The Shift (Rickter/Telion)

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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urvival used to dictate that she attack, or at least run. But here in this moment it dictated the exact opposite. To move closer, to let someone touch her even. Gritting her teeth as her flesh burned from each brush of her hair against the wound, against the cold air that had filtered in through the door, Senara held herself up with both palms resting on the floor and legs folded under herself. She shot a glance up at the pair near the door.

She shouldn't care what they thought. But the horrified look on Brianne's face and the slight twitch of Rickter's eye stirred a hatred within her gut. Why? What were they looking at that filled them with such horror? After all she was no different now than she was when they'd first seen her, so why now, why those expressions?

Telion's voice snapped her attention back to her, and in the shifting of her form the girl could feel her fingers linger close to her skin.


What an odd feeling, the vibration of her aura against her flesh that perhaps if she had fur she would not have noticed. Did all humans feel it? She wondered as the pain in her shoulder began to lessen causing her shoulder to drop the tension it had been holding. As she did the wound began to close, flesh folding back together like puzzle pieces and pulling tiny flinching movements from the wolf girl as she sat there accepting whatever it was this woman was doing to her. The entire time the woman behind her was glowing, which on some level frightened Senara but on another calmed her. Like laying on a warmed rock, basking in the sun and letting it's light send her off into a deep mid-day nap. But she couldn't sleep now. Not when strangers surrounded her on all sides.

'Friends?' She chuffed. She'd heard the word before. Years ago. Was it upon the mountain or back in the city? To her memory, it was something good, something that was supposed to be kind. It was a state of being with another person, much like one would call a person their father or mother, their parent, they would call people friends who played with them in the streets and got meat sticks together at festivals.

But if family could betray, then so could friends.

When the glow finally left Telion's hands and she pulled away, Senara quickly spun around and backed away from the woman to inspect her own wound. Or now, lack thereof. In it's place now was perfectly preserved skin- as if nothing had been there, as if she'd never been nearly torn to shreds. A bit shocked, she turned back to the blonde. Eyeing her with a strange mix of confusion and curiosity, she chuffed at the outstretched arms.

Was she stupid? Why would she hug her? She'd seen it countless times upon her mountains, travellers meeting with old friends and new lovers and embracing with tightly knit arms. With a short scoff she crawled her way out from under the table, every other movement her matted hair catching under her feet and hands and tripping her briefly before she continued onwards. When she finally rose up from the table she hobbled, catching herself on the chair next to her and looking towards the dark haired woman and strange man.

He was different. The same, but different. With a hardened brow she trudged over to him with eyes locked on his and bold steps, toe to heel. He wouldn't attack. He couldn't. Not in the woman's home after her comment about the door, and certainly not after the blonde woman had chewed him out for his behavior earlier. Which meant the blonde woman must have been the leader. So, as long as she said so, Senara was safe to approach.

The girl came to stand directly in front of Rickter, at first simply sizing him up with her eyes before reaching her head out and sniffing him. First his chest, then reaching up on her toes she sniffed closer to his face and began to circle him. One awkward, shakey step after another as she got used to having two legs. Then she was behind him, sniffing down from his shoulders to his hips, stopping briefly at his rear before trailing down to his feet and crouching there below him.

Wood. Pine. Affection. Anger. Sweat. City. Magic. And lastly, something familiar. Stopping to sniff closer at the man's waist she crawled to the front of him and pressed her face into his crotch. She took in a few sniffs before backing away immediately with a hard chuffs. With a glare the girl launched herself up high once more and stood before him, staring him down.

The fucking Avialae. Why did he smell like the damn Avilalae?!
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As Telion watched with arms open she realized that Senara started to back off, the bard slowly bringing her hands back into her lap as she raised her eyebrows. Rickter fidgeted with a fierce gaze when he watched the Rathari crawl out, his jaw still clenched as he took just one step closer to Telion. He was admittedly a little on edge what with being unable to determine her angle, having her hair tangling everywhere she looked about. His fingers twitched despite his wariness of the crawling wolf, his brow furrowing sternly as he realized the Rathari had taken a different approach.


He petrified himself in reaction to her drawing close, his eyes widening immensely as he realized she'd drawn closer. Far too close. His fingers started to fidget in response, as the man emitted a very soft and low growl when Wolf whiffed at him. "Riiicky." A glance to Telion, who was giving him the look by the way, led him to clench his fists then as he breathed patiently. Slightly looking over his shoulder to watch her as she investigated him, he raised an eyebrow as he felt her invade the presence of his ass. "That's... not for...." He murmured lowly as she continued sniffing, her nosing leading her around from beyond his waist onward to his very boots, the wolf biting his lower lip as he gave her a dully unamused look. Telion couldn't help but giggle then, the wolf shooting her a playful glare in turn, though not before Wolf herself...

"That's definitely not for you." I warned as he cupped his hands over his groin, tucking himself back away from her a bit with an unyielding stare.

"Sorry Wolf, but you'll have to buy him dinner a few times before he'll allow that kind of behavior." Telion remarked with a lighthearted chuckle in turn, causing Rickter to suddenly flush with a groan emitted from his nose. "I wonder if we should give her a name."

"How about no." The wolf retorted nonchalantly as he still remained firm where he stood, his stare on Wolf unyielding as he watched her with apt awareness.

"Awe, but come on Rickter. She can't just be a wolf forever, and if she decides on a name for herself, she can choose that name over whatever we give her. Deal?" The wolf would've looked to Telion as though he were given the shorter end of the bargain, the emotions vividly present in his gaze as he still kept it honed on the Rathari.
word count: 445
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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rianne had watched the spectacle with a sense of awe. Never in her life would she have expected a draegir to make itself known in her home, let alone bestow powers upon a guest such as Telion. Then again, the woman was probably the only being deserving of such a gift. She’d only met her a handful of times through Rickter, but there was no denying her dedication to life.

It was when the wolf shot up though, that Brianne took a harder stance. She knew the gun wouldn’t be useful now, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel uncomfortable as she watched the girl take shaky steps towards Rickter. Didn’t even look at her, which might have offended her if not for the fact that she’d let her get her sniffs in on the first day. It was a greeting, then.

Brianne relaxed at his side and stepped back to lean against the kitchen counter as she watched the spectacle with a light laugh at the end.

“Whatever your dick smells like, Rickter, seems she doesn’t like it.”
She teased, then pulling herself off the counter. “I’m going to grab her some clothes. You two keep an eye on her, don’t let her leave.”

With that Brianne began trudging upstairs, her limp slightly more obvious as she took the stairs with a slow pace.

In front of Rickter, the wolf girl continued to stare. Her eyes scanned him, wondering of his connection with the winged man who had visited just the other day. It seemed dangerous. Would the man in front of her also use strange powers against her? Would he have the same piercing, soul-tearing gaze? Would he too force her to remember memories long buried?

Perhaps he wouldn’t do it around the blonde, though.

With the thought in mind, the girl backed away from the man and returned to the opposite end of the room. Next to Telion. A strange closeness now, choosing to sit just beside her, if not behind her, with her eyes locked on the man as if challenging him to fight her through his leader.

He wouldn’t. She had him wrapped around her tiny fingers.

It was then Brianne returned, holding a simple nightgown made of white linen draped over her arm. “Well, let’s see if she’s got a name first. How ‘bout it, wanna tell us your name?” She asked, tossing the garment towards the girl. Truthfully, she’d expected her to catch it, perhaps like a reflex from many years tossing her jacket at her peers in the Skyguard.

But instead it hit the ground without even any attempt from the girl to catch it, who didn’t even flinch but instead glanced at it with a twitch of her brow as if she hadn’t even understood the gesture. Where she sat, all she had to do was reach forward with one foot and pull it towards her, beginning to sniff at it before bringing it up to eye level with a fisted hand. It was soft, sure, but it smelled strange. Like linen and wood and old skin. The girl scrunched her nose, dropping it to the ground with a chuff while she looked back to Brianne.

Her name… did she even have one? She used to think it was Mongrel, that was until she found it in a dictionary later. Then she thought it was Mutt, up until she heard the stray dogs in the streets called by just the same. Or perhaps Useless, Disappointment, or Waste. Did she have one? Something with a J maybe, or a G sound- she couldn’t remember. That memory was as dead as the man who gave it to her.

Then her lips parted. The first few sounds that came out were soft breaths, then a strange moan-like noise that was cut off as she coughed. A tongue that had not been used in seventeen years shot out and rubbed against her teeth and lips as she attempted to communicate.

Finally, out came a hoarse voice. "“...H-how about n-no.” Even Rickter’s sass was copied in her slightly sloppy tone as she glared towards the brunette woman.

Brianne’s eyes widened. “Well, at least you speak. But if you won’t give us a name then I’ll give one to you.” She paused first. Something painful flashed in her eyes while she resumed her posture on the counter once more and the spark vanished from sight.

Maybe it wasn’t fitting. Maybe it was disrespectful to the memory of her lost daughter- but some fucked up part of Brianne just wanted to say it. To call someone by the name she had chosen for her dead child, just to know what it felt like on her tongue.

word count: 840
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Title: Dabu
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The wolf didn't hesitate to shoot a glare at Brianne when she quipped about his manhood, only looking away from Wolf that one time to do so, before remaining fixed on her yet again. She stared at him as though she were trying to figure him out, a thought that led him to narrow his eyes briefly, as though he were daring her to try as hard as she might. Then she started to back off from him, and mosey her way over to sit near Telion. Closely. Rickter could only chuff at the sight of it, easing the tension in his shoulders as he let his head roll back a little.

The wolf wasn't going to hurt Telion, that much he could ascertain by now. Looking from the Rathari to Telion herself, Rickter noted the bard's fascination with where her markings were. They'd faded just moments after she'd finished healing Wolf, yet to her, they were still fresh in her mind from the moment she saw them. The wolf approached her quietly then, hardly minding the Rathari girl if she did anything to detest him. It was when he drew close to her that he reached out gently, easing his fingers underneath one of her palms as he held it close with both of his hands. "How do you feel?"

Telion looked up to him in awe, a sense of excitement in her eyes as she shot him a smile moments after. "Good! I feel wonderful." Telion's eyes lowered as she seemed to steep on that thought, to consider the magnitude of its extent before looking up into his eyes again. "I can heal now, whereas before I could only protect." She admitted with her other hand brought to rest over his, Rickter on the verge of smiling softly as he gazed down at her. She looked so happy with herself now, and so proud to become a subject of Ioniri.

"You were always able to do more Teli, but I'm glad you're happy." The wolf remarked before the paced thumbs down the stairs were heard, Rickter looking toward them to see Brianne slowly return. The huntress implied that they needed to ask the Rathari of her name, along with a toss of a nightgown to Wolf as it promptly landed on the floor. Rickter could've seen that coming, given how the woman had acted so far. Telion though didn't hesitate to kneel back down to be eye level, and explain to the Rathari how to put it on, using her hands to gesture her instructions when she did so.

"You slip it on over your head, then wear it like a dress. It'll keep you covered at least." The bard explained as Rickter's eyes rose with sudden expectation, as he realized that this woman was going to need a lot more than just help. She'd have to be taught how to live. While the task sounded already monumentally daunting, he already had a larger obstacle to try and overcome with these promises of his. Telion though would undoubtedly be invested in helping the Rathari, so, it stood to reason that the wolf himself would also be playing a part as well. He legitimately sighed which caused the bard to look up to him, tilting her head at him before she gave him that same endearing smile. And then it came out, the raspy hoarse sound of a soft voice. Not gentle though, certainly not in the way she expressed her tone. It was akin to Rickter's own rhetorical nuance, only more edged as she directed it toward the brunette in particular.

Telion and Rickter both eyed the Wolf curiously, then one another as the wolf himself raised an eyebrow. Then he just shrugged after her expectant look, pretending to have no part in it. Least not yet. Brianne then took a minute to decide on a name, leading the pair to look at her thoughtfully, before Telion grinned over to the Rathari in turn to the suggestion. "I like it, it fits her." Rickter still had one eyebrow raised in suspicion but let it go, his gaze on Senara receptively as he avoided direct eye contact with the woman.

"Sure, why not." He agreed half-heartedly with his hands dipped into his pockets.
word count: 771
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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hether instinctual or learned in the wilds of the mountains, Senara knew two things from her bief interactions with the humanoids in front of her. The first was that Telion was the leader. Whether or not she was strong was of no concern at this point, since it was clear that the man would follow the wag of her pinkie and the raise of her brow more than his own desires. The second, was that befriending the leader meant safety from the rest of a pack. And that's just what she intended to do. Though she likely wouldn't admit it, there was a strong pull to the blonde woman that she felt comforted by. It was sweet, almost like sugar cane or a juicy rabbit, but more than sweet it was warm. Perhaps if she had more of her wolven wits about her she'd have realized the truth of why, but then again she'd never been great at deducing her own emotions.

When Rickter, as was apparently the man's name, walked over Senara ignored him just as much as he had to her. But she didn't look away entirely. There was a certain charm, she'd admit, in watching the pair. The man's large hand placed under her smaller one, how their fingers entwined. What did that feel like? Why did they do it? Senara looked down at her own hands and gently threaded her fingers together the way their were. A few fingers out of place, but similar enough. It didn't feel great though, rather it felt unbalanced like getting your tail matted to the fur on your hind leg.

With a short grunt she dropped her hands and glared at the strange two in front of her. But Telion hardly seemed to notice as she began the explanation of the white fabric. To cover your own body with a loose fabric meant to catch on things around it? Absolutely not. The girl simply sniffed at it once more, turning up her nose at the musky scent it gave off and tossing it to the side.

And then the name. Senara.

She didn't care one way or another, though in all reality she'd prefer not to be called anything. Names were what one gave to a pet they intended to keep, or a child intended to be loved. And while she was neither of those things she wasn't about to fight them on it either.

Brianne had taken to starting up a meal, her back to the crowd while her hands worked diligently to pull meat and vegetable from the box fridge. Senara sniffed the air.

Ahh... speaking of rabbit.

Her mouth watered. Her sense of smell had not completely faded it seemed, and though dulled she could still make out the fine notes of terror in the rabbits flesh, the last remnants of its life before it was snuffed out by a bow most likely. Delicious.

"You've all worked hard. Eat before you go, it's a long walk back to your home I'd imagine." The woman said over her shoulder, slicing through the thigh of a pre-skinned rabbit and placing it in a bowl with a few raw vegetables. As she worked to make a stew, Brianne's brow had lost it's hardness. Not that anyone else could see, but in truth a weight had been lifted from her chest. Senara. She'd used the name, finally, after so many years. If she'd been alone perhaps she'd have cried. But she figured, eventually she'd get that chance. After all, there was no telling when the girl would choose to leave. But at least her dead daughter's memory would live on in someone strong.
word count: 660
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Shifting Hurts
Shifting From Wolf to Human

My Human Form is Smaller
They who hold the gun hold power
Shifting Takes Too Long
Hiding Under a Table
Watch out for magic cages
Maybe, Possibly, Kindness Exists
Telion is Safe
Sniffing A Person to Gauge them
Picking Out the Leader of a Pack

I’m Not as Scary as a Human
Sniff their crotch first for dominance

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8


Survival: Trips Are Easier To Handle When Prepared
Logistics: Make Sure All Essentials Are Packed and Ready To Go
Scrivening: Wards Lose Their Charge Overtime
Scrivening: Wards Can Be Charged With Personal Aether or Dragonshards
Scrivening: Wards Can Be Simple or Elaborate As The Designer Chooses
Intimidation: Fiercely Protecting Your Companions From Perceived Threats
Intimidation: Glaring At A Subject When Your Instincts Flare
Negation: Manipulating Aether Like It's Water
Negation: Anchors Can Be Placed On Structures
Negation: Objects Can Also Be Anchors When Necessary
Detection: The Distinct Flap of Wyrm Wings In The Air

Personal: Met Senara the White Wolf
Personal: Challenged With Your Rathari Heritage
Personal: Unsure How To Help Someone of Your Own "Kind"
Rathari: The Beastfolk of Ransera
Rathari: Can Turn Into Certain Species of Animals
Personal: Telion Blessed With The Mendicus Emblem
Personal: Telion Is An Official Healer Now

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8, can be used for Negation

Comments: This was a beautiful thread, and the box codes used with their darker coloring and themes seemed to match the subject matter which was a pleasant surprise. Also congrats to Telion! Guess she can go about healing the sick and whatnot now haha. Make sure you subtract the required 50XP from her NPC ledger for the mark ^.^

word count: 306
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