Makeover for a Mutt (Rickter/Telion)

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10th of Glade, 121
“Again.” Brianne said, staring at the nightgown-clad girl in front of her.

Senara was drenched in a mixture of sweat, mud, and water as she balanced precariously atop a small stone at the edge of a pond. The sheer nightgown had been torn at the hem to leave it at thigh height- something Brianne had scolded her for the very night Senara had done it. But in retrospect, the decision had been the right one. It was far too large for the girl's petite form but now with the shorter length and having been tied close to her body with rope as a makeshift wardrobe, clung to her skin as if it were afraid of being pulled away. Which made hopping around the lake a much easier task. Additionally, Senara had allowed Brianne to tie her hair in a long braided ponytail. It wasn't very neat, and most of it had become disheveled from the training, but it kept it maintained for the most part while they waited on Telion to arrive.

Glaring back at Brianne, she huffed and pinched her brow. “I want food.” She said, her legs shaking underneath her. The woman didn’t budge though, and simply shrugged with crossed arms as she remained seated on a log outside the lake.

“Don’t care. Predators won’t either.”

The girl rolled her eyes and turned to face the lake once more. In front of her was a line of various logs and stones that made a maze of a pathway through the lake and to the other side. She’d been at it for nearly two hours, hopping from one to the next and working to ‘build dexterity and balance’ as Brianne had claimed. It was working, for sure, the more she did it the easier it was. But it hadn’t come without many failures at first.

“Fine. We don’t have all day, Senara, go on, finish this one and we can head back for breakfast.” Brianne’s annoyingly stern voice rang out from behind her. She always did have a way of ruining her peace. But this time there was a promise of food. The girl’s ear twitched along with her lip as she launched herself from the first stone to the log in front.

The first time she’d taken the jump she’d fallen. Scraping her shin open hadn’t been the worst part, though. The worst part had been the fact that she’d made the same mistake five times in succession. Which meant five new scrapes, all in the same place, all marking her failure. She’d huffed in annoyance at herself as mud and small abrasions coated her skin. Thankfully Brianne hadn’t made a fuss, instead firmly repeating ‘Again’ as if it were a chant.

But this was the forty-seventh time, and by now she’d gotten used to the distance necessary to extend her awkward, gangly human legs, and even realized that her arms could be used to help counter balance herself as she came down upon the next surface.

The next few rocks were slippery and oddly shaped. Though, something about the promise of a hot meal created precision in her feet as she landed none-too-gracefully upon the second, third, and fourth rocks. Two more logs and three stones later and she’d made it all the way across to the other side of the pond with only a few wobbles and slips, but no falls.

Which meant, now she had to go back. The girl sighed as she stared out at the shallow pond and silently thanked Brianne for choosing such a location. She had no idea how to swim as a human. If it were anything like being a wolf it just meant keeping your head up and doing that thing with your back paws- feet, while your hands pushed downwards and your tail- right, no tail. But the woman had advised against it, saying she wasn’t ready. A truth she had hated to hear no matter how right she was.

Senara wiped the sweat from her brow and groaned as she flicked the liquid from her dirtied hands.

Gods, being human meant being grossly moist. Probably her least favorite part. Rolling her eyes at her own circumstances, she began to hop back carefully from one stone to the next.

Don’t rush.

One at a time.

Timing is key.

Watch for moss.

You don’t have claws anymore.

She hated taking it slow. If she were a wolf, she’d simply run through the pond like a puddle. But she wasn’t, and like Brianne had said the lesson wasn’t even about the stones in particular but about learning how to move her new body and build accuracy with her movements.

Especially after falling down the stairs multiple times.

But, as was the forty-seventh time, she made it back to the other side with a gentle touch down of her toes and let the balls of her feet follow.
Brianne was already on her feet, and motioned with her head towards the horse.

“Good, let’s go.”

Three hours later after the two had rode their way back to the cottage and shared a few breakfast sausages and apples, Senara trotted down from the upstairs bathroom wearing an oversized navy blue short-sleeved dress. Brianne had bathed her once again, but the girl had started to get the hang of using soap on herself at least. And convincing her that mud should be removed with a bath was a much easier task when the dried dirt had left her scratching at itchy, inflamed skin the first time they'd done it.

In a way seeing Senara in anything other than blood and dirt was a strange sight, like the wolf inside might have all been an illusion. In fact she was a very pretty young woman, Brianne had decided. Even with the collar of her dress so large on her that it fell down to her elbow and nearly exposed her chest, even with the now wild, damp hair falling around her petite frame and making her look like a damsel on the run, she was pretty.

Brianne's heart broke for the mother of the child. How they would have loved to see how she'd grown, she thought.

“Well, you and I will both be glad when you’ve got clothes of your own.” The woman cleared her throat, patting the chair next to her.

Senara huffed and stood still in the kitchen with the simple dress threatening to fall off her form. “They’re here.” She stated simply. She’d heard them, smelled them in the air from the open windows, but mostly it was just that she’d seen the pair walking through the clearing when she’d been upstairs staring out through the open blinds.

Normally she would have liked opening the door. The way the gears inside felt when they vibrated through to her hand, the sound of the wood creaking, and the way her wrist twisted to turn the nob- she liked it all in every perfect, harmonious simplicity it had as it was something truly unique to being human. But not when someone stood at the other side. So she waited in her chair as Brianne stood from hers.

“I swear, you’re like a guard dog.” She said, thinking back to the previous day. To the postman she’d chased off in the nude before he’d even gotten to the mailbox. A behavior she rectified very quickly with a firm scolding and a demand for her to wear clothing. Even if it didn’t fit.

But now, it was time to fix that issue too. With a relieved sigh Brianne opened the door.

word count: 1322
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Makeover for a Mutt
10th of Glade, 121
Unlike the mornings where Rickter would wake up, get ready, and then head off to resume training after a hearty breakfast, Telion had insisted that today he take it a bit slower and enjoy the day instead. Having been reminded of the letter Brianne sent a couple days ago, and the conversations that the two had yesterday, he remembered that today wasn't going to be spent practicing his transformations necessarily. In a way it was a relief, yet, at the same time a minor annoyance to the contrary. For even if he weren't focusing on being a Rathari, he still would be dealing with another he wasn't too keen on seeing.

Not that he beheld any aggression toward Senara anymore, not since time has passed and he didn't perceive her as a threat any longer. That just meant he was charged with the task of helping her out, making sure she grew accustomed to the way things worked within society, since it was Telion who seemed set in her ways on helping others out when they needed her. It was an admirable trait that he adored with her, one that he supported since he too shared similar sentiment, though from Talon just as much as he did with Telion. Thus, after they had a light yet hearty breakfast within the palace, the bard had taken to instruct Rickter on their agenda for the day. Having nothing but support for the bard of course, he went along with it, finishing up business within the city once they were fed; before heading toward the cottage where Brianne lived.

As they drew closer into the clearing Telion's cloak fluttered in the soft breeze, the residual chill still in the air brushed at her tanned leggings as she wrapped the teal material over her white tunic. Rickter had worn the white fur padded vest over his black cotton shirt, the sleeves at least tucked a couple of inches away from the wrists, while a set of packages were held beneath the nook of his left underarm. "I hope she likes these, I didn't have a whole lot to go on in terms of size." The bard remarked as they walked down the path at a steady pace, their approach to the cabin met with the smell of burning charcoal in the air, as Rickter could see smoke rising from the chimney of her abode. "Looks as though she's home, which is good!"

"Aye." Rickter agreed softly with a thought spent on what they were going to be doing soon. How he loathed the name Rathari right now, though not because of the denizen who lived with Brianne. No Senara was completely innocent, sort of, in regards to how he felt with his animalistic heritage. Truth be told the past several days spent getting a hand on his shifting were the root cause, leading Rickter to feel rather tired of the subject entirely as he still disliked the other half of what he was. But in order to get comfortable with it, he needed to master the ability to shapeshift into his other forms, so that he could control it entirely once he had mastered it. Unfortunately, where Senara was involved, she was exactly the same type of Rathari that he happened to be, which only made it worse by reminding him of what he was. What he was supposed to be. Perhaps that's why he didn't seem thrilled to be seeing her again, even though he had only maybe one or two reasons as to why he wasn't fond of her.

Telion's hand pulled him from his thoughts though when he felt her's slip into the free hand he had. When he looked down at her he did so with eyebrows raised, his lips softening into a genuine grin when he looked down and saw her staring. Ah but of course. Even when he blatantly didn't seem all for something, or when he was even slightly uncomfortable with a situation, somehow just looking into her eyes and seeing her smile at him made it all dissolve. He didn't need to worry, nor did he have to think so much, when she was always around for him to follow. "I'm proud of you, you know." She admitted with a tactful look forward, her grin still present as she watched the cabin grow closer in their stroll. "You've been working so hard lately, I thought that by taking a day like this you'd catch a break. Besides, it's good that you're doing this, in a way Senara can help you out just as we have with her."

To that he raised his eyebrows once again, their sense of faltering met with another soft grin as he too looked forward. "I suppose she could." He admitted thoughtfully to the suggestion, curious as to what he could learn if he even did intend to patronize her. Not that he wanted to of course, but at the same time it couldn't hurt. She had lived the lifestyle of a wild wolf after all, so perhaps she could be more helpful than he realized. Although... the idea of embracing his 'wild side' as some might call it didn't appeal to him at all, and thus when they reached the door, Brianne was there to greet them just moments before they had reached it. "Guess someone knew we were here already..." His tone grew a bit quieter when he expressed this, knowing well that the senses of his fellow Rathari would've alerted her of their arrival.

"Hello Bri!" Telion heartily greeted with a tilt of her head, her form leaning into Rickter's arm as she still held his hand fondly. "We've come bearing gifts!" When the bard turned her head up to Rickter the wolf's eyebrows rose, a quiet sigh exhaled through his nostrils as he shifted his left arm to hold the package up. When he presented them out there were four parcels wrapped neatly and secured with linen thread, the largest being the base that rested in his hand, while the rest of them were snuggly strapped atop of it as he held it out to her. "We wasn't sure what sizes to get exactly, so I took a couple guesses based on memory from our last visit."

"They're for... Her." Rickter weighed in softly with an aversion of his eyes, a half confident stare given to Brianne once more as he avoided her line of sight. Of course he figured the woman knew who what they were for, given that they only really had one or two reasons to be dropping by for a visit today.

"If you have shears or clippers handy, I can get started on cutting her hair shortly. Rickter actually needs one too, as you can tell." Telion pointed out as she released her hand from his, bringing it up so that her fingers ran through the lower strands of his dark scruffy locks. Rickter wasn't entirely keen to grin but he did visibly relax in feeling her fingers run along the base of his neck, a sense of appreciation and adoration in his eyes when he looked down at the woman beside him.

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word count: 1321
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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10th of Glade, 121
Senara had expected to hate the sight of Telion and Rickter. Expected to at least be annoyed by the blonde woman’s gleeful, innocent nature. But as the pair stepped through the threshold Senara’s ears and shoulders perked up as her eyes widened.


She'd forgotten her warmth. And she smelled… stronger?

Catching herself she instantly put them back down and slumped into the chair with half lidded eyes. No reactions- if the enemy knows your desires they know how to control you. And Rickter, while not an immediate threat, could easily be seen as an enemy as another Rathari.

Brianne had given her the rundown at least, what Rickter was, why he could help, how she could help him. The idea made her sick, but she wasn’t about to let Brianne ruin dinner again. She’d learned by now; acting out meant she cooked sweet food. Honey chicken especially had become a favorite of the landlord’s by now, something Senara despised and refused to eat. The sticky, painfully sweet meat that tasted more of pure sugar than an animal, and always coated in some awful crispy stuff Brianne had called ‘breading’. So, she’d do what was asked of her. So long as it didn’t outweigh the horribleness that was honey chicken.

Brianne smiled in amusement as Telion and Rickter walked in. “Hello, Telion, Rickter.” Truthfully the woman was a bit loud for her tastes, but kindness was always preferred to the killjoy sitting at the back table. The woman shut the door behind them.

“I suppose we should do this outside, I don’t need any more stray hairs flying around my kitchen.” She muttered, taking the parcels from Rickter and gesturing to Senara with her head.

“C’mon, say hello and take these. They’re your clothes after all.”

Senara chuffed and stood, moving from the table with a newly found grace in all their training. She still walked toe to heel, but that habit would likely never die. Wild, unmanaged hair fell behind her and around her shoulders as she approached Brianne. She stuck out her neck, sniffing at the parcels and rounding them as if they were dangerous with hunched shoulders and hesitant steps. They seemed fine for now. Though, they smelled like death. Not the bad kind, though. Like when she would come across an old, dead carcass in searing. The organs and muscles would have been eaten or rotted away leaving only bone and skin burned and hardened by the sun. But this was different, this was intentional.

She could make out the hints of a strange, musky smell among the hide, and something similar to flowers and wheat among it. Her eyebrows pinched and her hands shot out to grab the parcels from Brianne without much concern for manners before she scurried back to the table and dumped them all on top.

Brianne shrugged off the girl. She couldn’t be picky, at least she hadn’t touched Rickters crotch again. Though she would have to teach her a proper greeting later. The woman turned and began rifling through the drawers in the kitchen then to look for some form of shears or clippers. Closing one drawer and opening another, she huffed and scratched the back of her head in frustration. Shears.. Nothing she’d used in years. Her own hair just didn’t grow past her shoulder blades anymore so the only shears or clippers she’d have would be that of-

Ah. Right.

“I’ll be right back.” The woman closed each open drawer then. With a turn of her heel she exited the home through the front door, the wood creaking behind her until the door closed shut with a click.

Back at the table, Senara had already torn apart the parcels and was holding up each article of clothing, trying to discern where her limbs went and which way was up. Brows knotted and lips pursed, she huffed. Clothing was a hassle. She truly didn’t know why people wore it.

Somewhat annoyed, she quickly yanked the oversized dress she had on off her shoulders. It fell to the floor easily, exposing her nude form once more to the pair in front of her. Not that she cared, she never did. It was the most natural state after all. Within moments she was shoving her legs through the holes of the trousers. None to gracefully, of course, as balancing on one leg to get the other through was proving to be a challenge. But a few seconds later she had shimmied the pair up to her hips.

Still topless, she rummaged through the other garments and pulled out the dress. It was somewhat short, three quarter sleeved, and of a dark plum color. Thankfully this one would be easier- all she’d worn the other times had been dresses or nightgowns, so all she needed to do was find the large hole, and poke her head through the smaller one. And so she did. Finally she was dressed, though ignored the boots, and turned to Telion.

“I was told to say thank you.” Senara stated, her dress on completely backwards.

word count: 879
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Makeover for a Mutt
10th of Glade, 12

At being greeted and welcomed into the cabin the pair didn't wait to move, Rickter waiting for Telion so that she entered before him as he followed behind her. Once they were greeted and welcomed inside Brianne shut the door behind them, accepting the packages he offered to her while the huntress remarked on where to cut the hair. Outside wasn't all too bad of a suggestion even if it were still chilly out, Rickter had no qualms since he typically radiated heat all the time. Telion though was the one he thought of with the idea, since she still hadn't quite acclimated to the northern air just yet.

"That's fine!" She seemed to agree cheerfully, tucking the strands of her own hair behind an ear as she noticed Senara. "It won't be too long anyways, Rickter's won't take long at all and Senara..." The bard gave a thoughtful gaze to the Rathari woman then, a warm smile generated on her lips as she looked back over to Brianne once more. "Well, once we figure out the length it ought to be fairly quick as well." The blonde looked rather pleased to see that Senara had been doing rather well, though she still noticed the bruising found on her shins and legs. That alone sparked the hint of curiosity in the woman, and Rickter could already tell that Telion was eager to mend those injuries as well.

The wolf himself had sparred only a glance to Senara, before focusing on the motions of things going on around him. He did come here mainly for the food after all, though, he did support Telion in her efforts to help the white wolf however she could, of course. Still there was an easy minor tension between them, one that Rickter noted but didn't bother addressing, rather he simply left it as it were; since the one person that he came with would undoubtedly attempt to fix that as well. At being beckoned to say hello and take her new belongings, the Rathari didn't seem too thrilled to be given such orders, having approached in a slump of apprehension before approaching with a practiced gait. So... she'd been adjusting to her human form then, albeit she still beheld a sense of the wilds in her mannerisms when she moved. After the white wolf sniffed at the wrapped parcels enough times, she promptly grabbed them without much of a word before dumping all of them atop the table.

Telion couldn't help but lightly chuckle, leading the black wolf to peer down at her, with one eyebrow elevated as to wonder what she found so amusing. Perhaps it was how Brianne could just shrug off the attitude, moreso focused on the fact that the cutting of hair was the first of a few agendas. Well, second technically, for the first order of business was getting those clothes for Senara. When the huntress couldn't find anything to cut with though, she decided to take her search outside of the cabin instead, leaving them with the Rathari as she made a brief statement of returning on her way out. "Alrighty, don't be gone too long!" Telion teased lightheartedly before looking up to Rickter, glancing over to Senara when she heard the packages being shredded open. "We may want to invest in our own shears or clippers at some point. Cutting hair with a razor is a bit tougher if you ask me."

"If you want," Rickter remarked with a light shrug, "I've always found it easier to have a barber do it." Telion let out another soft chuckle to him then, tilting her head at him before her eyes checked back to Senara once more. The white wolf had taken to investigate every bit of clothing she'd received, her back turned to them so neither one could really see what she was thinking. Which was fine. She was still new to the concept of clothing among many, many other things. Hence their approach had to be handled in steps really, hopeful that she'd grow to adopt the mindset of a citizen in time. Yet when the dress that barely clung to her shoulders came slipping off, the black wolf's eyes quickly diverted away from the white's as she undressed. Not that he wasn't afraid of the modesty to be sure, but with Telion present he didn't want to be seen as staring.

Although, when his eyes did wander back to her to see all the scars marring her form, he couldn't help but look to Senara almost a little sympathetically. Unlike him most of her scars were of the physical kind, the sort that still cut deep into her being and left her just as jaded as he was. Telion watched with intrigue at how Senara was attempting to change, a hopeful gaze left on Senara as she drew closer to Rickter and held his hand. In a way... it was like watching a child growing into their own state of independence. Watching Senara figure out how to dress brought a sense of joy within the bard, and the gentle squeeze of her hand prompted Rickter to return the gesture. There a moment the pair chuckled, together, when Telion about broke from seeing the girl loosely balance on a foot. Finally when she put on the dress and finished inspecting her other garments, Senara turned around to face them, her eyes on Telion as she expressed thank you in the way the white wolf only knew best.

"My pleasure," the bard remarked lightly as she stepped forward, "though may I?" She didn't even need to ask Rickter for he already loosened his grip, letting Telion walk forward as she approached Senara in a tender manner. The question had been posed to her, the bard waiting as the white wolf huffed as usual, watching the bard warily as Telion herself helped situate the dress on her properly. She had to sort of guide Senara's arms back within the confines of the dress for a moment, lifting the fabric by it's collar so that she could rotate it around on her, before she let it back down and allowed the Rathari to pull her arms back out. "There! This part here is meant to hang a little lower from the neck, that way it doesn't end up choking you while you walk." Telion elaborated as she shot a hearty grin to Senara, though not before her eyes were alight with another thought that'd receded in her mind earlier.

"Oh, before I forget." As she knelt down Telion reached out to Senara's calves, but refrained from touching them as to avoid inducing any unnecessary pain. "You've probably been busy since we last spoke." As she said this light started to emanate from the surface of her hands, the blue glow radiating onto Senara as the markings of Mendicus began to branch their way up her arms. Shortly after starting the healing process Telion grew quiet immediately, focusing on the injuries as the bruising and scratches faded away after a couple of minutes. "There, shouldn't hurt anymore." She assured the white wolf with a smile up to her, the bard herself raising steadily as Rickter came to approach them.

The wolf looked down at the two, from Telion who he seemed wholly warm to, to Senara where the warmth rather lessened in turn. Yet he didn't look down on her with any amount of disdain, not like before, but rather a sense of curiosity as Telion took him by the hand once more. "Are you excited about having your haircut, Senara? Rickter's getting one too so if you'd prefer to watch and understand how it's done, then I don't mind putting him on the chopping block first." The wolf wryly smiled down at the bard, half getting the joke she made but hardly regarding it since he wanted to see how the white wolf reacted to the inquiry.
"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
word count: 1440
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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10th of Glade, 121
Senara’s hair had somehow gotten stuck both inside and outside the dress. In a way it showed just how necessary the hair cut really was, though in another it was a perfect example of her wolven nature. Unkempt, wild, refusing to adhere to society's expectations and boundaries that they so desired. Except this was one thing Senara did not like. Over the past few days her hair had caught on everything from doorknobs to her own feet. She’d nearly choked herself in her sleep a few times, before deciding that sleeping as a wolf was a better option until it had been removed.

And so finally, here they were. Senara huffed as Telion approached. No response was usually a good one from her, so she let the woman help her. First, her legs. Were bruises that awful? She didn't care so much, so why did this woman? It wasn't like she was in any unusual amount of pain, just the normal amount. Additionally, why on earth a garment had a front and a back side that were different she didn’t understand. If it was simply to clothe one's body, what difference was there in which way it was facing? She didn’t understand. But she had promised to ‘play nice’ with them.

A few huffs and grunts later her arms were through the proper sides of the dress and she looked far more presentable, though not fully. Her hair had become somehow more tangled in the movements, prompting a few groans from the white wolf as she began pulling strands of hair out of the dress.

Then the door opened, and in walked Brianne holding a set of hair cutting shears as well as a straight razor.
“I almost forgot. I cut the fur and hair off animals weekly. They’re clean, so, have at it Telion.” She said, moving to hand the tools over before moving back to the kitchen.

“I’ll start on food for you both. There’s a few stumps outside you can sit in, feel free to let the hair collect on the ground. Birds and other nesting creatures love that shit.” Brianne began to tie up her hair. After it was neatly up in a messy bun, she pulled a slab of boar belly from the fridge and started the task of prepping the dire boar she’d killed just last night. Fresh. Still smelling of adrenaline in some ways, too, though perhaps only the wolves in the room could smell that.

Senara salviated but shrugged to Telion when asked about her haircut. Excited didn’t fit. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be happy when it was gone. Having the hair reminded her of what fur felt like, but it was painfully annoying to trip on all the time. And Brianne hadn’t been able to figure out ‘braids’- or whatever they were called.

She narrowed her eyes. “The lower dog goes first.” Submissive, beta, omega, whatever other word she could have used were words she didn’t even know existed. All she knew was that Ricker was the lower party to Telion. And he would obey her.

Plus, she didn’t like the idea of sharp objects so close to her skin, behind her. Even though Brianne had proved herself to be someone who wouldn’t kill her, she didn’t like the idea of a knife in that woman’s hands. The way she’d watched her take down the boar, along with rabbits and even a fox- she was quick. Silent. Like the wind itself she moved with the earth’s breaths. It meant she was dangerous, but mostly…

Mostly Telion smelled nice. And Rickter. Weirdly enough, his strange musk mingled with the natural world around her and made a comfortable scent that she could only akin to a fire crackling at night in a lakeside forest. Paired with Telion’s sun like warmth and honey scent, she felt at ease with them. Or at least as ‘at ease’ as someone on constant high alert could feel. At least, it didn’t set off any alarm bells in her head. And that was an anomaly in itself. One she planned to explore.

Senara then began the short walk outside. She didn’t wait up for the other two as she left the door open behind her and turned left, walking up to the set of three stumps just a few paces forward. She took a seat on the first stump facing the other two only a few feet away and waiting for the other two.
Last edited by Senara on Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 786
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Title: Dabu
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As soon as the door opened the pair within the cabin turned, seeing Brianne as she returned through with a pair of sheers; oh and would you look at that! A razor too. Telion couldn't help but chuckle quietly next to Rickter, leading the black wolf to grin coherently as a response. "Thanks Bri." The bard humbly remarked as she accepted the tools, handling them with care as she tucked her hand aside. When the huntress mentioned that she would begin cooking their lunch, Rickter honestly chuckled aloud as though the very suggestion of food tickled him. But of course, that would require the cutting of hairs before they could eat. As much as he would've loved to stick around and indulge the nose, he'd indulged in the idea that it would only tease him until it was ready.

"No problem, my parents did that all the time when I was growing up." The bard admitted heartily as she looked from Brianne to Rickter next, raising an eyebrow at him as it was obviously his queue to head outside. Having heard of the stumps he nodded to her, as the delectable smell of fresh raw meat already tickled his nostrils. His mouth almost might've watered then. Afterward though when asked about her haircut, Senara acted out in the manner she simply knew best, and certainly the way Rickter could've expected to if he honestly tried. She didn't seem too thrilled with the idea, her expressions brief yet so turbulent to even understand initially. And then with a sharpness of clarity in her gaze, she proclaimed a statement that brought Rickter to tilt his head her way. Telion's light sense of astonishment surfaced as she watched the black wolf's brow furrow intensely, his gaze locked on Senara as he looked her dead on in the eyes.

The lower dog? That sparked a mixed reaction within him, inciting him to bark back but no, no that wasn't quite the actual approach needed her. He felt unusually opposed as to what the implication really meant, remembering the very fact that he loathed being a half-bred animal if that. Having realized that almost created a rather unusual shift in the air, as though an innate tension he'd felt before had suddenly shifted. Just as Senara moved to walk toward the door Rickter's eyes followed her, never once leaving her as he felt Telion rub and tug at his inner forearm. "Rickter." She started to sound concern but the wolf looked down at her, his gaze firm and fixed as he didn't dare smile in that moment.

"Not. Now." The tone was much lower than before, and his gaze returned back to the door left open, as the last trail of Senara's hair snaked out the doorway. Honestly. If he were anymore a vengeful prick, he would've stomped on that shit himself on her way out. But no. That wasn't anywhere near what this became to him. And thus he marched out quietly after Senara, taking the stroll at his own pace as he followed the direction the white wolf led them on. Telion had followed behind him on the way out, with a moment taken to close the door behind her, before she came around from behind him with an expectant look in her eyes.

"Rickter what are you gonna do?" She pressed quietly as he continued to walk on, his boots still crunching the light remaining patches of ice on the ground as they reached the wooden stumps. Rickter didn't answer her nor look her way when they reached the spot, for his eyes never did once leave from the figure that was Senara. What did he plan to do? It was getting rather obvious to him now, for he wasn't going to let this Rathari interlope on his pack. Not his fucking pack. Telion crossed her arms when she saw him move again, from one moment to where he was still as a statue, to where he approached Senara quietly still with a deeply firmed expression. The wolf stood closer than he normally would, far more than he'd ever usually dare with a pure stranger. Yet he did so in a stern and unyielding manner, as he knelt down just low enough to hover over her figure.

The black wolf looked at the white wolf hard, his breathing quiet but still quickened as he damn near growled at her. "Do we have a fucking problem?"
word count: 776
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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10th of Glade, 121
Wolves. They were a curious sort, but they followed nature. Even if Rickter didn’t want to, his very demeanor screamed wolf and as he slowly stalked after the white wolf, Brianne couldn’t help but sigh. She knew it had been coming, it was the entire reason she made them go outside in the first place. Not that she’d tell them that, but the decision had clearly been a good one. Even she could taste the fight in the air.

As she began to prep the meat, fingers digging under the boar's skin to season it, she wondered if perhaps she’d taken on a bit more than was intelligent. Two dire wolf rathari. Both on edge, both ready for a fight, and neither one with any idea of where they stood with each other.

It meant a fight for dominance would happen. And Brianne had no desire to be around when it did. Though by the sound of things, it was about to happen now.

Outside, Senara had sat and stared off into the field. There were still minor remnants of ice on the ground that had stung her toes before she sat on the equally cold stump. In the quiet moments before Rickters arrival, she watched a family of birds fly by, a few small rabbits hop through the bushes in the distant treeline. Brianne’s home was nothing like the mountains and yet it still held the simple pleasures of wildlife. Creatures still strayed from her but she got the strange inkling that they strayed not because she would hunt them, but because they didn’t know what she would do. Her form did not instill fear in them like it used to. Who was she if prey did not fear her like she should be feared?
She hated it.

Suddenly Rickters shadow loomed over her. She looked up to see him crouching before her, close, close enough she could smell the anger on his tongue.

She merely raised a brow at him and sent back a low growl. A problem? Why would there be a problem? His words and his attitude didn’t make sense.

“Problem?” She bit the question out, a strange mix of confusion and anger mixing in her tone below a pinched brow. Her instincts told her he was challenging her, but he spoke of a problem. Problems were things to fix, he was angry, and yet he’d used the term ‘we’. None of it made sense.

But that’s just how the lower ones were. Always angry, always striving to get past their rink, always-

’The problem…’

And then it dawned on her. He didn’t want to be the low dog. And here she was scooting into his life and alongside his pregnant mate. It all made sense. The man was threatened.

If she were being honest with herself, she’d have remembered that she’d never dueled before. Not like this at least. Senara’s entire life had been fighting to kill, to survive, and yet here she was faced with a man who seemed bent on fighting simply for show.

Senara growled low and stood from the stump. She was short, much shorter than Rickter in this form, but she held herself high with all the confidence of the Astralar Mountains that loomed behind her in the distance. And her eyes were unblinking. As dark and deep as the night sky with hints of gold flakes swimming in their depths.

But as prideful as she was, she couldn’t fight him. Not like this, not in this form. She barely weighed half of him. And she was still getting used to the strange balancing act that was being human. If she were to fight, it would be done in beast form. Just like their first meeting on the mountain. But... would he cheat and use magic again?

Her eyes scanned his. He was as proud as she was, his frame was like a wall she could not pass and the scent that left his body had changed. It was hot. It was piercing. It was like looking into the blinding sun and finding yourself looking away from the sheer grandness of it. He was…

He was the damn leader. Suddenly Senara felt her world crumble.

She’d been wrong.

Her head shot over to Telion then, scanning her for any hint that maybe she was mistaken. But no, she stood looking concerned. Leaders don’t do that. Leaders get in the way, leaders take fights like these- and yet she was not.

Senara took a step backwards as she turned to Rickter once more. She could feel her stomach drop just as her foot caught on a strand of her own hair and sent the girl buckling down to the ground in a heap of messy hair and frozen grass. She landed on her rear, yelping briefly and whipping her head up at the man before her. She’d done it wrong. She’d done it all wrong.

As she stared at him her expression was nothing short of bewildered. There was no fear, but there was confusion. There were the eyes of a girl desperately trying to understand the world around her and failing.

Damn humans, damn rathari, and damn Rickter for having such strange ways. He didn’t follow the natural order, nothing about him did. And yet even though he followed no natural order he still smelled like he would kill her if given the chance. If the pair in front of her were simply wolves this would have been so much easier. She’d have been able to read the situation, she’d have smelled it.

But humans were different. And his fight between man and wolf had left her out of her wits.

As she sat on the ground she made her decision. Survival. As always. In order to survive this moment she needed his approval. And if not his approval, at least his indifference. The girl took a breath but made no move to stand.

“We have no problem.” The submission felt like poison.

word count: 1037
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Title: Dabu
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Makeover for a Mutt
10th of Glade, 12
Telion's shoulders had noticeably tensed when she saw Rickter close in, and a bite of her lower lip would suggest that she definitely wasn't entirely comfortable with the confrontation. But... she knew Rickter. When something got him worked up there was little else she could do, other than to let him deal with it personally and resolve the matter. Under normal circumstances, however, Rickter wouldn't have even been as assertive as he was just now. Which sparked some thought in the wolf when he loomed over the other, his eyes bearing down into her's as they both exchanged those low growls. How he would've loathed himself right now, were he not so fixated on addressing Senara's current behavior.

Yet the more he thought about it, and the more he watched her, the more he started to realize something that was as plain as it were true. When Senara questioned his choice of words, Rickter did nothing to better elaborate on the statement. No. She needed to figure it out for herself before he could give way, so that he knew for sure she was a Rathari worth teaching in the long run. A Rathari worth leading if that's what it took. Sure enough, after she questioned it enough, her confusion gradually became merged with contemplation. Yes now she started to see, though not as plainly as he had started to. Not quite yet. But seeing that she started to draw conclusions led him to ease back a bit, his gaze still firm as Telion's head tilted a little to the side in wonder.

There it was. The sudden budding sense of apprehension in her eyes led the Rathari girl to retreat, having stepped on more of her own hair before it caused her to tumble down onto the ground. Telion nearly wanted to call out to her but she refrained, keeping her hands tucked close to her arms as she watched, while Rickter still gazed at Senara in the unyielding manner they held for the time being. Hopefully, through his eyes she could see that he wasn't one to play games, and that anyone who would dare challenge him or his pack in any way wouldn't be treated as idle threats. To him it was a matter of addressing a problem, and resolving it by whatever means he deemed appropriate. So naturally, when Senara came to conclude that there was, rather isn't, a problem that was to be had between them; well the black wolf certainly felt relieved to know that the dilemma at hand was taken care of.

Having heard this Telion finally breathed out a quiet sigh, still barely able to relax as Rickter finally tilted his head back, no long maintaining the direct line of sight with Senara once he did. "Good." As he remained crouched he brought out a hand to let it hang near Senara, the nervous confusion in her eyes evident as his expression still remained firm as before. "Just take the damn thing." He knew the girl would understand eventually, it just took her time to realize what he wanted, and with a gesture of that extended hand the white wolf reluctantly caught on. Having taken his hand with one of her's the black wolf pulled to help her on her feet, before releasing the grip to let her resume her seat back down on the stump she'd fell from. Now he had noticeably started to relax within Senara's presence, a sign for Telion as she too lost the tension in her shoulders.

"Now," he started as he began to walk a few steps back to give the white wolf her space again, "something about this whole... thing between us needs to be addressed." This didn't stem from having to stand up against Senara, necessarily, but the act did lead him to reconsider the stance he held on the matter. For Rickter thought back to the time in Frost when he and Nnerka had their discussion, the wolf himself clearly reflective on what he'd heard from the spider-woman at the time. "I don't think you understand" was how she put it at first, which led the wolf to surmise that perhaps he didn't. At the time that was true but now, perhaps in a way, he started to realize something about himself and Senara. "You and me," he started with a point of his finger to her and then him, "you may believe what you want, but the fact is we're both not just fucking wolves. We're Rathari." He stressed on the term of that name hard, almost venomously as he still loathed to admit it.

Yet it was true...

"We live in a world that's pretty fucked up in my opinion. A world where we're two halves of something that didn't go together, and yet here we both are trying to live our own lives. You preferred the life of a wild animal and that I can understand, because I know how difficult it is to live a human life. I really do." Telion's eyes were on the both of them, but when she watched as Rickter talked her eyes became glassy from his words. "Just as I preferred the human life, because somehow the thought of being anything other than that always terrified me. But the fact is, we're both ignorant to what we really are." How did Nnerka put it again? There were trees before buildings, and then wolves before dogs. In a world where black and white always seemed to exist, a world where he always found the grey, there existed so much more to it than he allowed himself to see.

A world of color. "Now, I'm trying my damnedest to make sense of it all. Just like you, and with that said, I need you to be less of a bitch and more of a member, because like it or not you need a pack to survive in this world..." He averted his eyes reluctantly for a moment, before they rose to rest on the white wolf once more. "And given you've got a couple helping you out already, I'd say you're off to a better start than most. So, have a seat, think about how long you want your hair to be, and we'll show what it's all about while you do." By the end of his conversation all the aggression in his tone had whittled away, his demeanor no longer cold now that he started to move closer toward another one of the stumps. When he claimed himself one of them as his seat he groaned a sigh, and gave Telion a glance as she smiled endearingly down to him. The wolf couldn't help but raise his eyebrows to her then, a little unsure as to what prompted her to look down on him almost with pride in her eyes.

"Well," she started with a light clear of her throat, "good talk." She complimented briefly as she came around to him, already running the tips of her fingers through his hair, as Rickter could feel his scalp tingle from the brief moments they brushed his skin.

word count: 1270
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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10th of Glade, 121
The moment Rickter offered his hand Senara growled on instinct alone. There was no fear in her eyes but somewhere inside her the little girl who'd simply begged him to stop screamed. But she was not that little girl. She'd grown up. No longer was she at the whim of a firm hand with no ability to fight back, instead she was a proud wolf who had learned to bite the hand that outstretched to her before the person attached to it tried to kill her.

But this was different. He was different. As soon as her growl started she cut it short and her eyes widened only slightly. Nose tilted up to him, she raised a brow. He... wasn't trying to hurt her? Where was the aggression? The threat? She flicked her eyes from the palm of his hand to his eyes. What else could he want?

To take it... why? All questioning stopped as she hesitantly reached out her own hand to his. As their fingers touched she felt a rush of goosebumps race over her skin.


His hand tightened onto hers and an initial panic of adrenaline shot through her body until he lifted her. With his help she was standing. Being careful not to step on her wild hair again, she sat down on the stump and looked up to him with a new curiosity.

He spoke of Rathari. Of wolves. Of a pack and of how ’pretty fucked up’ the world is. Nothing she hadn’t known, but everything she’d tried to dismiss. His words cut like a knife through her already shaken heart.

But she listened. Quiet and attentive, her ears hung on his every word until he was finally finished speaking. For a moment she didn’t say anything and simply reflected on what he’d said. He moved to the stump, he sat, Telion moved to stand beside him. Her fingers ran through his hair.

His fingers…

She ran her own across her palm and recalled the feeling of his skin against hers as the chilly, soft breeze of glade nipped at her nose and feet and reminded her of exactly why she preferred her wolven fur.

Up till now.

The way Rickter surrendered into Telion’s touch and his eyes softened made her jealous. Envious. Why, though? She could scratch her head, too.
Raking fingers through her scalp, she grumbled at the feeling of her fingernails getting caught between dark strands of messy, wild hair. She pouted with a chuff and dropped her hand from her head into her lap where her fingers began absentmindedly twisting a few locks of hair.

This idea of a pack was just as unfulfilling as scratching her own head had been. Troublesome at best, she’d seen how packs of wolves in the wild had formed tight bonds based on familial ties and bloodlines, how even the lowest member of the pack was treated with affection and care- even if they were sometimes picked on during play.
But he was no wolf. He’d made that perfectly clear. He had a human mind and a human companion, all of which meant there were so many other chances for betrayal and hurt.

Being alone had always been safest. Always.

But then why did she find herself drawn to the idea?

Another thought occurred to her, too. She was chewing on her lip just before opening them to speak of her curiosity. Her worry. “Packs are for family. For blood. Do you people welcome just any wolf to your pack?” She asked. There was a lump in her chest. “I could kill you both. I could steal from you. You should not welcome someone like me, and it is foolish to trust something as fragile as a human pack.” Her voice was not angry nor judgmental. It was pointed, like she was reciting lines from a dictionary she believed her truth as strongly as one believes in the air they breathe.

’If my father can turn on me before I was old enough to speak, then these two most certainly will.’

Suddenly the door to the cottage opened and Brianne came walking out with a smear of blood across her forehead. She walked right over to Telion and handed the woman a light wooden hair brush. “Senara forgot this, doesn’t matter how short you’re cutting it unless it’s getting shaved you’ll need it. Food won't be ready for a few hours so take your time.” With that brief exchange Brianne began her walk back inside to finish the preparing of food. Not before side eyeing Senara, though, watching her troubled expression but submissive posture. It was slight. Her shoulders were still bold and stiff, but her eyes were softer. Her feet were not planted in the ground as if she needed to bolt.

The woman smiled to herself and closed the door behind her after entering her home.

’Good. Kid needs it.’

Senara stared at Telion as she began work on Rickter’s hair. It seemed simple enough, but the closeness of the blade she held to him made her skin crawl. Absolutely not. No way in Ransera was she about to let a blade that close to her scalp, to her neck. The goosebumps that had once faded returned with a vengeance.

But if it was longer… not so long it got in her way, but long enough that the blade wouldn't be anywhere near her neck…

“My chest.” She suddenly chimed in, grabbing a strand of her hair between a fisted hand and bringing it right up against her breast. “Cut it to my chest.”

word count: 963
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Title: Dabu
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The black wolf's gaze remained the same when Senara briefly growled, his hand still held out as he was quick to see past that quick-witted warning, and command the white wolf to accept it so that he'd help her up. Once her hand laced with his own he made sure to be gentle about the pull, granting her more of an ease than an outright pull upward from where she'd fallen down. The initial panic in her eyes registered but nothing about Rickter changed in that regard, for he still remained the stoic Rathari that helped the other onto her reddened feet. The dumb girl. She had a lot to learn in terms of humanity, and so much more about society and survival.

But she was like him. Adaptable. That was one of the best defining qualities of being human. At least that's how Rickter viewed it anyway, and it's why he grew to realize that Senara needed it to. Structure. Something she could observe and learn from, which was why the firmness of his lips loosened, the moment he saw her eyes brimming with the look of curiosity. Good. She was more responsive than before then, less inclined to throw her weight over him at least for a while. Though part of him probably indulged a little too much into the challenge, he felt it necessary to break that boundary between them quickly. In a way, Brianne had the right idea to send them outside, since wolves typically did have to show a bit of dominance between one another.

Already he hated having to think like that, but he had started realize it was that thinking which contradicted him most, since he'd always hated being something other than human. Now though he realized just how much that needed to change, and for what it was worth, he knew there'd be at least a few people who liked him in his other form. Thus he explained the situation of their existence to Senara, stating the obvious as it were but doing it with a sense of clarity in turn. They were and weren't just wolves, because their thinking had to be something more advanced than wolves. Sure. More often than not instinct drove Rickter to act, but had he ever been wrong once he did? There was clearly something more to being a Rathari, more than just living like some intelligent animal among society.

Remarkably Senara's attention was well received, and for that Rickter's demeanor changed greatly. He wasn't anywhere near as tense as he was before, now that Telion ran her fingers through his hair, which all the more encouraged the wolf to slump as he leaned closer toward her. Rickter probably would've melted into her if he could, because that's how mesmerizing it felt to have his scalp tickled by her fingertips. It was at that moment he saw Senara's eyes scrunch a bit, and realized just how affection deprived she really had been over the course of her life. It made sense though. A Rathari that lived in the wilds wouldn't have much close contact, therefore, she was also a stranger to all the good parts of having a pack. Telion felt him shift forward a bit as a result, and looked over to Senara as well, before a tilt of her head led the bard to stop and observe more closely.

How Rickter didn't want her to, but ignoring the white wolf before them was detrimental to the cause. "Here." She offered lightly the razor and cutting shears to Rickter, and brought her hands up to her cloak once he took them from her. After the teal fabric was unclasped from her neck, the bard pulled it off from her shoulders in her approach to Senara, before she knelt down at the Rathari's feet to lift them with her forearm. Telion wrapped her cloak around Senara's feet so that the warmth would keep them from freezing, as she looked back up to Senara's eyes with a warm demeanor. "I know you're probably used to not having to wear things, but in your human form you have to in order to protect yourself. The cold will give you frostbite if you don't, and there are some things your body can't handle now as a human."

"Which is why it's important to learn how to adapt." The black wolf himself weighed in as Telion stood up to return back to his side, gesturing for the tools once again as he handed them over subconsciously. "As a wolf you and I both have qualities that make us similar to them. There are a couple of things I can't eat, so it might apply to you as well, and then of course the fact we're both exposed to the elements as humans." This led Rickter to tug at the vest he wore while he explained further. "A hassle they are, I know, but wearing them keeps you warm and protected. During the warmer parts of the year, they're not as necessary, but you still need something to wear if you're going to mingle with others."

While Senara had been listening silently this whole time, now she'd opted to actually speak out to the both of them. Rickter and Telion both looked to her with their eyebrows raised, their gazes curious as they listened to what the white wolf had to say. Telion looked inclined to speak out first but caught herself, tilting her head to where she looked down at Rickter with a smile, as he glanced up to her before looking back to Senara with a small grin of his own. "Does it look like I'd allow someone like that into my pack?" He remarked plainly as though it were no test, but a mere state of fact, before he shifted forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Packs are indeed family to me. Blood or no blood, only the people I know I trust are the ones I allow into it. Yes, there are those who'd do what you say, but those are the ones I watch out for. All the time."

Rickter's expression beheld a mix of confidence with experience, knowing full and well what people can be like after the years he'd spent living among them. "I make it a point to observe others, and to trust these instincts we have when they tell me if someone or something is wrong. I don't just let people into my pack, they earn their place as someone I care about. It's why I only have three members for now."

"Four." Telion corrected with a playful grin, leading the black wolf to look up to her curiously. "You telling me that Hannah isn't a part of it?" She tested with a raised eyebrow, which Rickter couldn't help but chuckle to that.

"Hannah..." Their's was still a complicated affair to be sure, but granted she was with Telion when they met, he wasn't apt to just deny the suggestion right away. "She does count... sort of. My affections for her aren't quite the same as they are for you or Talon." He elaborated with a more promising smile, leading Telion to lightly blush as she started to reach up to his hair once more. Though when the cottage door opened and Brianne stepped out, all attention went to her as she came out with a smear of red across her forehead. From what Rickter could gather she had quite a bit of a mess started, though cooking had never been a chore without making such messes along the way. When she proceeded to hand over a brush to Telion, the bard smiled to her with a nod as she accepted it with a brief "thanks" as well.

Of course, the huntress wasn't wrong, once the hair had been chopped, Senara would be in for a wicked world of torment. Though, Telion had her own idea on how she'd be able to help with that. When she tucked the brush and razor onto the belt of her tunic, the bard held the sheers in one hand and brought the other to gently rake through Rickter's hair again. This time though she used her fingers to press together, holding up the long brown locks from his scalp before she squeezed the sheers. Moments afterward Rickter watched as clippings of his hair started to fall from his head, littering first his shoulders before they started to sprinkle on his lap. Quite honestly he started to look rather dozy while she worked, as he was completely comfortable underneath her hands while she worked.

As she did Senara finally came to decide on the length of her hair, leading the pair to glance her way as Telion shot her an earnest grin. "Good. That's a place to start then!"

"How short are you cutting mine?" The wolf inquired curiously with a raised eyebrow, curious as to the inch of clippings he'd seen sprinkling from his head.

"Just enough to leave a bit of scruff, you may need to trim your beard later to match it though." She remarked thoughtfully as she still seemed focused, her attention honed on the art of clipping, since she had to use actual sheers to do the deed instead.
word count: 1609
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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