Makeover for a Mutt (Rickter/Telion)

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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10th of Glade, 121
Humans were strange. She didn’t like them, and they were usually untrustworthy. Much like cats they would toy and play with their prey for the simple enjoyment of it. They’d hoard treasures and steal things out of greed. Wolves, however, did not. Wolves were a simple creature who took only what was needed and didn’t play tricks or games with their prey. At least, the successful ones didn’t. So when then would this other Rathari choose to be so human? They were more delicate, too, which was apparent from her reddened skin from the ice beneath her feet.

Telion had moved closer now. At first Senara held her breath in wait to see what the woman dared to do. But there was something about her approach that just screamed safe. She didn’t even flinch as the woman picked up her feet with soft, warm hands and wrapped the sunshine-smelling cloak around them.

The comfort of warmth around them outweighed the trapped feeling of enclosed feet, though to test just how enclosed they were she wiggled her toes. Ah, not much. The fabric moved easily but kept the heat inside and slowly she felt the familiar prickle of skin warming spread over her feet.


But there was Rickter once again with his damn wisdom. No shit, she thought, of course it’s important to adapt. But sometimes adapting means knowing when not to and getting as far away from whatever dangerous situation you’re in.

“What can’t you eat, and why?” Senara asked, perking her head up with some interest now. She’d kill him if he said anything in relation to meat. Though part of her hoped honey was on that list. That and any other sugar. Might even stop the brunette from torturing her so. Whatever Rickter said, she'd listen intently to his explanation. Certain foods, thankfully ones she's either never heard of or disliked, were on that list. It seemed she didn't have to worry, though honey was not. A small annoyance.

The girl's dark brows pinched. “Humans are fragile.” She stated, frowning at her own wobbly legs and cloak-covered feet. Just weeks ago she’d snapped legs such as hers like toothpicks. And yet now she was one of them, with feet that were still becoming used to the textures beneath her and skin that had no protective layers against branches or stone. Not even fur to protect against cold.

She would wear clothes if only for protection, though she still didn’t understand the objection to nudity otherwise. If she were warm enough without it, why wear it? Surely it must just get in the way or waste time, and the strange human worry of ripping clothing must only be a deterrent, right?

But it never had been. Men and women would flock to her mountains, and even during searing she’d catch people ripping their sleeves on branches and jagged rocks only to scream profanities as if such a thing was like being wounded.

If it would just rip and prove to be an annoyance, and if unlike Rickter said it was not being worn for protection then why wear it?

Not much made sense. But perhaps…

Perhaps spending more time with the couple in front of her would provide useful. She could learn from them, at the very least, why their kind was so adamant about covering their skin even on lazy days.

As the gentle glade breeze teased hints of plum and flora in the air, she listened carefully to Rickter’s next words. Well.. she didn’t know what he looked like anymore. He seemed foolish before, but now she wondered how much of that foolishness and abrasiveness had been her misunderstanding of his human gestures. After all, wolves earn respect with fighting whereas people - as far as she understood it- earned it in an array of ways stretching from wealth to status. Neither of which she cared for, but it only highlighted the stark differences between her and the world she was slowly mingling in to.

She waited after he finished, first questioning if she even truly wanted to ask such a question that tickled the back of her mind. She could simply spit it out and let him confirm or deny her suspicions. Then again, words were as fickle as a butterfly. Would she be able to trust whatever answer he gave?

No. She wouldn’t. Which meant there was no point in asking. The white wolf closed her previously parted lips and chuffed.

She practically ignored Brianne’s intrusion. That damn brush.. She’d tried to use it thrice before but in none of those times did it go smoothly. The sharp, painful tug of her hair had nearly cost Brianne her hand when Senara ripped it out. So when it was given to Telion she narrowed her eyes at it, too.

But Telion was different. Maybe… maybe she’d find a way to make it painless.

The next bit of their conversation dealt with some woman named ‘Hannah’. At first she was about to tune out of it entirely until that name popped up.

Talon. That ‘prince’ or whoever Brianne had called him, the same man who had bore into her chest and changed his scent almost entirely since their first meeting in frost, but had also filled her with a sense of respect. He was a strange creature. Huge, too. And one she hoped to meet again if only to figure him out. But Rickter knew him. Perhaps this would be how.

Senara watched intently as Telion began cutting his hair. Her hands were swift, smooth, and the soft snipping sounds of the sheers whispered themselves towards her as strands of hair piled themselves on and around the black wolf. His eyes threatened to close a few times but mostly he stayed in tune with the world around him.

How one could be relaxed around blades was a puzzle she had no desire to figure out, and she scoffed lightly as she watched. When the cut was finally done her head tilted. Not much had been cut, but he looked… better? Somehow? Her eyes narrowed as she looked over Telion’s handiwork with approval.

But she was next.

Her toes curled ever so slightly within the cloak and she tensed. Blades. Two of them no less, would soon be close to her skin and a direct line of control would be placed into Telion’s hands. The very idea bothered her. But Telion… Telion was sunshine and fucking rainbows, a woman with an unnecessary amount of spunk and cheer who likely wouldn’t hurt a fly.


She growled low in her throat a few times but cut it off- best not to anger the black wolf. In fact it was best if she were to take control of the situation. Or at least any part of it she could.

“...Now do me.” She stated, clearing her throat. This one. The start, the timing, the giving command so she felt as though some part of this were safe. But then why even with this new attempt at control did she feel like her skin was crawling?

word count: 1224
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Title: Dabu
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Rickter admittedly started to, not quite though, smile a bit when he watched Telion wrap Senara's feet. Undoubtedly the cloak would need to be washed later, as the wolf wasn't going to let Telion wear such a thing when someone's dirty feet were now wrapped by it, but the act in itself was what prompted the wolf to admire the woman he adored. It was when she returned to his rear to resume trimming that he went on about the ideology of adaptation, doing his best to elaborate where it seemed most appropriate when asked particular questions. What he couldn't eat and why, now there was something that could've likely gave Senara bad ideas. Ultimately he didn't put it past the white wolf, yet at the same time, he didn't see Senara going out her way to try and poison him with food either. Either way it was useful information to have for them both, seeing as how he'd only learned of a couple through horrible experiences of trial and error.

"For starters, chocolate." He stated bluntly with his gaze still lax between them.

"Rickter's a bit fond of sweets, which ironically, has led him to discover he can't eat chocolate." Telion elaborated with a bit of hearty enthusiasm, as Rickter couldn't help but smile from the warmth in her tone. Indeed he remembered how bad she felt at the time, and he was quite happy to see she could make light fun out of the matter now; compared to how guilty she felt at the time it had happened.

"Too much of it in one sitting and I got sick fairly quickly. There are other things I've noticed too though, like... onions. Never been able to eat them, much less stand the smell of them. Garlic too honestly, I've eaten it before and it's was one of them things I regretted later." Certainly when it came time for nature to run its course, to which he definitely was hurting deep within his gut at the time. "Oh and grapes." Telion raised her eyebrows as she looked down at him surprised, the wolf unaware of the fact she even did as he ruminated on the subject a bit further. "Don't matter what kind, they're all the same to me. Bitter as fuck."

"Well, well, I'm learning more about your food preferences by the minute!" The bard cheered as she reached the crown of his head, the shears still singing as she chopped off more of the lengthy hairs found there. It was then Senara made a point that caused the couple to pause, giving the white wolf a look that showed a hint of astonishment within their shared amusement. "Why yes, we are indeed."

"But that's also what makes them so adaptable." Rickter chimed in alongside her. "Despite all their faults they can conquer any obstacle they set their mind to, and when just one of them is backed by another ten... even a hundred, then even the Gods can recognize the strength buried within their folly." Probably what made Rickter feel more so human was the bonds that connected him to others, enough to where he felt empowered to be the very example to that statement he'd just made. If pushed to do so he'd tear open the very earth and rend the sky asunder for his companions, only because they were the driving force behind his personal strength and beliefs. Senara seemed withdrawn in her own thoughts again though, and that led the wolf to quiet himself as Telion finished with his bangs, leading up the finishing touches as she started using the razor along the base of his neck.

Rickter felt the cold sharp edge rake at his skin lightly, leading him to clench his jaw as even he held reservations to a point. But he trusted Telion just as he did with Talon and Aoren, and so far the bard had never once let him down in that regard. Thus, with each careful stroke he waited in silence, until finally it seemed as though Telion breathed a withheld sigh and stood a little straighter. "Done." Right when she stated this the wolf brought a hand up to his neck, his rough fingers brushed along the rune at the nape before he reached the line of hair above it. Feeling how fine and smooth his skin was at the base of it, he started to grin once his fingertips trailed through the shortened locks on his head. He had to hand it to Telion, the woman could certainly work with a razor if given the opportunity.

"Feels good." He admitted with a nod of approval sent to the bard, which of course led Telion to giggle lightly with a staged curtsey for fun.

"Already looking more handsome, though I suspect you'll trim this later." As she teased him of his beard Telion lifted a hand up under his chin, lightly scratching it as she played with the bush hanging from his chin. Admittedly the wolf's eyes rolled in heaven at the feeling, as it was enough to almost stir a sense of arousal within him where he sat. Then Senara weighed in wanting to be next, a declaration that prompted Rickter to eye her with vivid curiosity. Telion though looked to her with a beaming smile, as she tucked both shears and razor within her hands before speaking. "Ready to give it go, huh?"

"That's good," the wolf remarked gently with another approving stare, "just remember to breathe and relax. Enjoy the feeling of being pampered a bit."

As he expressed this Telion moseyed her way near Senara, stepping to stand behind the white wolf as she tucked the tools into her belt first. With both of her hands Telion used her fingers to tuck the Rathari's excessive hair, from around her front to over her shoulders where it all bundled in one tangled mess down her back. "I will admit that this is a first for me, never seen hair this long in my entire life!" However brief that would be in mortal standards Rickter couldn't help but grin, as he fully understood that their's was a life lived short in comparison to other races. Talon had felt that way once in fact, realizing that he and Aoren would continue to live on, while those like Rickter and Telion had only a fraction of their time to share.

Either way it was a sentiment he kept to himself as he watched the pair, the beautiful blonde being careful as she thoughtfully considered where to begin. She'd have to start at an angle for sure, maybe perhaps even handle it in layers to get through the initial volume of thickness. But as her fingers were often challenged by the tangles in the strands, Telion carefully combed them out of Senara's hair to avoid pulling, before finally setting her mind on a starting point just a couple inches below Senara's shoulder blades. "Okay, I promise you that the shears won't touch any part of your skin. Only the hair." Telion assured the white wolf as she finally tucked the tool out from her belt, and held it snuggly in her left hand while she gathered the first layer with her right index and middle finger. "Well, good thing Bri plans on taking a few hours. This will definitely take a bit of time."

"You can do it," the black wolf encouraged with an endearing stare at the bard, "I have faith you can." Telion giggled a bit in response to that, smiling at him as she focused on Senara's hair once more. With the shears brought to the outer edges of the hair Telion held, the blades made that first distinctive clipping sound as the bard began.
word count: 1344
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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10th of Glade, 121
Rickters explanation of foods gave Senara a measure of comfort. Were all sweets bad, she wondered. She hoped so. Gave her more reason to get out of Brianne's strange cooking and instead require meats. Some vegetables had been okay, too, though she preferred the leafy green kind to any of the orange ones. Carrots, sweet potato, the strangely fruit-like sweetness from those vegetables had given her quite a stomach ache a few days back. Though that could have also been due to the hunt they'd had.

Senara chuffed as Rickter explained the folly of humankind. "Then they are not strong." She stated simply."If you cannot fend for yourself, by yourself, then it is just a group of weaklings. Why would any god recognize that?"

Truly, it didn't make sense. She'd taken down an entire pack of wolves herself before, even a small herd of deer. All of which had been weak and no matter their numbers had fallen to the might of her jaws. But, she too had fallen in greatness. Her brow twitched as she remembered the course of events that had brought her to this very moment on the stump in Brianne's yard.

The harsh frost. The mountain lion. The mists. Each one had taken a new toll on her body and mind that had set a new fear in her bones. There had been nothing she could have done about any of them, and it was that fact alone that had angered her so inwardly and showed in the tensing of her muscles as she sat across from Rickter and Telion. It meant that she too was weak. Weaker than she'd imagined.

But it wouldn't happen again. If she'd learned anything in the past two weeks it was that there were forces so outside her control that unless she learned to be just as adaptable as the humans were, even if only momentarily, she would never survive in the forests again.

When they were finally done and Senara had requested her turn, the wind shifted. It picked up her hair and blew it just across her shoulders as Telion approached. Whether the sudden shiver that ran over her limbs was from the cold wind or her previous thoughts she wasn't sure, but when the blonde woman finally stood behind her her discomfort became clear. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

She shot a glance to Rickter before moving her gaze back to a few small pebbles in front of her. "Pamper?" She asked, sounding the word out through tense lips.

What was to be enjoyed about a person with a weapon? Senara was stiff as a board, her skin flinching and twitching with each brief brush of her hands through her hair. Her eyes had widened and stayed pinned to the ground as she focused on each movement the woman made. It didn't matter what she said or promised, words were as empty as the air around them. But there was a gentleness to Telion that begged for the tiniest sliver of trust, and it was within that golden sliver that Senara clenched her jaw and closed her eyes tight as the first slice of sheers cut through her hair.

"Mutt!" He screamed through broken teeth. A bruise had formed on his eye, having lost a bet and refused to pay up at his usual gambling spot. And that night, he'd just become banned. Rough, calloused hands slid a set of kitchen shears out from their sheath and pointed them directly at the small, quivering mess on the floor. She was coated in old blood. Her hair stuck to her face and matted together in clumps upon her scalp. A few strands had clung to open wounds and hardened inside them setting them up for infection. It had only been hours ago that she'd learned not to sneak out.

"Goddammit, I told you to fucking clean these. What use are you if you can't even do this?!" As the towering man shouted his alcohol laced spit flung across the room towards her. But he was right- she was useless. All he'd asked of her that day after her punishment was to wash the dishes. But she'd missed a spot. The kitchen sheers had a small trace of her own blood printed on the handle, among a few other dishes that were drying beside the sink. But he was right. Even though he hadn't allowed her to bathe her own wounds yet, to clean herself before the dishes, she should have known. She should have triple checked. She should have snuck into the sink herself, after all she still fit in it, and bathed when he wasn't looking. Anything. But she hadn't.

'I'm so stupid. I didn't do it right- I didn't do it right- I'm dirty-'

The man groaned and swung his arm back, letting the set of sheers go and strike the girl on the side of the neck. The open blades left a short slice in her flesh before skidding across the floor and landing under an armchair. She would have screamed if she hadn't learned better by then.

As the memory faded the first chop was done. The world came back into view and it was then she realized she had opened her eyes. A single tear had escaped the girls left eye, though she quickly wiped the bead off her cheek. Her heart felt like it would nearly burst from her chest. Truly, what comfort could be found in something like this?
word count: 961
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Title: Dabu
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Makeover for a Mutt
10th of Glade, 121
Rickter honestly couldn't help but eye Telion a little sharply, a hint of cynicism in his gaze when he did, once Senara stated her own opinion on the matter of humans. Sure she wasn't wrong but it was also a point of perspective, given that Rickter himself could attest to the fact he was also human, and he certainly wasn't weak when he reflected on his past transgressions. Nor was Telion for that matter, who simply tilted her head to him with a shrug, grinning lightly in turn as she seemed to just let it slide. Understandable in Rickter's own opinion, since there was hardly any point in trying to nail the concept of humanity into the white wolf's skull.

No, she'd have to learn in her own time what made humans strong, and why gods chose them as their emissaries for whatever purpose. In a way he'd been chosen, now that he'd thought about it, to protect probably one of the most important people on the face of Ransera. And Rickter would too. Never let it be said that he wouldn't rend the earth asunder, let alone tear open the sky, if that meant protecting the people he loved from certain danger. Perhaps that drive is what empowered him most, and not the runes he had garnered over the course of the seasons. Come the time where Senara was ready to be next, the black wolf observed her indirectly by glancing between her and Telion often. He did not wish to make the white wolf uncomfortable after all, but it was also important to gauge her reactions, and make sure she didn't do anything drastic such as pulling away.

That was one way to end up with a bad haircut, the least of his worries to say the least, but as Telion did her best to help Senara find comfort; Rickter could see in her features that the white wolf just wasn't settling with the idea. She looked wholly uncomfortable as she always did, unnerved as though she had to be on high alert all the time. At first, he'd just thought it part of her mentality, the constant need to survive being the only driving force she understood for the longest time. But just then? When he noticed the act of brushing away a tear, the moment that crisp snip of the hair sounded in the air, Rickter's expression changed from a look of complacency to that of innate curiosity. His brows furrowed which might've made him look intense, but upon his observation the black wolf couldn't help but wonder if there were more to it than that.

More to Senara than what he understood. Crying? He didn't understand and though Telion was alright with continuing, for she couldn't notice the act of denial Senara put on, Rickter looked to her next with a mixed gaze in his eyes. "Hold on for a tick, Teli." The prompt led her to pause as she looked up from where she'd focused on, the next portion of Senara's hair held within her fingers as she pulled the sheers away.

"What? Something wrong?" There was confusion in the bard's eyes now and her tone matched it with curiosity, almost with a budding sense of concern when she realized the look in Rickter's eyes. The black wolf merely shook his head gently, eager to ease her immediate suspicions in doing so, before he looked back to Senara once more with a somber sense of sympathy found within them.

"Not exactly anyways." He remarked as his eyes never left the wolf, Telion taking a moment to step back and watch him curiously. Now that he thought more about it, what few scars that were still visible on her looked to be a mixture. A mixture of what though was what he had to determine. Initially when he'd first seen the gruesome spots marring her back and body, he'd thought Senara nothing but a wildling that earned them from the wilderness. While a good number of those scares likely resembled that via bites and scratches, the ones found along her back were of a different pattern type now that he reflected on that. It wasn't hard to start drawing a conclusion there, for even Rickter had seen actual mutts who've tucked their heads and tails around people. Those were typically the abused ones, the kind that had it rough even when they didn't deserve it.

It was strange for him to realize how compassionate he felt in regards to them, since they were animals, but it was also possible that he felt a kinship with them due to his Rathari heritage. That aside the mannerisms that Senara held, and the fact her scars seemed intentionally inflicted repeatedly, led him to believe that perhaps she hadn't always been so wild. Maybe once... she used to have parents, or a tribe, or some kind of family that wound up betraying her trust. The idea turned a knot in his stomach the more he thought about it, which led him to sigh with an averted gaze before he rose up from his stump. The black wolf's shoulders hung low as he stepped forward, his expression still somber as he still bore down on Senara sympathetically. Telion tilted her head as she watched him kneel at least a couple feet away from Senara, his eyes directly fixed with her's even if she attempted to avoid them.

Within the blue hues of his rides the white wolf would see it then, all the constant loneliness and sadness he had afforded himself back then. He understood not her ordeals but her pain, at least in a different manner, and from that, he took away from the fact she was snappy. If she had reason, real reason, to be as jaded as she came off as; then ultimately he felt no need to command her cooperation. But that didn't stop him from wanting to reach out to her, to show her that real and genuine compassion existed in the world. That he too used to be scared all the time, from his own personal reasons, until one day the right people came into his life to change that. Senara didn't have that going for her before, whereas now she did and like he did before, she struggled to understand the meaning behind any of it initially. He didn't bother trying to smile at her because he knew how serious it was, and therefore rather than risk making the white wolf any more uncomfortable than she felt, he simply deferred to breaching the matter head-on instead.

"I used to be like you once, afraid to let anyone in let alone allow myself to trust another." He had a point to go with this, he just needed her to understand where it was he came from. "I don't know the circumstances that led to you being where you were for so long, but I know what its like to feel hurt for the longest time, as well as the sense of loneliness that exists with a life of solitude. You on the other hand have had it rough with humans, and that is something that I..." He trailed off for a moment to ascertain whether she was actually listening, not just hearing but vividly listening to the words he expressed. Whether she cared to or not he meant it to be genuine, and so he spoke with honesty that came purely from the heart. "I want to understand it." He finally finished with a firm nod of the head, Telion looking down at him with her eyebrows raised. Finally she'd started to catch on, her gaze shifting between him and Senara as she silently listened.

"And I also want you to know... Not every mortal, human or not, is out there to get you. I understand your struggle, I really do, but I can't help you if I don't know what causes you so much unease." No doubt Senara would understand what he really meant, for he couldn't make it any clearer than he already did. Helping others was something that he and Telion did together, and it was what they intended to do with her if she'd just let them.
word count: 1462
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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enara’s jaw clenched. She blinked up at Rickter. He was in front of her now, and Telion had pulled away from her hair in response. The girl forced the tears that threatened to fall from making themselves known.

He spoke. Something about being like her, of yet not understanding, of being lonely.

Not every mortal is out to get her?

A small brunette child no older than seven ran through the streets of Kalzasis frostbitten low city. The streets weren’t dirty, nor were they downtrodden, so perhaps it was the cleanliness of even the poorer communities that demanded her dirtied, bloodied appearance catch the attention of the townsfolk.

She had to hurry.

Her tiny feet thumped on the cobblestone pathway softly with each thrust of her skinny legs.

As the sun set behind the last of the rooftops dread sunk into her chest with it. For off in the distance she could see it- him. She gulped and slowed her sprint to a slow trot as she came up to the man she called father. In front of him was a skyguard, a mammoth of a man with large white and brown wings and glimmering armor.

Her father suddenly burst into a fit of tearless sobs.

“My baby!” He cried, crumpling at Senara’s feet and grasping her in his arms. She flinched.
“What happened to you?” He asked, raising his gaze to hers as he kneeled before her. His hand dug into her shoulder and eyes suddenly froze over with a flash of anger. But the skyguard saw nothing, for he fathers back was turned to the man.

Senara gulped. “I-” What could she say? She knew she couldn’t tell the man what had really happened. How just that morning her face had become his bottle throwing target practice.

He sighed and stood, grasping her tiny hand in his own. “It must have been the neighborhood kids again, huh?”

She nodded. If the winged man found out what was going on, would he take her away? Her father had warned her before- stolen children are killed. The city doesn’t want them. They are useless, at best killed on sight and at worst sent to be food for the creatures that lurk below the surface of the earth. She didn’t want to die.

The girl scurried inside the house quickly and rushed for her room. Up the stairs, climbing up with all the gusto of a girl who knew what was to come in mere minutes.

And then it was. Moments later she heard the front door close and the familiar footsteps of her father making their way up the staircase.

“So help me, mutt, you will learn to stay indoors if it’s the last thing I do with you.”

Her eyes had glazed over as the memory played in the back of her mind. How he'd raised his belt to her. The sting of metal against skin. The dragging of her hair down to the basement just after promising the skyguard he'd watch over her more closely. Most might wish them to go away, and perhaps she did too, but part of her needed them. They had been lessons that the world had taught her and given her as a gift. To use to survive, to understand the world around her.

She chuffed. She was quiet a few moments longer before she turned her head slightly to Telion.

“I’m fine. Continue.”

Turning her head back to Rickter, she studied his eyes. They were earnest, sure. But just because one believes in their own truth does not make it so. A child can believe themselves to be a warrior all they wish but it does not make them powerful, nor does a wingless creature have the ability to flap wings, or a fish the ability to breathe above water.

“Your truth is your own, as is mine.” Her voice was cold and emotionless as the girl lowered her heart to stone and froze her fingers from their trembling by weaving them together in front of her. She rose her back straight and in that moment may have been mistaken for royalty if not for the clearly wild nature that still hung on every breath she took.

“I do not need your help.”

But somewhere in her chest, she begged for it.

The rest of the afternoon went on wordlessly for the girl. She did not shed another tear nor make any pained noise or chuff, and through each snip of hair the only betrayal of her emotions that could be seen was the tiny twitch of her lip, a clenching of her jaw, and the inhumanity rigid posture that took hold of her.

Hours later Brianne had their meals cooked and plated, placed upon the table for all to enjoy. But Senara did not join. Instead she took the large slice of dire boar belly in between clenched fingers and rushed off into the forest with it, still leaving her boots behind.

She did not return until the next morning.

word count: 860
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

XP: 8. Cannot be used for magic.
Requested Lore
Using Two Legs
Hopping Across Rocks
Using Arms as Balance
Watch Your Footing Based on Terrain
Build Muscle Memory

Hide Your Reactions
Clothing Keeps You Warm
How To Put Clothes on Correctly
Let Someone else be the Guinea Pig
Understanding Pack Order
Rickter is the Leader
Submitting to The Leader for Survival
Not All Hands Mean Pain
Stay Still When Getting Your Hair Cut

XP: 8. Cannot be used for magic.
Requested Lore
Logistics: Planning Your Days Ahead
Leadership: Going Out Your Way To Provide For Others
Psychology: Spending Money On Others Can Feel Good Sometimes
Leadership: Follow Your Moral Compass, Wherever She May Lead You
Psychology: Alpha Male Mentality
Psychology: The Act of Giving A Gift To Others
Logistics: Ideal Tools For Cutting Hair
Rhetoric: Antics of Cutting Hair
Rhetoric: The Appropriate Way To Dress
Intimidation: Stern Looks Help You Look Imposing
Intimidation: Serious and Heavy Tones Deliver Much Better
Leadership: Displaying Your "Alpha Male" Mentality
Rhetoric: The Difference Between Rathari and Animals
Rhetoric: The Many Ways People Are Both Strong and Weak

Personal: Bought Senara Gifts
Personal: Tested Patience With Senara
General: Cutted Hair Strands Should Be Left Outside For Birds
General: Haircuts Are Meant To Be Relaxing
General: Getting Pampered Is A Good Thing
Rathari: Exist As Mortals With Animalistic Qualities
Rathari: Being One Makes You Different From Everyone Else
Rathari: Do Not Live The Traditional "Normal" Standards
Rathari: Wolf Rathari Operate In Packs Too
Rathari: Wolf Rathari Share Senses Across Forms

Note: Emotions! So many emotions! T.T
word count: 272
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