
Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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53rd of Frost, 120 Steel...?

Sunlight fell between the trees. Columns of light in an otherwise gently shaded area. The grass was green, far greener than anything Talon had ever seen before. He felt as though he were standing in a portrait of the world as it should have been. Before the Sundering and the era of despair that followed it. Everything seemed more vibrant. Slowly he got to his feet. The muscles of his body protested mightily with the effort and he thought he heard a soft chuckle. He was still clothed as he had been in the Warrens. Gone was the cavernous darkness that seemed to draw pain and suffering to it like a net. Above him was the open sky, blocked only by the leaves of gently swaying trees. Where was he? How had he gotten there? He remembered vividly the moments leading up to what he had thought were to be his death.

Aoren had acted bravely. The abomination had been wreathed in flames commanded by him and the other two elemental mages beside them. Telion and Rickter. Talon’s heart ached. He had failed them. He had left them behind. But it was the price to be paid for his foolishness. He shuddered to think of the state that his bondmates were in. The loss of a companion was a harrowing thing that he had experienced once. Dimly, he thought he could still feel them. It was as though he was looking for them across a great divide. He wondered if other Avialae who had passed on felt as he did in that moment.

Talon inspected himself. He looked down at his body. He did not know what he expected death to be like. He felt solid. The ground beneath him felt as though it were real. The breeze on his face felt real. He could smell a mix of winter and summer on the winds. The crisp cool of the Northern air swirling with the fragrance of summer flowers. It was peaceful. Finally, once he felt he had his bearings, he turned his attention to the man who was standing just an arm’s length away.

He was human. He was shorter than Talon, as most humans were. There was a sturdiness to his build and even without having to see it, Talon knew that this man was a force to be reckoned with. With the rich mahogany skin of a man born far to the south, he looked stern but handsome. There was a quiet strength to his features that put Talon at ease. His hair was braided and his silver eyes had a near ethereal quality to them in the sunlight. He wore the armor of a knight. It was a pristine white and gold. The sunlight streaming through the trees seemed to seek him out. It crowned him in a halo of silver-white light that radiated a warm gentleness. As Talon stared at him, he felt a resonating in his heart and in his soul. He knew this man. He did not know how and he did not know why but he did. Something in his eyes felt like he was staring into a mirror. Talon recognized the symbol upon the man’s breastplate.

“I thought the Dawnmartyrs were gone…” The man smiled. There was a sadness in that smile. Talon felt it. More than felt it. He thought that if he concentrated, he might have known why the sadness was there.

“I know you.” He searched the man’s face. “Who are you?”

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The sound of armor shifting accompanied the man's movements as he chuckled, rubbing a gauntleted hand over his braided hair before looking Talon over with a knowing expression.

"Gone isn't the right word. The Order may be scattered, but the Dawnmartyr are more than just a group of people." His voice was a deep, rich baritone, and the slight accent gave visions of large fields and a lifetime of working with his hands. The slightly sad expression changed to one of assurance, "So long as there is one man, woman or child who continues to fight, holding onto the ideals of the Order, then the Dawnmartyr will never be gone. Not truly, at least."

Despite his words, and the confidence in his tone, the man seemed slightly uncomfortable as he shrugged his shoulders awkwardly, "I'm not really good at this sort of thing, so lets just get to the point."

Extending one hand there was a flash of light and a great longsword appeared in his grasp, glittering dangerously in the light. With a casual flick of his wrist the man cut cleanly through a large tree at waist height, but instead of falling it merely disintegrated in a shower of sparks. Then he lifted the blade over head, slamming it into the ground point first and sending a ripple of power that made the world shudder. Stone jutted out on either side of the newly made stump, forming into the vague image of stools.

"Sit with me for a moment, Talon." He said, motioning to one of the stools while taking the other. The sword had vanished once more. If Talon settled in the seat or not the man would rest an elbow on the table like stump, setting his chin on his clenched fist as he regarded the Aviale.

"My name is Andrus, once Knight-Marshal of the Order of the Dawnmartyr. I'm dead now though." He said this bluntly, without a hint of humor in his voice. He raised a hand and pointed at Talon's chest, "I'm also you, in part. Or you are me I guess. Like I said I'm not the one who should be having this conversation with you, but the others insisted."

Andrus sighed dramatically, holding up 3 fingers, "First off you aren't dead yet, though it looks like you really tried hard. Second, this place isn't so much a place as it is a time, but the others will have to talk about that. Finally, yes this is real, and no you are not dreaming." Slapping a palm on the stump he smiled a small smile at Talon, "Following so far?"

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Talon could believe that this was once a leader of soldiers. He carried himself with the unwavering confidence of someone who knew his place in the world. The summoning of the blade made him quirk his head slightly as he watched the tree get cut down. Watching it dissolve into sparks caught him by surprise but confirmed for him that this place was elsewhere.

At his slight awkwardness, Talon smiled. He nodded, following the man to the stools. He took up his seat across from the knight, observing him curiously. Andrus. The name evoked many feelings inside of Talon. He saw the fields from lands far from Kalzasi. Hot summer days and chilly autumn afternoons, spent working the soil. He could see Andrus, or at least who he thought was Andrus standing in those fields. He looked younger and less filled out but the features were the same. The vision, or perhaps memory, faded and was replaced with the man in front of him.

“You are part of me?” Talon furrowed his brow. In a way, it made sense. For the past two seasons he had been having strange happenings occur all around him. He held off his questions so that Andrus could explain. When the man had finished, for some inexplicable reason, Talon believed him. He felt it in his heart. This man would not, could not, lie to him. Just as Talon felt he could not lie to Andrus.

“I was a fool. That foolishness caused ones I care for to suffer. If I am not dead, as you say, then this is a lesson learned. One, I will not forget.” Talon bowed his head. He closed his eyes. He would not wallow in self-pity. He was done losing himself to the grip of sorrow. It had held on to his heart and his soul for longer than he wanted to admit.

“You say that I am you and you are me. That there are “others”? What does all of this mean? Andrus. I speak your name and…” Talon shook his head. “ is like I can see you but it does not feel like you. It feels as though I am just reliving a memory.”

Everything about seeing Andrus, about the way he carried himself, the manner of this conversation, there was a feeling in the back of his mind that kept tugging at him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. It was a motion that mirrored the very same movement that Andrus had done but moments before.

“Why does it feel like this has happened before?”

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"More or less." Andrus said, waving his hand in a maybe, maybe not sort of gesture, "I'm like... an echo in your soul, an impression from a past you only sort of remember. Think of it like talking to yourself, if your other self had a different set of memories that you only kind of recall."

He nodded to Talon as he expressed his regret, understanding showing in his eyes though he kept his thoughts to himself. Andrus knew what it was Talon was describing, hand lived it time and time again. Yet he had learned the lesson long ago that regrets could eventually weigh you down if you let them, so he had learned to set aside those regrets to move forward. This new incarnation was still so young in many ways, yet far more mature than Andrus was when he had been called.

"It has happened before." Andrus said, rubbing his chin and counting on his fingers, "Three times, to be exact, though each was unique to the person we were at the time." He then raised up his hand, showing four fingers, "You, Talon, are the 4th. Unfortunately, that means you got stuck with me."

Falling silent Andrus seemed thoughtful, still stroking his chin. Finally, he grimaced and shook his head, "As I said, I am really not the right person for this. Before I died I only started to understand it myself. The guy before me, when you meet him, will be able to answer more."

When he looked up at Talon again his eyes were serious, stern, and commanding as he demanded the other's full attention, "Long story short kid, you got divine blood in you, or rather in your soul. That crap you just went through was a catalyst, waking you up just enough to let you and I talk. You are not dead, but when you go back you won't be the same person anymore. Sorry, I wish I could tell you congratulations, but from my experience, your life is about to get a whole lot shittier."

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Talon stared at Andrus incredulously. He looked at the man, or the ghost of the man, as though he were sprouting a second head. A laugh of disbelief escaped his mouth before he pulled back and composed himself.

“Divine blood? You cannot be…” But then it struck him. The memory that had resonated and rippled not just in his mind but in his very soul. When he had been initiated into Reaving just that season. He had seen a war. He had seen a battle unfold unlike anything he had witnessed before. Two titanic forces clashing on a field littered with the bodies of men, elves, and beasts. Darkness deeper than the blackest pits of the Warrens had battered against a Light that fought desperately to shine amidst its cold all-consuming embrace. He had seen it. No, he had lived it. Talon stood up from the stumps. He pressed a hand to his chest, where the silver scar rest over his heart. He remembered the exact moment that the sword had plunged into the man in the vision’s chest...his chest. He could still feel the bite of the sword and the burning of the dark power as it sought to tear him apart.

Then there was that moment in his shop with Rickter. Witnessing a symbol that he knew in his core, at the very heart of him. He had known that symbol etched upon his bondmate’s skin. Talon’s chest rose and fell more rapidly as his heart rate picked up. His eyes met Andrus. He was not filled with joy, excitement or reverence.

He was filled with fear.

“I-I…” Talon shook his head and backed away from the knight. “You are telling me I am...that I...I...I do not even know the first thing about…”

Talon was shaking.

“I am one man!” He clutched at his chest. His eyes searched Andrus. When the silence stretched on between them he dropped his hands before looking down at them. He felt as though he did not even recognize himself.

“I just wanted to protect my people.” Again he searched Andrus face. His hands were shaking. “What do I do?”

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Also a darker one for darker content:

The look Andrus gave Talon was neither pity nor encouraging. His lips were stretched into a thin line, and his expression stoic as he glanced down at the stump where he had accidentally cracked a portion of the wood with his clenched fist. There was a lot he could say, but more that he couldn't. After a time though he waved back at the seat.

"Sit down." It was an order from one who was always obeyed. Breathing out a long, steady breath Andrus chuckled, reaching to his side as if for something before realizing it wasn't there and set his hand back on the makeshift table.

"Calm yourself kid. I just said you had divine blood. I didn't say you were a fucking god." He tapped his finger on the stump several times, and then as if from nowhere a thin wrapped bundle of paper appeared. Andrus seemed surprised and glanced around, chuckling to himself as he picked up the bundle and lit one end, taking several puffs and one long draw before breathing out a steady line of smoke.

"I get it, I really do. Almost get yourself killed and suddenly you show up in this place, talking with a guy who says he's you? On top of that suddenly you're a divine? It's a lot to take in." Andrus took another draw, holding it in for a moment before releasing. He stared through the smoke at Talon, eye's hardening, "First off you suck it up. We've done this 3 times now, and one way or another you are next. Can't change it even if we wanted to, so just focus on what you can control."

Pausing in his speech he extended the cigar to Talon, letting him take it if he wanted to, and if he didn't he would take another draw himself.

"So here's what's about to happen. Your blood is about to awaken, and with it, there's gonna come a few changes. You're not quite mortal anymore, but you can still be killed. You also get a few new abilities." Here Andrus tapped the table with his knuckles, "What does that mean for you exactly? Depends on what you want to do. You can choose to ignore it all if you want. Pretend none of this happened, and go on about your life like normal." Even as he said this Andrus quirked an eyebrow, already knowing the likelihood of that happening, "Or you can accept it for what it is. The next phase in your life. Want to protect your family? Fucking do it. Want to become a great leader? Be my guest. Want to take over the world?" Andrus snorted, "Good luck with that."

"All I'm saying is don't get caught up in the details. When it happened to me it didn't change a damn thing about what I had to do." After another long pull Andrus sighed and scratched his head, "I wasn't much of a demigod myself you know. There are no instructions for what to do from here kid, so don't bother worrying about getting it wrong."

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Talon swallowed. There was something in the tone of Andrus voice that made arguing with the man a non-factor. He took a deep breath and plopped down onto the stump running both of his hands over his face. He chuckled at Andrus blunt sentence. It was both comforting and confronting. On the one hand, it helped him to sort through the storm of his emotions as he was filled to the brim with questions. There were too many to really think through and having his straightforward demeanor to cut through it all made him feel less...overwhelmed. The no-nonsense manner in which Andrus dealt with the matter made the trembling in Talon’s hands steady. He was able to think if he just focused on what the knight was saying.

Focus on what he could control. Lately it had felt as if nothing were in his control. But that was not true. He had the freedom to choose what he did with his life. Even bound as he was by the constraints of honor and integrity. He heard what Andrus had to say and it helped him. As the man extended the cigar to him, he accepted it and took a draw as it helped to calm his nerves. As he exhaled he looked at the stalwart soldier through the smoke. The silver of his eyes was clear and unmistakable now that he recognized it for what it was. He had a feeling his own eyes now matched that appearance. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

“I think I know why the others had you be the one to speak with me.” He took another draw on the cigar before handing it back to the knight. He listened to what he was about to go through. As Talon thought on what lay ahead he felt the weight of it settle upon his shoulders. Even before Andrus finished the sentence, he knew that he would not be able to pretend that none of this ever happened. Firstly, he did not want to. Secondly, because it meant he had an even greater mandate to not only live up to his own expectations but to use his gifts to fight for what he believed in. The world was changing. Talon knew that he could not ignore that change.

Looking up he thought, for the briefest of moments, that he could see beyond where they were sitting. He thought he could see a realm that had no description. He glimpsed it, a place beyond the veil of what any mortal could perceive. It lasted for only the barest of moments and yet it felt as though his eyes had been opened to the world as it was truly meant to be viewed.

“We both know the road I am going to choose.” He smiled wryly at Andrus. “Something tells me it is the road we have all chosen but…”

Talon shook his head.

“I would not have it any other way, I think.” He ran a hand through his hair letting out a shaky laugh. “It is a lot. I will not lie. I am fucking terrified.”

He felt a shiver run through him. But with the shiver, Talon felt a welling of something inside of him. A presence that had always been there. It was not separate from him. It was him. It was the resolve he turned to when he was faced with something he was afraid of. It was not the icy rage. That, he now recognized, was him trying to hide from the world. That was him losing control. This was different. It was the resolved confidence in knowing what he was capable of. Even though there were so many questions that ran through his mind, through his heart, through his very soul, Talon knew that he could try. He knew that he would try.

And that was all he could do.

“So what happens now?”

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"Now?" Andrus asked with a shrug, "Now you wake up."

As he said the words the world around them began to fuzz, though the knight remained seated. He glanced around the space, absently making smoke rings before finally grinding the cigar into the stump to put it out.

"I had a feeling you would make that choice." The smile was returned as Andrus stood, walking over and patting Talon on the shoulder, "Honestly, I wish I could tell you more, but there isn't time. Yeah, it is going to be terrifying, scary, and some people will look at you differently." He leaned in close, whispering conspiratorially, "I will not lie Talon, there are some perks to what we are."

With a laugh he straightened and took a step back, looking up at the steadily disintegrating trees around them, "I think I ultimately failed in my role. I took for granted the trust people put in me, and I threw myself into battle as if my life were not worth much at all. In retrospect, I see now that because of who I was, and what I represented, my actions caused others to charge when they should have shown restraint." A moment of intense regret passed between them as Andrus remembered, but true to his advice he shook himself, accepting his actions and looking forward, looking at Talon.

"I don't know when or if we will talk again. So, before I go, I give you three pieces of advice. One, your ability does not define your worth, either to yourself or to others. Two, the people you can trust are those who stand up to you. Third, and most important." He paused, seeming hesitant for a moment before continuing, "When you meet him, and you will know him when you do... Don't trust him. No matter what he says, no matter how good his actions and intentions seem. If you do, you will come to regret it."

The world began to fade to darkness once more, but just as Andrus faded he cupped his hands around his mouth, shouting out, "Oh, and if you see Marina, tell her I'm sorry about that night. I was drunk, and the guys dared me to --"

His words were cut off as darkness encased Talon once more. He hovered there, a steady warmth from within growing. Then like a drowning man brought back from the brink he awoke with a gasp.

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Personal: Awakening to Demigodhood
Personal: Andrus, Knight-Marshal of the Dawnmartyr
Demigodhood: There is no roadmap, just a destination
Demigodhood: Trust in those who stand up to me

Injuries: A new faded silver scar has appeared over Talon's right kidney.

Loot: Talon has awakened to the First-Tier of Demigodhood. With this awakening, he has access to the first divine realm of Justice. As with all things, Talon is a novice starting out, and his skills must be grown and developed over time. Please refer to the Demigod article for further information.

Points 10

Comments: Congrats! Not much to say here, but we will all be watching Talon to see what he does next ^.^

word count: 125
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