild wolf. Part of her was amused by this as the spider-woman and the strange-smelling man left the camp. On one hand, she'd met one or two humans in her time in the mountains that had attempted to gain her favor. Thinking her truly a demi-god of the mountains or a spirit sent to guide them, they'd outstretched their hands only to be met with the flick of her tail as she bounded away, or for the unlucky, their untimely demise. It wasn't her fault they'd happened across her during a hunt, after all.

She stared at Telion as she gathered the ingredients, a task she'd watched one too many times from previous travelers.

'Like it?' She questioned, licking her chops as the scent of meat hit the air. 'It won't matter if the spider likes it, its about survival. This is why you people rarely survive. You and your pickiness...' Senara chuffed and sighed. But the moment that piece of meat in the ground, she was in scrambled. Her body jolted and before much thought went through her head about the safety of such an action, she had chomped down on the ration and nearly swallowed it whole. Down it slid, accompanying her once more empty stomach as she raised her head and stared the woman down with both confusion and expectation. Perhaps she was a better asset to her alive than dead, after all.
word count: 394
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