Character Registry: Glade 121

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Title: Forge your Legend

Character Registry for Glade 121

Seasonal Event Calendar

Glade 1: Ranseran New Year Celebration
Weather: Cold temperatures. Cloudy with light flurries.

Inhabitants across the world come together to celebrate the beginning of the Ranseran New Year. Considered a national holiday, it is a day of rest and fun for all residents of Kalzasi. The Plaza of Jeweled Arches is decorated with Glade-themed decor as stalls line the streets and venues, and people celebrate with a parade led by Novalys and the other 7 Great Houses. The Sky Guard is called to not just lead the parade but also bring out the Icewing Eagles, providing the city with a grand display that'll invite the promise of what will hopefully be a bountiful new year. [Open Prompt]

Glade 5: The Midden Knocks
Weather: Cool temperatures. Partly cloudy skies with some sun.

As the sun sets fireworks are set off from the sewers of Kalzasi's streets, the unwarranted display resulting in mass confusion and excitement throughout the city. No injuries are reported from the event, as the fireworks are quickly discovered to be illusion-based magic. The culprits responsible for releasing them remain at large, with word spreading fast that The Midden is stirring with anticipation for something big.

Glade 10: The Mists Lift
Weather: Cool temperatures. Sunny with a few clouds.

The Dread Mists that have blanketed the northern reaches finally recede, the air around Kalzasi cleared by midday as visibility returns to the region. Though many within the city find a reason to celebrate, the lingering storm has left behind interesting types of flora for the next few days. Such flora can be seen even easier when night falls, much of it glowing vibrantly throughout the night with aether.

Glade 15: Day of Reverence
Weather: Cool temperatures. Scattered cloud cover with some sun.

All throughout Kalzasi paper mache is being made and put up on display, many of them being based on either the Dragongods or the Great 8 Noble Houses. Paper lanterns are also made throughout the day, so that come sunset locals will stand out within the streets together. With a personal prayer given in the act of lighting them, the lanterns are then released into the air, the skies of Kalzasi being filled with floating lights that ascend to the heavens throughout the night.

Glade 25: The Velvet Auction
Weather: Cool tempratures. Sunny with a few clouds.

Madame Lunaria Zirnomei hosts an open auction for her patrons, renting out a selection of courtesans as well as a few special guests for the evening. Patrons are encouraged to bid on the courtesan of their choice, and once bought for the evening that courtesan is prompted to fulfill every wish until midnight. [Open Prompt]

Glade 30-37: The Annual Cotillion
Weather: Mildly Cool temperatures. Clear skies throughout the day.

At the turn of the new year every Glade, the House Lekivian hosts a week-long event that starts the introduction of both well-connected and newly wealthy youths to polite society. Children coming of age of merchant and noble houses are invited to intend the festivities with the potential of arranging matches and networking with other families through future heads of houses. [Open Prompt]

Glade 42: The White Lady
Weather: Cool temperatures. Light showers throughout the day.

At night within the port of Kalzasi, fisherman and sailor alike have claimed to seen a mysterious figure walking the lake. Popular rumor claims that it is a woman in a white dress, and that she seems to be walking about the surface of Lake Udori throughout the night. Scholars from the Antiquities Society have theorized with members from the Circle of Spells, with no actual conclusions, that it could either be an illusion from residual aether left by the Dread Mist or... a ghost that haunts the lake itself. [Open Prompt]

Glade 50: Iroa
Weather: Warm temperatures. Clear Skies.

A popular festival that has garnered quite a few names, locals are encouraged to spend time putting differences aside, and celebrate with a sense of unity throughout the Plaza of Jeweled Arches. By noon stalls will have lined the streets, as music and dancing is rampant throughout the city, until midafternoon hits and colored powder is distributed throughout the streets. As many colorful plumes fill the streets and air people are advised to avoid wearing their best clothing, and the bathe houses offer a special discount for those needing to wash the colors off their skin by the day's end. The streets, as well as a good number of locals, will be littered with color splotches for the next several days.

Glade 65: Brigands on the Road
Weather: Mildly Warm temperatures. Sunshine with minimal cloud cover.

Reports float from Cloudhaven about how House Veyl is experiencing problems with increased bandit activity, as caravans coming toward the city have been repeatedly sacked for goods. Nobody is quite sure how brigands have managed to grow so organized, only that they're now a prevalent nuisance to any who dare travel the roads between Kalzasi and Zaechair.

Glade 72: The Shinaegri Horde
Weather: Cool temperatures. Heavy Downpour.

The chasms of the First Deep are reported as excessively dangerous, as the Shinaegri Horde has increased at an alarming rate over the season, the Sky Guard are called to assist the Dead Legion in culling some of their numbers, in an effort to regain control over the patrol routes established within the Warrens. [Open Prompt]

Glade 84: The Macabre Monolith
Weather: Cooler temperatures. Scattered showers.

Scholars of the Antiquities Society are reporting activity at the site of the Monolith, according to rumor the keystones are active once again, and the ghost of a previous member of the Society lingers near. [Open Prompt]

Glade 92
Weather: Warm. Clear skies.

The spring season draws to a close, ushering in Summer. Searing brings with it warm temperatures and a hope for bright days and joyous times.

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[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race:[/b] Character's Race
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] What brought you to Kalzasi?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you be with us?
[b]Commentary Feedback:[/b] What would you like to see more of in Kalzasi this season?
Glade 120 Events
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word count: 3418
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

Name: Fawn
Race: Hooman
Likes and Dislikes: For this season I'd love to tie something into her bio-family's history (wink wonk, Paragon), or something plot heavy in general. I'm open for new major or minor plots for Fawn to explore.
Reason for Visiting: Been here since Frost 120 for a new life~
Goal for the Season: I'd like fawn to learn magic, (I believe Rickter is going to attempt to teach her negation and potentially elementalism), as well as push her storyline and who she is as a person.
Duration of Stay: However long she stays alive, probably.
Commentary Feedback: I love what I see in Kalzasi. The characters are rich and the history of the city makes for interesting options all around. Thank you mods <3
word count: 132
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Name: Senara
Race: Rathari, Wolf
Likes and Dislikes: For Senara, I'd love to challenge her view of humanity and get her to accept the city as 'not so horrible' at least. Maybe find a purpose be that in a person or a place. Though, I imagine she may end up channeling her anger and energy into some less than moral shit (fighting people for the hell of it, picking the wrong fights, maybe dabbling in fight rings/gambling, maybe even theft). Would be interesting to play with her sense of right and wrong in this way
Reason for Visiting: Semi-kidnapped by Brianne, healing and getting away from the mists.
Goal for the Season: Throughout this season, my hope is to get Senara emotionally connected to at least one person in the city to make her want to stay after being healed.
Duration of Stay: oof buddy. We'll see.
Commentary Feedback: I love what I see in Kalzasi. The characters are rich and the history of the city makes for interesting options all around. Thank you mods <3
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Title: Dabu
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Name: Rickter Maze
Race: Human, Rathari Wolf
Likes and Dislikes: Pretty much like to write about anything, definitely enjoy the stuff that reveals layers of character persona and growth.
Reason for Visiting: Live here.

Goal for the Season: Rickter's "Main Scenario" is already brimming with potential for the season, for those who wish to help partake in the events to come. Some of the following are:
Pieces of the Past - Hannah's story arc will come into play now, as she's in pursuit of a slippery assassin lurking within Kalzasi.
The Argent Knight - After completing his trials Rickter has now become a personal bodyguard to Talon.
What Goes Howl in the Night - Rickter's training will now emphasize on not just magic, but now his Rathari side as well.
Oathkeeper and Oblivion - Rickter's overarching quest this season is to somehow discover where he can find the first of two swords; the fabled Oathkeeper.

Duration of Stay: Until the 70th as Rickter leaves with Talon then.
Commentary Feedback: Jeez, with how eventful things have been over the previous season, I may have to set a limit for the first half of the season. Sorry fellas!

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 211
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Character Sheet: ... 800c252a81
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Name: Patrick Barnell
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Mayhem and all the splendors that Kalzasi has to offer.
Reason for Visiting: Historical and cultural research, of the scholarly variety >.>
Goal for the Season: Getting familiar with the lay of the land, maybe see about setting up a business here for the Barnell Bros.
Duration of Stay: For the season, relatively
Commentary Feedback: Looking forward to all the fun shenanigans that will unfold this season

word count: 88
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
Location: Kalzasi
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7’ 3”
210 lb
White Wings
Ice blue eyes
Golden Hair
Name: Pahoran
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Half Human and Half Hytori)
Likes and Dislikes:Fairly open to most things. Pah really enjoyed adventuring and helping people.
Reason for Visiting: Lives here
Goal for the Season:Continue to increase skills. Discover more about events from last season and help the Dawnmatryr grow.
Duration of Stay: No plans of leaving
Commentary Feedback: looking good.
Last edited by Pahoran on Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 109
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Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
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Name: Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron
Race: Hytori presenting
Likes and Dislikes: Interested in developing more relationships in the city, stepping up his career goals and getting him into trouble.
Reason for Visiting: Self-reinvention, clean slate
Goal for the Season: Self-actualisation
Duration of Stay: For the foreseeable future
Commentary Feedback: Nothing in particular
word count: 53
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Hui Ming
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Character Secrets:

Name: Hui Ming
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: I am open to just about anything! From social calls to crafting to intricate plots!
Reason for Visiting: Hui lives here!
Goal for the Season: I have no firm goals this season, I want to get used to writing as Hui Ming before I start setting goals
Duration of Stay: For the foreseeable future!
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Name: Hyoga Yoko

Race: Avialae {Kathar}

Likes and Dislikes:
anything that involves fighting is a plus, but Hyo can be thrown into mostly anything. Only mundane slice-of-life types of things are not my cup of tea.

Reason for Visiting: To find the murderers of his parents and village

Goal for the Season: uncover and confront one of the murderers he's been seeking, become a lord in some way, build his reputation even more. advance his magical talents. Possibly become possessed with a water spirit/parasite thing from the warrens

Duration of Stay: For however long he needs to

Commentary Feedback:I need fwiends pwease!!!!
word count: 107
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Title: The Boy with the Eldritch Tattoo
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

Name: Siorey
Race: Hytori/Human
Likes and Dislikes:
Likes to thread about anything magical in nature, mystery, and discovery. Not prone to mundane social interactions.
Reason for Visiting: Lives here
Goal for the Season: Steal an artifact from the Warrens, advance his magical talents. advance in the hierarchy of the Circle of Spells.
Duration of Stay: For as long as it takes
Commentary Feedback: more magic tingz
word count: 67

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