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Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Company: Himself & His Thoughts | Thoughts: I must become stronger | Mood: Angry, Determined
6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S

The sounds of a guandao being thrusted in the air, and the force of the man behind it could be heard echoing above the Circle of Wandering. Even in the early stages of Galde, it could not stop Hyo from being out and trying to perfect his skill. This day was no different and the Circle of Wandering was a place he heard from his Aunt as the perfect place to train. She was sitting off onto the side as he trained, watching his form and taking mental notes for later.

He could tell when he first arrived here that this place was different, enriched with aether as his runes seemed to gleam brighter than usual. It meant he would gain some much-needed practice with his Elementalism and Reaving runes in the coming days. For now, however, he would concentrate on becoming familiar with guandao techniques.

Most of his technical arsenal with the weapon was centered around thrusts and stabs, but given the shape of the blade of the weapon, he figured he would add some slashes and swipes with it as well. This training was also something akin to being therapeutic to him, as he was holding in his frustrations from the event with Fawn.

He still felt guilty about what happened to her, and that guilt only became anger in this coming season as he found himself pushing himself harder than he had before. He was venting, and after some drills with different types of attacks he found himself roaring into the sky. "AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he belted out, falling to his knees using Aoi Ryu as support.

Yumeko came to rest beside him, placing a hand on his back and giving it a rub. "Its ok, whatever you need to work through this is the best way to do so." she whispered as she embraced his form in a hug, knowing he was dealing with a lot emotionally and mentally.


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"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
Last edited by Hikami on Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 431
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Title: Dabu
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Placed on the ground somewhere near the summit were personal belongings, clothing as well as armor laid about near the base of a tree that Hannah leaned against. Focusing in on one tree she watched as Rickter slammed a fist against it, he growled frustrated as his body glistened with sweat under the sun. "Again!" The brunette called out sternly as though it became a drill, the wolf again growled lowly in her general direction. "You need to get past this Rickter."

"You try breaking every bone in your body, just to alter your physical appearance, and then we'll talk." He spat fowly with a tiresome frown, his eyes shooting up past Hannah as he walked to her with naught on his being. The rogue scoffed and crossed her arms at him, an eyebrow raised before she noticed his shift in attention.


"Someone's screaming." He pointed out quickly with a new sense of alert in his eyes, a sudden pulse racing through his being as he felt it settle further within. Hannah's eyes widened as she looked up to the summit, before Rickter grew completely still at half a crouch. Crack. The brunette jumped as the shoulders of the wolf had snapped out of place, the structures altering as his shoulders started to cave in. His eyes took on the ominous glow they beheld when he shifted, the brilliant blue hues wincing as the growls deepened into the more fearsome tone.

"Nerix help this man!" The rogue remarked as she back away into the tree behind her, as the wolf's contorting body started to develop hair while his limbs and joints readjusted. Hannah couldn't help but cover her mouth in awe at the sickening grind sound, before the wolf's alterations had completely transitioned and he stood as the glowing dire wolf. Without wasting a moment in the event someone was in danger, he sprang forward into a dash upward the summit, charging along the beaten path as he strode higher toward the Circle of Wandering itself. The wolf's runic markings manifested as they trailed their way along his skin, giving the black coat a faintly radiant sheen as they spread across his figure.

As he reached the top he came to a skidding stop, braking with his right front and back paw as he scrunched low, his eyes set upon that of a bat-winged Avialae, and some woman who lingered over him as he hung his head low. Then the wolf realized; "I know this person." Avialae descent. He traced the ozone particles that were familiar, however, there resided a much different musk to the scent of the man. Kathar. The wolf's eyes had narrowed but then they widened, the slight baring of his fangs already gone as he licked his maw lightly.

"I do know this person!" As the tip of his tongue hung out for a moment the light show emitted from his eyes and fur dimmed away, leaving only the large and completely oblivious black wolf with playful blue eyes. "You're the one who helped Fawn!" Even though he didn't realize it in the particular moment... his tail swept across the ground excitedly.
word count: 552
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Company: Himself & His Thoughts | Thoughts: I must become stronger | Mood: Angry, Determined
6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S

Amidst the moment of comforting her nephew, Yumeko perked up, sensing a presence approaching and fast. Her immediate reaction had her using Arsenal in defense against the source. The sight that came into view astounded her and only confirmed that her reaction was appropriate.

She was prepared to defend her nephew from this large black wolf that had come. She watched with discerning eyes as the glow of magic faded as it looked to Hyo. Not wanting to let her guard down she stood between them, her hand going up as she was about to rain down the army of duplicate pact weapons upon him.

However, Hyoga had intervened, grabbing her wrist and smiling. "I know this wolf Auntie. A while back this guy and I had a friend who was taken by a shit of a human. He tortured her, made her life hell. I could have stopped it had I followed my instincts and killed the little twerp from the beginning, but I didnt."

His eyes seemed to be filled with a bit of sorrow as he spoke, coming to kneel in front of the large wolf, extending his hand out for the wolf to give him a paw. "He and I tore through the man's home to rescue our friend, and ever since then I have held this guilt, one that haunts me." he added, as he looked to the wolf.

Yumeko came to stand next to him as she reached out to pet the wolf but then decided against it as she realized this was no ordinary wolf but a rathari. "You shouldn't treat him like an animal Hyoga, that is a Rathari, a person born with the ability to naturally shift into their native fanus form. she explained, which cause Hyo to look at her then back at the wolf in shock.

I apologize for my rash reaction sir, as I have adopted an "attack first ask questions later" type response to unexpected animals appear from thin air. My name is Yumeko, and this is my nephew Hyoga as you must already know from what he says." she introduced, Hyo bowing as he felt like an idiot for treating the Rathari the way he had.


"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
word count: 495
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Title: Dabu
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Upon his approach the wolf had been met with a fascinating sight, a Reaver who was only but a woman in his eyes, had weapons readily dancing around her within the air. The wolf's eyes widened at the sight of it the moment his witchmarks receded, his head lowered with the hairs on his spine and rump now raised in defense of her coming gesture. This wasn't good... But Hyoga remembered the sight of the wolf from before, stepping in to intervene with a grip at her wrist. From the sound of enthusiasm in his tone he was glad, though not before the story he told the woman brought a sadder tone in his voice. The light wags of his tail ended just then, as he too remembered the conclusion that became his hunt for Havershim. It wasn't what he wanted, not in the slightest, but for whatever reason, it was what happened.

Therefore when Hyoga came to kneel in front of him, Rickter's ears tucked back as he took to sit in front of the Kathar. A hand was brought up and for a moment, the wolf understood what the suggestion was, leading Rickter to raise a paw and rest it in the center of Hyoga's palm. "Same here mate, same here..." He admitted thoughtfully while he licked at his muzzle a couple of times, his jaw clenching off and on as the memory of snapping his head off bothered him then. The woman who came to stand next to Hyo seemed to join him, debating on reaching out to him though not before refraining from doing so. So she could tell he was a Rathari huh? The woman was a lot more observant than he realized, the wolf still sniffing gently at the air to determine her scent.

She smelt of the city for sure but there was more, a hint of nature to her that he couldn't overlook either. The woman seemed normal save for her Reaving powers, which were no joke considering the wolf was only knowledgeable in what he'd learned. Shortly after she introduced herself the air next to Rickter stirred, aether briefly manifesting as it swirled into a spiraling motion. From beyond it stepped the white-coated brunette Hannah, who had a couple articles of clothing folded over one of her forearms. "Pleasure to meet you," Hannah remarked casually as though she were there the entire time, looking to Hyoga with a suspecting gaze and a grin when she added, "again."

The rogue turned to look at Rickter as the wolf peered at her, before the woman shook her head with a light laugh. "Honestly, this is typical of you. You're not even aware of how easy it should be!" The wolf's ears lowered as he looked to her a bit somberly, which led Hannah to raise a finger to him in turn. "Oh no! We're not done here, this is the first full transformation you've done all day, therefore progress. Now turn back, Wolfman." Hannah crossed her arms at him then, gazing at the wolf expectantly as Rickter emitted a low wine. He backed away from the group a couple feet, trying to focus on the process like he did before. It was a difficult thing for him to do, even when he'd already been taught how to do it once already...

"I don't think he knows how to revert back to normal..." Telion had expressed to Talon when they were leaving the hospital, the group within the lobby looking at him as he sat on the floor. Ears still tucked low as he watched the lot of them, while Telion and Hannah deliberated with Talon and Aoren on how to help the wolf. Of course, they all did everything they can to comfort him, to assure him that he wasn't stuck in that form and that they could help him.

He just... needed to be ready to help himself.

It was a very tedious trial that took hours for him to manage, before he finally pulled off a successful reversion back to his human form. Remembering the methodology built in that time, however, Rickter took in a deep breath and focused on the core principle to the shifting. He had to want to be human again. He had to let that mindset drive the rest of his form, therefore, allow the alterations to run their course until he were fully back to normal. A sickening grind was heard along his shoulders and spine when he started, the wolf panted lowly with a few chuffs of aggravation, before they turned into disgruntled growls when joints started to pop out of place. Muscle and sinew started to spasm before tensing, and the figure that was the wolf started to stagger about while the coat of fur receded toward his skin.

Limbs readjusted their structures to resemble humanly arms and legs, as the last few snaps and cracks died away just moments after transition, which left a very gruff-looking Rickter crouched and fully bare in front of Hyoga and Yumeko. Sweat coated the surface of his skin and the portions of hair littering his body, as Hannah lowered the first of his garb to him when he rose. "Well done, Rickter."

"I still fucking hate that shit!" He detested quickly as he started to shiver, the air up here far cooler than it was at the base of the summit. It didn't help that the coverage against wind was minimal, causing him to develop chill bumps across his skin as he quickly threw on his leather trousers.

"Hate it or not, the sooner you have control over it the better. You're a Rathari whether you like it or not, best learn to embrace it before you lose control once again." Hannah lectured him as he snatched the white shirt from her hand next, throwing it over his shoulders so he could roll it down his torso in one swift motion.

"We've never been properly introduced before, even though we've met a couple times now." The wolf's eyes were on Hyoga but he didn't stare directly at him, the eye contact not there even though he acknowledged the Kathar's being. "Name's Rickter, though my friends call me by "wolf" or whatever they fancy." Hannah lightly chuckled at that as she dropped his boots onto the ground, the wolf bent into a kneel so that he could slip them on and tie them, while Hyoga and Yukemo were able to greet him in person for the first time.
word count: 1142
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Company: Himself & His Thoughts | Thoughts: I must become stronger | Mood: Angry, Determined
6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S

Hyoga smiled when he saw Hannah approach, introducing herself to him and his aunt, Yumeko looking to Hannah with a discerning gaze. "So this is the one you described to me Hyo?" she inquired, her eyes appraising the woman as she spoke to the wolf.

She was speaking to him as she would a normal person, but given that his aunt pointed him out to be a Rathari, it wasn't all too weird to him now. It seemed they were trying to get him to shift between his forms. His eyes watched as the wolf moved to a safe distance as its body began to shift.

It was an interesting sight to witness, where the sounds of bones breaking and rebuilding echoed within the air as both warriors watched. A normal man would have cringed from such noise, but Yumeko and Hyoga had seen and heard their fair share of broken bones and blood splattering.

Hyo was amazed to have been able to see such a thing but even more so, he was surprised to see it was the man from when he first arrived in the city. "It's you!" he shouted as he went to hug Rickter while he was still getting dressed, hugging the man's naked form. He was surprised to see that the man from the demon incursion.

"I can't believe that its been you this whole time?!" he said as he took a step back. "We fought together during the demon incursion outside the city that time with Talon. Did you know he was a prince?!" he spoke enthusiastically as he took a moment to look at the Rathari, as he got dressed.

He held an impressive figure, one fit for a warrior, something Hyo liked a lot. Once the man was dressed he formerly introduced himself as Rickter. "Its nice to finally and properly meet you. I didn't expect anyone else to be out here but I'm glad you of all people showed up. I haven't had the best time with the citizens as of late. Turns out being Kathar isn't well-received here."

He spoke chuckling and scratching his head as he smiled. Yumeko however was keeping her eyes on Hannah, given what she knew of the proposition she had made Hyo. Leaning over she whispered to Hyo. "She is just as sly as you described her to me." she asked, her eyes never straying from the woman as she mentally etched the woman's visage into her mind. Hyo nodded to which a faint smile formed on her face.


"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
word count: 571
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Title: Dabu
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Hannah's gaze on Hyo and his aunt didn't change, rather, the casual smile broadened at the observation the woman made about her. Indeed there was much going on that Hannah hadn't quite spilt, opting to keep her cards close at hand until she was ready to play them. "Only the good things, I hope." She teased the Kathar with a bit of a wink, before focusing on Rickter once more to see him revert back to his human form.

After the brief show of transitioning with his bodily structure, Rickter's eyebrows rose at the declaration of Hyoga's revelation upon seeing his human form. Indeed it was him. He who had barely any real abilities when they first met, and only the brute strength of his blade to cull back the number of Shinaegri threatening their group. It was a different time back then, Rickter almost felt as though it were a lifetime ago in fact. He remembered seeing the Kathar in action, though the second meeting they shared still remained a bit fuzzy.

Admittedly the wolf could never find it in himself to remember that night, specifically the part where he did turn into a wolf and hunt down Havershim. Not that he wanted to honestly, but the fact his blackouts happened at such crucial times, well that was something he needed to work on entirely... whether it was Rathari related or not. Shortly after he rose to begin dressing though, the Kathar came closer to him without the wolf noticing, embracing Rickter as though he were some long lost friend he'd seen again.

It had certainly caught him way off guard, which left Rickter tensing up a bit as he stood there, surprised by the gesture as he'd remained frozen for the duration of contact. Hannah couldn't help but giggle at him with a fold of her arms, tilting her head away as she looked to the pair with amused eyes.

"You'll have to pardon his candor Hyoga, Rickter here is a bit prone to shun away from people he's not close to." Hannah elaborated when Rickter relaxed once more, after Hyoga tucked back to give him room to finish dressing once more. Admittedly a light flush came to his cheeks then, though, he wouldn't admit it since Hannah was right and... well... he was still naked at the time.

"Aye," he agreed to both Hyoga and Hannah for their claims, the wolf finishing with a tuck of his arms through the sleeves of his shirt, before he exhaled a sigh and finished what he was about to say. "Prince Talon and I are actually close, I just became a knight of his here recently." He expressed to the Kathar with quiet yet observant eyes, hints of curiosity causing their blue hues to narrow on the Kathar and his aunt once more. Yet any line of sight spent on him was avoided, for it had been a habit born out of pure reservation long ago. Hyoga. Now that he had a name to connect with the face, he didn't plan on forgetting either one anytime soon. Not when it would seem that fate brought them together again, at a time like this no less, where both he and the wolf were obviously spent on their own training.

When Hyoga expressed the sentiment of finally having a proper meeting between them, the wolf's stoic features softened a little as he nodded in turn. "Likewise." He agreed softly with a thoughtful gaze on the Kathar, receptive to what he'd heard in regards to the general populace's antics on Avialae. It wasn't a concept lost on Rickter either, growing up he'd been away of the distaste locals had for Kathar Avialae, hell he'd even been on the receiving end of a few words himself. Nothing hurt worse than when someone legitimately intended to berate him, calling him 'mutt' or some other term that felt derogatory for that matter... only because he loathed the fact there was truth in their claim. "My advice?" He briefly offered which led Hannah to narrow her eyes on him curiously. "Don't listen to what they tell you. They can prod at you all they like, but unless they're there to physically tear you down, don't let their words get to you in the end." He stood a bit taller in sharing this part, crossing his arms as Hannah honestly couldn't help but grin toward him then. "The mountain never bows to the wind."

"Even if the wind dashes it with lightning and thunder?" The brunette remarked as though to test the metaphor, leading the wolf to look at her from the side while she chuckled. "It's good advice, Wolfman, I was just curious how far you'd take it." Noticing Yumeko's lean to whisper into Hyoga's ear though, she couldn't help but eye the both of them curiously, a hand brought to rest on her hip as she looked to Rickter once more when he spoke.

"The point is, letting their words hurt you lets them win. So don't. Be above and beyond what they expect, they're the wind and the wind cannot move a mountain." He elaborated with a minor shrug thrown in, looking from Hannah back to the pair in front of them with a receptive stare once more. "Anyways, sorry if I interrupted anything. I heard..." He paused then, thinking back to the moment he'd heard the scream. So that had to be Hyoga's roar then, and even if he didn't need actual help, the frustration felt in his cry had been enough to prompt action within the wolf. "Well, you know. We were actually at the base of the summit here, not to far away, so when I heard I'd thought someone was in need of help."

"You may recall how he stormed the manor to rescue your friend?" Hannah brought up the episode rather casually, looking to Hyoga with intrigue as she glanced to the scruffy warrior next to her. "We're currently working on the wolf part of that aspect, see my friend here isn't too keen on being one, even if it's something that's a part of his blood."

"Blood or not I still hate it." He nearly spat in her direction, the slight frown quickly weathering away when he looked back to the Kathar. "I see you both are doing your own bit of training here. We can leave if it's a bother to you." He offered in the event that they wanted to return back to what their doing, as he didn't plan to impede on their prowess, let alone invade on their privacy after storming up here. Hannah of course scoffed lightly, looking to the pair once more, with a curious gaze on them as she waited to hear their answer.
word count: 1185
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Company: Himself & His Thoughts | Thoughts: I must become stronger | Mood: Angry, Determined
6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S

Rickters words were well received, both by Hyoga and Yumeko. "It seems we are in the presence of a wise sage." she chuckled, moving to take a seat on the floor. She rested her guandao onto her lap as she looked to the Rathari male.

"Though your words hold truth in them, it's hard to think that way when opportunities are taken from you simply because you were born with a certain type of blood. Even if he didn't care about what others thought of him, it's their preconceived perception of him that keeps good paying jobs out of his reach." she explained, content in her words as her eyes shifted between everyone present.

Hyo looked to his aunt with a sigh, then back to the group. "As much as I appreciate your sentiment, my aunt has a point. No one is lining up to offer the Kathar a job, legitimately anyway. I'm not afforded such miracles like being the personal guard of the prince." he said, not wanting to come off snarky, but his tone weighing heavily with skepticism.

"The mountain has to eat after all." he said with a chuckle, to try and lighten the mood. With that out of the way, he listened to Rictker and Hannah explain the reason for his abrupt arrival. It seemed from the way Hannah explained it he was this way whenever he heard someone in danger. He felt bad for unintentionally triggering the poor guy, as he seemed to not have control over that aspect of his genetics.

When he apologized for intruding on them, Yumeko giggled a bit, closing her eyes as she soaked in the breeze that blew by them. "Nonsense, you have just as much right to be here as we do. Besides I couldn't ask you to leave after we caused you to unintentionally shift. I actually have an idea if you're up for it." she began, standing, her movements graceful as she glided next to Hyoga.

"You are knight now correct? Why don't you spar with my nephew here? I'm sure he would appreciate fighting against someone of his skill level. I feel my mastery of Reaving gives far too many advantages." she chuckled as she made her request. "I understand if you decline, you too have training of your own to see to after all."


"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
Last edited by Hikami on Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 542
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Title: Dabu
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Combat Venting
Glade 6th, 121
At the murmurings of Hyoga's aunt the black wolf could only raise his eyebrows, having been referred to as some sage of a sorts over the insight he'd imparted. Truth be told Rickter didn't think there to be such actual wisdom in what he said, but when he considered the experience where it came from, well then, in essence he was somewhat wiser for having learned from the outlook... was he not? Regardless of how he felt on the matter Yumeko felt the need to elaborate on the subject, stating that many of the valuable opportunities tended to be cut short for someone like Hyoga. Initially, the wolf didn't quite grasp at that right away, not until he remembered that the man was Kathar much like Aoren was. Which that perplexed him to a degree... since Rickter grew up with similar issues in life, and starting out as a mercenary when he moved on from fishing... well that wasn't easy either.

He could've very well cashed in on some solid income if he'd joined a faction back then, yet the wolf had kept himself from forming new ties after the losses he'd already suffered. So naturally, he understood the difficulty very well, having only to realize Kathar had the same problem from the get-go. When Hyoga weighed in with agreeance over the fact hardly anyone seemed inclined to step up, Rickter could only momentarily frown as Hannah rested her head in a hand, both tilted slightly as she watched Rickter actually attempt to mingle with practical strangers. "I never wanted to be a personal guard either honestly," he admitted with a shrug, "though that changed when I met someone important to me. Before that though I was a mercenary like you, scrounging what work up I could as a freelancer. So I get it, and how hard it can be." He admitted with an aversion to his gaze right then, unsure whether he should press further on the matter or not.

With the chuckle made after this comment though, Rickter's gaze shifted back onto the man, his eyes alert with awareness of Hyoga while he sheepishly spared him a grin. After all the Avialae wasn't wrong, the mountain does need nourishment after all, and Rickter often thought of food when he wasn't occupied with much else. When Rickter apologized and offered to leave them be, Yumeko quickly giggled and remarked that they were just as welcome here as anyone else. Supposedly. Plus the fact she seemed to have an idea all of a sudden, a suggest that stirred in the woman's mind as Rickter looked to Hannah curiously. The rogue eyed him back with a pouted shrug before they both looked to Yumeko once more, the wolf's eyebrows elevated some as the suggestion of a spar was brought up. So a practice duel or something of the sort. Here? It beats forcing himself to try and turn every fucking minute, that's for sure, though the wolf couldn't help but ponder the extent of this duel.

"I'm honestly impressed you've accomplished that much miss Yumeko." Rickter admitted with an indulgent tone of voice, his eyes lightly moved from her to Hyoga with vivid curiosity. "Aye I am a knight indeed, and I wouldn't mind taking you up on that offer." From there he looked solely to Hyoga, still avoiding eye contact, with a crossover of his arms as he stood patiently before the Kathar. "What are the rules of engagement?" Those were after all a vital detail for Rickter to know, since he was the one who had been offered the challenge anyways. He was more than willing to keep it simple and just use weaponry, but if Hyoga wanted to do more than just weaponized combat, well then, Rictker certainly wanted to know that ahead of time to be ready for the duel itself.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 754
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Company: Himself & His Thoughts | Thoughts: I must become stronger | Mood: Angry, Determined
6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S

"The rules of engagement are simple. The first yield loses. Seems simple enough yes?" she posed looking between both men. Hyo flashed a smile at Rickter and Hannah. "I would be honored if you would spar with me Rickter. Given what I've seen of your skills, I know this will be a marvelous fight. Dont worry, I will do my best to not kill you, I hope you show me that same courtesy. I grew up learning that every battle should be fought like it's your last, but I don't think that applies to a bout between friends right?" he encouraged with a wide grin.

The excitement was boiling inside Hyo as he was anxious to get started. He stretched out his legs and arms, before calling his pack weapons. The two polearms rotated around him like a carousel as he took hold of Aoi Ryu once again. The weapon was engulfed in a fiery aura of blue, grey, and black as an aura halo matching the same color pattern formed over his head. The fiery aura lit the blue opalescent scales that adorned his arms and chest as Hyo got into a fighting stance.

"Remember you two, this is not a fight to the death, merely till one of you concedes to the other. If I believe the match has gone on longer than need be, I will intervene." she purred. Her eyes turned to Hannah as she motioned for the young woman to come to her. "Come and sit, I have some questions for you."


"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
word count: 399
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Title: Dabu
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The woman Yumeko had deemed the rules of the engagement for the both of them, Rickter's eyes drifted from her to Hyoga curiously as slight determination settled in. He could see it in the Kathar's form that he was ready, jittery with anticipation even, for this spar between them to get underway. So they were to only get a yield from one another? That didn't specify a whole hell of a lot, then again, that also meant there wasn't any real limits to the engagement either. Just a means of getting Hyoga to yield to him. The wolf could tell that might be a bit difficult, for one such as him, battles were normally strategic and fought with an endgame in mind. Charging into a match head on was never his style, though he was never one to deny those moments, particularly when the blackouts occurred and he realized he'd already acted on impulse.

There wasn't any real danger here though, and, with the circle being their arena that meant magic maintained a stronger presence here. ""I would be honored if you would spar with me Rickter. Given what I've seen of your skills, I know this will be a marvelous fight. Dont worry, I will do my best to not kill you, I hope you show me that same courtesy. I grew up learning that every battle should be fought like it's your last, but I don't think that applies to a bout between friends right?" The wolf's eyebrows rose suddenly in regards to the prompt, with a bit more determination rooted in the creases when he furrowed them once more. He would do his best not to kill Rickter he said?

"Odd how we come from very different walks of life." He mentioned in return as he watched Hyoga flourish out his weapons, the pact weapon he manifested that of two polearms that danced around him synergetically. It was an eerie yet impressive sight nonetheless, and for a moment, the wolf felt a turbulence of doubt well within his own being. Could he not do this as well? Every reaver he has ever seen as been able to manipulate their weapons in that aspect, willing them to move through the air as though the were a literal extension of the warrior. Was that what this bridge he'd pondered about really was? The link between Reaver and weapon that existed? Within moments of grasping the weapon an aura emanated from it and Hyo, a glowering ring hovered above his crown as he began his start with a readied stance.

"You've got this Wolfman," Hannah murmured so that only he could practically hear the soft tone of her voice, his blue eyes on her as she looked up to him with a smirk, before she stepped aside to give the Rathari the space he needed also. The wolf nodded to her before he fixed his gaze on Hyoga once again, his shoulders hunched forward as he placed the left foot in a forward point toward his opponent; the right behind him and pointed aside as he brought out his right hand. He wanted a fight akin of a deathmatch, with only the ferocity found in one, and without the intent to kill found in play. This would be a very difficult line for the wolf to remain on, but just this once, he would allow himself to let loose the reigns he held onto so tightly. "A lovely idea," the rogue then remarked to Yumeko as the wolf's sword hand rose a little more, "I wouldn't mind sharing, only if you can do the same beautiful."

Rickter recognized the playfulness in her tone at the end but ignored it, for he could spare no interest in anything else if he was going to focus on Hyoga. Outright the wolf had no means of being the mountain in this scenario, not when he hadn't the time to generate the shields necessary to combat him. So this would certainly be an on-the-fly, no holds duel to him, barring his damn instincts if they had decided to take over. "I won't make this easy for you, mate," the black wolf warned as his runes started to glimmer, "just don't expect me to feel bad when this is over." And with that said he flexed his fingers, aether flourished within the air around his arm, before it gleamed into his hand and surged down to forge the pact weapon Howling Fang. With the bastard sword's hilt gripped firmly he brought it before him, the hilt then taken into his left hand as he started to rotate the blade, briefly alternating the hilt in each hand with each spin; before he swung it back to bring it around and onto his right shoulder.

The runes on his skin began to glow brighter now as the patterns laced their way along his skin. Starting from the nape of his neck the rune of Reaving branched its way around to the front, while his Negation rune laced down his left arm to create a sleeve of lines and circles. Beneath his shirt, the Elementalism rune glowed from his left shoulder as it spanned its way toward his spine, as well as down along the left side of his ribs where the lines faded out. All three runes were interconnected on his skin, however, as he bent his knees and held out his left hand out before him. He knew with those two polearms he'd have a challenge in breaking through Hyo's defenses, and the Kathar would certainly test his own. The question in Rickter's mind, though, was whether he ought to use Knight's Pledge... or attempt something he hadn't thought to try before.

"Show me what you got." He urged the Kathar with a wave of his fingers, before he brought Howling Fang over from his shoulder to hold its hilt low, his free hand brought to share the hilt as he held the blade in an upward arc toward Hyo.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
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Battle Style
-Rickter attacks with heavy hits and combos.

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Last edited by Rickter on Mon May 10, 2021 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1103
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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