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The Jewel of the Northlands

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2nd of Frost, Year 119

The two had talked for a while in the glade, mostly about Kalzasi and -- not really how Riven had gotten there, but at least how Taelian had. He told the man of the adventure he'd gone through; how the Adh Nuaihm, his fellow Famished (though he did not refer to them as such) had helped to smuggle him out, getting him onto an underground train they had repaired that ran all the way to Daravin, and more specifically the city of Carine. He trekked through the Badlands, with all the mutated raider scum in the world separating him from another leap to civilization. Eventually he made his way to Amoren, then into Dalquia, and then... here.

Taelian was surprisingly frank, though he had explained everything in the most blank and unenthusiastic of manners, as he often did. He expressed that he had not seen much of the city and certainly not much beyond it, though he never once told Riven why he had come here in the first place, save for vague notions that it would bring him a better life. The winged man, who Taelian learned to refer to with some degree of hidden fondness, instructed him that they were to go on a sort of endeavor together; they would explore Kalzasi from above, meeting at the gates of the city only to endeavor out towards the hills, climbing them as if it were remotely easy. Taelian, as if he were like the other Famished -- compliant and agreeable -- simply nodded as if commanded to agree, and thought nothing else of it. He took orders from Riven as if he were a ranking Ebon Knight.

The Elven man returned home and set his equipment aside, though he moved the sheath of his claymore to his waist with a leather belt tying everything together. He was left removed of much of his thick gear; his armor, even though it was leather, would still slightly reduce his mobility and besides . . . he felt safe enough to not need it. So, he was left with a well-fit, sky-blue colored shirt with two buttons at the top, short sleeved and therefore revealing his tan, well-built arms. His legs were concealed by form-fitting linen pants and on his feet he wore comfortable tabi boots, one of the few things he liked about Kalzasi's fashion. The Elf exited his home once more and jogged towards the gates he'd left through only this morning, certain that if the guards were the same ones from before, they'd start to grow slightly suspicious.

Particularly due to his waiting. He waited for some time, showing up earlier than he was supposed to and staying longer than he should have. Riven was a few minutes late, and the Siltori was unhappy with that fact. Partly because he was obsessive about punctuality, and more, he worried the other man would not come. Reflecting on their conversation from earlier, there was a lot that had gone wrong; more than had gone right, from Riven's perspective. Or at least he thought as much.

Taelian sighed, and glanced behind him, into the corridor that was the gate and the sprawling city beyond it. He stepped forward and moved to sit on the edge of a stone protrusion from the wall, acting as a sort of bench. He continued, for a time, to be patient.
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Back at his small cottage, Riven thought about the conversation he and Taelian had that morning, in the glade. The Siltori had ended up sharing his story with him; it would have felt heartbreaking if he hadn't been so dispassionate about it, narrating his recent escape from Sil-Elaine to the west, just like he had years ago. Riven still didn't know the reason, but he knew he had left several people behind to be able to reach Kalzasi. The Avialae could relate to him; their stories were similar enough to make Riven, for a split second, want to share his past with Taelian. But they had just met, and that fleeting impulse got quickly replaced by a hard lump in his throat. He just couldn't bring himself to talk about it, so he just let the elf finish his narration in a silence that lingered a while before he answered again. Riven sighed as he grabbed a white jumper and put it on, sliding in neck and arms and then buttoning up his lower back. It felt quite warm and cozy, and he doubted they were going to need any kind of armor. He grabbed one of his blades anyway.

Riven had ended up suggesting a quick trip to see if Taelian could end up liking Kalzasi the way he did; he had grown to love the peaceful haven above the chasm, and it suprised him that Taelian seemed uncomfortable living there. He didn't know if he had any friends anyway, but Riven wasn't the most appropriate guy to judge anyone's socializing capabilities. Given Taelian's opinion on the city and the fact that he didn't seem too bothered by the glade, Riven had ended up suggesting a hike up the mountains to a small plateau that had amazing views of the city at sunset. For some reason, he was beginning to show Taelian his favorite places; he hoped he didn't end the times of peace and quiet he had spent there. Going there with... a friend? didn't sound that bad though. He grabbed his backpack and a ration of bread, fruit jam and cheese for dinner, and was calmly putting on and lacing up his boots when his eyes stopped on the tiny watch above the hearth. It was time already; that meant he was late again. He cursed his wandering mind, quickly laced up the other boot and grabbed his bag as he rushed out the door; he would have to go to the gates the fast way.

Running, he fastened his bag between his wings as he ran towards the cliff, jumping over the security railings and opening his wings, flying out of the Cloudhaven District down to the lower gates of the city in the Commons. He rushed, flying between the large rock spires that formed the District and descending until he was reaching the limits, spotting Taelian sitting on a wall. He didn't look happy, though with that Siltori... It was hard to know what was going on in his head. Riven landed quite suddenly, taking good care not to hit anybody around, though he couldn't avoid the wind blast his wings directed towards Taelian, alarming him of the Avialae's arrival.

"I'm so sorry! I got in my head and lost concept of time... And I wasn't too sure whether you would come, honestly." He said smiling just a bit, a tad awkwardly. "I'm glad you did though. Let's get going, I'm sure you've spent enough time in here already" He said, motioning Taelian to walk with him as both men got out of the gates, entering the forest again, the old trees filtering the sunlight and casting strange shadows over the ground and the hikers.

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It was impossible not to notice the man as he arrived, his enormous stature and fluttering black wings engaging in a vibrato with the surrounding wind. He began to descend, doing so with a guilt woven into his complexion, and Taelian's instinctive response was immediately to roll his eyes. "You know," he began, stretching his hand to the full length of each finger before doubly clenching it, as some of the effects of cold had narrowly begun to seep in. "Continue being late like this, and that worry of yours will become a self-fulfilling prophecy." Of course, he was referring to Riven's concern that he wouldn't show up. Taelian really had nothing better to do; he hadn't gotten a lead on a Dranoch in quite a while, so most of his work had dried up. But... the pretense of his time being valuable was important for his pride.

I'm glad you did though. More kind words; he exhaled, softly, trying not to place a great deal of thought into the comment. It was interesting; usually he was desperate to flex his emotions however he could, trying to remember what convoluted things his blood-pumping organ could get him to feel. But with Riven, he felt the need for restraint. He was giddy and gleeful in a lot of ways; that someone was willing to take the time to tour around with him, to speak with him, to give him more than a passing glance. It made him feel... somehow, perhaps distantly, valued.

"I have," he unsurprisingly replied to the commentary on how long he had waited. Taelian was more than content to wear a distancing veil of mean-spirited remarks. In truth he often enjoyed being sarcastic, rude, dismissive. Those behaviors offered him a momentary lapse of unblemished control.

He followed. Through the trees, which still glowed a radiant green, untouched by the wintry winds. They were either evergreens or it had not gotten cold enough to fell them; he was uncertain. The surrounding woods were pretty, though. He could not deny their untouched glamour, free of the scars of the Sundering and well-tended to by the denizens of the realm. Pines, poplars and sycamores, oaks and maple... a boreal forest of great diversity. He could appreciate it the same way he appreciated anything: with cool distance.

The sun was still out. It hadn't begun to set, though certainly it would do so early, for it was - after all - the beginning of Frost. There were other people around them, and more than a few allowed themselves to curiously glance at Riven, likely because of his absurd height. Occasionally they would look at Taelian, too, a rare thing in these lands. Most Siltori were still being farmed for their soul and blood, and the rest were mostly in Daravin. Few of them ever got this far; they hadn't hoped to dream of a world so free of oppression.

He supposed, he thought as the two men continued to walk, that he did appreciate being here. If he forgot about all of the people wailing back home, and thought only of himself and his own happiness, Kalzasi wasn't incredibly bad. The Siltori glanced to the man behind him, and allowed himself briefly to smile. It was unintentional, but -- something.

"It is pretty," he remarked. "I have to wonder though... why bother showing me? I know no one here, and most don't like me. It makes sense that a guy like me would be content to wander around with a man like you. But you--"

He shook his head. "You've been here long enough to have more compelling engagements to attend to. I've not been particularly friendly, either; so, what's your purpose?" The Siltori spent a moment averting his eyes to the side, to glance at the man once more, before focusing his view on the soil covered in small shards of fallen bark. Thankfully, it was no longer so windy. The walk felt... nice.
word count: 684
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Riven laughed Taelian's threat off; the man was rough, sure, but he really doubted he actually mean that. He was just naturally caustic as a person; Riven had began to ignore those kind of comments as long as they weren't personal attacks. "You can leave whenever you want, Taelian. You got two legs, don't you?" He asked, smirking at him. He knew he wouldn't... Well, he hoped he wouldn't. He didn't get more than a cold stare from the Siltori. Not the biggest issue ever, to be honest. They were starting to feel more like pokes than daggers. The forest was particularly beautiful at that time of the year; most trees were evergreen anyway, and even if the people couldn't spot it, Riven knew they held a great deal of biodiversity. He saw a small creature dashign through a branch; what it had been, he couldn't tell. Too fast, and he was dividing his attention between the trees and Taelian's face. He seemed... Captivated, to say the least. Riven smiled to himself; usually, he wasn't the most expressive person around people he'd just met... But the elf's blank stares made him want to compensate and show some emotion. He didn't feel uncomfortable with it though.

The few people around tended to stop and stare at both men; Riven was used to it. His height and his eyes were very unusual for an Avialae; his Jastai descent showed through. And Taelian was one of the few Siltori Riven had met; they weren't many so deep into Karnor. He closed his wings as much as he could though, to avoid looking even bigger. Profiting his distraction Taelian had walked past him, and Riven found himself admiring the irregular shadows the forest cast on his ashen hair and his tan skin, almost metallic. His shoulders and back were well-framed by the shirt he was wearing; Riven was surprised by his back, wider and more solid than what he had initially perceived. There was no doubt about Taelian's strength, judging by his build. And then the elf had turned back with the first genuine smile Riven had seen woven on his usually stern complexion. He couldn't help but blush; he just hoped he hadn't noticed him staring so blatantly.

He was surprised by Taelian's comment though. The man seemed resigned to spend his days in Kalzasi by himself; genuinely puzzled at the fact that Riven wanted to show him around. He carefully thought about the answer... but truly, he wasn't sure about it either. "I'm done with my compelling engagements for the day" He said, with a sliver of sarcasm. " Besides... I wanted to show you around. Help you see Kalzasi like I see it. Make it easier for you to stay, if you want to." He explained. That was mostly true. "And I do get that some people don't like you... But that's because it feels like you keep kicking them out. You haven't been the nicest, that's true... But I don't think you aren't friendly. You just have a hard time when it comes to social life. At least with me; you apologized when you realized you had... Well, hurt me." He explained, shrugging a bit, with the faintest corner of a smile in his lips.

"Besides, why should a guy like you be content with a man like me? You still seem pretty discontent from time to time." He asked, rather curious. That wasn't the kind of statement he expected from someone like Taelian.

word count: 619
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Riven was right; Taelian wouldn't leave. He... really did not want to. Even if he did have important engagements elsewhere; this was, sort of, fun. A unique feeling for the typically flat-lined elf, who could've sworn the last time he felt real exhilaration to be before he'd ever received the Sigil. Though, he wasn't quite exhilarated yet -- but it was building. This curious giddiness. He felt like a kid again, and Riven almost reminded him of-- of Lethiril. His patience, optimism, ability to dismiss the cold daggers that Taelian constantly lodged into him. The appreciation for the outdoors and enthusiasm to both see, and show. Of course he wouldn't leave. Not with the nostalgia, and not with the potential for a real friend.

"You're right," he simply said in response. He could leave whenever he wanted; he agreed. But . . . Riven was right again, though this time Taelian didn't know it. He wouldn't leave. They had both come to the same conclusion.

They carried on, through the forest, with all of Taelian's restrained enthusiasm showing in the typical blankness of his expression. He made no show of any of his curiosity, and certainly not to Riven whose gaze he actively avoided for much of their journey. The one time he turned to view him, he realized the other man had been... looking forward in alignment with his back, but the Siltori didn't think to categorize him as 'staring'. He wasn't perceptive enough to note how long the man's eyes had lingered, nor what they had lingered on. He did notice the blush, though, which made him wonder.

But Riven blushed more often than most, and the Ebon Knight wondered if the rosy shade was simply a complimentary slice of his complexion. Nevertheless, he could not deny that he found it cute; the shy coloring augmenting the features of his handsome face. Taelian's smile kept lingering, the Siltori failing to notice.

When he asked his query, though, his smile did fade. If only because he was somewhat worried of what the other might answer -- how disengaged he might have been. Perhaps this was just a bored detour of his, Taelian thought. I'm done with my compelling engagements for the day, he said. That... almost confirmed it, but his voice was irregular. Sarcasm, Taelian thought. He allowed the other man to continue.

And he did continue. He continued on about how he would've liked to help Taelian see the city and realm as he did - to make it easier for him to remain, if he so wished. He then began to dissect him and why others might have disliked him; how he 'kicked them out'. He supposed that Riven meant he was rude and not forthcoming. It was true, but he was fine with that. Nice... kind... no, he was not those things. Friendly -- he didn't particularly identify with that word, either, but apparently Riven was willing to see him as such.

The Siltori almost laughed. He was so optimistic, it was almost bordering on stupidity. Or at least naivety. But unlike Taelian, the Avialae was certainly very nice, and very kind, and more friendly than most he'd ever met. The Elf could testify to that.

You apologized when you realized you had... hurt me.

The man frowned. Those words made him feel terribly wrong... because his apology had not been real. And somehow it meant something to the Kathar, those simple, detached words. Even though they were lies, right to his face. Taelian closed his eyes as his nerves tensed, exhaling through his nostrils. Then, turning to view Riven wholly, he opened his eyes once again.

"I apologize... because my apology then was not genuine. But..." He sighed.

"I wish it had been. You are... very kind, Riven. I... feel bad for being dismissive towards you. Terribly wrong. It feels... strange." He exhaled again. He felt undeniably at odds with himself, and was uncertain how to properly regain control. He almost wondered if Riven had some mastery over the Sigil; he'd felt more strongly today than he had in a long time. It was... almost serene. "You've been really good to me," he answered his last inquiry. "I haven't really had a friend in a long time. Maybe some other Famished, in some weird and detached way, but--"

Taelian realized he'd told him what he was; Famished. He was almost certain the other man would not know what it meant.

"I would very much like to be your friend, Riven. I might appear discontent, but I've had more fun in these last hours than I've had in years. Trust me."
word count: 800
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Riven had been noticing Taelian smiling quite a bit since he had turned back to find his glance fixed on Taelian's warrior build. He had rushed forward to avoid any similar situations from then on; as he catched up with the Siltori, he noticed a soft grin on his face; Taelian didn't seem too aware of it. He seemed lost in thought, observing the diverse tones of green in the forest. Maybe. If he had to be honest, Riven had no idea; he could even had been laughing at him after he'd stopped looking at him so suddenly. Whatever it was, he didn't care; Taelian seemed genuinely happy, and that cute smile on his usually blank angular face was an improvement. He could swear he'd seen a cute dimple there. Things were good...

...and then not so much. His question ended that, and brought back the doubt; Riven could understand why he was asking that... But his answer had been as honest as possible. He wanted Taelian there; he was a man worth getting to know, and it didn't hurt that he was free for the day either. But he appreciated the efforts that managed to come though on the Silver Elf's behalf, or so he though.

Something distorted on Taelian's face; Riven got visibly worried. Worried he had messed up somehow, that he had said something inapproppriate or that he had been harsh on him; usually, Taelian acted so tough that he hadn't thought about that being a possibility. His mouth gaped open, ready to take back what he had said and try to reformulate, but Taelian interrupted him... And actually apologized. Genuinely, about lying at him. Riven could see it in his eyes; if he was lying he was extremely good at it, but then, what kind of sense did that make? He was being transparent... For the first time in the whole day. It was almost like if Riven could glimpse a small piece of Taelian's heart, his armor cast aside for a short while.

Riven had been stopped in his tracks: he was stuck, not knowing how to react, and all he could do was listen to Tealian's sincere apology. It moved him; he could tell that it wasn't easy for the Siltori to admit that kind of reaction towards Riven, but he had taken the resolve to express it... Like something he strongly regretted and wanted to get rid of. "You've been really good to me". Riven didn't think he deserved that kind of praise so suddenly and so soon... But it clearly wasn't something Taelian wasn't saying lightly. The troubled expression on his face showed he truly meant it... And it filled Riven's chest with a comforting warmth, the puzzling but reassuring sensation of having, somehow, reached Taelian's deeply guarded core.

Riven was an absolute loss at words; Taelian had left him completely speechless, because he didn't think there was anything more raw and honest than what he had just told the Avialae. He was grateful, but a simple thank you would not be able to convey what he was feeling either. He wasn't thinking much though, he just stepped forward and put his arms around Taelian', pulling him closer into a firm embrace, catching the elf by surprise. He didn't think a person like Taelian was used to such a display of affection... But Riven had grown fond of hugs in Kalzasi, he guessed Taelian would learn as well. The elf had mentioned something about being Famished... But Riven didn't know what that was nor thought it was the right time to ask. He could wait though; it seemed relevant.

"Of course I want to be your friend, jackass... I'm so glad you're having fun." He muttered, looking down at Taelian, his head laying on the winged man's chest. "Taelian... Thank you. I-- I'm glad I'm getting to know you. You're a man worth not giving up on..." He said, not letting him go, softly smiling at him as he smiled at him. "But try not to lie to me again. I could take it, it's just... I'm trying to understand you. Don't make it harder for me, will you?" He asked, winking at the elf.

Last edited by Riven on Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 742
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It had been so long since he had received real affection.

Really - he couldn't remember. Maybe... back with Leth, the boy and his mother. Seventeen years ago. That had probably been the last time he'd felt the warmth of another wholly eclipsing him, more than just the camaraderie of brothers-in-arms against the Dranoch, occasionally showing some physical displays in order to pretend like their relationships were sealed. Those were the only actions of physical intimacy - platonic, of course - he had received in a long, long time. None of those physical greetings were ever because they actually appreciated Taelian for who or what he was... but instead, they were almost like formal obligations, meant to be performed and reciprocated to retain the order of the day. Necessary for the sake of tradition if nothing else.

This was something different. Riven was... elated, because of him. Taelian forgot what it was like to make someone feel happy like that; to be treated with such joyous candor, with two masculine arms wrapped around his back as he was brought steadily into the bulwark of the other man's chest. The moment persisted. It felt nice... and Riven had not motioned to let him go. The elf remained there, leaning into the firmness of the other's muscular frame, as his fingertips clutched the fabric covering his back. He realized how much affection he had thrown into the embrace on his own -- as if he were that child again, desperately clinging for validation.

Of course I want to be your friend, he said, and continued. You're a man worth not giving up on.

He dryly laughed, almost feeling pathetic. There was really no reason to be so snarky and rude all the time; he was bitter, and jaded. Most often, he did not even know when he was acting... wrong. His apathy was deeply ingrained, with every conversation terminated with bad blood, he had started to think that just... everyone was a terrible person around him. Nothing was ever good enough.

Riven was different. He almost got the impression that the man liked being around him, as he really seemed to. And he liked more than just the fact that Riven accepted him -- he also liked him, as a person, with his guile and patience and warm heart. But again--he felt pathetic for clinging like this to a man he barely knew. Taelian supposed he'd forgotten how desperately in need of companionship he had been.

"I'll try to be nicer," he looked up at the taller man, keeping his old, persistently blank expression plastered onto his face. He was also blushing, quite rosily, fully ignorant of how to contextualize his many converging strands of emotion but aware of their presence. What hadn't been fully obvious before was clear to him now: he liked Riven. In a way that he shouldn't have; he had always tried to remember that he was an undesirable, Famished Ebon Knight, incapable of being the full person that others could be. These emotions were juvenile and often unwanted; amorous notions of any kind. They were lingering echoes of what was there before, and what could have been, were he not the man that he was now.

He knew that. He wasn't asking for anything more than this.

"Hey... where are we even going?" he asked, blinking. The Siltori lightly laughed, showing those emerging dimples once again as he did. "We've been thoroughly derailed! I think we might need to start running." The man nodded, slowly and thoughtlessly stroking the man's back with the surface of his fingertips. "You've longer legs than me, though, so you might have to be a little patient. I'm not the fastest runner, and that's against people of my own height class," he teased.
word count: 652
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Taelian's sudden burst of dry laughter knocked Riven off his feet for just a second; was what he had just said so amusing? He meant every word of it, and for a split second he wondered if his message had come across as fake or the elf just did not care... But then he noticed. Taelian was looking at himself; it wasn't a snarky giggle directed at Riven. And then he looked up, with the same blank complexion he usually sported... But this time, his cheeks were flushed a light red, and he didn't seem bothered by the situation, at all. Riven could even feel the elf's nervous fingers pullling and gripping the thick fabric on the back of his jumper. The pressure was also nice; it was a tight hug, and Taelian wasn't letting go either. He smiled.

"I'll try to be patient. Thank you. You know... for the effort. It doesn't seem easy for you." He said, tightening the embrace just a little to let Taelian know he appreciated him trying... And because he didn't want to let go; the Elf was warm to the touch, and the hug... Just felt right for Riven. His cheeks were tinted a lighter hue of pink, his short golden scruff showing the contrast to his face though. He smiled down at the elf; he was glad he had found him at the glade, after all.

"I know where we're going! We aren't derailed, we've just done a... necessary stop." He said, grinning, his large hands tied behind Taelian's back, his free thumbs absent-mindedly playing with the blue fabric on the back of the Siltori's sky blue shirt, feeling the wiry muscle under it. "If you're rushing so much though..." He said, letting one of his hands slide up to Taelian's head, ruffling his ashen hair with a smirk as he pulled back, stepping back a little to let go. "We're going to that rocky wall over there; it's not too far, so I'm not very interested in running. We'll be there in time for the sunset." He said, shrugging and resuming their walk under the trees. "However, if you think you can't keep up... You're free to run if you want to, runt." He said with a teasing smirk, before looking back at the path, marching without waiting for Taelian.

word count: 419

Come Get Your Rewards

Experience Earned: 8/8

Magical?: No

Lore Earned:

Skill Lores:
Negotiation: Agreeing to a meeting
Persuasion: Being kind can invoke better results
Persuasion: Convincing someone you’re worth their time
Investigation: Uncovering someone’s motives
Psychology: Conscious self-awareness
Seduction: Maintaining an embrace
Seduction: Mutual Attraction
Seduction: Touch is important in intimacy

Non-Skill Lores
Riven: A kind, gallant man
Riven: I find him extremely handsome
Riven: Good to me
Riven: Currently, my only friend
Kalzasi: The Surrounding Forestry

Ills and Ailments: None

Loot: A Friend

Experience Earned: 8/8

Magical?: No

Lore Earned:

Skill Lores:
Flight: Takeoff from a cliff
Flight: Fast descent
Investigation: Remembering a significant detail
Persuasion: Pacifying
Biology: Forest Biodiversity
Seduction: The right moment for a hug
Seduction: Honest praise
Seduction: Warm smiles

Non-Skill Lores
Taelian: A true friend.
Taelian: He's trying.
Taelian: Cute smile
Taelian: Interesting

Ills and Ailments: None

Loot: A Friend

Reviewer Notes: These beautiful, wonderful disaster children. I love them immensely. Each thread you two do together gets significantly gayer and honestly I'm living for it. Obviously enough I still adore both of your characters (and want to be their friends even though Taelian Hates Alyssum right now). I'm really enjoying these two so far. Taelian has such troubles displaying himself properly being Famished and all, but so far Riven's brought out the best in him. I hope to see the two of you continue to write together and I'm excited to see where your threads go from here. Hopefully not the Adult Forum. I love you. But please. Not there. Anywhere but. Well done as always my dears, enjoy your rewards!!!
word count: 290
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